Showing posts with label Kate. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kate. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Kate Middleton to Meghan Markle: Quit Stealing My Spotlight, Bish

Ever since Meghan Markle married Prince Harry back in May, the former actress has been the toast of London.

In fact, you could call her the Queen of the British Empire, were it not for the fact that that title is already held by an iconic nonagenarian who doesn’t seem to keen on the idea of relinquishing it anytime soon.

Of course, barring a series of violent tragedies that would make George R.R. Martin blush, Meghan will never actually be queen, as her husband is third in line for the throne.

Prince William, however, will likely wear the crown one day, which means Kate Middleton will join him as one of the world’s two most visible monarchs.

And if recent reports are to be believed, Kate is very much looking forward to the time when she can steal her spotlight back from Meg.

Yes, the news of Meghan’s pregnancy came just a few months after her wedding, and insiders say Kate feels as though she’s been shoved to the margins.

Of course, patience is Kate’s best-known virtue — she didn’t earn the nickname “Waity” for nothing — but when it comes to reclaiming her spot as the queen bee of Kensington Palace, Kate is not biding her time.

Royal watchers have noticed that the Duchess of Cambridge has been attending more events, posing for more pics, and rocking more daring fashions in recent weeks.

“A couple of years ago, you might have seen her being a little bit timid,” Royal expert Susan E. Kelley recently told Vanity Fair.

“Now, she seems like she’s in a more take-charge position,” Kelley added.

“I’m beginning to see the person who’s going to be queen emerging.”  

Of course, given the timing of Kate’s emboldened stance toward the media, it’s not hard to see why so many have jumped to the conclusion that she’s responding to the increased attention toward Meghan.

Insiders have noted that in many ways, Meg is the ideal royal spouse, having entered the role with years of media experience and a long history of philanthropic work.

British tabloids have described the relationship between Meghan and Kate as a rivalry, but that seems inaccurate.

Even if Kate is stepping her game up in response to the increase in attention toward Meghan, that doesn’t mean she feels threatened by the former Suits star.

It’s entirely possible she welcomes a little friendly competition.


Sunday, November 11, 2018

Kate Upton Gives Birth to First Child!

The woman who many consider to be the world’s most perfect looking human just gave birth to an absolute perfect baby.

Indeed, congratulations are in order for Kate Upton:

The supermodel just gave birth to her very first child!

The 26-year old shared the blessed news on Saturday evening, alerting Instagram followers to the name and the gender of her and husband Justin Verlander’s precious offspring.

We’ll let Upton take it from here…

“Genevieve Upton Verlander. 11.7.18,” Kate simply wrote, confirming that the newborn came into official existence this past Wednesday.

She included with this message a gorgeous black-and-white snapshot of little Genevieve…

… and here it is!

Well done, Kate and Justin.

Verlander, who works as one of the best starting pitchers in all of Major League Baseball, posted a photo of the couple holding their little one’s hand.

He wrote as a caption:

“Welcome to the world Genevieve Upton Verlander. You stole my [heart] the first second I met you!!! 11.7.2018.”

little hand holding

Verlander also penned a sweet message to Upton after the couple confirmed her pregnancy in July.

“You’re going to be the most amazing Mom!! I can’t wait to start this new journey with you!” he gushed on Instagram at the time, adding:

“You’re the most thoughtful, loving, caring, and strong woman I’ve ever met! I’m so proud that our little one is going to be raised in this world by a woman like you! I love you so much.”

Upton and Verlander got married the knot in Tuscany, Italy, in November of 2017, mere days after the pitcher and the Houston Astros won the 2017 World Series against the Los Angeles Dodgers.

During the baseball season that recently concluded, Verlander credited Upton for turning both his career and his life around.

Speaking to Bleacher Report about his outlook after going through multiple injuries, Verlander said the following a few months ago:

“Who knows if I’m even here if it wasn’t for her?

“I really thought it was the end. … She was instrumental in me not … like, jumping off a bridge.”

Wow, huh?

And now she’s also been also rather instrumental in Verlander becoming a dad.

We send these two our very best wishes.


Kate Upton Announces She Gave Birth to Baby Girl and Posts First Pic

Kate Upton and Justin Verlander are the proud new parents of a baby girl … and like her parents, she’s already dominating the spotlight. Kate announced Saturday on Instagram she gave birth to Genevieve Upton Verlander. She finished the…


Friday, November 9, 2018

Kate Middleon Cradles Prince Louis in Rare (and Adorable!) Photo of Son

Brace yourselves, celebrity gossip lovers.

It’s about to get really doggone cute in here!

For the first time since the christening of Prince William and Kate Middleton’s third child in July, a new photo of the six-month-old Royal Baby has been released to the public.

In the image down below – which has gone viral for very understandable and adorable reasons – little Louis grabs hold of the hand of his grandfather, Prince Charles.

The scene first appeared in the BBC One documentary, Prince, Son and Heir: Charles at 70.

As you’re about to see, Middleton is all smiles in a navy-and-white polka-dot dress as she cradles a baby who looks to have much darker hair than siblings George and Charlotte.

This isn’t the clearest image of Louis himself, of course, but we’ll take what we can get when it comes to this special cutie…

Kate and William are arguably the most famous parents on the planet.

They welcomed Prince George on July 22, 2013 and then his sister on May 2, 2015.

Louis then entered this familial picture on April 23 of this year.

We’re not about to compare the children or anything, but it does look like each was blessed with a pair of very pinch-worthy cheeks.

In the aforementioned documentary, meanwhile, William talks openly his father, stating that Prince Charles is “brilliant” with his grandchildren.

It’s an unusual glimpse into the most fascinating and often-discussed family in the world.

At one point in the special, William also says he wishes that his dad would slow down enough to be able to spare more time for them.

“It’s something I’m working more heavily on, put it that way,” Williamt tells BBC One this week, adding:

“I think he does have time for it, but I would like him to have more time with the children.”

Charles’ wife, Camilla, also chimed in on this topic.

She said the following about her husband and how he acts with the young people close in his life:

“He will get down on his knees and crawl about with them for hours, you know making funny noises and laughing and my grandchildren adore him, absolutely adore him.

“He reads Harry Potter and he can do all the different voices and I think children really appreciate that.”

On a related note, Charles is about to become a grandfather for the fourth time because Prince Harry and Meghan Markle will welcome their first kid in the spring.

(It’s true! Meghan Markle is pregnant! Just in case you hadn’t heard somehow.)

We don’t know whether Meghan and Harry will have a boy or a girl, but we hear she is due on May 2, 2019.

Indeed, that would mean she would share a birthday with cousin Charlotte.

How cool would that be?!?


Friday, November 2, 2018

Prince Charles: Meghan Markle Is WAY Cooler Than Kate Middleton!

Well, it’s official.

Pretty much everyone on the planet agrees that Meghan Markle is the coolest of the Royals.

That’s not a knock against Kate Middleton or anyone else who may have been in the running.

(To be clear: Prince William never stood a chance.)

In fact, Kate deserves credit for recognizing that her association with Meghan only serves to make her cooler.

She’s like the Scottie Pippen to Meghan’s Michael Jordan, eternally content to play second fiddle and bask in the glow of a living legend.

There are probably several good reasons that no one has previously used a ’90s NBA metaphor to describe the pecking order of the British Royal Family, but we’re standing by our sh-tty analogy.

Anyway, you might be wondering who decides this hierarchy, and there’s no clear answer.

For the most part, we suppose it’s the British public and the tabloid press, but there are also voters in this popularity contest whose ballots are weighted far more heavily than those of the plebes.

These people are super-delegates in the world’s most inconsequential election — Queen Elizabeth II, Prince Charles, and … well, we guess that’s about it, actually.

It’s been rumored for quite some time that QE2 prefers Harry and Meghan to the “lazy” William and Kate.

And now, it seems Charles is seconding that opinion:

According to a new profile in Vanity Fair, Charles likes to throw subtle shade at Will and Kate.

He often boasts, for example, that at the age of 68, he’s quicker on his feet and better “prepared” for most social functions than either of them.

Conversely, both he and wife Camilla Parker-Bowles are often effusive in their praise for Meghan.

“They clearly really like each other,” one royal insider tells the magazine.

“There is real warmth and support. Camilla has been very helpful to Meghan.”

That’s gotta sting a little bit, but we’re sure Will and Kate are taking it in stride.

After all, Will never had a shot at being the cool one in the family, and the Duchess of Cambridge reportedly gets along swimmingly with her new sister-in-law.

In fact, Kate is hosting Meghan’s baby shower — and insiders say she’s more than happy to continue dishing out assists after the royal bundle of joy arrives.


Kate Middleton to Meghan Markle: Your Baby Shower"s Gonna Be a Rager!

As you’ve likely heard by now, Meghan Markle is expecting her first child.

This means, of course, that her loved ones will be hosting a baby shower — and by “loved ones,” we’re referring to her Meghan’s in-laws and not the awful members of the Markle family.

Granted, a Markle shower would be quite the amusing trainwreck, especially the part where everyone reads their top one hundred complaints about the way Meghan has chosen to live her life.

But at the end of the day, the Windsor clan will probably host a more enjoyable soiree for the guest of honor.

Not surprisingly, Kate Middleton has reportedly been placed in charge of the festivities.

“[Kate]’s a complete perfectionist and has already begun planning the celebration months in advance,” a source tells Life & Style.

“Duchess Kate considered having the shower at Soho Farmhouse, but thinks it’ll be easier to host it at her Kensington Palace apartment.”

The insider goes on to describe Kate and Meghan’s relationship as “togetherness at its finest,” noting that Middleton “has been Meghan’s rock during the pregnancy.

“[Meghan] has been turning to Kate for all kinds of baby advice,” says the insider. 

“It’ll mean the world to Meghan — and Prince Harry — once they find out that Kate’s gone out of her way to organize the shower.”

We’re guessing it’s sort of assumed that Kate is gonna go all out.

She’s literally a duchess who used to be a professional party planner.

Would be a bit of a disappointment if she just hung some streamers and picked up a veggie platter from whatever the London equivalent of Wegman’s is.

As for the details, the insider says it’ll be a star-studded affair that should make Meghan feel right at home:

“It’ll be a daytime event,” says the source.

“Guests, including Meghan’s pals Jessica Mulroney, Priyanka Chopra, Serena Williams and Amal Clooney, will be treated to an American-style feast.” 

American-style? So a buffet line of steam trays filled with sandwiches and tacos in which the bread and tortillas have been replaced with fried chicken?

Sounds effing delicious. How do we score an invite?


Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Kate Hudson"s "Wild Wild Country" Costume Gets Thumbs-Up from Cult"s Ex-Lawyer

Kate Hudson’s catching some flak for dressing up as a follower of Bhagwan Rajneesh – the cult leader in the Netflix docuseries, “Wild Wild Country” — but one of his former disciples LOVES it. We talked to Philip Toelkes — who used to go by…


Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Jon and Kate Gosselin: The Twins Are Now 18!

Where does the time go, right, readers?

It seems like only yesterday that Jon and Kate Gosselin were happily married… starring on a hit reality show… and raising eight kids, the oldest of which were precocious twins Cara and Maddy.

But that was then.

kate and her fam


Jon and Kate Gosselin are unmarried and constantly at odds… neither is (currently) starring on a reality show… and Cara and Maddy are 18 years old!!!!

So, we repeat: Where does all that time go?!?

On Monday, October 8, the twins turned this important age, meaning they can now buy tobacco legally and can also vote in the upcoming midterm elections.

In celebration of the occasion, Kate shared a photo of her kids’ cake on Instagram, along with a heartfelt caption.

Here is the cake:

big cake

And here is the caption:

HAPPY 18th Birthday, Cara and Madelyn! T

here are no words to describe how proud I am of you both. Despite the many turbulent times you’ve had to deal with so far in life, you have emerged as wise, level headed, reasonable, forgiving, loving, kind and absolutely brilliant ADULTS!

I can say that I’ve poured endless love into you and fought tooth and nail for the best for you, but I cannot possibly take credit for the truly wonderful humans (adult humans!) you have become!

You will thrive in life, I am certain, and I will still be with you every step of the way going forward, continuing to guide you and love you.

I love you both so very very much and I wish peace, happiness and the great successes I know are coming your way!

jon bday

Elsewhere, Jon Gosselin, who seems to actually want back in the lives of his children, also shared the above message on his social media page.

The controversial father has been spending a ton of time with daughter Hannah of late, with some reports even claiming that he’s now fighting for custody of the teenager.

The two have been posing on Instagram and appear to have put all issues from the past far behind them.

Which is great. 

Even the harshest Jon Gosselin critic should admit that it’s better for him to be in the lives of his kids than not be in their lives.

That said, Jon may still have a long way to go until he’s close to either of the new 18-year olds.

Back in April, Mady told People Magazine that she rarely sees her dad — and told the publication very simply that only Jon is to blame for this estrangement.

“He makes it seem like we’re being kept from him, which is insane,” Mady said at the time, adding:

“He should maybe spend some time thinking about why we don’t want to see him, and maybe realize that if he ever does want a relationship with us, talking about us on TV is not the way to make that happen.

“He doesn’t even know us.”


Saturday, October 6, 2018

Keira Knightley Dares to Criticize Kate Middleton

Keira Knightley has actually gone there.

The veteran actress has written a letter to her husband and three-year old daughter (for Scarlett Curtis’ new book, Feminists Don’t Wear Pink (And Other Lies) in which she takes issue with Kate Middleton.

Yes, Knightley has something negative to say about the most universally beloved person on the planet.

In the essay, which is titled “The Weaker Sex,” Knightley compares how she looked and acted after childbirth … to how the Duchess of Cambridge appeared mere hours after she and Prince William welcomed their second child.

(Knightley actually gave birth a day later.)

“She was out of hospital seven hours later with her face made up and high heels on,” wrote Knightley, adding:

“The face the world wants to see. Hide. Hide our pain, our bodies splitting, our breasts leaking, our hormones raging. Look beautiful, look stylish, don’t show your battleground, Kate.”

This did happen, that much is certain.

Looking immaculate and all made up, Middleton smiled for photographers (and, really, the entire world) on the steps on a hospital in London.

She did the same thing with her third child, as you can see here:

There was definitely a bit of backlash at the time, but little of it was aimed at Middleton herself.

Most of it was focused on a family and a tradition that basically required Middleton to put on this face for millions so soon after giving birth.

“Seven hours after your fight with life and death, seven hours after your body breaks open, and bloody, screaming life comes out. Don’t show. Don’t tell,” Knightley wrote.

She continued:

“Stand there with your girl and be shot by a pack of male photographers. This stuff is easy. It happens every day. What’s the big deal? So does death, you s–t-heads, but you don’t have to pretend that’s easy.”

For the record:

Kate and William presented their first child Prince George, now 5, and their youngest son Prince Louis, now 5 months old, in the same manner.

This is just how a Duchess has to roll.

In her letter, though, Knightley thought back to how loved ones visited the hospital after she became a mother and she “wore a hospital gown with paper pants on.”

She was still bleeding from childbirth.

She recalled how she was exposed, even showing her cellulite, as she hurried to take care of the newborn upon hearing her cries.

“My breast is out in front of them all and I don’t care,” she wrote.

“Your life is my life. You need me. I’m there. F-ck them all with their eyes watching, their embarrassed faces at my animalistic semi-nudity. Is this soft motherhood?”

There was shit and vomit and blood, Knightley remembers, detailing the graphic consequences of childbirth for all women.

For Middleton, too.

But the world only got a look at the pristine version of this popular Royal.

“I remember my battleground,” she writes in this essay. “Your battleground and life pulsating. Surviving. And I am the weaker sex? You are?”

It’s an interesting take, isn’t it?

What do you think of Knightley’s overall criticism here?


Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Kate Middleton"s Boyfriend: The Truth About Her Illicit Affair Revealed

Kate Middleton has been married to Prince William for over seven years, and the union has been relatively scandal-free throughout.

Sure, there were allegations of William cheating on Kate in 2017, but by royal marriage standards, these two have given the UK gossip rags very little to get excited about in the years since they tied the knot.

If asked to choose just one adjective to describe Will and Kate’s relationship, one might be inclined to go with dull — and that’s just how Buckingham Palace likes it.

These days, when there’s a new report on Will and Kate, it’s usually about their children or her fashion sense.

The whole thing almost feels perfunctory, as though the press is concerned that if they ignored the boringly stable couple altogether, it would confirm the public’s worst suspicions about tabloid journalism.

Prior to getting married, however, Will and Kate were a subject of international fascination.

Middleton was “Waity Katie,” forced to suffer the public humiliation of biding her time while Will took years to decide if she was worthy of a proposal.

At one point — possibly because of Kate’s frustration with this lengthy process — the couple even called it quits.

This was in March of 2007.

The official, Palace-approved narrative is that Kate spent that time traveling, spending time with her family, and engaging in a bit of much-needed soul-searching.

She even spoke about the experience shortly after getting engaged to Prince William in 2010.

“I think I at the time wasn’t very happy about it, but actually it made me a stronger person,” Kate said at the time.

“You find out things about yourself that maybe you hadn’t realized,” she added.

“Or I think you can get quite consumed by a relationship when you’re younger. I really valued that time for me as well although I didn’t think it at the time, looking back on it.”

The statement was Will and Kate in a nutshell — elegant, poised and entirely free of impropriety.

But the actual story of Will and Kate’s hiatus is considerably more interesting.

And one aspect that’s rarely discussed these days is the fact that both parties dated other people.

Will briefly pursued Isabella Calthorpe — the sister of Prince Harry’s ex, Crssida Bonas — but insiders say nothing much came of the relationship.

Kate’s fling, on the other hand, was far more consequential.

The Duchess of Cambridge became romantically involved with a man named Henry Ropner, who was an Eton classmate of William’s.

And sources claimed the relationship advanced rather quickly.

“Henry is delighted to be there for Kate now that she’s split from William,” an insider told The Daily Mail at the time.

“They’ve been meeting up and enjoying themselves.”

Interestingly, Ropner’s ties to Will go beyond the fact that they attended school together.

Will had previously dated an ex of Ropner’s named Jecca Craig just weeks after she parted ways with Henry.

So was Ropner dating Kate out of a desire for revenge?

We may never know, but it’s worth noting that Will reportedly flew into a rage after seeing photos of his ex and his former classmate together.

Just weeks after those pics went public, Will and Kate reconciled, sparking rumors that it was Will’s jealousy that drew them back together.

In July of 2011, Ropner married Natasha Sinclair with the Duke and Duchess in attendance.

So it seems that these days all is well among the members of this short-lived love triangle.

But still, the whole situation serves as a reminder that even a couple as posh and put-together as Will and Kate is not above hiding a skeleton or two in their closet.


Friday, September 28, 2018

Monday, September 10, 2018

Meghan Markle & Kate Middleton: Pissing Off the Royals With Their Petty-Ass Feud [Report]

While fans of the British Royal Family believe that Meghan Markle is hiding a baby bump, rumor says that there’s something else in the family on the verge of spilling into the public sphere.

Meghan and her sister-in-law, Kate Middleton, are reportedly feuding again.

And it’s gotten so bad that their husbands are said to be planning an intervention. Yikes.

InTouch reports that Kate and Meghan are engaged in an envy-fueled feud.

And apparently this alleged feuding has grown so severe that Prince Harry and Prince William are plotting to do something about it before it escalates.

“The boys are discussing whether to stage an intervention,” their inside source claims.

That would be a drastic step, but the insider says that it may be necessary “in order to get Meghan and Kate to make up.”

If that’s what they do, we sure hope that it works.

It’s reported that things got so bad that the Queen herself wants the situation resolved.

“She said something had to be done,” the source says of Queen Elizabeth.

Apparently the Queen has had enough, and “she wants to resolve the issue once and for all.”

In part, it sounds like this may be about public relations as much as it is about family unity.

The insider shares that “the last thing the queen wants is a full-blown crisis at the palace.”

Supposedly, this imminent crisis is because of Kate’s position as the mother of three heirs to the throne.

“Meghan can’t help but be jealous,” the source claims.

The insider then goes above and beyond, saying that “she’s lying if she says she isn’t.”

Thta’s a very bold claim. Especially since, surely, Meghan knew all along that Kate’s marriage to William made her a bigger deal within the family.

“She knows that one day Kate will be reaping all the rewards of that title,” the source says.

There is more to this alleged feud than Meghan’s reported resentments, however. It sounds like Kate has some gripes as well.

“Meghan learned everything she knows from Kate,” the insider says.

“But since the wedding, Kate feels like Meghan has barely made any effort with her,” the source says.

“And,” the insider continues, Meghan “is more interested in impressing the queen.”

Well … wouldn’t most people put a little more effort into their new grandmother-in-law … especially when she’s the literal Queen?

The report goes on to say that Meghan isn’t deliberately snubbing Kate.

“To be fair,” the source says. “Meghan has been busy.”

She’s a newlywed, she’s adjusting to her new life. Also, her awful family seems to be determined to ruin her life.

“But Kate feels like she’s put a lot of effort into their friendship and hasn’t gotten much in return,” the insider explains.

That sounds like a somewhat fair complaint.

We have to say that we have our doubts about all of this. Meghan and Kate are grown women, not soap opera characters.

Hopefully, they are satisfied with their own lives and don’t feel the need to tear down others (or each other) in order to feel good about themselves.

Meghan’s half-siblings may be vicious, but there’s no reason to believe that Meghan herself is.

Maybe Meghan and Kate aren’t the best of friends, but they don’t need to be joined at the hip for them to not be at each other’s throats.

We hope, anyway.

Meghan has enough drama from her blood relatives.


Friday, September 7, 2018

Kate Gosselin HATES Hannah Living With Jon!

We have learned a lot about Jon and Kate Gosselin’s twisted battle for Hannah, who is allegedly currently living with her father and, for the first time in her life, free from Kate’s clutches.

Unfortunately, a lot about Hannah’s current situation remains unclear, except for the fact that Kate and Jon are butting heads in court.

Now, a source close to the Gosselin sheds a little more clarity on the whole situation.

According to what a source tells Life & Style, Kate is agonizing over this very complicated situation with Hannah and Jon.

“Kate is trying to be supportive of the situation,” the insider claims.

Is she, though? She’s been fighting a vaguely defined court battle with Jon recently.

“But the truth is,” the source reveals. “She hates that Hannah chose Jon over her.”

Now that is something that people have an easy time believing.

The insider shares that Kate is worried about a domino effect taking place among her children.

“The problem,” the insider explains. “Is that the kids are getting older and they’re starting to ask questions.”

We all reach a point at which we realize that our parents are just people, and that we shouldn’t take their word at face value.

“Some are still Team Mom,” the source continues. “But Team Dad is growing.”

The insider dishes that: “It’s a very divided household.”

In our earlier report, we mentioned how Jon and Kate were simply unable to get along, and that they’re still waging war in court.

“It’s never going to end,” the insider lamented.

Perhaps it will by the time that all of their children are adults.

“Even now, after all these years,” the source says. “Jon’s still trying to show the world that Kate’s the furthest thing from a great mom.”

We think that most of the world has a pretty good idea of exactly the sort of mother that Kate is — even if Kate doesn’t realize it herself.

As we mentioned, it is normal for people to realize that their parents can make mistakes and are just older human beings.

In the case of Jon and Kate’s eight children, however, they’re not an ordinary family.

Their parents decided to raise them on reality television.

Kate in particular is widely seen to be a nightmarish and aggressive human being and has been accused of abuse.

Jon looks better, in contrast, because he’s just seen as a loser.

Now that their children are getting older, they’re going to be able to look at their lives and their childhoods and realize how abnormal things really are in their lives with Kate.

That doesn’t mean that they’ll all go running to Jon. For one thing, he clearly cannot afford to take care of them all.

For another, however, some kids will cling to the life that they’ve known. Kind of like how some kids escape from cults when they’re older, but others refuse to stray.

Hannah — and, arguably, Collin — is stepping away from the life she’s known and becoming her own person. Which means that Kate is losing her iron grip on her kids.

That means an unhappy Kate, who is absolutely going to take it out on Jon in court in an effort to win back control. So, yeah, they might keep fighitng for years.


Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Kate Gosselin vs. Jon Gosselin: Inside Their Battle Over Hannah


It is – tragically, painfully, astoundingly – back on again between Kate Gosselin and Jon Gosselin.

Nearly 10 years after the couple filed for divorce, tension between the reality stars remains as strong and as uncomfortable as ever… with their teenage daughter now caught in between.

Over the past few weeks, Jon Gosselin has been sharing numerous photos of himself and 14-year old Hannah.

She even said her formerly estranged parent was “the best dad anyone could ask for,” which is quite the change of tune for any of Jon’s kids to sing.

It’s great that Hannah is getting along well with her pops, of course. Even Kate might say that in a moment of truth; it’s not like she wants her children to be ignored by their father.

But then Jon took things to an unexpected different level when he alleged that Hannah is living with him “permanently.”

Is this really the case?!?

Jon did, after all, send Hannah off to her first day of eighth grade this week.

She is clearly sleeping at her dad’s house quite often.

Nevertheless, sources close to Kate have argued, Jon is a big huge liar and she maintains primary custody of all eight children the ex-couple share.

It’s yet another weird situation between the exes, along with a confusing one and a cantankerous one.

According to a new Radar Online report, meanwhile, it’s also a long-gestating issue.

The website has obtained Pennsylvania court records that detail the former couple’s years-long secret custody battle that has only been ratched up in recent months.

For example:

According to these papers, a judge filed a custody order on April 5, 2018 that apparently made Kate very mad. She tried to fight this ruling for months.

On May 4, Gosselin filed a motion for reconsideration, which means she asked the judge to change his previous decision from about a month earlier.

On May 8, Kate filed an appeal to the county’s superior court.

On June 14, the appeal was shut down.

Kate “did not present legal argument to justify this Court’s jurisdiction,” the judge ruled at this time, adding that she filed the appeal more than 30 days after the court’s order and adding:

“This Court has no jurisdiction to excuse the failure to file a timely notice of appeal.”

Also in June, Gosselin filed an emergency petition for special relief, which fast-tracks an urgent case. This was rejected by the court.

Many specifics in regard to threse legal maneuvers are not known at this time, but it’s pretty clear there has been ongoing legal wrangling between Jon and Kate over Hannah.

Jon does appear to have made some progress in his custody battle, but Kate also remains the primary caregiver, as far as we can tell.

Things also remain as ugly as ever between the former co-stars, but we guess they’ve come a long way in a year.

Remember: At this time in 2017, Jon and Kate were LITERALLY fighting over Hannah.


Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Jon Gosselin: Look, Kate! I"m Sending Hannah to School!

Jon Gosselin appears to be using his daughter as a way to throw shade at his ex-wife.

Shocking, we know.

We’ll give you a minute to pick your jaw up off the floor…

Just a few days after Kate Gosselin shared a photo of her kids’ first day back at school, Jon Gosselin has gone ahead and posted personal highlight from daughter Hannah’s debut as an eighth grader.

“Congrats Hannah on your first day of school, proud of you. I admire your bravery starting fresh!!!” Jon wrote as a caption to the image below, adding;

“I Love you very much and we have worked really hard to get here. Dedication has really paid off.”

It does seem as though Jon and Hannah have worked really hard to mend what was once a contentious relationship.

For about a month now, Jon has shared images of himself and this daughter, actually spending quality time as a small family unit.

Concluded Jon in the message he attached to this snapshot:

“I’m so happy you integrated yourself into the community, you made friends all summer and now you will grow and graduate with them. I’m honored to be your father!!!

“Love you, Dad #newbeginnings.”

Back on Father’s Day, Hannah wrote on Instagram that she loved Jon and that he was “the best dad anyone could ask for.”

This came as quite a shock to anyone who has followed his adventures after he and Kate split up and would have come to the exact opposite conclusion as a result.

However, Jon and Hannah celebrated July Fourth together this year and sources have even said that Jon now has primary custody of the teenager.

Of course, Kate herself does NOT say this.

In the latest fight between the cantakerous and irritating exes, Kate has objected to Jon’s claim that Hannah “permanently” resides with him.

“[Kate] maintains full custody of all eight of her kids,” a source familiar with the situation told People Magazine a couple weeks ago.

This seems like a really simple issue to resolve. We’re not really sure how there can be a debate over which parent Hannah is residing with.

But we’re not sure how Jon and Kate managed to live in the same house for years without killing each other, either.

In the end, as long as the children are safe, happy and healthy… hey, whatever.

We figure Jon shared this image of Hannah going off to school as a pretty clear jab toward Kate, to make it appear to the public as if he’s the one in charge of her life.

As for which side we’re taking in this never-ending feud?


We know far better than to get involved here.
