Showing posts with label Showers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Showers. Show all posts

Friday, November 2, 2018

Kate Middleton to Meghan Markle: Your Baby Shower"s Gonna Be a Rager!

As you’ve likely heard by now, Meghan Markle is expecting her first child.

This means, of course, that her loved ones will be hosting a baby shower — and by “loved ones,” we’re referring to her Meghan’s in-laws and not the awful members of the Markle family.

Granted, a Markle shower would be quite the amusing trainwreck, especially the part where everyone reads their top one hundred complaints about the way Meghan has chosen to live her life.

But at the end of the day, the Windsor clan will probably host a more enjoyable soiree for the guest of honor.

Not surprisingly, Kate Middleton has reportedly been placed in charge of the festivities.

“[Kate]’s a complete perfectionist and has already begun planning the celebration months in advance,” a source tells Life & Style.

“Duchess Kate considered having the shower at Soho Farmhouse, but thinks it’ll be easier to host it at her Kensington Palace apartment.”

The insider goes on to describe Kate and Meghan’s relationship as “togetherness at its finest,” noting that Middleton “has been Meghan’s rock during the pregnancy.

“[Meghan] has been turning to Kate for all kinds of baby advice,” says the insider. 

“It’ll mean the world to Meghan — and Prince Harry — once they find out that Kate’s gone out of her way to organize the shower.”

We’re guessing it’s sort of assumed that Kate is gonna go all out.

She’s literally a duchess who used to be a professional party planner.

Would be a bit of a disappointment if she just hung some streamers and picked up a veggie platter from whatever the London equivalent of Wegman’s is.

As for the details, the insider says it’ll be a star-studded affair that should make Meghan feel right at home:

“It’ll be a daytime event,” says the source.

“Guests, including Meghan’s pals Jessica Mulroney, Priyanka Chopra, Serena Williams and Amal Clooney, will be treated to an American-style feast.” 

American-style? So a buffet line of steam trays filled with sandwiches and tacos in which the bread and tortillas have been replaced with fried chicken?

Sounds effing delicious. How do we score an invite?


Saturday, June 9, 2018

Warriors Celebrate NBA Championship with $400k Champagne Showers

Every sports dynasty deserves a wild turn up, and Steph Curry, Kevin Durant and the rest of the Golden State Warriors didn’t disappoint after winning the NBA Championship … mostly.  Moments after the Warriors secured the bag — back-to-back…


Warriors Celebrate NBA Championship with $400k Champagne Showers

Every sports dynasty deserves a wild turn up, and Steph Curry, Kevin Durant and the rest of the Golden State Warriors didn’t disappoint after winning the NBA Championship … mostly.  Moments after the Warriors secured the bag — back-to-back…


Friday, April 13, 2018

Sarah Silverman Says Trump"s Real "Golden Showers" Worry Isn"t About Melania

Sarah Silverman has her own theory on why she thinks President Trump is so worried about the golden showers dossier referenced in James Comey’s new book … and it’s got nothing to do with Melania. We got Sarah leaving Craig’s…


President Trump Rips James Comey Over "Golden Showers" Story in His Book

President Trump is, predictably, pissed about former FBI Director James Comey spilling the tea on an alleged “golden showers” convo they had. Trump ripped into Comey Friday morning, calling him an “untruthful slime ball who was, as time has proven,…


Thursday, April 12, 2018

James Comey Says Trump Came to Him to Talk Golden Showers

When it rains it pours … Donald Trump worried there was a small chance his wife, Melania, might believe Russian hookers peed on a hotel bed where Trump was staying … this according to former FBI director James Comey. The hook to…


Saturday, April 7, 2018

Celebrity April Showers ... Good, Clean, Fun!

See which stars aren’t afraid of some April showers by dripping into our gallery of these washed-up stars, and get a sprinkle of what’s to come before May flowers can spring!  


Sunday, June 11, 2017

Justin Bieber Caps Off a Night at Dave & Buster"s with Champagne Showers (PHOTOS + VIDEO)

Justin Bieber celebrated his new track with David Guetta this weekend like a champ … of arcade games and champagne showers. Bieber was seen hitting up Dave & Buster’s in Hollywood Saturday night with a group of his buds, bouncing from Pac-Man…


Justin Bieber Caps Off a Night at Dave & Buster"s with Champagne Showers (PHOTOS + VIDEO)

Justin Bieber celebrated his new track with David Guetta this weekend like a champ … of arcade games and champagne showers. Bieber was seen hitting up Dave & Buster’s in Hollywood Saturday night with a group of his buds, bouncing from Pac-Man…


Friday, January 20, 2017

MMA Star Mayhem Miller"s "Golden Showers" Take Center Stage In Dom. Violence Case (VIDEO)

Jason “Mayhem” Miller’s domestic violence case just took a weird turn — his lawyer brought up his penchant for “golden showers” and freaky sex acts in open court.


Sunday, January 15, 2017

Saturday Night Live Takes on Donald Trump"s Golden Showers Scandal!

Right now, reality is an extremely hard place to live in.

And we have Donald Trump, soon-to-be president of the United States, to thank for a large part of that.

It"s just so difficult to believe, for so very many reasons, that of all the people in all the land, Trump is the one who"s going to lead our country.

And after his ridiculous, dumb, awful mess of a press conference a few days ago, things certainly aren"t looking up.

During the press conference, Trump addressed several important topics, including recent claims that he paid Russian hookers to perform for him at a very special golden shower party.

To clarify, just because it"s too ridiculous not to spell out in the simplest terms, our future president has been accused of paying prostitutes to pee on a bed in front of him.

It"s a bizarre story for some bizarre times, and thankfully, Saturday Night Live is here to point out the absurdity of the situation.

And they did it just so hilariously.

Alec Baldwin returned to SNL with his brilliant Trump impersonation last night to reenact the press conference.

As Baldwin"s Trump says in the opening of the skit, "Yes, this is really life, this is really happening."

And that"s scary and tragic and so many other bad things, but this video?

It sure is fun.

Check out the magic below:

Saturday night live takes on donald trumps golden showers scanda

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Donald Trump: I Can"t Take Golden Showers! I"m a Germaphobe!

This morning, Donald Trump held a press conference for the first time in 168 days.

We think it’s safe to say it was the first time in US history that a president-elect prepared for his inauguration by assuring the American people that he has never been a fan of golden showers and is not being blackmailed by the Russian government.

Yes, what sounds like material for a particularly over-the-top satire is now the reality of American politics.

As you’ve no doubt heard, Trump has been accused of “perverted sexual acts” in an intelligence report obtained by BuzzFeed News, in which the president-elect is warned that the Russian government is in possession of potentially damaging footage.

Of course, we really don’t need to mince words here, as if you’ve been on social media in the past 12 hours, you know that the perversion reportedly caught on camera involved the R. Kelly-esque fetish activity known as a “golden shower.”

In fairness, Trump hasn’t been accused of actually urinating on anyone or being urinated on himself.

The alleged footage simply shows him watching a pair of Russian prostitutes to urinate on each other.

Even Trump has his limits, and in the field of international water sports, it seems he prefers to remain an observer, rather than assume the role of Nacho Cheese Dorito-colored urinal cake.

Anyway, Trump was quick to deny the reports during today’s presser, using his new favorite slogan “fake news.”

He then went into detail about exactly why he doesn’t enjoy splashing around in the urine of Eastern European sex workers:

“Does anyone really believe that story? I’m also very much a germaphobe,” Trump told reporters, in what has to be a strong contender for most bonkers moment in the history of American politics.

What’s truly bizarre about the Trump press conference is that the president-elect’s explanation for why he’s no fan of pee play wasn’t even the most troubling part of his press conference.

In what many are taking as an unsettling sign of things to come, Trump attacked reporters from major media outlets whom he feels have been antagonistic to his campaign, at one point engaging in a shouting match with a journalist from CNN:

In the clip above, Trump begins by explaining why he feels modern-day America is similar to Nazi Germany.

He goes on to describe BuzzFeed as a “failing pile of garbage” (It’s worth noting that according to the web traffic analysis firm Alexa, Buzzfeed is among the top 100 most popular websites in America.) before turning his attention to CNN.

“Your organization is terrible,” Trump told the reporter. “You’re fake news.”

Of course, your social media feed will most likely be focused on the day’s most salacious story (“Russian hookers” just has a ring to it, ya know?) so feel to mix things up by pointing out that at no point in this long-anticipated press conference did Trump:

Deny that his campaign team was in contact with Russia, explain how he’ll avoid violating the Constitution’s emoluments clause, or offer any details about his “really terrific” idea to replace Obamacare.
