Sunday, January 15, 2017

Saturday Night Live Takes on Donald Trump"s Golden Showers Scandal!

Right now, reality is an extremely hard place to live in.

And we have Donald Trump, soon-to-be president of the United States, to thank for a large part of that.

It"s just so difficult to believe, for so very many reasons, that of all the people in all the land, Trump is the one who"s going to lead our country.

And after his ridiculous, dumb, awful mess of a press conference a few days ago, things certainly aren"t looking up.

During the press conference, Trump addressed several important topics, including recent claims that he paid Russian hookers to perform for him at a very special golden shower party.

To clarify, just because it"s too ridiculous not to spell out in the simplest terms, our future president has been accused of paying prostitutes to pee on a bed in front of him.

It"s a bizarre story for some bizarre times, and thankfully, Saturday Night Live is here to point out the absurdity of the situation.

And they did it just so hilariously.

Alec Baldwin returned to SNL with his brilliant Trump impersonation last night to reenact the press conference.

As Baldwin"s Trump says in the opening of the skit, "Yes, this is really life, this is really happening."

And that"s scary and tragic and so many other bad things, but this video?

It sure is fun.

Check out the magic below:

Saturday night live takes on donald trumps golden showers scanda