Showing posts with label Trump's. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Trump's. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Wayne Rooney Visits Trump"s White House ... Christmas Party!

Breaking News
Wayne Rooney was happy to spread a little Christmas cheer with Donald Trump … ‘cause the soccer legend was 45’s guest of honor at the White House over the weekend!!
It all went down at Trump’s Christmas party Sunday … where Rooney and his wife, Coleen,...
Wayne Rooney Visits Trump"s White House ... Christmas Party!

Wayne Rooney Visits Trump"s White House ... Christmas Party!

Breaking News
Wayne Rooney was happy to spread a little Christmas cheer with Donald Trump … ‘cause the soccer legend was 45’s guest of honor at the White House over the weekend!!
It all went down at Trump’s Christmas party Sunday … where Rooney and his wife, Coleen,...
Wayne Rooney Visits Trump"s White House ... Christmas Party!

Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Wayne Rooney Visits Trump"s White House ... Christmas Party!

Breaking News
Wayne Rooney was happy to spread a little Christmas cheer with Donald Trump … ‘cause the soccer legend was 45’s guest of honor at the White House over the weekend!!
It all went down at Trump’s Christmas party Sunday … where Rooney and his wife, Coleen,...
Wayne Rooney Visits Trump"s White House ... Christmas Party!

Thursday, October 25, 2018

MSNBC Contributor Steve Schmidt Says Trump"s to Blame for Bomb Scares

President Trump bears some responsibility for the pipe bombs sent to Democrats, and anyone with ears should know that, says former GOP strategist Steve Schmidt. Steve told us Wednesday the person who actually assembled and sent the bombs is…


Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Rep. Eric Swalwell Says President Trump"s Nationalist Boast Has Racist Implications

President Trump was dead-on when he said calling himself a “nationalist” is old-fashioned, but the old era he’s referring to is called Nazi Germany … according to Congressman Eric Swalwell. Rep. Swalwell was on TMZ Live talking about Trump…


Monday, October 22, 2018

Candis Cayne Condemns Trump"s New Gender Policy

Actress Candis Cayne is outraged at President Trump’s reported plan to enforce strict new guidelines about transgender people — because she says his real goal is silencing the community. Candis — who is transgender and was featured…


Sunday, October 21, 2018

George Lopez Says He"s Now Trump"s Kind of Guy After Hooters Incident

George Lopez and Donald Trump may finally see eye-to-eye on something after a scuffle GL was involved in last weekend at a Hooters … according to George himself. We got the comedian Sunday at LAX, where we asked about his run-in with an…


Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Trump"s "Republican Club" Painting on "60 Minutes" is a Hot Commodity

President Trump’s painting featuring him with Grand Old Party presidents set the internet ablaze during his “60 Minutes” interview — but it also lined the painter’s wallet with cash.  During 45’s interview Sunday night, a lot of people noticed…


Ronan & Mia Farrow Slam Trump"s Response to Slain Saudi Journalist Jamal Khashoggi

Ronan and Mia Farrow think President Trump’s painted himself into a diplomatic corner when it comes to dealing with Saudi Arabia over the apparent murder of a journalist. We spoke to Ronan and his mom on Sunday afternoon about the…


Sunday, October 14, 2018

"SNL" Mocks Trump"s Meeting with Kanye West in Oval Office

Donald Trump came to a startling revelation last night … Kanye West is the black him!!! Alec Baldwin made his return to ‘SNL’ to parody Ye’s Oval chit chat. This one is especially interesting, because they danced around making fun of mental…


Friday, October 12, 2018

Ron Howard Calls for Law Enforcement to Probe President Trump"s Tax Situation

The American people deserve an FBI investigation into President Trump’s taxes because where there’s smoke, there’s often fire … according to Ron Howard, who says there’s only one reason it hasn’t happened yet. The beloved director,…


Saturday, October 6, 2018

Trump"s Presidential Alert Texts Have Safety Measures in Place, Says FEMA

Remember in January, when Hawaii residents received a terrifying text about an inbound ballistic missile with instructions to seek shelter immediately, but it turned out to be a false alarm? Well, don’t worry — that’s not going to happen with…


Thursday, October 4, 2018

Kevin Sorbo Suggest Trump"s Mocking Ford Because Some Women are Hypocrites

Kevin Sorbo thinks the #MeToo movement is a double-edged sword — it’s helpful to women but unfair to the accused — and that’s why President Trump went after Dr. Christine Ford so hard during his rally. We got TV’s ‘Hercules’…


Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Stormy Daniels Writes at Length About Donald Trump"s "Unusual Penis"

Stormy Daniels is coming … out with a new book.

The strong and proud porn star has penned "Full Disclosure," a memoir that mostly details her affair with Donald Trump.

The affair took place prior to Trump being elected President and Daniels writes in the book that she was in literal shock as Trump continued to win primary after primary in 2016.

But who really cares about her political opinions, right?

We know you"re all here to read what Daniels had to say about sex with Trump, and we promise:

She does not let you down.

Consider yourself warned and then click through the following photos and slides to see to whom Stormy Daniels compares the President of the United States.

1. Wait, Stormy Daniels Wrote a Book?

Full disclosure

Yes. Does this really come as a surprise? It will reportedly tell her “whole story for the first time” and it will be available for purchase on October 2.

2. Who is Stormy Daniels Again?

Stormy daniels up close

Here’s a quick refresher: Daniels slept with Trump in 2006. She says they only had this one sexual encounter, but that she kept in touch with Trump for several years afterward. One month before the 2016 Presidential Election, Trump has admitted to paying Daniels $ 130,000 in exchange for her silence over the affair.


Stormy daniels on cbs

Trump never signed this non-disclosure agreement and says he won’t be enforcing it and Daniels has been talking openly about their affair.

4. Oh, and Trump May Have Committed a Campaign Finance Violation with This Payment

Donald trump with a fist

It seems like he almost definitely did so. But that isn’t the point right now.

5. What IS the Point Right Now?

Stormy daniels in a jersey

Explicitly, how Daniels described the President’s unit. She gets into GROSS detail about it in this book. Are you ready to read it? Are you certain?

6. Okay. Here It Is:

Stormy daniels cleavage selfie

“He knows he has an unusual penis,” Daniels writes. “It has a huge mushroom head. Like a toadstool…”

View Slideshow

Friday, September 7, 2018

Shepard Smith Mocks President Trump"s Inability to Say "Anonymous"

Shepard Smith is having a little fun at President Trump’s expense — mocking his inability to say the word “anonymous.” The FOX News host took the subtle dig Friday during his show, purposefully stumbling over the word that gave Trump so much…


Thursday, September 6, 2018

Ex-Judge Says Kim Kardashian West is Very Powerful in Trump"s White House

Kim Kardashian West seems to have a powerful pull over President Trump’s administration, and she’s using it for good … according to an ex-judge very connected to her cause. We spoke to former Tennessee judge Kevin Sharp Wednesday in D.C.…


Monday, August 27, 2018

Donald Trump Discusses Baby Tiffany Trump"s Future Breasts in Resurfaced Footage

Last week, the legendary host of The Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous, Robin Leach, passed away at 76.

A clip of one of his old interviews, previously just a controversial footnote, has resurfaced in light of his passing because it is now very relevant.

In the clip that you"re about to see, Trump discusses baby Tiffany Trump"s legs and his hopes for her eventual breasts. Gross.

President trump

In the video from more than two decades ago, the late Leach asked Donald Trump which features baby Tiffany had of his and which she had from her mother, Marla Maples.

This is not an uncommon question — many people will point out that a baby has their father"s eyes or their mother"s ears or their grandfather"s chin.

"Well," Trump replies. "I think she"s got a lot of Marla. She"s a really beautiful baby."

Trump then gets specific, saying: "She"s, uh, she"s got, uh, she"s got Marla"s legs."

Marla laughs — some say that she laughs uncomfortably, here, but we have to be careful to not project.

Donald trump discusses baby tiffany

Trump continues, and this is where his comments go from awkward to controversial.

"We don"t know whether she"s got this part yet," he says.

This is when he gestures to his chest, miming a pair of breasts while discussing a literal baby who is also his daughter.

"But," Trump concludes. Time will tell."

That is certainly not the worst thing that Donald Trump has ever said, or even the worst thing that he has ever said on camera. But … that"s not saying much, is it?

Robin leach

As the Trump campaign reared its ugly head, his past comments resurfaced, including that infamous video.

But, in a 2016 interview with Inside Edition, Robin Leach actually defended Trump — or, at least, condemned his critics.

"I think it’s an overreaction to be really honest," Leach said. "And I think that it’s just the piling on of those that dislike Donald."

Some would say that comments like this are part of the reason for which people dislike Trump.

Leach continued: "You’ve triggered a thought that I should send him a note saying, ‘Sorry I asked the question 22 years ago. How ridiculous they dig it up now.’"

That would be a very strange apology. Generally, past controversies are fair game for politicians running for the most important office on the planet.

Trevor noah pic

During the election, Trump"s comments were played and then mocked on a number of late night comedy shows, including The Daily Show With Trevor Noah.

"He could have said anything," Noah pointed out at the time. "And he went with legs and possibly boobs."

Pointing out that there were much better answers, Noah said: "We would have accepted pretty much any other body part."

"We know for sure that there’s no female too small for Trump not to reduce her to her body parts," Noah lamented.

"I don’t even think that Trump was trying to be funny or provocative," Noah assessed. "It just clearly shows that it’s an impulse for him."

That pretty much sums it up.

Tiffany trump swimsuit pic

It does seem that Donald Trump thinks of women as little more than the sum of whichever physical attributes of theirs he can sexualize.

That said, some have jokingly defended Trump"s words — saying that the clip shows him speaking more favorably about Tiffany than he has about her since beginning his campaign.

Unlike Ivanka, whom Trump praises to a degree that many Americans consider "creepy," he has had very little to say about Tiffany.

It has been pointed out that, though he has tweeted plenty about Ivanka, he has tweeted more about that one time Kristen Stewart cheated on Robert Pattinson than he has about Tiffany.

But though it"s unfortunate that Robin Leach"s legacy includes him having defended Trump, he may have a point.

How much of the visceral disgust that people feel for Trump would they feel if someone they"d never heard of made those unnervingly sexual comments about their daughters?

Donald trump discusses baby tiffany trumps future breasts in res

Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Trump"s Ex-Lawyer Michael Cohen Enters Plea Deal for Bank, Tax Fraud Charges

Donald Trump’s former lawyer has surrendered to the FBI and reached a plea deal with federal prosecutors … so get ready for a tweetstorm from the Prez for the ages. Michael Cohen has just agreed to plead guilty to bank and tax fraud, as well as…


Wednesday, August 15, 2018

NFL"s Willie Colon Says Don"t Sink to Trump"s Level!

Ex-NFL lineman Willie Colon has a strategy for dealing with President Trump’s personal attacks on his enemies — “When they go low, we go high.” The former Steelers and Jets player was out in NYC (wearing a sweet NY Knicks shirt) when we asked for…
