Showing posts with label Gender. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gender. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Meghan Markle Reveals Baby Gender... According to Twitter

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry are having a baby.

You probably already knew this.

But the public does NOT yet know whether the Royals are expecting a boy or a girl.

This information was not included in the official statement by Kensington Palace that confirmed the major news.

However, a handful of astute (and/or possibly misguided) Internet users think they have cracked the gender code. They think Markle revealed the sex of her impending child via the color of the dress she wore for a state dinner in Fiji.

No, really. They think this.

Scroll down to see the gown in question, along with these excited responses to it…

1. Wearing Blue

Wearing blue

Meghan Markle is in Fiji for this photo, showing off her baby bump in a lovely blue gown that has some folks wondering if she’s having a boy.


In fiji

Internet users really are convinced that Markle is wearing this color dress as a way to tell the world the gender of her impending child.

3. Boom! It’s a Boy!

Boom its a boy

Why else would Markle wear blue, right?!?

4. She’s Carrying a Boy!

Shes carrying a boy

That’s it. Twitter is convinced.

5. Yes. We All Know This…

Yes we all know this

… but we’re here to blindly guess the gender, okay?!?

6. Here’s the Thing, Though:

Meghan markle is pregnant

Markle and her famous husband were attendinga reception and State Dinner hosted by Jioji Konrote, the President of Fiji. This marked the latest stop on the couple’s tour of the Commonwealth — and it would have been a very odd time to announce a gender in such passive fashion.

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Monday, October 22, 2018

Candis Cayne Condemns Trump"s New Gender Policy

Actress Candis Cayne is outraged at President Trump’s reported plan to enforce strict new guidelines about transgender people — because she says his real goal is silencing the community. Candis — who is transgender and was featured…


Thursday, October 18, 2018

Catelynn and Tyler Baltierra Reveal Baby Gender: We"re Shocked!

Catelynn Lowell and Tyler Baltierra are in shock.

First, that they are having a baby at all.

The Teen Mom stars suffered through a miscarriage very early in 2018 and admitted last month that they weren"t trying for a baby when Catelynn learned she was pregnant.

Nevertheless, the child is due in March. How exciting, right?

Catelynn and Tyler are also in shock over the gender of this impending bundle of joy, revealing the key piece of information to Us Weekly on October 17, 2018.

Will it be a boy or a girl? A brother or a sister for little Nova?

Scroll down to find out!

1. These Two Have Been Through A LOT to Get Here

Cate and tyler photo

Heck, on a recent episode of Teen Mom OG, Tyler said he was miserable in his marriage and almost dared Catelynn to file for divorce.

2. For What Reason?

Tyler and catelynn baltierra

Tyler said on air, and many times in the past, that he had grown frustrated with focus constantly being on Catelynn and her mental illness struggle. He loves her. He worries about her. But he also has needs and issues that require attention.

3. That Was Then, However

Catelynn lowell and tyler baltierra 2018 selfie

After attending couples therapy and talking openly about the obstacles in their marriage, Tyler and Catelynn have managed to push through the big ones and remain together, seemingly happier than ever.

4. And Then the Bombshell Dropped!

Catelynn lowell pregnant pic

“We are expecting our rainbow baby. This baby is our rainbow after the storm. I’m super excited,” Catelynn told Us Weekly a few weeks back, using the name given to a baby after its mother suffers a miscarriage. (Catelynn went through this trauma in January, as documented on the previous season of Teen Mom OG.)


Catelynn lowell maternity photo

“It was a huge shock at first,” Catelynn admitted in this same interview. “We were not planning it, especially after the miscarriage and how I went downhill with my mental illness.”

6. An Unexpected Miracle

Cradling that bump

Concluded Catelynn upon revealing the news to the world: “We were using protection and everything and still got pregnant. This baby just wanted to be here. It was very unexpected.”

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Monday, October 8, 2018

Chris Martin & Dakota Johnson Are Having a Baby, Star-Studded Gender Reveal Party

Chris Martin and Dakota Johnson are having a baby, and the timing of their gender reveal party is pretty interesting … considering what Chris’ ex just celebrated. Chris and Dakota, who’ve been dating for about a year, had a party at his place on…


Friday, June 29, 2018

Derick Dillard: Jazz Jennings" Gender Confirmation Surgery is CHILD ABUSE!

Does anybody else get so emotionally and spiritually exhausted by hearing all the absolute garbage that Derick Dillard spews whenever he opens his dumb mouth?

Because hey, same.

It’s just … he’s so awful. He’s an exceptionally terrible person.

And on top of that, it always seems like he really tries so hard to be that way, you know?

Like he puts a ton of effort into being the worst.

If you don’t know what we’re talking about, just take a moment to consider the way he’s treated Jazz Jennings.

His weird obsession with the transgender teenager began nearly a year ago when he commented on a Twitter post about her reality show, I Am Jazz, that TLC had shared.

He said that “‘transgender’ is a myth,” and that “gender is not fluid; it’s ordained by God.”

And he was just warming up.

A few months after that, when his comments were brought up again, he tweeted “I pity Jazz, 4 those who take advantage of him in order 2 promote their agenda, including the parents who allow these kinds of decisions 2 be made by a child.”

“It’s sad that ppl would use a juvenile this way. Again, nothing against him, just unfortunate what’s on tv these days.”

So not only did he use the wrong pronouns there, but he also called into question Jazz’s parenting skills.

Seriously, the guy who married into the Duggar family thinks he has any room to criticize someone else’s parenting?

After that, Derick felt the need to bring Jazz up in a conversation he was having about the Parkland shooting — it didn’t make sense then, and it sure doesn’t make any sense now.

The point he was trying to make was something about “liberal agendas” and that darn devil media, and at one point he tried to explain that “I criticized the media’s use of kids again … like @TLC uses Jazz.”

Was Jazz relevant to what he was talking about?

Obviously not.

But, for whatever reason, Derick just can’t help himself but run his mouth about her.

And since she has some pretty huge news this week … you know where this is headed.

In case you missed it, Jazz was able to get her gender confirmation surgery earlier this week, and she’s been pretty excited about it.

She hopped on Instagram yesterday to let her followers know that she’d doing well, and to thank them for all the love and support they’ve been giving her.

It’s a lovely, heartwarming story, but of course Derick didn’t see it that way.

Over on Twitter, he shared a news story about Jazz’s surgery and commented “This kind of thinking should not be encouraged by media. A system that allows this kind of child abuse is clearly broken.”

How wild is it that this guy is honestly trying to talk about “child abuse” when his own wife was molested by her brother and her parents did nothing about it?

Also, what does it say about him that after all this time, he still hasn’t learned that even if he wants to cling to his beliefs, he should maybe just keep his mouth shut about this one teenage girl?

It’s easy to get worked up over this kind of ignorance, and the poor souls that follow Derick on Twitter definitely did.

“Why is this ur business?!” one of those people asked him. “Not every1 agrees with how u raise ur kids or how the Duggars raise theirs, who in their right mind raise girls 4 breeding purposes only, does not encourage college or jobs, solely raises them 2 b dependent on men.”

The character limit on Twitter can sometimes get in the way, but a good argument is a good argument.

Another solid argument with way fewer characters: “Your thinking is clearly broken.”

“Come on Derick,” another person urged. “Does it really matter to you? It’s not your family or your business.”

Amazingly, even some people who share Derick’s belief are sick of him talking about this.

One of those people wrote “I agree with you, but why in the world do you need to tweet this? Our job, as a Christian, is not to point out people’s sins. Our job is to show the love of Jesus. Let Him work on peoples hearts.”

So far, he’s only made one response to all the backlash he’s been getting — and oh boy, you’re going to love this.

Several people pointed out the hypocrisy of Derick getting upset about the “child abuse” here but remaining silent on the Trump administration’s actual abuse of immigrant children.

His response?


How does he live? How does this man survive while being so painfully ignorant?

It’s a mystery for the ages, for sure.


Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Destiny"s Child"s LeToya Luckett to Reveal Gender of First Baby on 4th of July

LeToya Luckett — one of the original members of Destiny’s Child — is having her first child and she’s gonna reveal the gender in an explosive fashion … TMZ has learned. LeToya posted an IG video Wednesday that she was pregnant by having her…


Thursday, April 19, 2018

Kate Middleton: Baby Name and Gender REVEALED?!

As you’ve no doubt heard by now, Kate Middleton is pregnant with her third child.

And despite the fact that she’s mostly been keeping mum about the details, there’s been a great deal of speculation in the British press regarding Kate’s due date, and of course, the baby’s name and gender.

No one on the planet is more closely guarded than the British Royal Family, but these days, it’s hard even for them to keep a secret.

The media has already unearthed details about Kate’s birth plan, but the most important pieces of information remain a mystery … sort of.

There are those who think William accidentally revealed that Kate is having a boy in recent comments he made to the press.

And there are those who feel so confident about the baby’s name that they’re willing to put money on it.

It seems most gamblers have decided that the gender issue has already been settled by Will’s remarks.

Speaking of his admiration for soccer legend Jack Graelish, William blurted, “I’m going to insist the baby is called Jack.”

He attempted to rescue himself, by adding, “Or Jackie…” but the British press had already made up its mind.

Of course, the Royals would no sooner name a boy Jack then they’d name a girl Crystal, so the leading theory amongst people who feel compelled to bet on this sort of thing is that Will revealed the gender, but not the name.

For information on that, these folks rely on dubious intel from Kensington Palace.

Kate Middleton with a Smile

“Prince Thomas of Cambridge does have a nice ring to it, even if the name doesn’t immediately spring out as a traditional, regal name,” an alleged insider tells the Express.

“However, Kate and Wills are modernizing the Royal Family, so it wouldn’t be a huge surprise to see them opt for a ‘normal’ name.”

Really?! In what universe does Thomas of Cambridge not “spring out as a traditional, regal name”?

It certainly beats out “Prince Jack” in that department.

Anyway, according to oddsmakers, Thomas has claimed the top spot as the most likely name for Kate and William’s kid with 5/1 odds.

The name has edged out James as the number one favorite.

Of course, we won’t know what name Will and Kate have decided on until the little prince (or princess) enters the world sometime in the next few weeks.

And then the British scandal sheets will immediately turn their attention to the wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle.

Don’t worry; we’re sure there’s plenty to gamble on there, too.

We’ll take 5 million to 1 odds that Meghan gets cold feet and pulls a runaway bride.


Friday, April 13, 2018

Prince William Drops MAJOR Hint on Royal Baby"s Gender

With Duchess Kate Middleton ready to give birth in the near future, this royal pregnancy is getting more and more attention.

And it appears that Prince William may have dropped a massive hint about whether they’re expecting a little prince or a little princess.

Is this a major royal gaffe?

Like a large number of people, Prince William is a fan of sports.

Specifically, he enjoys soccer, which is called “football” in … well, outside of the United States, where soccer is popular even among adults.

The Prince is a fan of the Aston Villa Football Club, and celebrated Jack Grealish’s successful and dramatic win for his side when he played against Cardiff City.

In his enthusiasm, it appears that he let something slip about his third child with Kate Middleton.

Referring to Grealish’s skill on the field and accomplishments during that particular game, William told fans:

“I’m going to insist the baby is called Jack.”

After a brief pause, in which he may have realized what he had said, he added:

“…Or Jackie.”

Is this a huge reveal and therefore a major royal gaffe?

It is difficult to tell, but many believe that Prince William accidentally leaked his child’s expected sex.

When one is excited, even a royal who has been schooled from birth to keep things private can have a loosened tongue.

That would certainly shoot down rumors that Kate Middleton is expecting twin girls. (Everyone loves a twin story)

But we should mention that it is also possible that was entirely joking about the name “Jack” and only threw in the “Jackie” line so that people would not jump to conclusions.

Obviously, that did not work out the way that he may have planned.

As for the name itself, well, regardless of the little one’s sex, Prince William is probably joking.

Even regular, non-royal people need to be thoughtful about the names that they give to their children.

If we all just picked the names of people we admire for our children, it could backfire when prospective employers refuse to interview someone named “Magneto” or decline to hire yet another “Carrie Fisher” because they already have a dozen and it’s already creating confusion at the office.

For royals, the pressures when it comes to names are even more intense. 

Look at William’s children’s names: George and Charlotte.

George is a traditional name in his family, and St. George is said to have slain Britain’s last dragon, and is the patron saint of England. 

Charlotte is another name from his family, most notably of Queen Charlotte of Mecklenberg-Strelitz. Also, the name Charlotte has its roots in Charles, the name of William’s father.

So it seems likely that whatever name they choose for this royal baby, it won’t be “Jack.”

(Probably for the best, since when people outside of the UK think of a famous British person by that name, they’re likely to think of Jack the Ripper)

This baby … who seems more and more likely to be a little prince … will probably have a name with a rich royal history.

A name deeply entrenched in British culture.

A name hich, zero offense to anyone named “Jack,” will probably have a less common air to it.

Now is more or less the right time for the couple to introduce a new child into the family.

Princess Charlotte just started preschool, so a new baby will be slightly more manageable.

And the child is also close enough in age to Charlotte and even George that they won’t feel like strangers from different generations.

They may or may not be playmates, but that will have more to do with personality and interests than it has to do with their ages.

We’re all looking forward to the birth of this next royal baby.

Even if it does end up being “Prince Jack.”


Monday, April 9, 2018

Jinger Duggar Reveals Baby Gender: She"s Having a...

Over the past few weeks, Jinger Duggar has shared numerous updates about the size of her impending baby.

At 20 weeks, it was akin to an artichoke. At 22 weeks, a bell pepper. At 25 weeks, a cauliflower.

But the reality star has now taken a break from comparing her fetus to various kinds of food items and instead shared a different sort of tidbit about the child…

… it’s gender!

Indeed, following months of anticipation by Duggar family fans ever since Jinger and Jeremy Vuolvo announced they were expecting in January, we finally know exactly what they are expecting.

So, which will it be? A boy or a girl?!?!?

Cue a drumroll in your head and scroll immediately down for the answer.

The baby will be a…

… GIRL!!!!!!!!

According to People Magazine, Jinger and Jeremy revealed this piece of news in exciting and unusual fashion:

They set up a relay race in Laredo, Texas and asked it to be completed by friends and family members.

Wait, what? Huh?!? We can explain:

The couple split their loved ones into a pink team and a blue team.

One by one, an individual on each team had to eat a single serve container of ice cream prior to running the obstacle course.

The captain of the first team to finish the race then had the honor of flipping the switch on a “Baby” neon light, revealing the gender, while Jinger and Jeremy sprayed everyone with pink silly string.

That’s, ummm, different.

“We are so happy to announce that we are having a little baby girl!” the TLC personality tell People, adding:

“We could not be more excited and are eagerly anticipating meeting our little lady this summer.

“We especially love thinking forward and realizing that she will have excellent role models in both of her grandmothers, who cannot wait to shower her with love.”

Instagram followers last week thought that Jinger was set to welcome a boy because she wrote the word “baby” in blue on a chalkboard, as you can see below.

Alas, it will be the complete opposite of a boy. Surprise!

Jinger and Jeremy told the world early on this year that they were expecting their first child together, about 14 months after getting married.

This is what they said at the time:

The past fourteen months have been the best of our lives as we have had the wonderful privilege of beginning our journey through life together in marriage.

We both looked forward to the joys of marriage but neither one of us fully understood just how amazing the start of this journey would be. Truly, the Lord’s mercies are new every morning!

Now, the journey has taken an exciting turn: we are expecting our first child!

We are praising God for this beautiful gift and ask that you join us in praying for a safe and healthy pregnancy

Psalm 139:13-14 13 For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother’s womb. 14 I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.

Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well.

In an earlier video for TLC, Jinger and Jeremy had said they’d be “happy either way,” whether the kid was male or female.

This, of course, is the right attitude.

All that really matters in the end, after all, is that they keep the kid away from Josh Duggar.

Far, far, far, FAR away,


Thursday, March 29, 2018

Man Uses Alligator for Gender Reveal, Shocks Chrissy Teigen

File this under the Welp, We"ve Never See THAT Before category…

A couple in Louisiana gathered together many friends and family members this week in order to reveal the gender of their unborn child.

But they didn"t use any balloons or cakes to surprise everyone (themselves included) with this piece of information.

They used an alligator.


Mike “T-Mike” Kliebert and Rebecca Miller are both trained alligator handlers and they took full advantage of their skills in this unique area by inviting one of their favorite reptiles to their party.

In the following footage, which has been viewed over 7 million times on Facebook, Mike feeds the alligator a small watermelon.

You can see the creator"s mouth snap shut, prior to blueberry Jell-O pouring out forth, thereby indicating that Mike and Miller are having a little boy.

Hooray, right?!?

Family and friends are seen cheering along with the husband and wife.

The clip has gone viral because, well… you did read that a man used an alligator to reveal his baby"s sex, right?

Among those who commented on the video was Chrissy Teigen, who has never met a social media moment she did not fully embrace.

"aaah yes the classic jello watermelon alligator snap gender reveal, who could ever get enough of these precious moments," she wrote in response to the reveal.

For whatever it"s worth, meanwhile, the alligator is named Sally and has appeared in American Horror Story and is set to appear in upcoming movie Louisiana Caviar starring Katharine McPhee and Richard Dreyfuss.

What does the Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries think of this stunt?

It does not recommend using alligators for gender reveals.

“It wasn’t harmful to the animal,” a spokesperson told The Huffington Post.

“But we discourage and don’t condone anyone using an animal as exhibition piece. Also, it is not wise to have a dangerous animal in such a demonstration so close to humans, especially children."

That"s a fair point.

Watch the footage now:

Man uses alligator for gender reveal horrifies chrissy teigen

Friday, March 16, 2018

Chelsea Houska: Pregnant with Baby #3! (And We Know the Gender!)

A Teen Mom 2 star is expecting baby number-three.

Chelsea Houska and husband Cole DeBoer took Instagram followers by surprise on Thursday night when they confirmed they’re expecting their second child together.

(And Chelsea’s third overall.)

“…GUESS WHAT!” Chelsea wrote to open her exciting announcement, which included a photo of her latest sonogram.

She then answered her own quasi question as follows:

“A sweet baby girl will be joining the DeBoer clan in a few short months! We could not be more excited”

DeBoer also shared the special image below and wrote as a captionto it:

“This proud dad is getting a new Bow and it’s nailed my heart @chelseahouska.”

The MTV reality stars welcomed their son, Watson Cole, in January 2017.

Chelsea, meanwhile, also has an eight-year-old daughter named Aubree Lind from a previous relationship with ex-boyfriend Adam Lind.

shall be a gal

(Due to all the scandals surrounding Lind, there’s been chatter that Cole may one day adopt Aubree, but this is yet to actually happen. We’ll keep readers posted.)

This happy piece of news arrives just over five months since the couple celebrated its second wedding ceremony, an occasion that made it clear just how stable and happy Chelsea and Cole actually are together.

“Yesterday was absolutely incredible,” Chelsea wrote at the time, adding:

“We got to celebrate our marriage with all the people we love and had a fricken BLAST. I love this man @coledeboer.”

The pair wed in October of 2016 and have somehow managed not to cause any controversy ever since, a rarity among Teen Mom twosomes.

They also shared their joy over Watson turning a year old in January via a number of adorable photos and this cute message from Chelsea:

“MY LITTLE BUDDY IS ONE! He’s the easiest, sweetest, cuddliest little boy in the whole world and we are so grateful for him!

“He loves his sissy the most and he loooves pointing at everything and saying ‘dat’… we love you sweet boy!! @coledeboer.”

In response to Chelsea and Cole’s Instagram posts, a fellow Teen Mom jumped on Twitter to send a note of congraultions.

Kailyn Lowry, who has three sons, wrote the following to Chelsea on her social media account:

“Welcome to the moms of 3 club @ChelseaHouska @TM2LeahDawn… So happy for my babies! @ChelseaHouska & cole & fam.”

Despite just welcoming a child last year, Chelsea admitted on an episode of Teen Mom 2 last August she was ready to get pregnant once again.

Simply watching one child in action made her yearn for another child.

message from kl

“Doesn’t this give you baby fever? Doesn’t it?” Houska asked her husband as she smiled as their son wiggling on a blanket.

“Yeah! By next year I was thinking we could probably have three,” Cole replied.

“I’m serious,” she said. “Do you think by next year we’ll have another one?”

“We’re going to have more when mom’s ready to have more,” he responded.

Turns out, both stars were correct!

They are having a baby this year and, we assume, they are ready for her!

Please join us in sending the very best wishes to Chelsea on a healthy pregnancy and to both parents on a happy and healthy baby.

Good for them!


Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Chip Gaines Receives Special Help to Confirm Baby Gender

Chip Gaines and Joanna Gaines are having a baby.

This is not news.

Heck, Joanna recently showed off her growing belly in a tight black dress, making it clear she isn’t keeping this pregnancy a secret of any kind.

But what kind of baby are Chip and Joanna having?

A boy or a girl?

This is a question that has not been answered…until now!

The Fixer Upper co-host took to Twitter this morning and shared a video that confirmed the gender of his impending child.

It’s unclear if this was really how Chip planned on making the announcement to his many followers, but make it he and his new friend surely did.

cg tweet

“Alright, alright … if we’re going to announce the gender of our #5th child. It might as well come from my new friend #Gage! Take it away my man. @tebowfoundation,” Chip wrote.

He then shared a video of his interaction with a little boy who Gaines met at the Tim Tebow Foundation’s golf weekend.

Kneeling aside a young boy with special needs, Chip smiles throughout the footage and says to Gage:

“We’re just about to have another little baby, because Uncle Chip lost his mind…

“I can’t think of a ‘D’ name. Can you help me think of a ‘D’ name?”

Chip then reveals that the D name is for a boy.

“Is that a secret? I don’t know, that might not even be allowed on Twitter. It’s a little boy and I need a ‘D’ name and so far, all I could come up with was Dragon, and she’s like, ’You are not calling that baby Dragon!’

“Can you help me?”

It’s VERY cute.

Check out the footage below:

Joanna and Chip are best known for having co-hosted five seasons of Fixer Upper on HGTV.

But they have also penned books, released clothing lines and just recently opened a restaurant in Texas.

They are already parents to Drake, 12, Ella, 11, Duke, 9, and Emmie Kay, 7.

But what’s one more child, right?!?

In alerting the universe to Joanna’s expecting state, Chip shared a photo of her belly and his pretend baby bump and then explained how this pregnancy happened, LOL:

“You might recall a few months back.. the ever amazing, ever romantic @JOHNNYSWIM was in Waco. And they put on a little too romantic of a concert.. anyways, one thing led to another, & we are officially pregnant.

“And I could not be more EXCITED! #5 #7ThePerfectNumber.”

As you can see below, fans of the reality stars are pretty excited over this development as well:

yay for chip

Fixer Upper’s final season is currently airing on HGTV Tuesdays at 9/8c.

We don’t know yet if Joanna gave Chip her blessing to reveal her baby’s gender in this manner…

… but who could be mad at the guy after a video such as this?


Monday, March 5, 2018

Khloe Kardashian Gender Reveal: What"s She Having?!?

The Keeping Up with the Kardashians Seasin 14 finale was titled “The Gender Reveal.”

For what reason?

Because Khloe Kardashian learned during the episode whether she was having a boy or a girl baby in a few weeks!

She learned this vital piece of information from half-sister Kylie Jenner for some scripted reason, as Kylie called Keeks while the latter was on vacation in San Francisco.

(Would a doctor even tell the results to anyone aside from his or her patient? We’re pretty sure not. But whatever. This is TV, people!)

“You’re having a girl!” a pumped-up Kylie tells Khloe over the phone.

“You’re lying!” responds a stunned Khloe.

“I’m not lying,” Kylie replies. “I’m so excited for you Khloe!”

But Khloe can’t reciprocate this feeling.

She sounds very disappointed with the news, saying it comes as a major surprise, despite there being just two possibilities for what this answer could have been.

“I don’t feel like I’m having a girl,” she says.

Kim, who was on the trip with Khloe, then tried to comfort her sister, saying, she, too, was sad to discover she was having a girl the first time she was pregnant.

“It’s OK, I cried when I found out North was going to be a girl too,” she explained.

“I don’t feel like I’m having a girl at all. I’m like in a state of shock,” Khloe reiterated, sticking to whatever words were penned for her by producers that would milk this moment for all the drama possible.

On Twitter after the finale aired, Khloe said she had a boy name picked out, which is part of the reason why she felt so let down by the truth.

She also tried to expound on her initial reaction on the episode itself:

“When you have your mind made up as to what you’re having, like everyone told me you’re going to feel what you’re having and you’ll just kind of know.

“And then when you find out it’s the complete opposite it’s just a shock.

“I just was convinced that I was having a boy, so to be having a girl it’s just like, ‘OK that wasn’t what I thought was going on."”

Khloe then called her mother and went over the whole story again.

“I’m really hoping Kylie’s gonna say she’s lying and like I’m really having a boy,” Kardashian said, still unable to process this truly unexpected developments.

Replied Kris Jenner:

“Khloe, the only thing I wanted in life, the only thing, was a boy. Three times, and I got the three of you: a man is much more attached to a girl.”

(Ummmm, what: did she just tell Khloe to be psyched because this means Tristan Thompson won’t leave her?!?)

“Totally, and I know Tristan will be in love and I’ll be in love and she’ll be so cute and whatever,” Khloe said in return trying to convince herself.

“This will be the love of his life, no offense to you, but this will be the love of his life,” Kris tells Khloe, to which she joked:

“Well, then I’m going to get jealous. I’m jealous. Well, then I don’t like that. I don’t like her.”

It took Khloe a little while to get there, but as you can see above, she’s now down with her kid’s gender.

“I am now so excited my daughter will have forever best friends with Chicago and Stormi!! God is great!!! Thank you Lord for our princess,” Tweeted the mother-to-be.

This will be Khloe’s first child and SHE is due some time in March or early April.

Kim also reacted to the gender reveal on social media, writing:

Khloe’s baby will join Kim’s two daughter Chicago and Kylie’s daughter Stormi as new female additions to this famous family.

What do you think of Khloe’s reaction to the news?

Was it weird or cute? Plotted ahead of time or legitimately spontaneous?

And, most importantly, what do you think she’ll name her daughter?!?


Monday, February 26, 2018

Khloe Kardashian Gender Reveal: It"s Shocking!

Khloe Kardashian is pregnant and having either a boy or a girl.

This is almost definitely a fact.

But we can"t say for certain because the following preview for Sunday"s season 14 finale of Keeping Up with the Kardashians teases Khloe on the verge of telling her family about the gender of her impending child…

… only for Kourtney Kardashian to react in total and complete shock.

"Do you want to know what I"m having?" Khloe asks in this sneak peek, resulting in Kourtney yelling in reply:

"I"m shocked!"

Perhaps Kourtney was really confident Khloe was having a daughter? Or a son? And this news in the opposite of that expectation?

Perhaps Khloe is having some sort of alien robot?

Perhaps this clip was edited and Kourtney"s reaction doesn"t actually follow Khloe"s major reveal?

We"ll need to tune in and watch Keeping Up with the Kardashians online or on our television screens in a few days to find out!

Khloe is about 31 weeks along with her first child.

The father, of course, is Cleveland Cavaliers basketball player Tristan Thompson.

Unlike half-sister Kylie, who welcomed her first child a few weeks ago, Khloe has been rather open and candid about her pregnancy.

Heck, she even discussed pregnancy sex and how it"s not the same as regular sex.

And she sounded beyond excited back when she confirmed the baby news.

"My greatest dream realized! We are having a baby!" wrote Khloe as a caption to an Instagram photo of her baby bump, adding on December 20:

"I had been waiting and wondering but God had a plan all along. He knew what He was doing.

"I simply had to trust in Him and be patient. I still at times can"t believe that our love created life!"

It really is incredible, isn"t it?

Check out the following preview for a look at what"s to come on the Keeping Up with the Kardashians finale:

Khloe kardashian gender reveal its shocking

Sunday, February 4, 2018

Joseph and Kendra Dugger Gender Reveal: They"re Having A...

Joseph and Kendra Dugger have some very exciting news to share.

Already having confirmed they’re expecting their first baby this year, the TLC star found a unique way over the weekend to announce the gender of this baby.

Were they feeling blue at the time?

Or pretty in pink?

This young Duggar couple made the reveal in an especially fun manner, as first reported by Us Weekly.

You see, Joseph’s brother, John David Duggar, is an Arkansas constable and part-time officer with the Tontitown Police Department.

This will soon become relevant, don’t worry. We’re not just bragging on his behalf.

Using his connections, John David organized a gender reveal unlike any we’ve seen before, using tannerite mixed with a certain color powder that would burst into the air once the explosive denotated.

(Do not try this at home, people. Make sure you have a professional standing by at all times.)

So… the Duggar family stood approximately 20 yards behind John David – who has undergone extensive firearm safety and weapons training – as he shot a bullet 200 yards into the substance, which is commonly used in target practice.

Blue powder subsequently burst into the air.

See a snapshot of the reveal below:

You know what this means, right?

Yup, a bundle of baby boy joy is on the way for Kendra and Joseph!

“Wow! We are so happy to learn that our firstborn is a boy!” the couple told Us Weekly, adding via statement:

“Our minds are already racing toward all the future memories to be made with this little guy!

“Most of all, we are already asking God to bless him and help us grow him into a loving and faithful follower of Christ!”

Along with the cute picture below, Kendra and Joseph were equally psyched when sharing news of the former expecting back in December.

This is what they said at the time:

“During this season that we are celebrating the birth of Christ, we are so excited to share with you that we are expecting the gift of a child ourselves! Wow, it’s so exciting!!!

“We’ve both always loved children and seen them as a real blessing from God.

“It’s so surreal to think of being parents and having our own little one. We cannot wait to see this new baby!”

Joseph is only 22 years old and Kendra is only 19 years old.

Even by Duggar standards, they are pretty young to become parents.

But this how members of the large family role, as anyone who has chronicled their controversial lives on television knows very well.

The two have known each other for a very long time, at least, having met in church way back when they were children.

Joseph popped the big question to Kendra at sister Joy-Anna’s wedding last May and then they got married in September at the First Baptist Church in Siloam Springs, Arkansas.

Making the event extra special?

They were married by Kendra’s dad, who is a pastor.

Speaking of Joy-Anna, meanwhile, she is also pregnant.

Based on her due date and her baby bump and rumors flying around the Internet, however, this pregnancy comes equipped with a built-in scandal:

Did she and Austin Forsyth have sex before marriage, make a child and then have a shotgun wedding?

Such shocking chatter refuses to die.

Either way, however, we send our best wishes to Joy-Anna and to Kendra for happy, healthy pregnancies and babies.


Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Lisa Marie Presley"s Estranged Husband Opens Up About Marital Gender Pay Disparity

Lisa Marie Presley’s estranged husband just conceded she runs circles around him when it comes to income, and that’s why he’s asking the judge to forcibly open her purse. Michael Lockwood just filed legal docs asking the judge in the couple’s…


Lisa Marie Presley"s Estranged Husband Opens Up About Marital Gender Pay Disparity

Lisa Marie Presley’s estranged husband just conceded she runs circles around him when it comes to income, and that’s why he’s asking the judge to forcibly open her purse. Michael Lockwood just filed legal docs asking the judge in the couple’s…


Monday, January 8, 2018

Debra Messing: Praised for Calling Out E! Over Gender Pay Gap!

Like many of the women who came dressed in black to the Golden Globes, a wardrobe of solidarity was only the most superficial part of Debra Messing"s agenda for the evening.

She is now being hailed as one of the evening"s most satisfying highlights. Why?

As you"ll see in the video below, Debra Messing calls out E!"s alleged gender pay gap … while being interviewed by E!.

Debra messing smiles at the golden globes

Sunday night"s Golden Globes were huge.

Oprah delivered a powerful speech that everyone is still talking about.

Oprah, Aziz Ansari, and Sterling K. Brown all made history with their respective awards — some long, long overdue milestones.

In her role as a presenter, Natalie Portman dragged the "all-male nominees" for Best Director, highlighting the bizarre gender gap and the women who were robbed for recognition of their incredible work.

Debra Messing didn"t wait until the ceremony to grab people"s attention.

She made her stand on the red carpet.

Catt sadler

Speaking to Giuliana Rancic, Debra Messing had a lot to say about the #TimesUp movement (which grew out of #MeToo).

"…Its time is up. We want diversity. We want intersectional gender parity. We want equal pay."

Those are all wonderful things! It"s great that she"s one of countless people demanding change in Hollywood.

And speaking of that whole equal pay thing …

"I was shocked to hear that E! doesn’t believe in paying their female co-host the same as their male co-host."

Oh wow.

"I miss Catt Sadler, so we stand with her. And that’s something that can change tomorrow."

Debra messing at the globes

See, just last month, Catt Sadler quit working at E! over an alleged pay gap issue.

She apparently learned that, though she"d worked at E! for 12 years, her cohost Jason Kennedy was earning about twice her salary, and that he"d been making that much for years.

The pay gap happens in all kinds of industries, folks. It can happen in entertainment news and anywhere else.

Many people hope that E! will make a fair offer to Catt Sadler that will allow her to return to work with dignity.

No one doubts that Jason Kennedy is worth what he"s making; they just want for Catt Sadler to be paid what she deserves.

And, by extension, for all women to be paid what they deserve rather than what employers believe that they can get away with.

Catt sadler picture

For the record, Debra Messing was not the only star on E!"s red carpet speaking out about Catt Sadler.

Eva Longoria, gorgeous and pregnant, told Ryan Seacrest:

"We support gender equity and equal pay, and we hope that E! follows that lead with Catt as well. We stand with you, Catt."

The fact that so many actresses wore black in solidarity and spoke about such important issues is a real sign of progress.

Debra messing profile at the golden globes

That is not to say that the Golden Globes went off without a hitch, however.

One subject of continuing controversy is creepy James Franco winning a Golden Globe when his reputation is sketchy at best.

In fact, his win on that night of all nights was enough for one actress to hint at sexual misconduct. Others have chimed in, alleging things like an interest in underage teens.

So yes, Hollywood — like the rest of the world — has a long way to go before everything"s as it should be.

But progress can only be made when people speak out. Thank you, Debra Messing.

See her call out E! right to E!"s cameras here:

Debra messing praised for calling out e over gender pay gap