Showing posts with label Cayne. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cayne. Show all posts

Monday, October 22, 2018

Candis Cayne Condemns Trump"s New Gender Policy

Actress Candis Cayne is outraged at President Trump’s reported plan to enforce strict new guidelines about transgender people — because she says his real goal is silencing the community. Candis — who is transgender and was featured…


Thursday, December 24, 2015

Caitlyn Jenner: Being USED By Candis Cayne & Other New Friends?!

Earlier this week, Star magazine reported that Caitlyn Jenner “regrets” her transition and would like to go back to identifying as a man named Bruce.

The story is obviously ridiculous, but if a new report from OK! magazine is true, there may be some truth to the claim that there are aspects of Caitlyn’s old life that she misses.

If you watch I Am Cait online, then you know that Caitlyn spends much of her time these days with a group of trans friends who helped support her during her transition.

Caitlyn and Candis became so close that at one point it was rumored that they were dating. 

Now, sources are telling OK! that Candis and the rest of Caitlyn’s new friends are simply exploiting the world’s most recognizable trans person for money and fame.

It began with reports (which Jenner has never refuted) that Caitlyn pays Candis and company to appear on I Am Cait.

Sources say the situation snowballed from there, until Caitlyn was fully supporting several of her “friends.”

“She doesn’t realize she’s being used, because she thinks it’s fair to pay people who appear on the show.” an insider tells the tabloid. “But she’s so generous and eager to be loved, she just gives them however much they ask for! It’s sad.”

The problem it seems, is that Cait’s new identity had left her feeling isolated from many of her former friends, and she still feels guilty over how much easier she’s had it than most trans people.

She reportedly sees using her wealth and fame to improve the lives of the trans women around her as an easy fix to both problems.

Unfortunately, it seems to have left her feeling more alone than ever. 

Friday, September 18, 2015

Kris Jenner: Jealous of Caitlyn Jenner-Candis Cayne Relationship?

On the season finale of I Am Cait, it looked as though the icy relationship between Kris and Caitlyn Jenner was finally beginning to thaw.

Kris and Caitlyn aren’t exactly BFFs, mind you, but it seems they’re both interested in ending the feud that began with Caitlyn’s Vanity Fair profile.

Unfortunately, now that Kris is back in Cailtyn’s life, she’s also back to trying to control Caitlyn’s life – specifically with regard to the former Olympian’s dating prospects.

Caitlyn has denied that she’s dating Candis Cayne, and she claims that the two of them are just friends. Kris, of course, isn’t buying it.

“Kris doesn’t trust Candis and thinks she’s giving Caitlyn very bad advice,” a source close to the situation tells Radar Online. 

Kris is reportedly so suspicious (and jealous) of what she thinks is Kris and Candis’ secret romance that she’s asked Kylie and Kendall Jenner to spy on their dad

“The girls don’t quite agree and are convinced it’s just Kris’s green-eyed monster rearing its head again, but they’ve promised their mom they’ll keep watch, but they won’t spy on her,” says the insider.

Most of the memers of Caitlyn’s inner circle seem to believe that Cait and Candis are not dating, and that the primary cause of Kris’ jealousy is her suspicion that she’s been replaced as Caitlyn’s top advisor.

“There’s no doubt Caitlyn’s become very reliant on Candis for everything and Candice has totally been slotted into the place vacated by Kris,” says the source.