Thursday, April 19, 2018

Kate Middleton: Baby Name and Gender REVEALED?!

As you’ve no doubt heard by now, Kate Middleton is pregnant with her third child.

And despite the fact that she’s mostly been keeping mum about the details, there’s been a great deal of speculation in the British press regarding Kate’s due date, and of course, the baby’s name and gender.

No one on the planet is more closely guarded than the British Royal Family, but these days, it’s hard even for them to keep a secret.

The media has already unearthed details about Kate’s birth plan, but the most important pieces of information remain a mystery … sort of.

There are those who think William accidentally revealed that Kate is having a boy in recent comments he made to the press.

And there are those who feel so confident about the baby’s name that they’re willing to put money on it.

It seems most gamblers have decided that the gender issue has already been settled by Will’s remarks.

Speaking of his admiration for soccer legend Jack Graelish, William blurted, “I’m going to insist the baby is called Jack.”

He attempted to rescue himself, by adding, “Or Jackie…” but the British press had already made up its mind.

Of course, the Royals would no sooner name a boy Jack then they’d name a girl Crystal, so the leading theory amongst people who feel compelled to bet on this sort of thing is that Will revealed the gender, but not the name.

For information on that, these folks rely on dubious intel from Kensington Palace.

Kate Middleton with a Smile

“Prince Thomas of Cambridge does have a nice ring to it, even if the name doesn’t immediately spring out as a traditional, regal name,” an alleged insider tells the Express.

“However, Kate and Wills are modernizing the Royal Family, so it wouldn’t be a huge surprise to see them opt for a ‘normal’ name.”

Really?! In what universe does Thomas of Cambridge not “spring out as a traditional, regal name”?

It certainly beats out “Prince Jack” in that department.

Anyway, according to oddsmakers, Thomas has claimed the top spot as the most likely name for Kate and William’s kid with 5/1 odds.

The name has edged out James as the number one favorite.

Of course, we won’t know what name Will and Kate have decided on until the little prince (or princess) enters the world sometime in the next few weeks.

And then the British scandal sheets will immediately turn their attention to the wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle.

Don’t worry; we’re sure there’s plenty to gamble on there, too.

We’ll take 5 million to 1 odds that Meghan gets cold feet and pulls a runaway bride.
