Showing posts with label Jinger. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jinger. Show all posts

Saturday, November 17, 2018

Jinger Duggar Gets Mom-Shamed Again: Enough With the Head Wraps!

Back in July, Jinger Duggar welcomed her first child.

And like so many of her sisters, she’s enjoyed sharing all the joys of her motherhood with her millions of social media followers.

Unfortunately, as with her sisters, many of Jinger’s followers visit her page for the sole purpose of talking trash.

Yes, mom-shaming the Duggars is a favorite activity of many Instagram trolls.

And the folks who engage in this sort of activity really don’t need much to set them off.

They can be triggered by Jessa Duggar’s messy house, Jill’s perceived shortcomings as a homeschool teacher, or even Felicity Vuolo’s head wraps.

Yes, Jinger enjoys putting various forms of headgear on her child, and for reasons we can’t quite figure, a very vocal contingent of Instagram users finds this practice reprehensible.

And the craziest part is, they can’t even agree on why it’s wrong.

At first, Jinger was slammed for cultural appropriation.

As is the case most of the time that term is used, people were angry, but they weren’t really sure why.

Now that that argument has been laid to rest — probably because Jinger’s haters realized no culture can lay claim to the practice of wrapping fabric around a baby’s head — several new ones have emerged.

Jinger recently posted the photo below to Instagram, setting off a whole new round of criticism:

“Felicity helping Uncle Scott with interviews,” she captioned the pic.

Seems innocent enough, but some fans took issue with little Lissy’s hat.

A few speculated that Jinger is planning to launch a children’s fashion line, and she’s “using” Felicity to model her wares.

There’s no indication that’s true, but even if it were … would that really be so bad?

Others simply don’t care for Felicity’s fashion sense.

“Young moms are going overboard with head wraps for their girls all the time,” wrote one.

Another commented that Felicity looks like “an old lady.”

Yes, the kind of people who spend their time insulting babies on the internet are firmly convinced that their voices deserve to be heard.

This is some peak 2018 sh-t right here, folks. 

We shudder to think what next year might bring.


Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Jinger Duggar Shows Off Adorable Mother-Daughter Twinning Photo

Jinger Duggar has been treating Counting On fans to photos of her adorable little family.

Now, she and husband Jeremy Vuolo are sharing a new photo.

In it, she’s twinning with her 3-month old baby, Felicity.

“Like mother, like daughter,” Jinger captioned the photo that you’re about to see.

In it, the 24-year-old Duggar daughter is wearing a floral headband.

Baby Felicity is wearing a matching headband — it’s just a smaller version for her tiny baby head.

While they’re not otherwise in matching outfits, we think that it still counts as twinning.

(Seriously, finding a baby outfit that matches adult clothing can be tricky)

Besides, the picture is just too cute.

This mother-daughter photo is so cute!

This is the time of year for dressing up in a lot more than headbands, but the Duggar family does not celebrate Halloween.

Michelle Duggar expressed her strong views in a blog post in 2011.

“While we do go to pumpkin patches and corn mazes,” Michelle wrote. “We don’t do the Halloween thing.”

You miss out on a lot of fun and a lot of culture when you grow up in the Duggar household.

“From the beginning of our marriage we just kind of felt like we didn’t want to celebrate that holiday,” she shared.

“But,” Michelle admitted. “We enjoy the harvest celebration.”

“Our church fellowship has had different celebrations through the years that we’ve been a part of,” Michelle continued.

Michelle wrote that these celebrations were “ones where the children can play games and receive candy and toys and do all kinds of fun things, like a cake walk.”

Really, of course, the family’s reluctance to participate in Halloween stems from a desire to isolate the children from any cultural experiences that they consider unbiblical.

In Growing Up Duggar by Jill, Jinger, Jessa, and Jana mention how seriously Jim Bob and Michelle take the supernatural.

“One specific thing that our parents have always been careful about is magic,” the book says. “Which often shows up in children’s movies.”

“As harmless as it may seem, it’s not a joke in God’s eyes,” the girls say.

“Magic, sorcery, witches, spell-casting and the like are all part of the demonic realm that God wants us to stay away from,” the book continues.

“No matter how ‘good’ a film containing magic may seem,” the girls warn. “God speaks seriously throughout the Bible.”

The girls write that “it is not something to be glorified or portrayed by any means as something fun or attractive.”

So we don’t think that Felicity will be going trick-or-treating when she gets older.

Halloween, first of all, tends to glorify a lot of those things — you know, people dress as witches and ghosts.

Also, the holiday itself is based upon an ancient religious festival of the Celtics, that involved honoring the dead while celebrating the year’s final harvest.

While most see Halloween as fairly distinct from Samhain, which some still practice today, to the Duggars, it’s a spiritual threat.

That said, Jeremy Vuolo has shown that he’s less strict than Jim Bob and Michelle.

Just as Austin Forsyth viewed and reviewed the Marvel film, Thor, Jeremy has demonstrated that he doesn’t share their views.

He believes that women can wear pants.

Might he one day allow his daughter to dress up as Batgirl or as a princess?

Maybe we’ll find out.

For now, she’s a literal baby and is perfectly happy wearing a headband that matches her mother’s.


Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Jinger Duggar Shares Adorable Pics of Her "Little Family," Melts Fans" Hearts

Hard to believe it"s been three months since Jinger Duggar welcomed her first child.

These days, Jinger and her husband, Jeremy Vuolo, are loving their lives as new parents and sharing every moment of that joy on social media.

Perhaps it"s because Jinger and Jeremy live in Laredo, Texas, far away from the rest of the Duggar clan in Arkansas.

Or perhaps it"s because Jinger has harbored a lifelong love of photography.

Whatever the reason, the pics of little Felicity just keep coming, and fans can"t get enough.

Take a look:

1. Jinger, Jeremy, Felicity

Jinger jeremy felicity

Jinger has posted several new photos of her “little family” this week. And fans have eagerly expressed their appreciation.

2. Felicity In Black and White

Felicity in black and white

“Safe in Daddy’s arms,” Jinger captioned this artful pic. Duggar fans may recall that Jinger has long had an interest in photography.

3. Felicity’s Parents

Felicitys parents

Despite the demands of being first-time parents, Jinger and Jeremy still make time for one another. She captioned this pic, “Forever and always.”

4. Friend of the Vuolo Family

Friend of the vuolo family

“Our lovely friend Adelyn Foto is in town this weekend! Felicity couldn’t be bothered for a smile,” Jinger captioned this pic.

5. Felicity at 3 Months

Felicity at 3 months

It’s hard to believe three months have gone by since little Felicity entered the world. Fortunately, Jimnger has been thoroughly documenting all the major moments in her daughter’s life.

6. Flying High

Felicity vuolo on a plane

At 3 months old, Felicity is already a seasoned world traveler! Okay, so she’s only been on one plane — but it’s a start!

View Slideshow

Friday, October 19, 2018

Jinger Duggar: Getting My Pre-Baby Body Back Was Easy!

It’s been three months since Jinger Duggar welcomed her first child, and from the looks of her latest Instagram pics, the 24-year-old wasted no time in getting back to her fitness regimen.

Fans have marveled at Jinger’s post-baby body, and many have asked the Counting On star for tips and tricks.

Fortunately, Jinger is happy to fill fans in on her weight loss methods.

Unfortunately, her followers might not be thrilled with Jinger’s “secrets.”

It turns out, Jinger has stuck to the basics in the months since she welcomed little Felicity into the world.

Insiders say she eats right and exercises a lot — a fact Jinger confirmed with her latest Instagram posts.

Jinger and her husband, Jeremy Vuolo, currently reside in Laredo, Texas, and while they escaped the brunt of Hurricane Michael, their proximity to the Gulf Coast means the couple has faced some pretty wild weather lately.

But Jinger didn’t let the rain and wind stand in the way of her daily jogs.

Jinger recently documented the stormy weather on her Instagram page and informed fans that it would not stop her from getting in a vigorous workout:

Jinger Running

“Perfect day for a run,” she captioned the above photo.

As rich and famous as they are, the Duggars tend to eschew luxuries such as personal trainers and Hollywood trends like fad diets.

So it stands to reason that Jinger would favor the old-fashioned approach when trying to lose that last little bit of baby weight.

Needless to say, the old ways seem to be working for her.

And one of Jinger’s famous peers recently took notice.

“Uhm so that mama is looking fantastic. Congrats on your new baby girl!!!” Little People, Big World star Tori Roloff recently commented on one of Jinger’s pics.

“She gets prettier every day.”

Jeremy was quick to second that opinion, responding, “She gets prettier every day.”

Obviously, baby Felicity is Jinger’s number one priority these days, but it seems she’s also taking time to look after herself while Jeremy watches the baby.

Further evidence that, slowly but surely, the Duggars are joining the 21st century.

Better late than never!


Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Jinger Duggar Continues to Outrage Fans With Pics of Her Daughter

In general, photos of infants are up there with videos of cats doing funny things on the short list of internet posts that won’t piss anybody off.

But if you’re a member of the Duggar family everything you do is subject to intense scrutiny and harsh criticism — and Jinger Duggar’s latest baby photo is no exception.

That’s little Felicity Duggar enjoying what we assume is her first plane ride.

Jinger captioned the pic, “Little travel buddy.”

Seems inoffensive enough, right?

After all who could have a problem with an infant on an airplane (aside from, ya know, every other passenger on that plane).

Well, believe it or not, Jinger has been accused of trolling her critics with this pic.

If that sounds absurd, that’s because it absolutely is.

But you’re currently on the internet, so you’re well aware that we’re living in absurd times.

Anyway, the outrage has to do with Felicity’s headgear.

Yes, believe it or not Jinger has been accused of cultural appropriation for tying a scarf to her child’s head.

We suppose it’s possible that Jinger came across an old photo of Tupac and decided that would be a good look for her daughter.

But the much more likely explanation is that the scarf is simply an easy way to keep the baby’s head warm.

Not surprisingly, the constant negative attention has begun to take a toll on Jinger.

“She feels like she’s constantly getting mom shamed since she had Felicity. She had no idea it was going to be this bad,” an insider close to Jinger tells Hollywood Life.

“Jinger is doing her best to ignore the negativity and focus on the positive, but it’s hard.”

Scarf-gate began with the above photo of Jinger and Jeremy attending a Chicago Cubs game last month, and remarkably, it shows no signs of letting up.

Fortunately, Jinger isn’t letting the haters win.

She’s continued to post pics of Felicity, and it doesn’t look like she’ll be stopping any time soon.

We say give the girl a break. It’s bad enough she was raised in the freakin’ Duggar family.


Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Jinger Duggar"s Daughter Survives First Ridiculous "Scandal"

Last week, Jinger Duggar was accused of cultural appropriation for wrapping her daughter’s head in fabric in order to keep it warm while the family attended a Chicago Cubs game.

The situation was annoying for a number of reasons.

For starters, these are the Duggars we’re talking about.

If you want to complain about an ignorant habit or a questionable child-rearing practice, they give you so much good material to work with.

There’s really no need to go nit-picking.

On top of that, since when is there a specific culture that owns the exclusive rights to wrapping babies up in fabric to keep them warm?

By that logic, Jinger and her ilk can and should accuse Scientologists of cultural approporiation.

After all, far-right evangelicals were weirding people out with their extremist beliefs decades before L. Ron Hubbard was even born.

Anyway, when you slam the Duggars for perfectly normal behavior, you reinforce their belief that they’re simply being persecuted for their religious convictions.

Worse, you distract from the actual shady practices the family engages in on a regular basis.

And as you can see from the photo below, Jinger is not the slightest bit concerned about the uproar over her baby girl’s headgear.

That’s a pic Jinger posted on Monday.

The proud new mom captioned the image, “So smiley!”

Her head is wrapped in a fashion that’s identical to the Wrigley Field pic, and it looks as though neither Jinger or Felicity are losing any sleep over the uproar.

In fact, Jinger probably received a monetary bonus from Jim Bob this month.

Every time something like this happens, it strengthens the Duggars’ argument that the public will find fault with everything they do.

So now, when there’s another legitimate Duggar scandal — and we’re about due for a big one — Jim Bob can point to this situation and be all:

“[Self-righteous sigh] This is just like that time everyone freaked out on Jinger’s baby for wearing a scarf.”

The worst part is, this “scandal” is probably the result of 8-10 very vocal nitwits who get a weird high from being mad online.

This has been yet another installment of “Society: It Just Wasn’t Ready For the Internet.”


Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Jinger Duggar: Accused of Cultural Appropriation Over Felicity"s Head Wrap

Just a couple of weeks ago, Jinger Duggar was mom-shamed for making her baby wear gloves, which fans believe will hinder Felicity’s motor development.

This time, however, they’re getting parent-shamed for something else.

Are Jinger and Jeremy guilty of cultural appropriation?

Felicity and Jeremy shared this sweet photo on Instagram.

The parents captioned it: “Took Felicity out to the @cubs game.”

Felicity’s hands are once again entombed within mittens, which her parents put on her to keep her from scratching her face with her sharp nails.

That was not the primary focus of the mom-shamers this time.

This time, the concern is over a couple of things — first and foremost, that head wrap. Is it cultural appropriation?

“This is racism,” wrote one commenter very bluntly.

Another wrote that putting Felicity in the hair wrap was a “microaggression.”

A microaggression, folks, is a subtle jab against marginalized people that they experience every day.

(Like asking an American of Asian descent where they’re from, and not being satisfied with an answer like “Virginia”)

Some also shamed the parents for taking Felicity to a loud public space, but that took a backseat to the head wrap.

(Here is Khloe’s daughter, True Thompson, for comparison, since a fan brought it up)

When one fan asked why it’s okay for Khloe Kardashian’s baby True to wear one, another fan explained.

“The difference is,” the other fan wrote of Khloe. “Her baby is African American and entitled to wear one.”

Another just thought that it wasn’t fashionable, and wrote: “I really think a French beret is more baby appropriate and fashionable.”

It looks plenty stylish, but the appropriateness of it is in question.

Some fans rose to Jinger and Jeremy’s defense.

“Women of many cultures wear head wraps,” wrote one. “There nothing specifically African-American about it.”

That same commenter even cites an example: “Rosie the Riveter had a head wrap.”

“I think the baby looks adorable,” another writes. “Nothing to do with race. chill out people.”

“I hope you do not listen to these negative people,” that fan continues. “What is the problem that head was cover and she looks great.”

“They are not the problem you are reading into it more than needed,” the commenter claims. “Fashion is for everyone.”

Cultural appropriation is a complex subject, in part because a lot of people don’t realize when they’re doing it.

What’s more is that there can be real debate, even within marginalized communities, over what is and is not appropriation.

African head wraps are from sub-saharan Africa and predate the horrors of the trans-Atlantic slave trade.

In fact, head wraps were one of the few cultural symbols that African slaves were able to take with them to the Caribbean and to North America.

Unfortunately, some slave owners would force slaves to wear head wraps, which turned this cultural symbol into a symbol of oppression.

It is only in relatively recent decades that the natural hair movement has begun to reclaim the head wrap for black women in America.

As we said, this is such a complex subject. We are certainly not qualified to be the arbiters of what is and is not appropriation.

We will say that it’s definitely true that multiple cultures have used head wraps.

We tend to believe that claiming something as one’s own — for example, having a bunch of mostly white runway models wear hair wraps — would be appropriation.

Putting a baby in a stylish hair wrap, on the other hand? That seems a lot more benign.

Quite frankly, it’s kind of nice to think that any members of the Duggar family are willing to learn from any other cultures.


Saturday, September 22, 2018

Jinger Duggar Ignores Trolls, Shares Special New Baby Pic

Jinger Duggar is here to stick it to the haters.

Okay, maybe not.

Maybe the beloved TLC star is just here to share a special photo of her daughter with followers.

But we’d like to think she got a tad bit of pleasure from her latest posting as well.

We say this because Jinger has come under a ridiculous barrage of ridicule of late due to a couple ways in which she has dressed her adorable little girl, Felicity.

Earlier this week, Duggar published what appeared to be a very innocent snapshot of the infant, only to be hit with one comment after another from trolls who were aghast that Felicity was wearing mittens.

“Those mitts are so stupid. They need to self-soothe and they can’t with those mitts… get them off,” some huge loser actualluy wrote, while another agreed and added as a remark:

“Free the hands! Better for her development.”

Nevermind, apparently, that the American Academy of Pediatrics, often recommend babies wear mittens in order to avoid scratching their face with their nails.

Elsewhere, haters have given Felicity a hard time for typically including a headband or scarf on top of Felicity’s precious noggin.

This is less a complaint based on anything health-related or emotion-related; folks simply think it’s a lame look.

Consider the following Instagram following, for example:

posh knots

To her credit, however, Jinger has risen above it all.

She has taken the high road.

She hasn’t responded to any of these misguided and/or cruel remarks… she’s simply continued to dress her child however she sees fit.

The latest case in point? This picture below, which Jinger shared in honor of Felicity turning two months old. We love that she included the headwear in it!

“She’s all smiles these days,” Jeremy Vuolo recently told fans of how well Felicity has been doing, as he and Jinger simply can’t stop gushing over their kid.

Not that we’re about to blame them. Not at all.

Along with hearts and a baby emoji, Jinger wrote the following as a caption to this image:

She’s 2 months already?! #timeflies #felicitynicolevuolo #2months2days.

A handful of followers, meanwhile, took note of the timestamp on the photo and just had to give Jinger some props, with one individual writing:

“You know you’re the mommy of a 2-month-old when it’s nearly 4:30 in the morning and you’re making Instagram posts.”

This actually led to a response from Duggar: “You are exactly right.”

HA! We love it.

And we can just imagine millions of women around the world nodding in agreement right about now.

Stated Jinger and Jeremy back in July, when their firstborn first entered their lives:

“God is so kind!.

Jinger gave birth to Felicity Nicole Vuolo this morning at 4:37 am.” And then they laid out her stats: “Felicity weighs 8lbs. and 3oz. and is 19.5 inches long. Both mom and baby are healthy, doing great, and resting well.

“We are very thankful for her safe arrival and look forward to life as parents.”


Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Counting On Recap: Jinger Duggar Learns She"s Having a Girl!

Counting On suffers from the same problem as so many reality shows nowadays, in that its stars are so famous and so popular on social media that it’s very easy to stay up to speed with what’s going on in their lives.

Some have argued that these circumstances render reality TV obsolete, but Counting On remains as popular as ever, and last night’s episode provided some potent reminders of why that is.

The installment served up major developments on different fronts, as the two most rebellious Duggar siblings each prepared for the next stage in their life.

Back in July, Jinger Duggar welcomed her first child, a girl named Felicity.

But at the time that Monday’s episode was filmed, the young couple was still clueless as to the baby’s sex.

“There was a lot of anticipation waiting to find out the gender,” Jinger told the cameras of prior to her doctor’s appointment.

“Who’s the baby going to look like? We were both so thrilled.”

Jeremy — clearly overwhelmed by seeing an image of his daughter for — struggled to put the profound moment into words.

“That’s incredible,” he said at one point.

“This was my first time ever being in an ultrasound, and the fact it’s my child was astonishing,” Vuolo later added.

“I was almost at a loss for words.”

Despite some initial misgivings, Jeremy and Jinger opted to find out the baby’s gender as early as possible, and lucky for us, the emotional moment was caught on camera.

“We opted not to be surprised so maybe we could have more time to reflect on the name, and maybe down the road we may choose to be surprised,” Vuolo said.

“When the technician told us what we were having, we were both overjoyed,” Jinger told the cameras.

“We just could not believe it.”

Just a few months later Felicity Nicole Vuolo entered the world at 8lbs. and 3oz. 

And so far, fans have continued to share in every moment of her young life.

Of course, Jinger and Jeremy weren’t the only ones gearing up for a life-changing moment on last night’s show.

Josiah Duggar and Lauren Swanson got married in June, and on Monday’s Counting On, fans got a peek at the preparations as Lauren attempted to find the perfect dress for the occasion.

The Duggars and their fundamentalist community are typically very big on gender roles, but Lauren broke with tradition by bringing her dad along on her dress-shopping excursion.

“Before Josiah came into the picture, my dad was my very best friend,” Lauren told the cameras.

“He was someone I always would talk to about anything if anything was wrong, and I really value my dad’s opinion.”

Of course, there are downsides to shopping with the guy who’s footing the bill:

“I really wanted him to be part of it. My dad will probably be more concerned about the price, just knowing my dad,” Lauren said.

“He’s very frugal. I don’t necessarily like to pick the expensive things. I don’t tend, to but that happens.”

Clearly, Lauren’s not as conservative as the Duggars — so it’s a good thing that she found happiness with the most non-traditional of the Counting On clan.


Thursday, September 13, 2018

Jinger & Amy Duggar Bury the Hatchet ... But Why Were They Feuding In the First Place?

Back in November of 2016, Jinger Duggar married Jeremy Vuolo at one of those massively-attended ceremonies that have become a common occurrence in Springdale, Arkansas in recent years.

With few exceptions, the Duggars marry very young, and they invite hundreds of guests to their weddings, including, of course, their many siblings and other familial relations.

But as fans pointed out following Jinger’s wedding, one of the most famous members of the extended Duggar clan was not in attendance at the ceremony or the reception.

In fact, Amy Duggar was 1,300 miles away in Las Vegas.

As you might imagine, Jinger’s ultra-conservative family are no great fans of Sin City, and many assumed that Amy’s choice of vacation destination was her way of flipping the bird to Jim Bob and company,

Adding fuel to the fire of a major feud was the revelation that Jinger stopped following Amy on Instagram.

As In Touch Weekly points out, the Duggar obsessives of Reddit went wild when they noticed that Amy was posting selfies from Vegas as Jinger was saying “I do” in Arkansas.

“Maybe Jinger and Amy had a falling out,” one fan speculated.

“I actually bought the plans excuse. Duggar weddings are always announced like two months prior,” remarked another, referring to Amy’s explanation that she was merely attending to a prior engagement.

“They could’ve easily bought tickets to another destination before that.”

“I think the family is huge enough now that having every person attend every event is getting increasingly unlikely,” a third fan noted.

“There is no rift between me and my cousins at all. It was just wrong timing,” Amy told Entertainment Tonight at the time.

“We already had something scheduled.”

But fans weren’t buying it. 

In addition to the fact that Jinger had cut ties with her cousin on social media, the whole situation came on the heels of reports that the Duggars were no longer allowed to talk to Amy, per Jim Bob’s orders.

This week, Jinger began following Amy on Instagram again, but for many, even that’s not sufficient proof that she’s been welcomed back into the family.

After all, Jinger’s reputation as the family rebel is well-deserved., and if anyone were to defy Jim Bob’s commands and get in touch with Amy, it would be her.

In all likelihood, Jinger never harbored any ill will toward Amy at all.

It’s a fact that Duggar wedding dates are often kept secret until just weeks before the wedding, and Amy may have already made other plans.

What seems far more likely is that she was ordered to end her relationship with Amy and is now going against Jim Bob’s wishes.

Keep an eye on this situation, folks.

The feud may be over, but there’s a good chance the drama is just beginning.


Friday, September 7, 2018

Jinger Duggar Is Besties With Josiah Duggar"s Ex and Fans Can"t Handle It

Back in June, Josiah Duggar married Lauren Swanson in a ceremony that pretty much matched the blueprint for all Duggar weddings that preceded it.

But there was one important difference with Lauren and Josiah’s nuptials.

You see, unlike his siblings, when Josiah met his spouse, he was already no stranger in the ways of love.

In fact, he had extensive experience with hand-holding, chaperoned dates, and, yes … even side side-hugs.

As you may recall Josiah courted Marjorie Jackson before he met Lauren.

The relationship ended abruptly and without explanation after just three months.

Josiah later offered a vague explanation for his breakup with Marjorie, but fans still felt confused.

After all, Josiah and Marjorie may have been young, but the expectations for dating Duggars are extremely high and very specific.

The family describes courtship as “dating with a purpose” — that purpose being marriage, of course.

It’s unheard of for Duggar couples to call it quits after announcing a courtship, which is why fans were so weirded out when Josiah and Marjorie quietly went their separate ways.

And it’s also why they were confused a second time this week when Jinger Duggar’s husband Jeremy Vuolo posted the above photo on Instagram.

“A thoughtful birthday gift from my lovely wife: handwritten calligraphy of the words ‘Og mit liv’ for my office,” Jeremy explained in the caption.

Jeremy went on to explain that the quote comes from a missionary he admires.

But it’s the end of the caption that really caught his followers’ attention.

“Calligraphy by @marjorie.e.jackson,” Vuolo wrote.

Yes, that’s the very same Marjorie Jackson that courted Josiah.

Now, the Duggars are said to be a forgiving lot, so we guess it’s not terribly surprising that they’re not big on holding grudges.

But it’s worth noting that Josiah and Marjorie’s breakup was no amicable parting of ways.

Fans only learned of the split when Josiah deleted every photo of his ex from his Instagram page.

At one point, sources claimed the Duggars were concerned that Marjorie would write a tell-all about her time with the family.

So you can see why so many were caught off guard by the fact that Marjorie maintains ties with the family.

Of course, it makes sense that Jim Bob would keep a young, single fundamentalist like Marjorie in his Rolodex.

Dude has a lot of sons to marry off yet.


Monday, August 27, 2018

Jinger Duggar Shares New Baby Pic, Raises Concern Among Fans

Jinger Duggar g had a reason to celebrate late last week.

But the way in which this reality star did show has given followers a reason to be concerned.

Allow us to explain…

On August 19, Jinger and husband Jeremy Vuolo gave fans a glimpse at their precious first daughter, Felicity Nicole, as a way to pay tribute to her first-ever birthday.

Felicity is only a month old, but still… that counts as a birthday.

Just ask any first-time parent.

To mark the occasion, Jinger posted a few pictures of her adorable baby on Instagram.

“Felicity is one month old today!” Jinger wrote as a simple caption to the following image:

Then, on Sunday, Jinger followed up this snapshot with two more.

The first leads this article up top and features the bundle of joy outside with her proud parents.

The second inlcuded with it a caption that reads “Those eyes!” because, well… just look at those eyes on young Felicity!

All these photos represent indisputable evidence that Felicity is pretty darn happy, healthy and cute, right?

Actually, that may be wrong, some Internet users are now saying.

Indeed, while some folks out there have labeled the official one-month picture as one of the most endearing in social media history, something about Felicity’s face and skin tone have others concerned.

“Wow, she looks blue. Is she okay? Seriously. I am not trying to be critical or mean,” one fan wrote as a comment, while another remark echoed this sentiment:

“I was really alarmed when I saw this picture. She is purple, and that’s not normal. You are right to comment as you did. I hope they take her in and get her checked out.”

We don’t think these people are trying to be trolls.

They very likely have a legitimate worry (in their mind) over Felicity.

But still.

Come on now, folks!

There’s only so much you can tell by a picture and you should maybe think twice (heck, maybe even three times) before setting up such alarms online.

As another follower put it well, chill out with the “scary, negative speculation,” okay?!?

The Vuolos, of course, live in Laredo, Texas, making Jinger the first Duggar sibling to relocate outside of Tontitown, Arkansas permanently.

Upon becoming a father for the first time, Jeremy gushed back in mid-July:

“God is so kind. Jinger gave birth to Felicity Nicole Vuolo this morning at 4:37 a.m.

“Felicity weighs 8 lbs and 3 oz, and is 19.5 inches long. Both mom and baby are healthy, doing great, and resting well.

“We are very thankful for her safe arrival and look forward to life as parents!”

As for why they chose Felicity as their chilld’s name? We’ll go ahead and let Jinger explain!
