Showing posts with label Outrage. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Outrage. Show all posts

Saturday, January 26, 2019

Thursday, January 17, 2019

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Jinger Duggar Continues to Outrage Fans With Pics of Her Daughter

In general, photos of infants are up there with videos of cats doing funny things on the short list of internet posts that won’t piss anybody off.

But if you’re a member of the Duggar family everything you do is subject to intense scrutiny and harsh criticism — and Jinger Duggar’s latest baby photo is no exception.

That’s little Felicity Duggar enjoying what we assume is her first plane ride.

Jinger captioned the pic, “Little travel buddy.”

Seems inoffensive enough, right?

After all who could have a problem with an infant on an airplane (aside from, ya know, every other passenger on that plane).

Well, believe it or not, Jinger has been accused of trolling her critics with this pic.

If that sounds absurd, that’s because it absolutely is.

But you’re currently on the internet, so you’re well aware that we’re living in absurd times.

Anyway, the outrage has to do with Felicity’s headgear.

Yes, believe it or not Jinger has been accused of cultural appropriation for tying a scarf to her child’s head.

We suppose it’s possible that Jinger came across an old photo of Tupac and decided that would be a good look for her daughter.

But the much more likely explanation is that the scarf is simply an easy way to keep the baby’s head warm.

Not surprisingly, the constant negative attention has begun to take a toll on Jinger.

“She feels like she’s constantly getting mom shamed since she had Felicity. She had no idea it was going to be this bad,” an insider close to Jinger tells Hollywood Life.

“Jinger is doing her best to ignore the negativity and focus on the positive, but it’s hard.”

Scarf-gate began with the above photo of Jinger and Jeremy attending a Chicago Cubs game last month, and remarkably, it shows no signs of letting up.

Fortunately, Jinger isn’t letting the haters win.

She’s continued to post pics of Felicity, and it doesn’t look like she’ll be stopping any time soon.

We say give the girl a break. It’s bad enough she was raised in the freakin’ Duggar family.


Tuesday, July 17, 2018

TMZ Live: Trump & Putin Summit Outrage

ON TODAY’S SHOW Tyrese: War With The Rock Was Wrong Justin Bieber & Hailey Baldwin: Golf Lessons ‘Housewives’ Star: Downward Spiral Before Rehab Amber Rose: I Scored An NBA Player


Monday, July 2, 2018

American Hunter"s Giraffe Trophy Kill Earns International Outrage

People love non-human animals. That’s why the entire internet was on edge as a racoon scaled a skyscraper just a few weeks ago.

But some people enjoy hunting and killing wildlife so much that they wll travel halfway across the world to hunt a rare, exotic species and share those photos.

One big game hunter’s photos of her posing with a giraffe’s corpse have gone viral as people condemn her. But is there more to this story?

In 2017, Tess Thompson Talley traveled to Africa where she hunted and killed an 18-year-old, 4,000 pound giraffe.

She then posed with the body for a series of haunting, even going so far as to “hug” the dead male in a particularly ghoulish image.

Though she shared the pictures of her “dream hunt” in 2017, the images are going viral now after they were shared by an African Twitter account.

Accompanying two photos of the Kentucky native, the outlet shamed her in an inflammatory tweet.

“White american savage who is partly a neanderthal comes to Africa and shoot down a very rare black giraffe,” the tweet begins. 

That is deliberately confrontational language — but we should point out that genetic studies do confirm that almost all humans, save portions of Africans, have neanderthal ancestry.

The tweet continues, saying that this horror comes “courtesy of South Africa stupidity.”

That is likely a reference to the fact that a few countries, including South Africa, permit a degree of big game hunting.

“Her name is Tess Thompson Talley,” the tweet concludes. “Please share.”

A follow-up tweet is a little less inflammatory.

“If our so called governments can’t care for our wildlife,” the Africa Digest account writes. “Then its time we stand up and responsibility of our continent, lands, resources and wildlife.”

“Share share share! and lets have a united voice against pillage of Africa,” the tweet says. “It’s the only home we have”

The horrifying photos of Talley’s gruesome “dream hunt” went viral, with people sharing their horror and sorrow.

Even celebrities added their voices to the mix.

On Instagram, actress Debra Messing writes: “Tess Thompson Talley from Nippa, Kentucky is a disgusting, vile, amoral, heartless, selfish murderer.”

“With joy in her black heart and a beaming smile,” Messing describes. “She lies next to the dead carcass of a *rare* black giraffe in South Africa.”

While we don’t necessarily object to her characterization of Talley, there is some question as to the rarity of this particular species of giraffe.

“Giraffes are the epitome of gentle giants,” Messing says. “They glide across the plains, like liquid; awe inspiring creatures who spend their days eating leaves and caring for their young.”

“How DARE she,” Messing continues. “A rare animal that will be extinct by the time her grandchildren can go and gutlessly sit in the brush with a scope and pull a trigger.”

In case you missed the grim news, yes, some giraffe species have quietly and quickly slipped from being safe to being critically endangered.

“It does not take skill to have a ranger track a giraffe for you, and with the aid of night vision glasses and a scope, pull a trigger like some Carnival game,” Messing says.

“If you need to eat a giraffe? Get a bow and arrow and make it at least a fair fight,” Messing suggests.

Most would argue that the but I need to hunt for food argument goes out the window when you book a flight from Kentucky to South Africa.

“I am disgusted by people like you Tess,” Messing says. “You reek of privilege and ignorance. Shame on you. And your husband Andrew Claude. Unconscionable. Irreparable damage. Irreplaceable beauty.”

When Tess Thompson Talley first shared the image, she wrote about it.

“Prayers for my once in a lifetime dream hunt came true today!” Talley announced. “Spotted this rare black giraffe bull and stalked him for quite a while.”

Like the sorts of stories you usually only hear in people’s engagement stories or a serial killer’s diary, she wrote about when she “knew.”

“I knew it was the one,” Talley says. “He was over 18 years old, 4000 lbs. and was blessed to be able to get 2000 lbs. of meat from him.”

Since her story went viral, Talley has defended her actions, saying that her hunt aids conservation efforts and that killing this older giraffe was doing a favor for the species.

It is true that giraffes are endangered, with overall populations having plummeted by a staggering 40% in the past 25 years.

This particular species, however, seems to be doing okay.

“The giraffe in the photo,” Julian Fennessy of the Giraffe Conservation Foundation says. “Is of the South African species Giraffa giraffe, which are not rare – they are increasing in the wild.”

That’s good news for the South African giraffe.

However, as many have pointed out, the ethical concerns of big game hunting extend far beyond whether or not a species is in danger.

There are issues of cruelty. And, when a white person from a global superpower visits Africa, a continent ravaged by vicious colonialism and genocide, there’s possibly a racist angle.

Killing for conservation is a complicated issue but … wow, the glee in thos photos is a little unsettling.

These stories are never pleasant.


Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Lili Reinhart and Camila Mendes: Being Photoshopped Was an Outrage!

A couple of weeks ago, Riverdale stars Camila Mendes and Lili Reinhart called out a magazine for photoshopping their already slender figures into a sharper hourglass.

These talented, gorgeous actresses are now sharing what drove them to speak out and why this kind of image-altering is so harmful.

Hear what they have to say in the video below.

Camila mendes with lili reinhart

Riverdale"s cultural impact cannot be denied.

The CW series, with its surreal setting and Twin Peaks vibe, reaches a wide audience and draws countless viewers from coveted demographics. And it"s a show with a surprising amount of depth.

(Seriously — I have a friend who does lengthy fashion recaps of every episode, just for fun)

Two of those stars, Camila Mendes and Lili Reinhart, who play Veronica and Betty (respectively), are using their platform to call out the obscene body standards that still exist in the fashion industry.

Now, both talented actresses are speaking up about how their photos were altered … and what motivated them to speak out.

Camila mendes photoshop fail

Camila spoke to E! about seeing her body warped beyond recognition on the cover of Cosmopolitan Philippines.

"The minute I saw it, I screenshotted it and sent it to Lili. I"m like, "dude, have you seen this?" She was like, "No.""

That must have been shocking for both of them, especially since the phtoos of them did not receive that same treatment when they were first published (as you can see on the left).

"And I was like, "What do you think we should do?" She was like, "We should say something." And I"m like, "You"re right.""

It"s good that they coordinated with each other a little.

"So we both just set out to do everything … I didn"t even talk to my publicist, either. I just straight up …"

Lili reinhart photoshop fail

Though it was Camila who first called Lili"s attention to it, Camila says that it was Lili who first decided to speak up.

"Well, she said it first, so I was like, "I"m gonna say something, too, because this involves me as well.""

They didn"t spend a lot of time deliberating whether or not to post about it.

"It came so naturally for us. There almost wasn"t a second thought."

In fact, Camila questions how anyone could remain silent when they see their own bodies twisted like that on a magazine cover.

"How could you not say something about that?"

She also felt that, if she didn"t call attention to it, she might be complicit in a deception.

"I didn"t want other people to think that that was my body."

Lili reinhart and camila mendes comiccon

Camila explains why this really struck a nerve with her.

"That"s just a personal thing, too, because sometimes you hear about people who aren"t comfortable showing their bodies on screen. So they have somebody else be their body-double and stuff."

Body doubles aren"t just for nude scenes — they can be for non-nude shower scenes or for romantic scenes. But Camila would never go for that.

"No matter what, I would never feel comfortable with that. Even if their body"s, like, ten times skinnier or more fit, whatever, it doesn"t matter. My body is my body, and I want people to know that this face goes with this body."

That is very understandable.

Ashleigh murray camila mendes and lili reinhart on riverdale

Lili Reinhart spoke to E!, also, saying:

"Cami"s actually the one who showed me the photos. And I was really just kind of appalled."

It cannot be easy to see your own body twisted like that.

"I just really felt the need to speak up about it because I talk about everything else very openly."

And she explains exactly why this is personal for her.

Camila mendes and lili reinhart

"As women — and even men — we struggle with our bodies every day when you look in the mirror, and especially when you"re put in the spotlight."

That"s absolutely true. For women, for men, for other folks, and especially for celebrities.

"People will critique your outfits, your skin, your body, your hair, whatever. It"s a battle for me every day to accept what I am and my flaws and know that I can"t change certain parts about me, and that"s fine."

Self-acceptance is a long journey, even for the stunningly beautiful.

"I"m presenting myself to the world as I am, and so, for someone to photoshop that, it"s just insulting."

See Camila and Lili speak their minds, here:

Lili reinhart and camila mendes being photoshopped was an outrag

Monday, January 8, 2018

Justin Timberlake Earns Internet Outrage for Tweet, Movie Role

A long time ago, Justin Timberlake brought sexy back.

But now many Internet users are wishing the singer and occasional actor would take a recent career decision back; not to mention a brand new, misguided Tweet.

Allow us to explain…

On Sunday night, Timberlake shared a seemingly sweet and romantic photo on Instagram.

It featured the artist and his wife, Jessica Biel, who was nominated at the Golden Globes for her role in USA Network’s The Sinner.

“Here we come!! And DAMN, my wife is hot! #TIMESUP  #whywewearblack,” wrote Justin as a caption.

Both of those hashtags were a reference to the Golden Globes this year serving as a platform for celebrities to stick up for women in the industry and victims of sexual misconduct in general.

Which is why some critics thought JT should have perhaps not used this photo and this occasion to label his wife as “hot.”

Granted, Jessica Biel is very hot.

But this simply may not have been the ideal time for Timberlake to objectify his wife, that’s all we’re saying.

Moreover, as many on the World Wide Web have pointed out, Timberlake will be starring in Woody Allen’s next movie, Wonder Wheel.

The controversial director is well known for having married his ex-wife’s adopted daughter, Soon-Yi Previn.

The 82-year-old is also accused of sexual abuse by his adopted daughter, Dylan Farrow.

For this reason, a slew of stars has refused to work with Allen…and a slew of online commentators have called Timberlake out here for some pretty galling hypocrisy.

Wrote one individual:

“Wearing black, good. Talking about it, good. Next step, don’t participate in projects that profit men like Woody Allen. Have fun at the party. THEN keep striving for better.”

And another dragged Timberlake even harder for his past, Tweeting:

“You starred in Woody Allen’s new movie. You built a career on malicious misogyny towards Britney Spears. You left Janet Jackson out to dry. This is pure performative fraud.”

Yikes, huh?

down on JT

Timberlake has not responded to any of these scathing accusations or remarks.

We doubt he will, either.

Most folks out there think Justin is a good guy, but this is a prime example of how everyone is under an extreme microscope these days.

And, as Rose McGown thinks, you can’t just wear black and include a few hashtags and then pat yourself on the back.

If you want to see change in the world, you must take some actual action in order to enact it.


Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Colin Kaepernick: GQ Man Of The Year 2017 Earns Praise, Outrage!

Aside from actual politicians, there have been few public figures more polarizing in the last couple of years than Colin Kaepernick.

We live in a time of celebrities accused of abuse and sexual assault and of total lunatics holding political office. But there are still millions of people riled up about Colin Kaepernick not standing for the National Anthem.

So when GQ made Colin Kaepernick their Man Of The Year for 2017, they knew that they were stirring the pot a little.

First of all, this is not even Colin Kaepernick’s first GQ cover.

But last time, he was considerably less controversial. He was mostly known for, what? Being hot?

Like, a third of football players are known for that. Because they’re athletes.

But Colin became controversial in the fall of 2016, when he knelt rather than stood for the US National Anthem.

Though the Anthem has been played at football games (and other sport events), the tradition of NFL players standing for the Anthem dates back to … 2009.

Colin Kaepernick made it clear at the time that he was protesting against the unjust killings, by police officers, of unarmed black people throughout the US. We’ve all heard story after story of this happening, with some of the victims being children.

Kaepernick also made it clear that the fact that the perpetrators of these killings then getting paid leave and so frequently (almost always) never seeing the inside of a jail cell despite having killed someone and abused their position was further cause for protest.

Colin Kaepernick also pledged $ 1 million to charities that help communities in need, putting his money where his mouth is in his effort to make the world a better place.

And he started a movement of other athletes — at the professional level, but also of young children — kneeling to protest against injustice. Other, white NFL players knelt in solidarity with their teammates and with the countless others who face systemic oppression.

But in the course of the 2016 election season and the controversy, sometimes that message got muddled. So Kapernick was happy to be featured by GQ in order to “reclaim the narrative of his protest.”

GQ writes about Colin Kaepernick:

“He’s been vilified by millions and locked out of the NFL — all because he took a knee to protest police brutality.”

That’s true.

“Colin Kaepernick’s determined stand puts him in rare company in sports history: Muhammad Ali, Jackie Robinson — athletes who risked everything to make a difference.”

He’ll be remembered in history for it, that’s for sure.

“He is still, to this day, one of the most gifted quarterbacks on earth.”

(I’m not even a sports fan by any measure, but even I knew that)

“And yet he has been locked out of the game he loves — blackballed — because of one simple gesture: He knelt during the playing of our national anthem.”

He’s suing over that, by the way, accusing the NFL of collusion with team owners.

“And he did it for a clear reason, one that has been lost in the yearlong storm that followed.”

We’ll get to that confusion in a moment, but yeah, the original meaning has been somewhat lost.

But GQ reminds us of the original intent:

“He did it to protest systemic oppression and, more specifically, as he said repeatedly at the time, police brutality toward black people.”

That’s important, folks.

It’s easy to forget — in light of the current political climate and Trump, a sitting President, referring to kneeling American athletes as “sons of bitches” — that Kaepernick’s

Though one could argue that his protest is against much of what Donald Trump and his voter base represent: white supremacy, unfettered violence, and a level of feverish nationalism that actual patriots find horrifying.

But Obama was President (remember that? It feels like that was years ago, not 10 months) when Kaepernick first took a knee.

It was Trump who made this — all of the kneeling athletes — about himself.

The result is that some diehard Trump fans are boycotting the NFL.

Many of those who are outraged seem to be fuming that these successful athletes are protesting, believing that it’s “anti-American” … even though, historically, protesting injustice is one of the most quintessentially American things that one can do.

In many cases, racism seems to be an underlying factor behind the anger being directed at NFL players. That’s fitting, since institutionalized racism and the resulting violence is what those players who take a knee are protesting in the first place.

(GQ is only the latest magazine to make Kaepernick’s protest its cover story)

As you can probably imagine, they’re not loving that Colin Kaepernick is GQ‘s Man Of The Year.

As you can also probably imagine, the responses are pretty divided along party lines.

The decision has earned mostly praise form the political Left and scorn from the political Right.

Some have professed a more nuanced view, citing that they support Colin Kaepernick’s right to protest … but don’t think that he makes the best symbol of a push for change.

Why? Because he didn’t vote in the 2016 election. Some say that it’s hypocritical for him to lose his career fighting for justice but not wield his sovereign rights as a citizen to actually fight injustice at the polls.

Like we said, he’s a very polarizing guy.


Derick Dillard Firing Prompts Internet Applause, Outrage

Derick Dillard will never appear on TLC again.

The network made this announcement after Dillard attacked 17-year old transgender reality star Jazz Jennings, who anchors her own series on the same cable network.

After Dillard said he pitied Jazz and that it"s "unfortunate" Jennings was given a show, TLC released a statement that reads:

We want to let our viewers know that Derick Dillard has not participated in Counting On for months and the network has no plans to feature him in the future.

We want to reiterate that Derick’s personal statements do not reflect the views of the network.

TLC is proud to share the story of Jazz Jennings and her family and will continue to do so.

How are viewers and fans reacting to this development? Good question. Let"s find out!

1. Butt Out, Derick!

Butt out derick

Simple questions: How does the transgender lifestyle affect you, dude? Why do you care at all about this?

2. Thank You, TLC!

Thank you tlc

One fewer thing I need to worry about my children seeing on TV now.

3. Ignorance is Not Bliss

Ignorance is not bliss

It’s just mean in this case.

4. Dillard Has His Supporters, Though

Dillard has his supporters though

And they all seem confused by the concept of “Free Speech” and/or “consequences.”

5. Bullying for Religious Discrimination

Bullying for religious discrimination

We’re not totally sure what that means, but this person is sure it’s very wrong.

6. Oh, Boy

Oh boy

Why is this a complicated issue, this person wonders? Derick is just stating the obvious.

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Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Meek Mill Sentenced to Prison; Jay-Z Reacts in Outrage

Meek Mill has feuded with Drake, Nicki Minaj and Safaree Samuels over the years.

But the rapper now needs to prepare himself for a few rivalries of a different nature.

We’re referring to those that take place in a prison yard.

Because Meek Mill is going to jail.

The artist received a sentence of two to four years behind bars on Monday after the star violated his probation due to a pair of arrests earlier this year.

The first such arrest took place in March following a scuffle at an airport in St. Louis, although the related charges were dropped.

Meek Mill then pleaded guilty to reckless driving in October after he shared videos of himself doing wheelies on a dirt bike in New York City.

(This was not his brightest moment, even he’s likely to admit.)

According to The Philadelphia Inquirer, Common Pleas Court Judge Genece E. Brinkley determined yesterday that these acts violated the terms of Meek Mill’s probation, which stemmed from a 2008 drug and gun possession charge.

“I gave you break after break, and you basically just thumbed your nose at this court,” Brinkley told Mil, explaining that his sentence would be served in state prison, where he would be eligible for state parole supervision after two years.

“Then I’ll be done with you,” she added.

Meek Mill was ordered into custody and escorted by sheriff’s deputies out of the courtroom on the spot.

His lawyer said he would be appealing the decision.

Jay-Z, whose Roc Nation company manages the rapper, denounced the sentence on Facebook. 

He issued a straightforward and harsh assessment of what the judge decreed, writing on the aforementioned social media platform:

“The sentence handed down by the Judge – against the recommendation of the Assistant District Attorney and Probation Officer – is unjust and heavy handed.

“We will always stand by and support Meek Mill, both as he attempts to right this wrongful sentence and then in returning to his musical career.”

We’ll let readers know when Meek Mill appeals this verdict and what comes of it.


Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Anne Frank Halloween Costume Elicits Internet Outrage

Anne Frank is probably the most famous Holocaust survivor of all-time.

The young girl gained notoriety after her diary was published in the wake of her death, as millions of people learned how she hid from the Nazis between 1942 and 1944 when Germany occupied the Netherlands as part of World War II.

She was eventually discovered and died in a concentration camp.

In other words: Anne Frank is a hero.

But one way NOT to honor her struggle would be to sell an ensemble on labeled as "World War II Evacuee Girl Costume."

In general, the Holocaust really isn"t something that ought to be reduced to such a cheap stunt.

Yet that"s exactly what this online retailer went ahead and did, much to the shock and anger of the Internet…

1. Here’s the Costume

Heres the costume

On, you can pretend as if YOU were killed in the mass murder of Jewish people simply by wearing a blue dress, green beret and a messenger bag for $ 24.99.

2. This is the Actual Product Description

This is the actual product description

“We can always learn from the struggles of history! Unfortunately, World War II shook the world in a way that no one could have foreseen. It showed us what true and mettle were. It also created some unexpected heroes, where even a young girl like Anne Frank with nothing but a diary and hope could become an inspiration to us all. We can learn from someone like that!”

3. Ready, Internet?

Ready internet


4. Super Uncool

Super uncool

That is a super understatement.

5. What. The. Actual. Eff.

What the actual eff

We really can’t say it much better ourselves.

6. This is from the Anti-Defamation League’s St. Louis Branch:

This is from the anti defamation leagues st louis branch


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Sunday, October 15, 2017

Harvey Weinstein"s Ouster from Academy, Fake Outrage?

The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences expressed its outrage by kicking Harvey Weinstein out of the org, but the question … is this honest indignation or PR? Bill Cosby is still a member in good standing, and the Academy has been silent…


Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Ariel Winter Poses With Gun, Sparks Major Outrage!

If you follow Ariel Winter on Instagram, then you’re probably very familiar with the sort of content she usually posts.

Typically, it’s a lot of photos of Ariel in bikinis or various stages of undress.

But occasionally, Ms. Winter wades into political waters.

Winter supported Hillary Clinton during the 2016 election, and she generally leans to the left on social issues.

But when it comes to the contentious issue of gun control, it seems Ariel has adopted more of a libertatian view.

Winter posted a photo of herself at a gun range earlier this week, and because it’s 2017 and politics are tangentially involved, the internet lost it’s ever-loving mind.

Ariel’s black-and-white firearm photo has racked up nearly 1,000 comments, representing the full range of the gun control debate spectrum.

In addition to the usual concern trolling, there were many who applauded Ariel’s implicit endorsement of the right to bear arms.

But critics of Ariel popped out of the woodwork from both the far-left and the far-right, because we’re living in the most confusing timeline.

“Prepping for the zombie apocalypse, obviously,” Ariel captioned the above pic.

On Twitter, she was more to the point, tweeting:

“When you pass your firearm safety test and get your certificate.”

So Ariel did the right thing and obtained her safety certificate (which didn’t stop the self-proclaimed gun safety experts of Instagram for slamming her for posing in an unsafe fashion).

We guess it’s a good thing, because her IG page is now officially a war zone.

“A woman not afraid to defend herself is a beautiful thing. Glad you see the importance in our 2nd amendment right,” wrote one follower.

“Congratulations, Ariel! Good work…you’re taking a big risk with this in anti-freedom Hollywood; hoping you’ll inspire others!” commented another.

For the most part pro-gun conservatives applauded Ariel, but some were angry with Ariel for her alleged hypocrisy, even though, as far as we know, she’s never explicitly expressed any anti-gun views.

“She was big Hillary supporter. Funny she shoots guns.” commented one critic.

“Look it’s a liberal snowflake flexing her 2nd amendment rights! Funny how it’s ok for her though! Hypocrites,” wrote another.

The debate is sure to rage on, but hey … for once Instagram commenters aren’t obsessing over Ariel’s boobs.

If that was her strategy, she’s a full-blown social media genius.


Monday, September 11, 2017

Josh Duggar Resurfaces, Provokes Outrage From Fans

It’s been just over two yearss since the world learned that Josh Duggar molested five young women – four of whom were his sisters – and managed to avoid prosecution for his crimes with the help of his parents.

In most cases, that’s not the sort of scandal that celebrities are able to overcome, but the Duggars enjoy the support of an unusually devoted fan base, and to the chagrin of many, they’ve successfully engineered a comeback of sorts.

Unfortunately for the Duggars, however, even TV’s most cultish viewers draw the line somewhere

Yes, per the terms of the family’s unofficial contract with fans, Josh Duggar is not welcome on Counting On.

In fact, the family is so concerned with not reminding fans about Josh’s heinous misdeeds that he’s been edited out of footage that was later used on the show after accidentally wandering into a shot.

But while the Duggars seem to be doing their best to distance themselves from Josh in public, they still interact with him regularly off camera.

Family events, of course, present a unique challenge, as Josh and wife Anna are invited to birthday parties, weddings, and the like, but must do their best to keep a safe distance between themselves and the camera crews that are invariably on hand.

But while Josh will likely never appear on Counting On, his family seems to have relaxed their attitude toward the disgraced 29-year-old appearing and speaking in public forums:

That’s Josh and wife Anna at the Joseph Duggar and Kendra Caldwell’s wedding.

The young couple got hitched over the weekend, and as you can see, Josh and Anna offered their congrats via video.

Not surprisingly, fan reactions to the rare Josh appearance were decidedly mixed.

Some praised the former lobbyist for showing his face on his brother’s big day, knowing he remains a target for the most scathing sort of criticism.

Others called attention to the jaw-dropping irony of a sex offender and serial adulterer offering up marital advice.

“I love seeing Josh and Anna. Such a beautiful example of God’s redemptive abilities in our lives. So awesome to see how they sought God in the midst of their hardest times. Very inspiring! God bless,” wrote one fan.

“Let’s hope Joe treats his wife better than Josh,” countered another.

Others pointed out that guests at Joseph and Kendra’s wedding were given sparklers at the reception, which may have been a strategic move by the event’s coordinators.

“If I were potentially editing someone out of a background in something, I’d love there to be sparklers,” wrote one user on the Free Jinger website.

Obviously, Josh will never gain the acceptance of his family’s many detractors, and even some Duggar fans struggle with his continued inclusion in family events.

But it seems clear that despite his many appalling misdeeds and the fact that Josh is currently locked in a legal battle with his own sisters, the Duggar clan isn’t giving up on him just yet.

Watch Counting On online for more from reality TV’s most controversial family.


Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Melania Trump Wears Stilettos for Hurricane Trip, Outrage Ensues

To some critics, Donald Trump’s visit to Texas on Tuesday was appalling due to the President’s self-serving statements and behavior there.

He didn’t utter a word of empathy or even refers to the victims of Hurricane Harvey at any point, instead using the brief visit as a photo and PR op, bragging about the size of the crowd on the street and the response of authorities to the natural disaster.

If it wasn’t so disturbing and depressing, it would have been hilarious.

To others, however, the real sin of the President’s trip had nothing to do with the nonsense that spewed from his mouth.

And everything to do with what his wife wore on her feet.

Yesterday morning, Melania Trump was photographed departing the White House in weather-appropriate attire that included a bomber jacket, tailored black pants and a black top, which she paired with a functional pair of aviators.

​Fair and practical enough, right? Even if the couple didn’t encounter a single rain drop during its visit.

But Mrs. Trump also rocked sky-high snakeskin stiletto pumps.

And it was on these shoes that the Internet focused its outrage.

melania backlash

In Melania’s defense, she sounded far more sympathetic to the plight of those affected by Harvey than her husband, who sounded as if only he was affected by the storm…

… and in a positive fashion, no less.

“The effects of Hurricane Harvey will be felt in Texas, Louisiana, and other parts of the country for many months and years to come,” she said in a statement, adding:

“So far, 1.7 million people are under orders to evacuate their homes, and, as the floodwater in Houston rises, sadly, so will the number of evacuees.

“I want to be able to offer my help and support in the most productive way possible, not through just words, but also action.  

“What I found to be the most profound during the visit was not only the strength and resilience of the people of Texas, but the compassion and sense of community that has taken over the State.  

“My thoughts and prayers continue to be with the people of Texas and Louisiana.”

Still, Twitter could not stop talking about those stilettos:

clueless diss

Upon arrival in Texas, however, the First Lady changed her clothing, slipping into a pair of sneakers.

She joined her husband in Corpus Christi while donning black skinny jeans, a white button down, Adidas shoes, aviators and a FLOTUS baseball cap.

Said her spokesperson to CNN shortly afterward:

“It’s sad that we have an active and ongoing natural disaster in Texas, and people are worried about her shoes.”

That’s a fair point.

However, that’s sort of how social media rolls.

And it’s hard not to focus on fashion when the President is wearing a baseball cap that is for sale on his website.

Do the proceeds go to disaster relief in the wake of Hurricane Harvey? HA! Of course not.

They go to his reelection campaign fund.


Thursday, July 13, 2017

Kim Kardashian Responds to Outrage Over Putting North in a Corset!

Kim Kardashian was spotted with her adorable daughter North West in New York. This is the same New York trip that saw Kim Kardashian shutting down rumors that she uses cocaine, so it"s already been pretty eventful.

The thing is that when people spotted North, she appeared to be wearing a tan corset over her mango colored dress. North West is four years old, which is absolutely too young to wear a corset. By, like, a decade.

Kim made a video specifically to address the controversy and, as with the "cocaine incident," is clearly hoping to explain it away. You can watch the video below:

North west turns 4 with kim kardashian

Understandably, when people spotted what appeared to be a four-year-old girl wearing a corset, they flipped out a little.

Mommy-shamers live for that kind of thing, but this is one of those times where people who normally don"t care how people"s kids dress piled on, because that seems super unhealthy.

Corsets, if you"ll remember, squeeze the torso to give the wearer a more pronounced hourglass figure.

When applicable, they also give a boost to boobs while providing some support.

They can go under or over clothing and come in plenty of different styles.

Hell, sometimes teenagers make them out of duct tape (with no adhesive sides touching skin!).

But none of the many versions should be worn by a four-year-old.

And the response was so vocal that Kim Kardashian certainly caught wind of it.

North west corset 1

In response, one might say that Kim Kardashian is dropping hints that she didn"t actually put North in a corset.

By explicitly stating that she didn"t put North in a corset.

Thus, the video that she tweeted out.

And, just in case people didn"t watch the video …

(Where she shows off the garment and goes into detail)

… Kim included text in the tweet in the hopes of shutting down the mommy-shamers.

"I would never put my daughter in a corset!"

Don"t worry — she explains.

Sort of.

"It"s a dress I bought that is a cotton fabric that laces up & looks like a corset!"

You"ll see in the video.

(Though, really, even when North was spotted in New York, the "corset" didn"t look tight)

Kim also offers an explanation for what it was doing on the garment.

"Just decoration."

North west corset 2

She also speaks during the video while she manipulates the garment with her hand so that people can understand how it works more clearly.

"And, The Daily Mail, this one"s for you."

That"s a polite version of calling them out.

"This dress, that I did not design, and I actually bought … is not a corset."

Nice to know that Kim doesn"t just steal from designers — as some of her siblings have been accused of doing.

"It"s just fabric on the front that looks like a [corset]."

It"s an odd choice, but clearly, Kim likes it.

"So, I think it"s really cute."

Then she tells us something that she"s already told us.

"I bought it from a designer."

And she closes the video with a bit of reassurance.

"And it"s just fabric, people. It"s not a real corset."

North west corset 3

It"s an odd choice, but Kim"s right — it does look kind of cute.

Especially if somebody has a daughter who wants to wear more grownup clothes but absolutely should not wear a corset.

It"s not like this was, like, a faux thong sticking up from the back of North"s pants or anything like that.

Corsets used to be commonplace and they aren"t inherently sexual.

If North West had been wearing one, it might have been unsafe.

But a fake one?

That"s mostly fine.

But we"re glad that Kim took the time to explain it with this video:

Kim kardashian responds to outrage over putting north in a corse

Friday, June 2, 2017

D. L. Hughley Destroys Kathy Griffin Haters, Where Was Your Outrage for Ted Nugent?! (VIDEO)

D.L. Hughley’s strongly defending Kathy Griffin’s beheading photo of President Trump – saying all these haters were dead silent when Ted Nugent threatened President Obama. The comedian was at LAX Friday when he labeled most of Kathy’s haters…


Friday, March 3, 2017

Jill Duggar Sparks Outrage After Revealing Her Son"s Illness!

There are a lot of people — many, many people — who are upset by Jill Duggar’s decision to work as a missionary in Central America.

To some people, the issue is that Jill and her husband, Derick Dillard, constantly ask fans for donations when, as famous reality stars, it seems like they should be able to afford any and all expenses themselves.

To others, it’s unthinkable that Jill would live in El Salvador while pregnant when the country advised women to avoid pregnancy until at least 2018 to avoid complications from the Zika virus.

As for us, we simply think this: why not both?!

There’s no feasible reason why Jill and Derick would need the mountains upon mountains of donations they ask for — if anything, they should ask fans to donate to specific causes, not directly to them.

And yes, it’s unbelievably dumb to risk the health of her unborn baby, especially when the Zika virus causes such devastating complications.

But for Jill, it doesn’t matter what we think, or what anyone else thinks.

And she proved that in this tragic new blog post she made, all about how the whole dang family is sick after returning to their home in El Salvador.

“The first few days we were here,” she wrote, “amidst the settling in and busy schedule, Israel and I were battling coughs and colds and Israel developed a low-grade fever.”

She said that the fever was because of an eye infection, the same infection he’d gotten the first time they traveled to Central America.

She also wrote that “Israel and I were also welcomed ‘home’ by a couple of fire ant bites (something we aren’t used to back home in NW Arkansas).”

And if that wasn’t enough, she added “Oh, and our second night here Israel decided to test out the instant hot water dispenser and quickly learned it wasn’t a toy when some of the water came out on his hand.”

“We cooled the burn and applied burn salve and he only had a little redness in the morning.”

Still, despite three separate incidents within the first two days after their return, Jill explained that “Good health is something we learn not to take for granted living in a rural area in a place that doesn’t guarantee the same amenities we have back home.”

“We frequently pray for protection from bacteria, accidents and other things that would complicate things or send us running to the doctor.”

… OK.

While it’s great that Jill has her faith, it would also be good for her to take some more practical precautions: for instance, to avoid becoming pregnant in an environment where serious birth defects are entirely possible.

And it turns out that many of her fans feel the same way.

“So irresponsible,” one person commented. “For a prolife family you’re really being nonchalant about Zika and your unborn baby.”

“Y’all are stupid as f-ck!” another person told her. “I understand the want to help but damn your pregnant!!! And decided to go to a damn country where it could seriously harm you AND your baby? Dumbass.”

Solid arguments, right?

Get it together, Dillards.


Thursday, January 5, 2017

Real Housewives of ISIS Sketch Draws Outrage Online

The stars of Bravo"s Real Housewives franchise may not be the most likable group of ladies, but they could certainly be a lot worse.

For example, they could be terrorist sympathizers who defect to Syria in order to marry members of ISIS.

Sound unlikely?

Well it absolutely is – but it"s also the premise for a comedy sketch that"s drawing mixed responses on social media today.

Titled, of course, The Real Housewives of ISIS, the sketch aired on a BBC series called Revolting, and many believe the show fully lived up to its name.

Pundits have blasted the sketch as "distasteful," and with lines like the following, it"s not hard to see how it might have rubbed some folks the wrong way:

"Only three days to the beheading, and I"ve no idea what I"m going to wear."

"This is my sixth marriage. I"ve been widowed five times. [bomb explodes off-camera] Six times."

And – about a character showing off her stylish suicide vest:

"She looked massive. You"re gonna need a lot of Semtex to kill that one."

The outrage on social media was immediate:

"All the fun of an off-base Amy Schumer skit with the same lack of awareness of anything other than itself," commented one viewer.

"Only funny if you look down on someone else and enjoy seeing them unhappy because they are not white and Christian," wrote another.

Others defended the sketch as a shot at deserving target.

"If you can mock something, you’re not scared of it," posted one person.

"ISIS want to be feared. Don’t give them that. And yes I’m Muslim, and a leftist."

Check out the controversial sketch in the clip below to decide for yourself:

Real housewives of isis sketch draws outrage online