Showing posts with label Stupid. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Stupid. Show all posts

Thursday, January 17, 2019

Monday, November 26, 2018

Saturday, November 17, 2018

Bill Maher Trashes Stan Lee, He Made Adults Stupid and Is Responsible for Trump

Bill Maher thinks Stan Lee is partly to blame for the dumbing down of America. Bill wrote an essay on his blog, saying he has nothing against comic books, but they’re for kids … and when you grow up you should “move on to big-boy books without…


Saturday, November 3, 2018

"Too Stupid To Die" Stars Slap Each Other with Thumbtacks Taped to Hands

“Too Stupid to Die” stars sure know how to get a kick outta slapping each other … blood, cuts and scars be damned. Chad Tepper and Zach Holmes appeared on “TMZ Live” Friday and told us a little bit about why they enjoy taking on the roles of…


Wednesday, October 31, 2018

19 Famously Stupid Halloween Costumes

Halloween is a time for three things:

  1. For kids to dress in some kind of adorable outfit.

  2. For women to turn the most benign of costumes into the skankiest of costumes.

  3. For celebrities to cross certain lines with their controversial costume ideas.

With the third point in mind, we present 14 especially scandalous celebrity Halloween costumes over recent years:

1. Tomi Lahren as…The Flag?

Tomi lahren halloween costume

Tomi Lahren thinks she’s being all Patriotic with this photo. But she’s really in violation of the flag code.

2. Snooki as a Missing Child

Snooki as a missing child

It may sort of seem like a silly concept, but milk cartons are actually used sometimes to alert people to missing children. Not exactly something one should mock, Snooki.

3. Julianne Hough as Crazy Eyes

Julianne hough halloween costume

Julianne Hough going as a character from Orange is the New Black was a funny idea. She just should have avoided the whole blackface thing.

4. Chris Brown as a Terrorist

Chris brown as a terrorist

Chris Brown went as a member of the Taliban in 2012. We were impressed he managed to dress up as the one type of person more hated than he is.

5. Bill Maher as Steve Irwin

Bill maher as steve irwin

In 2006, mere months after the death of Steve Irwin, Bill Maher dressed as a “dead” version of the crocodile hunter. His outfit included a bloody stinger stinking out of his chest.

6. Adrianne Curry as Amy Winehouse

Adrianne curry as amy winehouse

Adrianne Curry dressed as Amy Winehouse in 2009. The costume included a beehive wig and a fake hypodermic needle sticking out of her arm. Yikes!

View Slideshow

Saturday, October 27, 2018

Paul Pierce Says Sports Teams Visiting White House Is Stupid Tradition

Paul Pierce is glad Villanova is refusing to visit Trump’s White House to celebrate their NCAA basketball title … saying the tradition is dumb and overrated.  Nova’s coach Jay Wright, announced Thursday the team would not visit 1600…


Monday, October 1, 2018

Farrah Abraham Trashes Simon Saran and His "Stupid Rebound Chick"

Farrah Abraham appeared on Face The Truth to defend her parenting and to test positive for barbiturates, but that’s not her only new television gig.

Farrah will appear alongside ex-boyfriend Simon Saran on Season 2 of Ex on the Beach.

She’s already building hype by, you guessed it, attacking Simon on social media.

Farrah took to her Instagram stories to tease her ire for ex-boyfriend Simon Saran.

In her post, she writes over (alleged) messages from Simon.

We should of course acknowledge that any and all social media messages can be faked.

That said, we’re not willing to wager that Farrah knows how to do that.

The fact of the matter is that Simon, in these messages, looks like he’s mostly just reaching out to be nice.

In these chaotic images, Simon appears to have sent Farrah money.

Simon also writes: “I love you & miss you.”

“Ex’s [sic] never get over me,” Farrah laments. “This one is just in line with the rest – BYE.”

As far as we know, Farrah doesn’t have all that many ex-boyfriends.

But we have to agree with her — most people would take a long time to recover from dating her.

“Sending me money again?” Farrah seems to laugh. “I don’t even talk to you $ $ $ $ thanks.”

He also offered to get her some massages, inviting her to let him do something nice for her.

“I feel sorry for his stupid rebound chick who he never liked,” Farrah says.

It doesn’t really sound like she feels all that sorry for Ashley Hannawacker.

If she did, she probably wouldn’t be calling her a stupid rebound chick, right?

Farrah dismisses Simon, writing “BYE” in all caps.

For that matter, she also calls him “Slimon,” fusing his name with the word slime.

It even appears that she has saved his contact information on her phone under that name.


It’s kind of weird for Farrah to be “bashing” Simon by just acting like a huge jerk and showing her followers that he still says and does nice things for her.

But hey, whatever builds hype for Ex on the Beach, we guess.

Ashley Hannawacker and Simon have been together since March.

So far, Simon hasn’t posted anything inflammatory about Farrah.

A few weeks ago, he did share a piece of advice on social media: “Stay away from negative people, they have a problem for every solution.”

He doesn’t mention Farrah by name, but that looks like a reference to the Teen Mom Terror if we’ve ever heard one.

As for Ex on the Beach, Farrah and Simon are said to have begun filming a few weeks ago.

Everything should be wrapped up in time to give Farrah plenty of time to prepare for her upcoming boxing match.

Farrah sure does love to fight.


Thursday, September 13, 2018

Richie Incognito Funeral Home Arrest Video, "Don"t Do Anything Stupid"

TMZ Sports has obtained Richie Incognito’s arrest video — showing cops running up on the NFL lineman after he allegedly threatened to shoot staffers at an Arizona funeral home in the wake of his dad’s death.  It all went down on August 20 –…


Saturday, August 11, 2018

Boxing Promoter Eddie Hearn Says Logan Paul, KSI Fight Is Stupid And Brilliant

Eddie Hearn – the promoter in charge of Anthony Joshua’s career — says the fight between Logan Paul and KSI is an insult to hardcore boxing fans … an insult he’d LOVE to promote. Hearn basically controls boxing on the other side of the…


Boxing Promoter Eddie Hearn Says Logan Paul, KSI Fight Is Stupid And Brilliant

Eddie Hearn – the promoter in charge of Anthony Joshua’s career — says the fight between Logan Paul and KSI is an insult to hardcore boxing fans … an insult he’d LOVE to promote. Hearn basically controls boxing on the other side of the…


Saturday, August 4, 2018

Donald Trump Tries to Dunk on LeBron James, Calls Him Stupid

Donald Trump is too short, too out of shape and possesses hands that are way to small to dunk a basketball.

But the President of the United States nevertheless took some time out of his late Friday night to try and slam one home on…

… LeBron James?


The very stable genius, who thinks one needs an ID to purchase groceries, jumped on Twitter around midnight and Tweeted the following about the new Los Angeles Lakers star:

Lebron James was just interviewed by the dumbest man on television, Don Lemon. He made Lebron look smart, which isn’t easy to do.

I like Mike!

There are many things to point out about this Tweet.

For starters, Lemon interviewed LeBron on Monday night, meaning there are only one of two options here:

  1. Trump used TiVo to record the interview and watched it days later.

  2. Trump was simply watching CNN, the network he often claims “sucks” and is terrible and is full of “fake news,” when it re-aired the Q&A.

Either would be a totally normal thing for the Commander-in-Chief to do, right?

donald tweet

Secondly, LeBron James was interviewed by Lemon (along with other outlets) because he just opened a public school in Akron, Ohio.

To reiterate: James donated millions and millions of dollars to the I Promise school, an institution for at-risk children in his hometown that will offer:

– Free college tuition to the University of Arkon for all graduates.

– All students a free uniform, free bicycle and free helmet.

– Job assistance and GED training for the parents of all students.

– A food pantry for families.

– Free breakfast, lunch and snacks for all students.

One could easily argue this is the most generous and impressive off-court gesture ever made by a professiona athlete.

And THIS is the individual that President Trump has chosen to insult as unintelligent.

We wonder why.

Yes, James has referred to Trump as a “bum” on Twitter in the past and he also said in June that whichever team won the NBA title would turn down an invitation to visit the White House.

But head NBA coaches Steve Kerr and Greg Popovich has been far more critical of Trump.

The latter said in March that Trump is a liar and a hypocrite and that he brings out the “dark side of human beings for his own purpose.”

Yet Trump has never uttered a negative word about Kerr or Popovich. We really do wonder why.

What makes LeBron different from these two other men in his profession. Can anyone out there help explain it to us?

In his CNN interview, James discussed the impact of sports and how it brings people together, contrasting this experience with the way Trump uses “sports to kinda divide us.”

A great example of this would be Trump’s constant bashing of NFL players for being unpatrotic because they are protesting violence against African-Americans by taking a knee during the national anthem.

“Sports has never been something that divides people,” James told Lemon. “It’s always been something that brings someone together.”

A few months ago, LeBron expounded further on Trump’s self-centered and misguided attitude toward… everything and everyone.

“He doesn’t understand the power that he has for being the leader of this beautiful country,” James said. “He doesn’t understand how many kids, no matter the race, look up to the president of the United States for guidance, for leadership, for words of encouragement.

“He doesn’t understand that, and that’s what makes me more sick than anything, that we have someone that’s … this is the most, this is the No. 1 position in the world.”

In his viral Tweet above, Trump said he likes Mike, very likely making a reference to Michael Jordan in the debate for who is the best basketball player of all-time.

The world now waits to see if Jordan will chime in with his opinion of the President.

It also now waits to see if Trump will get impeached for being a traitor.


Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Marlon Wayans Says H&M is Stupid for Not Hiring Black People

Marlon Wayans thinks H&M was doomed to run into a buzz saw by releasing ads with no vetting from black people. We got Marlon at LAX Tuesday and asked about the backlash over H&M’s racist ad showing an African-American child…


Marlon Wayans Says H&M is Stupid for Not Hiring Black People

Marlon Wayans thinks H&M was doomed to run into a buzz saw by releasing ads with no vetting from black people. We got Marlon at LAX Tuesday and asked about the backlash over H&M’s racist ad showing an African-American child…


Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Killer Mike Says "Big Brother" Star Has the Right to Be Stupid

Killer Mike’s take on freedom of speech is simple — even stupid people have the right to do stupid crap. We got Mike at LAX Tuesday night and asked him for his take on the “Big Brother” controversy. You’ll recall, ‘BB’ star Paul Abrahamian…


Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Shia LaBeouf Arrest Bodycam Footage Shows Drunken Rant, Calls Cop a "Stupid Bitch"

Shia LaBeouf unleashed an epic drunken rant at Savannah, GA police as they took him into custody — and bodycam footage shows him repeatedly calling one cop a “dumb f**k” and a “stupid bitch.” As we reported … cops tracked down Shia at his hotel…


Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Pacman Jones Explodes After Rolls-Royce Crash, "Stupid Motherf**ker"

Pacman Jones WENT OFF after someone hit his Rolls-Royce in Ohio early Tuesday — saying if it wasn’t for his anger management classes he would “smack the sh*t out of a n**ga.” The Cincinnati Bengals star claims he was driving in Amelia, Ohio — near…


Pacman Jones Explodes After Rolls-Royce Crash, "Stupid Motherf**ker"

Pacman Jones WENT OFF after someone hit his Rolls-Royce in Ohio early Tuesday — saying if it wasn’t for his anger management classes he would “smack the sh*t out of a n**ga.” The Cincinnati Bengals star claims he was driving in Amelia, Ohio — near…


Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Arnold Schwarzenegger on Immigration Ban: It Makes Us Look Stupid!

By now, the whole world has heard about Donald Trump’s latest vile act as President of the United States. 

It was revealed just a few days ago that Trump was banning people from Iraq, Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen from entering the country. 

This would even extend to people who hold a visa for the U.S and even if they had family in the United States. The whole thing is pretty ludicrous and celebrities were quick to voice their displeasure at the way Trump was going about things. 

Arnold Schwarzenegger is the latest celebrity to weigh in on the ban and he seems to think it paints America in a bad way. 

“It’s crazy and makes us look stupid when the White House is ill-prepared to put this kind of executive order out there,” Schwarzenegger told ExtraTV during an interview on Monday.

“I think the real problem is that it was vetted badly. If they would run this by the Justice Department and Homeland Security and had the lawyers really study and focus on it and give it some time to do it the right way,” he added.

“I know what he’s trying to accomplish.” He says.

“His fear about people coming in from other places, causing harm to the country, there is another way to going about it to do it the right way and accomplish all of the goals. I think they were hasty with it.”

Before Trump became President, he had a lot of promises, but nobody really expected him to follow through on them… until now. 

Schwarzenegger previously sparred with Trump on social media when Trump poked fun at Celebrity Apprentice tanking in the ratings. 

However, Arnie wants the show to have his own mark on it. 

“I put my own mark on it, and it has been extremely entertaining and a lot of fun doing it.”

“To work with so many celebrities that are really talented, you have all these different people working together, and making them get out of their comfort zone and making them do something they’ve never been done before… and it’s fun to watch that and, of course, I am a fan of a lot of them myself.”

How do you feel about Trump’s ban?

Hit the comments below!


Monday, December 5, 2016

Fran Tarkenton -- Trump Boycotters Are Stupid ... "Nobody Boycotted Obama "Cause He"s Black" (VIDEO)

NFL great Fran Tarkenton says athletes who turn down an invitation to Trump’s White House are “disrespectful” and “stupid” … adding, “Nobody boycotted Obama ‘cause he’s black, did they?”


Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Ron Harper -- "Phil Jackson Is No Racist" ... "This Story Is Dumb & Stupid"

Ron Harper is coming out strong in defense of his ex-Chicago Bulls coach Phil Jackson — saying straight-up, “He’s no racist” … despite comments made by LeBron James.  Phil’s been under fire this week — ever since LeBron slammed Jackson for…
