Showing posts with label 'Phil. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 'Phil. Show all posts

Monday, December 10, 2018

Saturday, November 24, 2018

Phil Mickelson Loses $200k Bet to Tiger Woods

Breaking News
Well, it’s already been a pretty costly day for Phil Mickelson … that $ 200,000 bet with Tiger Woods didn’t exactly go his way. 
Remember, earlier this week, Phil bet Tiger $ 100,000 that he would birdy the 1st hole at the big pay-per-view golf match on Friday. ...
Phil Mickelson Loses $200k Bet to Tiger Woods

Friday, November 23, 2018

Phil Mickelson Loses $200k Bet to Tiger Woods

Breaking News
Well, it’s already been a pretty costly day for Phil Mickelson … that $ 200,000 bet with Tiger Woods didn’t exactly go his way. 
Remember, earlier this week, Phil bet Tiger $ 100,000 that he would birdy the 1st hole at the big pay-per-view golf match on Friday. ...
Phil Mickelson Loses $200k Bet to Tiger Woods

Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Tiger vs. Phil The $9 Million Money Shot!

Ever wonder what $ 9 MILLION in cash looks like?  Well, here ya go … 
Here’s the cash prize that’s being offered to the winner of the Tiger Woods vs. Phil Mickelson 1-on-1 golf tournament on Friday. 
While the guys were getting ready for Tuesday’s big media event at Sh...
Tiger vs. Phil The $9 Million Money Shot!

Friday, October 26, 2018

Phil Mickelson Has Gambling Advice for Tiger Woods Showdown

Why should you put your money on underdog Phil Mickelson beating Tiger Woods in their huge upcoming $ 9 MILLION 1-on-1 match?  It ain’t ‘cause he plays better with his back against the wall … “I think it pays better!” PHIL’S GOT GAMBLING…


Thursday, August 2, 2018

Phil Mickelson Dances His Ass Off To Sell Dress Shirts

If Phil Mickelson ever gets tired of hittin’ golf balls, he’s got no shot at a career as a dancer — ‘cause Lefty put all of his moves on display for a new commercial … and they ain’t all that great. The PGA Tour superstar is hockin’ dress shirts…


Thursday, July 26, 2018

Michelle Williams and Phil Elverum: Married!

Big news from one of the most talented actresses working today!

Michelle Williams covers the new issue of Vanity Fair, and inside the mag, she confirms that she’s now married to indie musician Phil Elverum.

Michelle Williams-Phil Elverum

In the most candid interview of her career, Williams gushed about her new husband and revealed the impetus behind her decision to finally open up about her personal life:

“Obviously I’ve never once in my life talked about a relationship,” she said.

“But Phil isn’t anyone else. And that’s worth something.

“Ultimately the way he loves me is the way I want to live my life on the whole. I work to be free inside of the moment. I parent to let Matilda feel free to be herself, and I am finally loved by someone who makes me feel free.”

Williams has a daughter, 12-year-old Matilda, with the late Heath Ledger, who passed away in 2008.

Phil Elverum

“I never gave up on love. I always say to Matilda, ‘Your dad loved me before anybody thought I was talented, or pretty, or had nice clothes,’” she tells Vanity Fair. 

Sadly, Elverum is no stranger to tragedy himself.

In 2016, the singer’s first wife, musical artist Geneviève Castrée, passed away from pancreatic cancer shortly after giving birth to the couple’s only daughter.

As for her decision to discuss her personal life after so many years of keeping a low profile, Williams says she felt compelled to speak out after realizing that her story might serve as a source of hope or inspiration for others who have experienced profound loss:

“I don’t really want to talk about any of it,” she says. 

“But there’s that tease, that lure, that’s like, ‘What if this helps somebody?

“What if somebody who has always journeyed in this way, who has struggled as much as I struggled, and looked as much as I looked, finds something that helps them?’”

Williams adds:

“Don’t settle. Don’t settle for something that feels like a prison, or is hard, or hurts you,” she says. “If it doesn’t feel like love, it’s not love.”

We wish Michelle and Phil all the best.

If anyone deserves happiness and companionship, it’s these two.


Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Dr. Phil Exonerated on Crash Surveillance Footage

The guy who claims Dr. Phil badly injured him when his car allegedly plowed into him has some explaining to do … because we got the surveillance video and he didn’t seem hurt at all. TMZ has obtained video of the October incident, which shows Dr.…


Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Tiger Woods & Peyton Manning Lose to Phil Mickelson at PGA Pro-Am

Two of the greatest winners in pro sports couldn’t pull it off today … with Peyton Manning and Tiger Woods LOSING a PGA Pro-Am to a team led by Phil Mickelson.  Tiger and Peyton (and 2 other guys) were teamed up at the Memorial Pro-Am…


Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Dr. Phil Says Kanye"s Comments are Irresponsible, Ignorant and Empowering Hate Groups

Dr. Phil believes Kanye West saying whatever he thinks and feels is either an attention grab or a serious impulse control problem, but either way … it needs to stop because he’s fueling hate. Dr. Phil gave us his take on the rapper’s…


Monday, April 9, 2018

Cleveland Kidnapping Survivor Tells Dr. Phil She"s Married

Michelle Knight — the woman who was kidnapped in Cleveland and held captive for 11 years after going missing in 2002 — is now a happily married woman … TMZ has learned. 36-year-old Michelle — now known as Lily Rose – gleefully revealed…


Cleveland Kidnapping Survivor Tells Dr. Phil She"s Married

Michelle Knight — the woman who was kidnapped in Cleveland and held captive for 11 years after going missing in 2002 — is now a happily married woman … TMZ has learned. 36-year-old Michelle — now known as Lily Rose – gleefully revealed…


Thursday, February 1, 2018

Punxsutawney Phil: Groundhog Day Soothsayer Set to Nail 2017 Forecast … Maybe

Punxsutawney Phil, the prognosticator to end all prognosticators, is getting hyped as s–t to make his annual Groundhog Day prediction.

What will he tell us early Friday morning?

The man, the myth, the Rust Belt legend without whom Groundhog Day would not be a thing is just hours away from doing HIS thing:

Making his annual prediction at daybreak LIVE from the western reaches of Keystone State, to lay out how 2018 will shake out weather-wise.

Will there be a shadow sighting, thus signaling six more weeks of winter? Or no shadow, and therefore, an early spring on the horizon?

Only Punxsutawney Phil knows for sure.

February 2, of course, is when this affable, rotund mound of profound knowledge emerges from Gobbler’s Knob in Punxsutawney, Pa.

He either sees his shadow or he doesn’t. It’s as simple as that, yet the stakes at the midway point of winter (exactly!) could not be higher.

A hell of a lot is riding on this s–t, given that if there is a shadow sighting, we’re looking at six more weeks of bitter cold and icy precipitation.

No shadow? Then it’s early spring, people!

Awesome as that sounds (and increasingly likely, if you buy into the whole Chinese climate change hoax), we wouldn’t wager on this.

Historically, the odds just aren’t that great.

In 120 years, Punxsutawney Phil has predicted an “early spring” a sparing 18 times, not a shock since he lives in the Northeast U.S.

Not to mention, one of those times was 2013, when record snowfall totals proceeded to pound much of the U.S. not even a week later.

On the flip side, he’s been on top of this s–t since.

Following the aforementioned debacle, which even led to a lawsuit by one Ohio county, he came back with back-to-back shadow sightings. 

Both preceded extremely wintry weather in 2014-15. In 2016, Phil did not see his shadow and North America saw its warmest winter ever.

Last year, he again saw his shadow and winter roared on with a vengeance as predicted. Suffice it to say, P-squared is back, b-tches.

Hopefully, Punxsy decides to turn in early and get some rest tonight, because we need him to bring his A-game tomorrow morning.

Happy Groundhog Day!

The current forecast for Friday a.m. in the Weather Capitol of the World is mostly cloudy and a chilly 14 degrees, for what that’s worth.

How it plays out is anyone’s guess, so just sit back, think about your favorite lines from Groundhog Day the movie and bask in the glory.

Early spring or not, this quintessentially American holiday is a great chance to get outside, have fun and enjoy the spectacle of winter.

Come on, it’s the second day of February, probably the most dismal point in the entire calendar year. We all need this right now.

And for that, we thank Phil.



Wednesday, January 17, 2018

New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy Sworn In During Son"s Circle Game

Phil Murphy is officially New Jersey’s next governor post-Chris Christie — but, while he was taking his oath … the guy’s oldest kid was busy honoring “Malcolm in the Middle.” Phil’s eldest son, Josh Murphy, flashed the OK sign below his…


Friday, December 29, 2017

Dr. Phil Show Denies Allegations of Providing Drugs, Alcohol

In a report that stunned even Dr. Phil’s fiercest critics, Dr. Phil is accused of providing alcohol and drugs to addicts who appear on his show.

Dr. Phil McGraw, the person, has yet to respond to these serious accusations. Dr. Phil, the television show, however, has spoken out.

And they’re denying it, saying that the accusations come from disgruntled people, and essentially stating that addicts are liars. Uh-oh.

Dr. Phil’s show purportedly helps people who are suffering. People who’ve survived horrifying trauma and are plagued with mental illness. People who are being scammed. People who struggle with addiction.

No one’s disputing that some of the guests on this show are helped by the show and by the programs that they then enter.

But what does Dr. Phil do aside from make Danielle Bregoli famous and let audiences gawk at people living or reliving the worst moments of their lives as they’re humiliated on television?

According to some pretty damning accusations reported by STAT and The Boston Globe, Dr. Phil’s producers have their finger on the scale — helping guests obtain drugs or straight-up giving them to them.

Remember Todd Herzog from Survivor: China? In 2013, he had to be carried onto the set to talk to Dr. Phil.

At the time, Phil McGraw famously said that Herzog’s struggle with alcoholism was endangering his life. And if a guy can’t stop drinking long enough to do a talk show, that sounds accurate.

But Todd Herzog tells STAT and The Boston Globe that he was sober when he arrived to do the show … only to find a bottle of vodka waiting in his room.

Unable to resist the temptation, he drank from it. And he says that a producer also gave him a Xanax (don’t mix those, folks). 

And that goes on top of accusations from multiple sources, alleging that Dr. Phil producers and staff openly enabled and even assisted guests who struggled with addiction in using and even procuring drugs.

Dr. Martin Greenberg serves as Dr. Phil‘s director of professional affairs.

He described these new claims as “absolutely, unequivocally untrue.”

Specifically responding to Herzog’s accusation, he said: “We do not do that with this guest or any other”

That’s the sort of denial that you expect from any accusation (true or not), and is fairly bland.

It’s what Dr. Greenberg later said that’s really troubling.

“Addicts are notorious for lying, deflecting, and trivializing,” he declared.

Dr. Greenberg works on a show that’s supposed to help people struggling with problems, but the minute that he feels back into a corner, he defends the show by suggesting that addicts are dirty liars and can’t be trusted?

That’s what it sounds like.

“But, if they are at risk when they arrive, then they were at risk before they arrived.”

Meaning, what … that anything that might happen on the show can’t possibly make things worse for them?

“The only change is they are one step closer to getting help, typically help they could not have even come close to affording.”

Oh boy.

Also, it appears that Greenberg has been changing his stance.

When first asked about any medical supervision for Todd Herzog, Greenberg replied: “No, of course not, it’s a television show.”

He then seemed to radically change his tune, announcing that Herzog had been “medically supervised the entire time.”

And Greenberg made yet another statement, we suppose in an effort to clarify things.

“We mean 100% of guests agreeing to treatment. It does not mean that a guest is being monitored 100% of the time.”

We were initially surprised that Phil McGraw himself wasn’t the first to react to these accusations.

Now, some can’t help but wonder if he — or someone else who works on the show — decided to let Greenberg be the spokesperson and then take the fall for what seems to be an ever-changing story.


Thursday, December 28, 2017

Former "Survivor" Winner Todd Herzog Blames "Dr. Phil" for Drunken 2013 TV Show Appearance

Todd Herzog — the winner of “Survivor: China” in 2007 who has since battled alcoholism — claims he was supplied with booze and drugs to get him loaded before he appeared on Dr. Phil’s show. In a shocking interview with STAT, Herzog says he was…


Dr. Phil Accused of Prividing Alcohol, Drugs to Addict Guests

Plenty of people aren’t surprised to hear that accusations are coming out about Dr. Phil. He’s been slammed with lawsuits and allegations before.

But this report, the published results an an investigation by The Boston Globe and STAT, allege something very different that goes right to the heart of the “treatments” that Dr. Phil claims to provide.

Dr. Phil’s show is accused of, among other things, providing addicts who are seeking treatment with the substances that they crave.

As we all know, Dr. Phil was made famous by Danielle Bregoli … with a little help from Oprah a couple of decades earlier.

He purportedly helps people with their problems, be it behavior or substance abuse issues using the sort of folksy “wisdom” that you’d expect from a towering Texan walrus in human form.

But does his show really help people … or does he march people out in front of the cameras, let his audience ogle that person’s problems, and then make a show of setting their life on track without really helping?

Does Dr. Phil actually make things worse, endangering guests for the sake of good ratings?

Todd Herzog won his season of Survivor: China in 2008. But in 2013, it seemed like he wasn’t going to survive much longer.

When he appeared on Dr. Phil’s show, he was so wildly intoxicated that he literally had to be carried out to his chair.

According to the investigation by STAT and The Boston Globe, the audience never knew the whole story.

“Herzog, who was battling alcoholism, told STAT and the Boston Globe that he was not intoxicated when he arrived at the Los Angeles studio.”

You’d think that, even if he had shown up drunk, they would have worked to sober him up, right?

“In his dressing room, he said he found a bottle of Smirnoff vodka. He drank all of it. Then someone handed him a Xanax, he said, telling him it would ‘calm his nerves."”

Oh. Wow.

That’s just one allegation.

“Guests have been left without medical help as they face withdrawal from drugs.”

And there’s a very disturbing allegation included in the report of, well, another variety.

“One person said she was directed by a show staff member to an open-air drug market to find heroin for her detoxing niece.”

Neither of those should happen for someone who is seeking treatment for addiction issues.

A representative for the show, Martin Greenberg, denied the accusations about Herzog, the bottle of vodka, and the Xanax.

“We do not do that with this guest or any other.”

He goes on to refer to the allegations as “absolutely, unequivocally untrue.”

We think that it’s possible for a single isolated incident to be the actions of a rogue producer who makes bad choices.

But we’re talking about an alleged pattern of behavior on the part of the series, here, not about one bottle in the wrong room.

It’s also worth noting, as the report does, that some of Dr. Phil’s own employees have spoken out before.

“Some of McGraw’s own employees have raised alarms about the treatment of guests.”

And about the treatment of employees.

“In one lawsuit filed last year against McGraw and his production company in Los Angeles Superior Court, a former segment director, Leah Rothman, accused McGraw of false imprisonment for trapping employees in a room to threaten them over leaks to the media.”

Yikes. And it sounds like guests fare even worse.

“Rothman also alleged that guests complained that their lives were ‘ruined.’ One guest attempted suicide after the show, according to a deposition with another staff member.”

This is hardly the first time that Dr. Phil has been accused of exploiting vulnerable people for entertainment purposes.

(Remember when his dubious interview with Shelly Duvall?)

But the accusation that Dr. Phil’s producers are directing addicts on where to buy drugs before filming is a little unsettling.

It’d be nice to believe that maybe producers just want to make sure that addicts buy drugs from safer dealers if they’re going to buy them somewhere.

But none of that would explain away that alleged vodka bottle. Or that Xanax.

And considering the massive profits that Dr. Phil — the show and the man — rakes in, you have to look if they have a motive to make things look worse and more sensational for the cameras.

And perhaps less of a motive to make sure that everybody gets helped.

These accusations are alarming. Will further accusations follow?


Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Dr. Phil: SUED for Car Accident Involving Skateboarder?!

It looks like talk show host and walrus-American Dr. Phil may have made a mistake. And no, we don’t just mean catapulting Danielle Bregoli to fame and millions.

No — Dr. Phil was involved in a traffic accident.

And the skateboarder he hit might be in for a serious payday. But … it’s complicated.

With the possible exception of a few midwestern grandmas, we don’t think that anyone actually thinks that Dr. Phil is infallible.

… Or the sort of expert to whom you should be listening about the most important things in your life, honestly.

He’s just a guy whom some people find charming and folksy and he makes for good television.

Like, one of the statements from his show that’s highlighted on his Instagram page is “Parenting is both a noun and a verb.”

… Yes.

That is literally how language works. (When a progressive verb is working as a noun, it’s called a gerund)

But passing that off as something with profound meaning is more than a little goofy.

So … you’re probably wondering what Dr. Phil did wrong.

The short version? Dr. Phil reportedly hit a guy with his car.

According to TMZ, who broke the story, Dr. Phil’s car accident happened when the TV star was emerging from a Universal City parking lot.

This was on Friday.

Apparently, Dr. Phil made an impatient attempt to pass a van, and ended up hitting Terrence Bembury — a 20-something skateboarder and bodybuilder.

Now, getting hit by a car is most people’s nightmare.

Getting hit by a car driven by a guy worth an estimated $ 400 million … well, if you’re okay afterwards, that’s the stuff that dreams are made of, right?

There are a couple of versions of how this went down.

One version, the police account (though it looks like no officers were actual witnesses to the collision), says that Terrence Bembury shook hands with Dr. Phil and told him that he was fine.

(Pro-tip: never tell people that you’re fine; an impact from even a slow-moving car can cause injuries that you might not notice right away. Sometimes, those injuries can be very serious. Also, never tell the other person “sorry,” even if you do feel sorry, as that can be used against you as an admission of fault)

Terrence Bembury now paints a different picture, posting about being injured.

Right now, we don’t know whether he was genuinely injured or whether he suddenly realized that he’d have to be out of his mind to not get any cash out of Dr. Phil.

While Terrence might not benefit from the multiple versions of events, as police say that he had earlier been singing the same tune as Dr. Phil and only later changed his story, he says that he’s securing a lawyer.

And, honestly, police have reviewed traffic footage and say that Dr. Phil was in the wrong.

If Terrance was actually injured, it sounds like he might have a real case.

We have mixed feelings about this.

On the one hand, if Terrance was injured in the slightest, you’d think that Dr. Phil would be culpable for it.

On the other hand, we’ve never understood why skateboarders (or bicycles!) are allowed on streets. If we have to humor people who insist upon riding that awful middle-ground between walking and cars, maybe they should have their own lanes, right?

And then there’s the possibility — though we’re not accusing him of anything — that Terrence is taking advantage of this situation for cash.

But … we think that most people would, right?

Terrence certainly didn’t seek out this situation (no one has accused Terrence of being a mastermind schemer who somehow arranged for this to happen or anything), and it’s hard to blame him for trying ot make the best out of a bad situation.

Dr. Phil might feel differently, though.

But do you know what’s the weirdest about this case?

With all of his money, it sounds like Dr. Phil drives himself home from work.


Sunday, October 22, 2017

Dr. Phil, Accident Victim Lashes Out, Lawyers Up

The skateboarder Dr. Phil hit Friday is pulling out all the stops … going after Phil and threatening a lawsuit. TMZ broke the story … Phil was coming out of a Universal City parking lot Friday when he impatiently attempted to pass a van,…


Dr. Phil, Accident Victim Lashes Out, Lawyers Up

The skateboarder Dr. Phil hit Friday is pulling out all the stops … going after Phil and threatening a lawsuit. TMZ broke the story … Phil was coming out of a Universal City parking lot Friday when he impatiently attempted to pass a van,…
