Showing posts with label Blackballed. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Blackballed. Show all posts

Monday, December 10, 2018

Monday, July 2, 2018

Lee Daniels Says Mo"Nique Wasn"t Blackballed, Needs to Shut Up

Lee Daniels says he knows exactly who is responsible for Mo’Nique getting blackballed from Hollywood — Mo’Nique. The famed director tells us it’s past time for Mo’Nique to quit bitching and blaming Tyler…


Monday, December 25, 2017

Terrell Owens Says He"s Just Like Colin Kaepernick, Blackballed by NFL

Terrell Owens says he and Colin Kaepernick are one and the same when it comes to their NFL careers … ‘cause “politics” are keeping both of ‘em outta the league. “What’s stopping Colin Kaepernick from being in the league? You trying to tell me he…


Monday, November 13, 2017

Tom Brady: Kaepernick"s a "Damn Good QB," Not Sure If He"s Being Blackballed

Tom Brady says Colin Kaepernick is a “damn good quarterback” who’s proven he can play at a high level — but the Pats superstar says he “has no idea” if Kaep’s actually being blackballed.  Brady appeared on WEEI’s ”Kirk and…


Thursday, July 20, 2017

Steve Tisch Says Colin Kaepernick"s Hair Doesn"t Matter, "Cause He Isn"t Being Blackballed

Steve Tisch says Michael Vick is dead wrong about Colin Kaepernick … telling TMZ Sports his hair has nothing to do with his NFL return, because Tisch doesn’t think he’s being blackballed. We got Steve, the co-owner of the NY Giants at Craig’s out…


Friday, April 21, 2017

Kareem Abdul-Jabbar Won"t Say Kaepernick Is Being Blackballed By NFL

Kareem Abdul-Jabbar tells TMZ Sports it’s “hard to say” if Colin Kaepernick is being blackballed by the NFL … and says we’ll just have to “wait and see” if he gets hired before the 2017 season.  Kareem has been outspoken about the Kaepernick…


Friday, March 31, 2017

Terrell Suggs Says Kaepernick Is Being Blackballed ... "Stay Strong, We"re With You" (VIDEO)

Terrell Suggs says he’s CERTAIN Colin Kaepernick is being blackballed by NFL teams over his national anthem protest … but tells TMZ Sports he’s offered his full support to the QB. 


Thursday, March 30, 2017

John Elway Says Kaepernick"s NOT Being Blackballed (VIDEO)

John Elway says he does NOT believe Colin Kaepernick is being blackballed by the NFL over his national anthem protests … but says he’s not really sure if the QB can still compete in the league.  John and his smokin’ hot wife Paige (a former…
