Showing posts with label Damn. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Damn. Show all posts

Saturday, January 26, 2019

Friday, October 5, 2018

Tristan Thompson: Damn is it Hard Not to Cheat on Khloe!!

Though she’s happily being a mother to baby True, Khloe is terrified that Tristan will cheat again.

But Tristan has allegedly resolved to never cheat on her again. It’s a little late for that.

And apparently we’re supposed to applaud or even pity him for resisting so much “temptation.”

A source close to Tristan Thompson tells HollywoodLife that he’s really, really trying to not cheat on Khloe yet again.

“Tristan knows he can’t f–k up again,” the insider says bluntly.

“And that if he does,” the source continues. “Khloe will kick him to the curb.”

“So he’s focusing all his energy on basketball,” the insider says.

“And,” the source says, Tristan is focused “on playing his best season yet.”

We’re meant to believe that not cheating takes a great deal of effort on Tristan’s part.

“Tristan is constantly surrounded by temptation,” the insider claims, as if Tristan is on a strict diet instead of just being asked to remain faithful.

“Hot chicks literally throw themselves at him,” the source declares.

He’s young and hot and he’s a famous athlete, so that’s no surprise.

The insider says that these women want him “and are constantly flirting with him and vying for his attention.”

Sex is great! But since Tristan chose to enter a monogamous relationship, it is absolutely impossible to pity him over this “predicament.”

“Tristan is doing his utmost to ignore it all, though,” the source says.

“And,” the insider continues, Tristan is trying “to focus on what matters most.”

To make things absolutely clear, what matters most is not banging every available beauty who walks by.

The source clarifies that Tristan’s priorities are: “Khloe, his kids, and his career.”

“It ain’t easy,” the insider claims.

Again, no one is asking him to remain chaste. Just to be monogamous.

“Tristan is young,” the source writes. “He’s in his prime.”

“And,” the insider explains. “All the attention he gets is enough to tempt anyone.”

Right … but he’s the one who signed up to date Khloe. There are plenty of other women who’d be happy to date him in an open relationship.

“But after being caught out before and nearly losing everything he holds dearest,” the source says. “He’s determined to be better.”

So it sounds like he at least learned his lesson … even if it’s a lesson that he should never have needed to learn.

The insider says that Tristan has resolved “to be the man he knows he can be.”

“And,” specifically, the source says that he has decided |to be faithful and loyal to Khloe.”

Usually, that’s a determination that someone makes, um, before they have a baby with their girlfriend.

The inside source affirms that Khloe remains a priority for Tristan.

“She’s his heart and soul,” the insider emphasizes.

That doesn’t explain why he decided to cheat on her repeatedly during her pregnancy.

“And,” the source says. “He never wants to hurt or humiliate her ever again.”

Well, we should certainly hope not.

Life & Style reports that Khloe is lovestruck, but that the rest of her family is much more wary of her continued romance with Tristan.

“Khloe just can’t let this relationship go,” that insider laments.

“All the Kardashians are against her having another baby,” that source shares grimly. “But she won’t listen to any of them.”

That insider shares that “She’s blinded by love when it comes to Tristan.”

That seems to be something that runs in the family. Just look at how ardently Kim defends Kanye over the indefensible.

There are a lot of people who aren’t well-suited to monogamous relationships. Some are aromantic, others simply have too much love to give.

That’s fine! In fact, relationships featuring multiple people or mutually open relationships can be great.

But that is not what Tristan has chosen for himself. He is dating Khloe.

He doesn’t get a gold star for not cheating anymore. That’s just a simple expectation.

And not everyone is convinced that he’ll stay on the straight-and-narrow.


Thursday, September 27, 2018

Octomom: My Family Is Too Damn Big For Instagram!

Natalie Suleman is the mother to 14 children. As you can imagine, she has even more trouble than most families when it comes to getting everyone together for a group photo.

The results, however, can be pretty darn funny.

Take a look at the photo of her minimalist family, and read the (former) Octomom’s explanation for the chaos.

Sharing the photo that you’re about to see to Instagram, Natalie Suleman — who no longer uses the names Nadya or Octomom — offers an explanation.

“So THIS is what happened when we attempted to take a fun family photo with as many family members as possible,” she writes.

In the picture, she is seated with only 11 of her 14 children.

“Per usual, Elijah, Amerah, and JJ are absent from the pic,” Suleman explains.

She adds: “(growing up I despised taking photos so I understand and don’t force them).”

There is a lot of chaotic energy in this photo. With some different arrangements and more dramatic lighting, you’d get a Baroque painting.

“Aidan had enough of sitting and threw his head back,” she explains.

The result, as you can see, is that his head flew back dramatically, “nearly hitting mine.”

“So,” she writes. “This may explain why I look, ummm … startled.”

She’s clearly not the only one. Hey, children don’t generally want to sit still for ages. This problem magifies exponentially when you add more children.

She also shared this smaller but much less chaotic photo recently.

This was from when she sent her octuplets back to school.

Like countless other parents, celebrity and otherwise, she snapped and shared a back-to-school photo on social media.

Unlike the vast majority of those other parents … she had a lot of children in the photo. But she fit them all into the frame anyway.

She’s had a lot of practice, just as she did in this image when she was feeding them all vegan tacos.

Even in this image, you can tell that they had to go out of their way to fit into the frame.

It’s so reassuring to hear that Suleman gives her children the freedom to opt out of family photos if they want to.

(If anyone else has ever been forced to wear a turtleneck for an hour at the age of four for a family photoshoot, and still feels indignation at that memory, you can appreciate her parenting choice)

It’s also neat to see that most of her children are more than happy to pose for the photos. And when it’s only the eight of them, things tend to turn out pretty well.

At least, they do in the photos that she chooses to upload. We’re sure that she has plenty of outtakes that fans and followers don’t normally get to see.

You know what? It’s been years since Suleman stopped being Octomom, and we have to say that she seems to be doing well.

We’re so sorry that she got so much negative feedback over supporting her family by stripping. There is nothing wrong with sex work, and she should never have been shamed for it.

Sometimes, when people become famous, they just can’t handle it. Suleman is an example of that, but she seems to have adjusted to things.

Her focus is on her fourteen children. That’s right where it should be.


Sunday, September 16, 2018

"The Rent Is Too Damn High" Guy Jimmy McMillan Sues to Run For Governor

Remember the “rent is too damn high” guy? Well, Jimmy McMillan is still up in arms about the outrageous prices in the Big Apple … and he’s pissed there’s nothing he can do about it.  Jimmy is suing the New York State Board of…


Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Stephen Miller Owns the Libs By Throwing Out His Own Damn Dinner

In case you’ve somehow been blissfully unaware of his existence, allow us to fill you in on the newly-hatched-larva-turned-Trump-policy-advisor whos’s adopted the human name of Stephen Miller.

Miller is, to put it bluntly, the absolute worst.

As if you couldn’t tell from those soulless pits of suffering he calls eyes, Miller is the kind of guy whose lonely and humiliating teen years drove him to a life of supervillainy, but whose lack of intellect prevented him from going full-Thanos.

The MAGA crowd is torn on Miller.

On the plus side, he’s fully committed to the cause of evil.

(It’s Miller who’s said to be most responsible for the Trump administration’s decision to separate immigrant children from their families. One source claimed the 32-year-old “enjoys” seeing photos of kids in cages.)

But on the other hand, Miller’s rodent-like appearance and Woody Allen-like mannerisms are basically what the average irate Trump supporter sees when he closes his eyes and envisions a “cuck,” something he presumably does several dozen times a day.

Stephen Miller Image

So perhaps we can all put momentarily set aside our political differences (Ed. note: LOLOLOLOL) and share in a laugh over Lil Stevey’s recent unagi-related misfortune.

You see, Miller is the latest victim of the objectively awesome trend of regular citizens giving Trump staffers hell in public places.

Sarah Huckabee Sanders was kicked out of a restaurant; Scott Pruitt caught heat from a sh-t-talking mom and then freakin’ resigned; Kellyanne Conway can’t walk down the street without passersby shouting Bible verses in hopes that she’ll explode into  Stephen Miller …

As for Stephen Miller, well … he threw out $ 80 worth of sushi and then bragged about it for some reason.

Yes, according to a new feature in The Washington Post that details the various ways in which being a Trump staffer will justly ruin your life, Miller recently picked up a to-go order from a sushi restaurant near his apartment in D.C.

As he was leaving the establishment, Miller heard someone shout his name.

Stehphen Miller Pic

He turned to see a bartender from the restaurant hitting him with a pair of one-digit salutes.

Being a member of the most ultra-masculine, supremely-alpha administration in history, Miller naturally pulled a U-turn and swiftly kicked the guy’s ass.

Just kidding, he scurried back to his apartment and tossed the sushi in the trash.

Then for some reason, he told his co-workers about the incident the next day, presumably thinking he would receive a round of high-fives and even a seductive look from a comely intern.

Instead, Miller has once again assumed the role of national laughingstock, and he has no one to blame but himself.

At least when Trump wanted to exact revenge on the people who picked on him, he did something that made sense like stealing an election.

American democracy can be rebuilt, but once your California rolls hit this morning’s coffee grounds, they’re gone forever.


Tuesday, May 29, 2018

The Bachelorette Season Premiere Recap: Let"s Do The Damn Thing!

It’s that time of year again, people!

The Bachelorette is officially back, baby (and The Bachelorette spoilers have already told us who wins, but that’s another story)!

For real, do not follow the above link if you don’t want to know how it plays out for Becca Kufrin and … ooh, that was a close one.

Almost gave it away. Wowza.

Anyway, about Monday night …

Whether you’re a Bachelorette spoilers addicted fiend or opt to remain in suspense as to who Becca picks, this much is 100% clear:

1. She’s smoking hot;

2. The guys love her;

3. It’s gonna be bonkers this season as the runner-up from this winter’s The Bachelor season is already driving the competition crazy.

If you watch The Bachelor online, you will already know that Becca has already had a shot at love on reality TV. She was romanced by Arie Luyendyk Jr. and was even engaged to him.   

But Arie had a change of heart, called off their engagement and started a relationship with runner-up Lauren Burnham. 


It was a horrible chain of events, but it was clear Becca rebounded quickly when she was announced as the new Bachelorette. In fact, it probably worked out better for her.   

When the episode kicked off, we learned that Becca was not about to let that loser Arie ruin her time in front of the reality TV cameras.   

“I’m just, like, your normal average girl,” she says. “All I did was get my heart broken on TV.”  

Becca was joined by former The Bachelorette women JoJo Fletcher, Kaitlyn Bristowe and Rachel Lindsay who had a grand old chat about the highs and lows of finding love on TV. 

“Please don’t edit this out: fuck him,” Rachel said of Arie when she got some screen time, before proceeding to sage the mansion. 



Oh yes, Rachel is holding nothing back, and that’s why we loved her so much on her season. 

“As women, we do a better a job of it,” Jojo tells the camera when she is asked whether the women are better at picking the men.  

“Women are more intuitive. They know what they want,” she continued. 

With the sheer amount of men emerging from the limousines at the lavish mansion, it was clear they were all trying to do their best to make a big first impression.   


FYI: Lindsay, Fletcher, and Bristowe all picked the same person who won the first impression rose to win the game, so they’re kind of a big deal.   

There was a fake proposal, a cardboard cutout of Arie, and even a choir. Even after all these years, the men are really bringing it with the entrances.   

Our pick for the best first impression has got to be David. He emerged from the limo in a chicken suit and said the following:

“I’m not here to ruffle feathers.” 


If that’s not a winning line, then we don’t know what is.   

There was also one contestant who got sent home very early. The reason?

She knew him through friends back in Minnesota, and said that “honestly I don’t think he’s here for me.”  

If Becca wanted to prove anything, it was that she was not messing around this time … and that’s what made the rose ceremony, so fun to watch.   

Chris went out of his way early in the episode to say that Chase came on to the show for all of the wrong reasons.



We don’t know where Chris gets the right to speak to people he’s known for a matter of hours like that, but he did.   

In any case, Becca actually agreed with Chris and sent Chase packing. If Chris was here to play a strategic game to take out all of the bigger players by planting seeds of doubt in Becca’s mind, he succeeded.   

Kamil, Joe, Darius, Grant, and Christian were also given the pink slip, and that meant there were 21 people left in the competition for Becca’s heart.   

As for who actually got the first impression rose, it went to Garrett, a 29-year-old who showed up at the mansion in a minivan.

Maybe he was trying to show Becca that he didn’t need a limo to make an entrance. We’re not so sure, but Becca seemed smitten with him.   

What did you think of the premiere?   

Did the right people go home? Is there a future for Becca and Garrett?  

Watch The Bachelorette online right now!


Monday, April 16, 2018

Kendrick Lamar Wins Pulitzer Prize for "DAMN"

Kendrick Lamar might find it harder to be humble — his “DAMN” album just won a prestigious Pulitzer Prize. The Pulitzer committee made the unprecedented announcement Monday … hailing Kendrick’s album as ”a virtuosic song collection…


Friday, April 6, 2018

Wale Parties With The Whole Damn WWE In New Orleans

Note: Being a huge rapper is an amazing thing. Just ask rap superstar Wale, who’s a gigantic WWE fan — and proved it by partying with the whole damn organization down in New Orleans Thursday night. Of course, it’s Wrestlemania weekend — and Wale…


Wale Parties With The Whole Damn WWE In New Orleans

Note: Being a huge rapper is an amazing thing. Just ask rap superstar Wale, who’s a gigantic WWE fan — and proved it by partying with the whole damn organization down in New Orleans Thursday night. Of course, it’s Wrestlemania weekend — and Wale…


Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Roddy Piper Would Be "Damn Proud" of Rousey, Wrestler"s Kids Say

Roddy Piper’s kids were downright emotional when talking about how much Ronda Rousey means to their family … and what a special moment it was to see her wearing the WWE legend’s jacket.  TMZ Sports spoke with Colt Toombs and Ariel Teal…


Tuesday, January 23, 2018

The Bachelor Recap: So Damn Young!

We’re only three episodes into Arie Luyendyk Jr.’s journey for love on ABC, but The Bachelor spoilers are holding up nicely thus far.

There’s a long way to go until The Bachelor 2018 winner is revealed, but spoilers aside, the contenders are starting to emerge.

This week, on the fourth installment of the young season, Arie and his 15 remaining ladies took a road trip to Lake Tahoe, Nev.

What surprises awaited them there? 

Most significantly, one big question we’ve had since the beginning of the season was answered, as we now know Bekah’s age.

After some horseback riding and so many stolen kisses, Bekah revealed to the 36-year-old Bachelor star that she is only … 22.

Arie recoiled, calling her “so damn young” and asking Bekah repeatedly if she was ready for a commitment like this at that age.

Her answers weren’t exactly compelling, but hey, Bekah’s pretty and one of the “most amazing” people he’s ever met, so she stayed.

Meanwhile, Krystal continued to pit herself against the rest of the women, who she felt were trying too hard to procure Arie’s attention.

Yes … on The Bachelor.

Krystal vented to Arie that she was feeling bullied, frozen out, even targeted by the other women on the show, but she’s staying too.

She even interrupted Arie just before the rose ceremony so she could talk to him one-on-one, making just about everyone’s eyes roll.

What she had to say was pretty much unrelated to the situation, except for making the other remaining women loathe her even more.

One absolute gem of a quote:

“I feel like it’s hard for me to really, like, shine who I am while trying not to be intimidating to the girls I spend the majority of the time with.”

“I come across as flawless.”

Okay. She also mused at one point about how “I don’t know how I’m gonna get through the elimination of all these women.”

It can be brutal for sure.

In other news, Tia got the group date rose, while Maquel abruptly left the show after finding out her grandfather passed away.

Perhaps a DRAMATIC RETURN unlike anything we’ve ever seen before in BACHELOR HISTORY awaits us next Monday.

At the rose ceremony, Arie dispatched Brittany and Caroline, leaving only a dozen women vying for a life with Arie Luyendyk.

A life which he actually described as kind of boring in his speech to Bekah, but perhaps it wouldn’t be all that bad day to day.

Who knows.


Sunday, December 3, 2017

Chuck Liddell: Chael Sonnen is a Damn Liar, I Didn"t Turn Down Crap!

Chuck Liddell says Chael Sonnen’s claim that he turned down multiple offers to fight him is complete and utter BS … and he ain’t gonna let it slide. “I’ve never been offered a fight with him,” Chuck told TMZ Sports. “Never. No one’s…


Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Vicki Gunvalson: "I"m Off This Damn Show!" on RHOC Reunion Special

Now that The Real Housewives of Orange County season finale has aired, it is of course time for the reunion special.

This may be hard to process, because it"s so uncharacteristic for a gathering of Real Housewives, but … drama ensues.

In fact, in this sneak peek that we have for you below, the stars seem rife with conflict. And multiple someones storm off of the set. 

Vicki gunvalson tamra judge reunion splitThe real housewives of orange county reunion shot

The Real Housewives of Orange County reunion special is going to be so much.

We"re not just saying that because, you know, it"s The Real Housewives of Orange County and when these reality personalities gather, you always know that it will be a lot.

(But … also that)

No, in the sneak peek video that we have for you below, things appear to escalate pretty quickly as the Housewives, and Andy Cohen, round the bases and cover various conflicts and storylines that they had.

And, of course, deliver some updates.

Bravo teases:

"Viewers will hear Shannon"s full story on her heartbreaking split with David, while Tamra reveals the latest in her estrangement with her daughter. As Vicki gives an update on Briana"s health, one housewife shares some surprising news. And, an unlikely turn of events leaves everyone, including Andy, in shock."

The special hasn"t aired yet, but we can share a little more than that.

Tamra judge at the reunion special

First, Tamra Judge.

Tamra Judge"s daughter has publicly slammed her

This isn"t a fit of teen rebellion or a too common case of daughters and mothers coming into conflict. This is a lot more serious and probably a lot more permanent.

See, back in July, Tamra Judge shared an update on her estranged daughter, Sidney Barney. It took the form of photos from Sidney"s graduation from high school.

Cute, right?

Not so much.

First of all, Sidney"s father, Simon Barney, forced her to invite her mother.

Second of all, Sidney asked that her mother not share any of those photos. Naturally, being the woman that she is, Tamra promptly plastered those pics all over social media to brag about how close she and Sidney were to a reconciliation.

As the chyron on The Real Housewives of Orange County"s season finale reminds us, this did not sit well with Sidney.

Sidney made a rare Facebook update, posting a lengthy and very well-worded letter explaining exactly why her mother"s behavior was so deceptive and disgusting.

She also spoke about Tamra"s other poor qualities, about her emotional abuse and about her neglect as a parent.

We fully expect for Tamra"s reunion update to be that she and Sidney still aren"t speaking, which would be for the best.

If Tamra says something else … well, if it"s a lie, perhaps Sidney will give the world another update.

Because if Tamra were really interested in putting her daughter first, as all mothers should, she would be respecting Sidney"s wishes and not using their estrangement as a storyline.

Lydia mclaughlin at the reunion special

Lydia McLaughlin is getting into a bit of a tiff.

She"s never been one to be shy (as if any Real Housewife has ever been shy) about her thoughts and opinions.

And the teaser below shows a no-context clip of her defending herself or her faith … or both.

"You don"t understand my faith; of course it"s not going to make sense to you."

Lydia isn"t a member of a minority faith that typically needs explaining — she"s a Christian and she makes no secret of that.

It"ll be interesting to see how that argument, which you"ll see a few seconds of below, is resolved and what it"s all about.

It will also be interesting to hear Shannon Beador talk about her split.

We don"t look forward to seeing her cry.

Some people you can watch cry and it"s like watching water droplets run down the wall of your shower. Other people, you can"t help but feel for.

For whatever reason, Shannon Beador really gets to me.

Vicki gunvalson at the reunion special

But now, for the main event: Vicki Gunvalson.

Is Vicki, the queen bee of The Real Housewives of Orange County, who has been a fixture on reality television since the series first began, really going to leave the show?

At one point, as you"ll see in this teaser, she gets so upset that she storms off of the set.

She looks so distraught and seeks comfort in her dressing room.

But though the camera doesn"t cross the threshold to follow her, you hear the words:

"I"m off this damn show!"

And, as you"ll see below, she"s not even the only one to walk off of the set.

Vicki gunvalson im off this damn show on rhoc reunion

Monday, November 13, 2017

Colin Kaepernick Deserves Some Damn Respect, Says Maxine Waters

We just got Congresswoman Maxine Waters out in NYC and asked what she thought about Colin Kaepernick being named GQ’s Citizen of the Year. To put it simply … she LOVES it. “I think he has absolutely sacrificed an awful lot for what he believes…


Tom Brady: Kaepernick"s a "Damn Good QB," Not Sure If He"s Being Blackballed

Tom Brady says Colin Kaepernick is a “damn good quarterback” who’s proven he can play at a high level — but the Pats superstar says he “has no idea” if Kaep’s actually being blackballed.  Brady appeared on WEEI’s ”Kirk and…


Tuesday, November 7, 2017

John Salley to Lamar Odom: Stay Out of the Damn Nightclubs!

Lamar Odom + nightclubs = danger … so says John Salley.  Salley says it’s simple math … Odom struggles with substance abuse and the club scene is one of the WORST places for him to be.  Clearly, Salley isn’t buying Odom’s excuse that…


Monday, November 6, 2017

Congressman Slams NBA & NFL, Let Players Have Their Damn Weed!!!

Finally, a politician is going to bat for pro athletes who wanna use weed — saying the NFL and NBA are treating players like 2nd class citizens for taking away their rights to get high (medically).   Rep. Earl Blumenauer (D-OR)…


Thursday, November 2, 2017

David Ortiz"s Advice to Dodgers: "Just Hit the Damn Baseball!"

David Ortiz believes the Dodgers will be just fine next season as long as they take one solid piece of advice — “Just hit the damn baseball.” Big Papi was leaving L.A. after covering the World Series for FOX — and had some real encouraging words…


Sunday, July 9, 2017

Mike Francesa: There"s a Damn Good Reason I Fell Asleep On-Air

Everyone’s seen the clips … and the memes of the time sports talk radio legend Mike Francesa fell asleep on the air.  Now, Mike is explaining how the hell it happened … and it’s actually a pretty solid excuse.  We got Francesa out at…


Friday, June 23, 2017

Eminem Grows Beard; Internet Loses Its Damn Mind

Eminem is bonafide rap royalty, so even if you’re one of those OGs who’s of the opinion that he peaked with 2000’s Marshall Mathers LP, it’s not to see why so many continue to stan out over Slim Shady.

These days, most of the focus is on Em’s personal life, which is understandable for a couple of reasons:

1. See our earlier comment about dude hitting his creative peak like 17 years ago.

(We love you, Em, but you know it’s the truth.)

2. Mr. Mathers tends to shy away from the press these days, which lends him a J.D. Salinger-esque recluse mystique.

(Hard to argue that anyone who appears in public as often as Eminem does could be considered a proper recluse, but in 2017, if you go a day without posting a selfie, you’re basically Emily Dickinson.)

Anyway, the point is, the 44-year-old has achieved permanent headline-maker status.

Even new photos of daughter Hailie Jade Mathers get social media all in a tizzy.

So we suppose it’s not a huge surprise that a major shakeup in the rap legend’s facial hair status has caused the Internet to lose it’f f–king mind:

Eminem Beard

Yes, that’s Em looking less like that the blonde trash-talker that rose to fame two decades ago and more like the guy who works the counter at your local vape shop.

The beard is working for him, but it’s a shock to see the man making such a significant change after being beard-free for his entire adult life.

Maybe Em got a memo from El-P, Action Bronson, Post Malone, Mac Miller, and Riff Raff, informing him that in 2017, white rappers rock facial hair.

Or maybe he remembered that he has a daughter in college, which means it’s time to flex his beard muscle.

Either way, the look is definitelt contributing to his mysterious reculse status.

Em was on the red carpet to promote The Defiant Ones, an upcoming HBO documentary about the collaborative relationship between Dr. Dre and hip hop mogul Jimmy Iovine.

Enjoy it, because it’s probably the last look you’ll get at dude this year. 

But don’t worry, we’ll let you know when new photos of Hailie Jade surface.

(She turns 22 this year, you can ogle without shame.)
