Showing posts with label There's. Show all posts
Showing posts with label There's. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Johnny Depp: There"s No Way I Could Have Abused Amber Heard!

There was a time — not all that long ago, in fact — when people actually looked forward to the promotional tours that preceded the release of Johnny Depp’s big-budget studio films.

Depp was Hollywood’s most charming oddball, and fans loved the idea of the notoriously press-shy actor being lured away from much cooler pursuits — presumably smoking opium with Keith Richards or something — to provide a sharp contrast to the sunny demeanor of some bubbly morning show host.

But a whole lot has changed since the days when Depp used to mumble his way through pre-taped interviews with Matt Lauer.

And needless to say, it’s all been bad.

Over the past few years, the once-beloved actor’s reputation has taken one hit after another.

Last year, Depp sued his management team, and the bizarre court battle that ensued painted a picture of a drug-addled egomaniac who’s prone to bullying and endangering the less powerful for the sake of his own amusement.

In June, Rolling Stone published an interview with Depp that seemed to confirm suspicions that years of heavy substance abuse and a number of toxic personality traits had caused the 55-year-old to transform into a sort of sad self-parody.

But nothing did more damage to Depp’s public image than his ugly divorce from Amber Heard.

Heard accused Depp of savagely beating her, and secretly recorded video (below) showed a heavily-intoxicated Depp berating his then-wife.

Most actors would have embarked on an apology tour after something like that, but Depp maintained his innocence, and in a shocking new interview with British GQ, he’s doubling down and once again claiming that Heard is the real bully:

Asked point-blank if he ever hit abused Heard, Depp had this to say:

“To harm someone you love? As a kind of bully? No, it didn’t, it couldn’t even sound like me.

“So, initially, I just kept my mouth shut, you know? I knew it was going to stick on me and it would get weirder. Keep going, you know? Go nuts. I ain’t going to get into a pissing contest with someone about it.

“Spit out what you need to spit out and, you know, my attorneys will take care of the rest. I never went out and spoke about the sh-t.”

Yes, it seems that in the classic fashion of Hollywood egomaniacs throughout history, Depp believed his attorneys would make the whole mess go away.

He went on to offer up one of those “well, why didn’t she report it sooner?” arguments that we’ve been hearing entirely too much of lately:

“Why didn’t that person speak to the police? I mean, they spoke to the police, but the police saw nothing and they offered her an emergency medical technician,” Depp said.

“She said no. Police see nothing on her. Police see nothing broken in the place, no marks, and then they offer her an EMT to have a look at her and she says no and I don’t know if it was the next day or a couple of days later, but then there was a bruise,” he added.

“There was a red mark and then there was a brown bruise…. She was at a party the next day. Her eye wasn’t closed. She had her hair over her eye, but you could see the eye wasn’t shut.”

Depp concluded his comments on Heard by stating that it would be “stupid” to hit her, and adding:

“I might look stupid, but I ain’t f–king stupid.”

We’re not sure about that, Johnny … you’re certainly sounding awfully stupid these days.


Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Willie McGinest Says Gruden Should"ve Called Khalil Mack, "There"s No Egos In This"

NFL legend Willie McGinest is confused by the whole Raiders-Khalil Mack drama … and is seemingly placing most of the blame for the superstar’s departure on Jon Gruden’s shoulders. “If you’re a coach coming into a new situation and this is a…


Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Floribama Shore Season 2 Episode 9 Recap: There"s No C In Disease

In some ways, Kortni Gilson would make a great mother. 

But making a child with the loser that is Logan Fairbanks would probably result in her early exit from the Floribama Shore house. 

If you watch Floribama Shore online, you know that Logan has been the definition of stage five clinger ever since he was revealed to be Kortni’s boyfriend. 

Shortly after Floribama Shore Season 2 got underway, we learned that he had been reprimanded for stalking Kortni and her castmates. 

Well, things only got worse from there, and the MTV reality series is covering all of that right about now. 

Before Kortni made her way to the doctor, her mother showed up at the house to check in with her daughter. 

In a truly bizarre scene, she said that if Logan were to cause any problems for her daughter, he would be chained up at the farm. 

She then said that the grizzly bears would lay waste to him. Yes, really. But this mother must be worried sick by Logan’s actions. 

When Kortni was out for some fun with her roomies, Logan showed up. He’s like that shark that appears when you least expect it. 

Kortni returned from the doctor with some news that was either good or bad, depending on whose side you are on.

After revealing to her friends that she would be taking on a healthier diet as opposed to drinking herself into oblivion like the Kortni we’ve watched on TV since the show debuted. 

She followed this up with a stunning bombshell:

She’s pregnant! 

As the shock started to set in, Candace was first to say that Kortni will make a great mother. 

But then Aimee noticed the look on Nilsa’s face, and it said it all. Kortni then confirmed she was pulling a prank and that she learned she was most definitely not with child. 


But this gave Kortni the drive to make things right with Candace. The pair has been bickering ever since Kortni failed to help Candace when she was arguing with Gus and Jeremiah. 

The two bonded over some Irish Car Bombs. From what we can find online, it’s an alcoholic drink that includes Guinness and Irish Cream. 

While the pregnancy plot is over, Logan is likely going to continue terrorizing this close-knit group of friends. 

Nilsa flat out refused to allow him to speak to Kortni when he called the house, leading to her uttering the following:

“Quit calling, you are not welcome here,” Nilsa screeched down the phone at him. 

Will this be enough to keep this shark at bay? 

In any case, Jeremiah was happy to offer to punch Logan if he persists in pursuing Kortni. 

The others in the house figured this meant there was a connection between the two that was not just platonic. 

A drunken Kortni seemingly admitted that if Jeremiah liked her in that way, then she would be happy to go there. 


Can you imagine the way Logan would react if they went there? 

Floribama Shore continues Mondays on MTV.  


Thursday, August 9, 2018

The Real Housewives of New York Season 10 Episode 18 Recap: There"s No Place Like Home

The long-gestating feud between Dorinda Medley and Luann de Lesseps continued on The Real Housewives of New York Season 10 Episode 18

Yes, this feud is absurd, but it’s making for good TV, we guess. 

Luann was still trying to get Dorinda to admit that she had a high dependency on alcohol, but Dorinda seemed like she didn’t care. 

“I know Dorinda feels the need to apologize over and over again, but I don’t need a fake apology,” de Lesseps said in a confessional.

“Show me. Show me that you’re doing something about the drinking problem. I feel bad about people that can’t cop to the bad behavior.”

“I hope that she takes a look at herself now and says, ‘Oh my god, I need to go take care of this and get help,’ ” she continued.

“It’s hard to ignore drunken attacks from Dorinda when she’s your friend, and she comes gunning for you.”

As for Medley, it seemed she was over the friendship if it meant she was going to be put on blast every step of the way. 

“Maybe the friendship isn’t as important as I thought,” Medley said.

“A handshake’s only good if there’s two hands involved,” she continued of Luann’s half-assed apology. 

The good thing is that they managed to remain calm with each other at other events during the hour. 

It opened with the two of them and Sonja visiting Ramona’s newly refurbished home. Ramona was chanting that she bought everything from the internet. 

Luann called BS because there’s no way an interior designer was not all over that house like a rash. 

Luann’s reactions to Ramona’s comments were the funniest part of the episode. She immediately noticed there was something off with the way Ramona was going on about it. 

The conversation quickly turned to poop-gate, and by that, we mean the food poisoning the housewives endured after their rocky trip to Colombia. 

After the ladies rehashed events and laughed about it, they went on to state that pooping was still an issue, but Sonja maintained that she was fine. 

The reason?

She wore a diaper on the way home and got to poop as and when her body commanded it. 

Yes, we really did just talk about poop. 

Meanwhile, Tinsley wondered whether there was something wrong with her because she was the only one who was not worried when the apocalypse hit the ship. 

Carole admitted in a confessional that there was something seriously wrong with Tinsley if she thought the way she reacted was okay. 

The waterworks quickly started, and Tinsley got mad when Carole said that her failed relationship could be to blame for the way she was acting. 

What was most telling about the hour was that the editing team showed off Bethenny’s new apartment in the same episode. 

There’s something to be said about putting these two women against each other, but there was really no contest. 

Bethenny’s was visually stunning, and Ramona’s was mostly white. We get it; white makes things look bigger. 

What are your thoughts on the latest hour?

Hit the comments below!

RHONY continues Wednesdays on Bravo.


Monday, July 16, 2018

WWE"s Mark Henry Says There"s "50-50" Split Among Black Wrestlers Over Hulk"s Return

Mark Henry says there’s a divide among black wrestlers over the WWE’s decision to accept Hulk Hogan back into the community … just three years after he was caught on tape using the n-word. “It’s 50-50,” Henry tells TMZ Sports. “I’ve talked to…


WWE"s Mark Henry Says There"s "50-50" Split Among Black Wrestlers Over Hulk"s Return

Mark Henry says there’s a divide among black wrestlers over the WWE’s decision to accept Hulk Hogan back into the community … just three years after he was caught on tape using the n-word. “It’s 50-50,” Henry tells TMZ Sports. “I’ve talked to…


Friday, June 15, 2018

Jennie Garth Wants Divorce to Be Smooth Sailing, Says There"s a Prenup

Jennie Garth doesn’t seem like she wants to draw out her divorce, so it’s convenient she and her estranged hubby signed a prenup … according to new legal docs anyway. The former ‘90210’ star claims she and Dave Abrams agreed to a prenup…


Monday, April 23, 2018

Cameron Jordan on Kaepernick: "There"s Less Talented QBs Playing"

When it comes to Colin Kaepernick, New Orleans Saints star Cameron Jordan says one thing’s for sure — “There’s quarterbacks less talented playing [in the NFL].” Jordan knows a little something on the topic … he’s made the Pro Bowl 3 times making…


Saturday, April 7, 2018

Stormy Daniels" Lawyer Says There"s Much More to Reveal and He"s Not Bluffing

Stormy Daniels’ lawyer, Michael Avenatti, says her legal war with Donald Trump has only just begun, and many more juicy details will come to light … if necessary. We got Stormy’s attorney at LAX Friday evening, who tells us although a lot of…


Friday, March 30, 2018

Dana White Says Canelo-GGG Fight Will Happen, "There"s Too Much Money Involved"

Canelo Alvarez is suspended, but his rematch with Gennady Golovkin – only 36 days away — will go on, according to Dana White … ‘cause there’s too much damn money on the line. We saw Dana in L.A. and asked him about the most anticipated…


Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Tyrann Mathieu Says There"s Still Hope for Johnny Manziel If He Does This

Johnny Manziel can still resurrect his NFL career, so says Tyrann Mathieu — but he’s gotta do one fundamental thing to complete his comeback.  We spoke with Honey Badger on the TMZ Sports TV show (airs weeknights on FS1) … and since…


Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Kylie Jenner: There"s a Problem With Her Push Present Ferrari

As we’ve all heard, apparently the Kardashians think Travis Scott is ridiculous for gifting Kylie Jenner a $ 1.4 million Ferrari as a push present.

They also reportedly wish that Kylie would tone things down now that she’s a mother.

It turns out that Kylie has just one problem with her new car, however, that may cause fans to question Travis’ commitment as a father.

On the first of February, Kylie Jenner welcomed her baby girl, precious little Stormi Webster.

Kylie also shared extensive video of her pregnancy, taken during her months of social media silence and real life solitude as she attempted to conceal her pregnancy from the outside world.

Part of that video showed that Travis Scott is clearly no deadbeat dad as some fans — who’d seen him continue to tour during Kylie’s pregnancy — had feared.

He was there for his baby mama at appointments and ultrasounds and family gatherings, and clearly devoted to her — even kissing her baby bump.

And now it seems that Travis Scott has decided to spoil his baby mama with a very, very over-the-top push present.

I admittedly don’t know my cars and tend to identify them by color, but everyone says that the vehicle in this not-so-humble-brag photo that Kylie shared is a Ferrari.

In case you’ve forgotten, push presents are gifts that husbands or baby daddies or whoever buy as a reward for childbirth.

Because labor is pretty much the most agonizing thing that a human being is likely to experience. Doesn’t that deserve a reward? (A reward that doesn’t poop)

However, a source close to the family told People that Kylie’s Kardashian sisters thought that the gift, believed to have come from Travis, was excessive and gaudy.

“Everyone thinks it’s the most ridiculous ‘gift’ ever.”

But it probably fit with what Kylie wanted.

“[Kylie] has been obsessed with cars for a while. It’s just like a status thing. She gets a kick out of the fact that people will stare. She likes to show off her wealth”

Well, she is still very young. Hopefully, she’ll grow out of tacky habits.

Apparently her sisters hold that same hope — and want it to be sooner rather than later.

“Her family thinks she should tone down things a tad now when she is a mom. She is obviously still very immature when it comes to certain aspects of her life.”

Yeah. Clearly.

“But she is a great mom. She only leaves her baby girl for short outings.”

To be clear, we’re sure that they mean that she personally leaves her baby — she’s not abandoning Stormi to cry alone in a mansion. Kylie has a lot of family and the means to hire unlimited childcare.

There is, however, one problem with her comically expensive new car.

A source tells HollywoodLife that the car can’t accommodate Stormi Webster.

And Kylie has a problem with that.

“Her issue with the luxe new whip is that she can’t fit her baby car seat in it.”

Oh. Oh dear.

“She thinks it would be sexy to drive her baby around in style, but of course, safety first!”

That’s a good concern to have, though quite frankly the idea of driving a baby around in a Ferrari is kind of hilarious.

But some point to this and ask if Travis Scott is really prepared to be a father. If he bought a car for his baby mama and didn’t even check to see if it could safely accommodate his baby, is that a responsible choice?

That said … it may be that Kylie bought this for herself. Travis Scott might technically have enough money for a Ferrari, but Kylie could just buy one without a worry. She’s a makeup mogul.

If anyone doubts the enduring clout of her brand, just remember that Kylie tweeted and Snapchat lost $ 1.3 billion in less than a day.

If so, maybe Kylie and Travis will look into getting a nice, real car. Perhaps one that isn’t low to the ground (maybe Kylie doesn’t mind, since she’s short anyway?) and has plenty of room for a car seat and for diaper bags and everything else that parents need.

Assuming that Kylie is mature enough to be seen driving around in a mom car now that she’s a mom.


Monday, February 26, 2018

Blac Chyna Talks About Sex Tape Leak, Doubts There"s Another One

Blac Chyna’s leaked sex tape could be just the tip of the … iceberg, because she’s bracing for the worst and hoping for the best when it comes to more explicit videos leaking. Chyna was out in L.A. — the first time we’ve seen her since the video…


Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Steve Aoki Says There"s Rampant Discrimination Against Female DJs

Steve Aoki says there’s gross gender inequality in the DJ’ing world … but he’s not sure how to solve the problem. We got the cake-throwing disc jockey Monday in Bev Hills and asked if other women — besides Paris Hilton — were getting a…


Tuesday, January 30, 2018

NFL"s Dwayne Bowe Wants To Play In XFL, But There"s One Problem

Vince McMahon’s XFL just got its first big name athlete to commit, with former NFL Pro Bowler Dwayne Bowe telling TMZ Sports he’s ready to make a comeback when the league relaunches in 2020.  Bowe is 33 and hasn’t played in the NFL since…


NFL"s Dwayne Bowe Wants To Play In XFL, But There"s One Problem

Vince McMahon’s XFL just got its first big name athlete to commit, with former NFL Pro Bowler Dwayne Bowe telling TMZ Sports he’s ready to make a comeback when the league relaunches in 2020.  Bowe is 33 and hasn’t played in the NFL since…


Friday, January 5, 2018

Ex-Patriots TE Jermaine Wiggins: There"s No Breakup, It"s All Lies!

He personally knows all 3 guys … and now former Patriots tight end Jermaine Wiggins says reports of trouble between Brady, Belichick and Kraft should be met with “both middle fingers up.” Wiggins not only won Super Bowl XXXVI with the Pats…


Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Ex-Lakers Coach Says There"s a "50/50" Chance LeBron James Comes to L.A.

Secret convo with Lonzo Ball? Buying another mansion in Brentwood? LeBron James sure ain’t quieting down the noise surrounding him coming to L.A. … and ex-Lakers coach Byron Scott says the odds are damn good that happens.…


Ex-Lakers Coach Says There"s a "50/50" Chance LeBron James Comes to L.A.

Secret convo with Lonzo Ball? Buying another mansion in Brentwood? LeBron James sure ain’t quieting down the noise surrounding him coming to L.A. … and ex-Lakers coach Byron Scott says the odds are damn good that happens.…


Friday, December 15, 2017

Kevin Connolly Says There"s No Hit On His "Gotti" Flick

Nobody from the new “Gotti” flick is gonna be sleeping with the fishes, in real life at least, according to the film’s director, Kevin Connolly. There was a rumor going around that the mob put a hit on the production, which stars John Travolta…
