Thursday, August 9, 2018

The Real Housewives of New York Season 10 Episode 18 Recap: There"s No Place Like Home

The long-gestating feud between Dorinda Medley and Luann de Lesseps continued on The Real Housewives of New York Season 10 Episode 18

Yes, this feud is absurd, but it’s making for good TV, we guess. 

Luann was still trying to get Dorinda to admit that she had a high dependency on alcohol, but Dorinda seemed like she didn’t care. 

“I know Dorinda feels the need to apologize over and over again, but I don’t need a fake apology,” de Lesseps said in a confessional.

“Show me. Show me that you’re doing something about the drinking problem. I feel bad about people that can’t cop to the bad behavior.”

“I hope that she takes a look at herself now and says, ‘Oh my god, I need to go take care of this and get help,’ ” she continued.

“It’s hard to ignore drunken attacks from Dorinda when she’s your friend, and she comes gunning for you.”

As for Medley, it seemed she was over the friendship if it meant she was going to be put on blast every step of the way. 

“Maybe the friendship isn’t as important as I thought,” Medley said.

“A handshake’s only good if there’s two hands involved,” she continued of Luann’s half-assed apology. 

The good thing is that they managed to remain calm with each other at other events during the hour. 

It opened with the two of them and Sonja visiting Ramona’s newly refurbished home. Ramona was chanting that she bought everything from the internet. 

Luann called BS because there’s no way an interior designer was not all over that house like a rash. 

Luann’s reactions to Ramona’s comments were the funniest part of the episode. She immediately noticed there was something off with the way Ramona was going on about it. 

The conversation quickly turned to poop-gate, and by that, we mean the food poisoning the housewives endured after their rocky trip to Colombia. 

After the ladies rehashed events and laughed about it, they went on to state that pooping was still an issue, but Sonja maintained that she was fine. 

The reason?

She wore a diaper on the way home and got to poop as and when her body commanded it. 

Yes, we really did just talk about poop. 

Meanwhile, Tinsley wondered whether there was something wrong with her because she was the only one who was not worried when the apocalypse hit the ship. 

Carole admitted in a confessional that there was something seriously wrong with Tinsley if she thought the way she reacted was okay. 

The waterworks quickly started, and Tinsley got mad when Carole said that her failed relationship could be to blame for the way she was acting. 

What was most telling about the hour was that the editing team showed off Bethenny’s new apartment in the same episode. 

There’s something to be said about putting these two women against each other, but there was really no contest. 

Bethenny’s was visually stunning, and Ramona’s was mostly white. We get it; white makes things look bigger. 

What are your thoughts on the latest hour?

Hit the comments below!

RHONY continues Wednesdays on Bravo.
