Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Floribama Shore Season 2 Episode 9 Recap: There"s No C In Disease

In some ways, Kortni Gilson would make a great mother. 

But making a child with the loser that is Logan Fairbanks would probably result in her early exit from the Floribama Shore house. 

If you watch Floribama Shore online, you know that Logan has been the definition of stage five clinger ever since he was revealed to be Kortni’s boyfriend. 

Shortly after Floribama Shore Season 2 got underway, we learned that he had been reprimanded for stalking Kortni and her castmates. 

Well, things only got worse from there, and the MTV reality series is covering all of that right about now. 

Before Kortni made her way to the doctor, her mother showed up at the house to check in with her daughter. 

In a truly bizarre scene, she said that if Logan were to cause any problems for her daughter, he would be chained up at the farm. 

She then said that the grizzly bears would lay waste to him. Yes, really. But this mother must be worried sick by Logan’s actions. 

When Kortni was out for some fun with her roomies, Logan showed up. He’s like that shark that appears when you least expect it. 

Kortni returned from the doctor with some news that was either good or bad, depending on whose side you are on.

After revealing to her friends that she would be taking on a healthier diet as opposed to drinking herself into oblivion like the Kortni we’ve watched on TV since the show debuted. 

She followed this up with a stunning bombshell:

She’s pregnant! 

As the shock started to set in, Candace was first to say that Kortni will make a great mother. 

But then Aimee noticed the look on Nilsa’s face, and it said it all. Kortni then confirmed she was pulling a prank and that she learned she was most definitely not with child. 


But this gave Kortni the drive to make things right with Candace. The pair has been bickering ever since Kortni failed to help Candace when she was arguing with Gus and Jeremiah. 

The two bonded over some Irish Car Bombs. From what we can find online, it’s an alcoholic drink that includes Guinness and Irish Cream. 

While the pregnancy plot is over, Logan is likely going to continue terrorizing this close-knit group of friends. 

Nilsa flat out refused to allow him to speak to Kortni when he called the house, leading to her uttering the following:

“Quit calling, you are not welcome here,” Nilsa screeched down the phone at him. 

Will this be enough to keep this shark at bay? 

In any case, Jeremiah was happy to offer to punch Logan if he persists in pursuing Kortni. 

The others in the house figured this meant there was a connection between the two that was not just platonic. 

A drunken Kortni seemingly admitted that if Jeremiah liked her in that way, then she would be happy to go there. 


Can you imagine the way Logan would react if they went there? 

Floribama Shore continues Mondays on MTV.  
