Sunday, September 30, 2018

Kanye West on SNL: Donald Trump Forever! Democrats Never!

Kanye West dressed up as a bottle of sparkling water on the Season 44 premiere of Saturday Night Live.

See what we mean here:

Because this is Kanye West, however, such a move was actually NOT the most bizarre thing the rapper did on stage at 30 Rockefeller Center this weekend.

Late in the evening, Kanye was wearing his Make America Great baseball cap when he got ready to perform the track "Ghost Town" in lieu of the traditional cast farewell to close the show.

First, however, he decided to lecture the audience about the state of American politics and how mistaken everyone is for thinking that the Democratic party cares about black people.

"So many times I talk to a white person and [they] say, ‘How could you like Trump, he’s racist?’ Well, if I was concerned about racism I would have moved out of America a long time ago," West said on stage.

(Mr. Kim Kardashian, of course, has made plenty of headlines for his support of the mentally unstable Commander-in-Chief.)

(He recently cried during a radio interview and sort of apologized for this stance, however.)

"The blacks want always Democrats… you know it’s like the plan they did, to take the fathers out the home and put them on welfare… does anybody know about that?

"That’s a Democratic plan," Kanye added in footage that was cut by NBC.

But it was actually captured on camera bu Chris Rock, who was sitting in the crowd and audibly gasping/laughing at West as he filmed this video.

At one other point, West took off his controversial hat and then put it back on, referring to it as his "Superman cape" and adding:

"You want the world to move forward? Try love."

Where does this rant rank among all-time great Kanye West rants?

We"ll let you go ahead and decide.

But check out the bizarre footage now!

Kanye west rants in favor of trump on snl gets booed on stage