Friday, September 28, 2018

Jenni Farley: I Am NEVER Getting Back With Roger Mathews!

Earlier this week, we reported on the surprising news that Jersey Shore star Jenni Farley had filed for divorce from husband Roger Mathews.

Fans were stunned, as there had been no prior indication that of friction within the couple.

Today, Mathews took to Instagram and offered a glimmer of hope that the marriage wasn’t over, after all.

In a heartfelt video, Mathews vowed to win Farley back, and judging from the response online, thousands are rooting him on.

Sadly, it looks as though those hopes are soon to be dashed.

Radar Online is now reporting that Farley has every intention of going through with the divorce and has assured friends she will never get back together with Roger.

“She was just unhappy, and she wasn’t in love with him anymore,” a source close to the couple tells Radar.

“Roger has been trying everything he can to change her mind, but her mind is made up. She’s done.”

Early reports indicated that Jenni was fed up with how much time Roger spent at work.

Now, however, Radar’s source is claiming that the opposite is true.

The insider claims that Farley felt smothered by Mathew’s expectations that she function in a traditional housewife capacity.

Roger Mathews and JWOWW Halloween Costumes

“She realized she is still young, and she doesn’t have to give up her career just because she is a mom,” says the tipster.

Apparently, Jenni and Roger began fighting when she signed on for two more seasons of Shore.

And the battles became even more intense when she entered negotiations to film further episodes beyond the show’s current run.

But based on the determination that’s evident in his latest Instagram post, you can bet that Mathews won’t be giving up easy.

“My wife filed for divorce, it’s true. I don’t blame her,” he told the camera.

“There’s no cheating, or any dumb sh-t… She just grew tired of the repetitive pattern that we fell into.”

“I’m not done fighting. I’m gonna win my wife back,” he added.

“I’m gonna win her affection back. I’m gonna win her love back. I have no intention of being a single dad. We’re in counseling so there is hope.”

Roger sounds hopeful, but it sounds as though the odds are against him.

We’ll continue to monitor the situation and keep you posted as more information becomes available.
