Friday, September 28, 2018

Naomi Campbell: Nicki Minaj, Kendall Jenner & Cardi B All Suck!

Naomi Campbell hasn’t made too many tabloid headlines in recent years, and that’s undeniably a good thing.

Back when she was a staple in the gossip columns, it was usually for something extremely unpleasant, like the time she threw a phone at her assistant.

Like most folks, however, Naomi has mellowed a bit with age.

But as she proved on Watch What Happens Live last night, the runway icon can still make her very strong opinions unmistakably known to those who have displeased her.

Fortunately, these days she prefers to use her words, rather than blunt objects.

In the clip above, Naomi was asked about the ongoing feud between Nicki Minaj and Cardi B.

Interestingly, she refused to choose a side, insisting instead that both women behaved foolishly.

“I was disappointed,” Naomi said. 

“I don’t wanna see women of color fight. I don’t wanna see women fight, period,” she added.

“Not there, not that. It’s all music. There’s no division in music. Music is for everybody. There’s no discrimination. So I felt very disappointed.”

As a final bit of trash-talk, Naomi revealed that she was not in attendance at the New York Fashion Week Party where Cardi threw a shoe at Nicki, noting:

“It was called the Icon Party, but there were no icons there.”

Now that’s shade!

Later in the episode, Naomi turned her attention to Kendall Jenner.

You may recall that Kendall pissed off the modeling community recently when she threw shade at her colleagues who work more than she does, so that they can — ya know, eat food and pay rent and whatnot.

Andy Cohen asked how Naomi felt about Kendall’s remarks, and no one should be surprised by her response:

“Next question,” Campbell replied curtly.

In a way, that’s a far more savage burn than what Naomi had to say about Nicki and Cardi.

When she spoke about their feud, Naomi made it clear that she has respect for both artists, but takes issue with petty feuds and violent behavior.

With Kendall, she couldn’t even be bothered to give her two cents.

Her attitude toward her fellow model comes as a bit of a surprise, as Campbell has been a friend of the Kardashian family for several years.

But clearly, the woman ran out of f–ks to give long ago.

Good for her.
