Showing posts with label SHOULD'VE. Show all posts
Showing posts with label SHOULD'VE. Show all posts

Friday, November 30, 2018

Larry Johnson Rips Kareem Hunt "Should"ve Learned From My Mistakes"

Breaking News
Ex-Kansas City Chiefs running back Larry Johnson says he’s “really f*cking upset” with Kareem Hunt — saying the young NFL star should have learned lessons from the terrible mistakes LJ made. 
Remember, Johnson — who was a great running back for the ...
Larry Johnson Rips Kareem Hunt "Should"ve Learned From My Mistakes"

Larry Johnson Rips Kareem Hunt "Should"ve Learned From My Mistakes"

Breaking News
Ex-Kansas City Chiefs running back Larry Johnson says he’s “really f*cking upset” with Kareem Hunt — saying the young NFL star should have learned lessons from the terrible mistakes LJ made. 
Remember, Johnson — who was a great running back for the ...
Larry Johnson Rips Kareem Hunt "Should"ve Learned From My Mistakes"

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Willie McGinest Says Gruden Should"ve Called Khalil Mack, "There"s No Egos In This"

NFL legend Willie McGinest is confused by the whole Raiders-Khalil Mack drama … and is seemingly placing most of the blame for the superstar’s departure on Jon Gruden’s shoulders. “If you’re a coach coming into a new situation and this is a…


Friday, May 25, 2018

Tyron Woodley Says Kendrick Should"ve Given White Girl "N-Word Pass"

UFC Champ Tyron Woodley says Kendrick Lamar should’ve let a white concertgoer get away with saying the n-word … saying the young lady deserved a pass. It happened last week during a concert in Alabama … Kendrick admonished the fan when she let…


Friday, May 11, 2018

Kenny Smith Says Knicks Should"ve Hired Me Over Fizdale

The NY Knicks made the “right choice” in hiring David Fizdale as the head coach … but it wasn’t the “best choice” — so says Kenny Smith.  Of course, Kenny was in the running for the gig — but the Knicks ultimately went with Fizdale, who…


Thursday, April 5, 2018

"Jersey Shore"s" JWoww Says Sammi Sweetheart Sex Doll Should"ve Been The Real Thing

JWoww says Sammi Sweetheart’s sex doll stand-in offered some good times for the ‘Jersey Shore’ cast … but it sounds like she misses the real McCoy. We spoke to Jenni ‘JWoww’ Farley Thursday ahead of the premiere of their reunion season on MTV,…


Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Sarah Hyland Should"ve Checked Website Before Blasting CVS

Sarah Hyland put CVS on blast for leaving her hanging on crucial meds she needed, but the pharmacy is firing back, saying the mix-up was her own damn fault. Sarah tore into CVS earlier this week after she said a Studio City location never notified…


Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Dean McDermott: I Never Should"ve Married Tori Spelling!

We generally don’t hear much in the way of good news coming from the troubled marriage of Tori Spelling and Dean McDermott.

The tabloid obsession with the couple began back in 2013 amidst allegations that McDermott had cheated on Spelling with a woman named Emily Goodhand.

The interest hasn’t let up in the years since, despite the very real possibility that Goodhand doesn’t exist, and Tori and Dean made up the affair for publicity.

Fortunately for the, Spelling-McDermotts, 2017 has been loaded with legitmate misfortune, thus sparing them the burden of having to pretend their lives suck.

First, Tori and Dean went broke and were forced to suffer the indignity of selling their lavish mansion in Calabasas and relocating to a rental home in considerably less-posh Encino.

That was followed by Tori burning her hand by falling and landing on a hibachi at Benihana, which is a situation that it’s okay to laugh at, because she wasn’t seriously injured.

If you thought that was the end of Tori and Dean’s misfortune, you don’t know the McDermotts!

It turns out creditors aren’t the only ones Tori and Dean have been evading while taking trips and going on shopping sprees.

According to his ex-wife, Mary Jo Eustace, Dean hasn’t been paying child support for his teenage son from his first marriage.

So not only is she suing Dean, Mary Jo is also giving interviews in which she claims that her ex recently confessed that he regrets leaving her form Spelling back in 2006.

“A year and a half ago, Dean confessed to me that he had made a mistake and he wondered what his life would be like if he had he stayed with me,” Eustace recently told UK tabloid The Daily Mail.

“He said, ‘Do I love Tori? Yeah. But I’ve thrown my life away.’ It was the most bizarre conversation ever. It made me feel irritated. I don’t want any more drama. It was crazy, extreme behavior.”

Eustace has a much healthier relationship with the truth than either Tori or Dean, so we’re inclined to believe her.

What not sure what her endgame is here, but we’re guessing she wouldn’t mind receiving a long overdue child support check from Mr. McDermott.

Take the hint, Dean!


Sunday, October 1, 2017

Mark Rypien: Redskins Should"ve Locked Up Kirk Cousins, I Don"t Think He"s Coming Back

Kirk Cousins’ days in Washington are likely numbered — so says Redskins legend Mark Rypien, who tells TMZ Sports the front office screwed the pooch by not locking Kirk down before the season. “I think they should’ve signed him to…


Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Paul Pierce Addresses 2008 Celtics Beef With Ray Allen: "He Should"ve Called Me" (VIDEO)

Paul Pierce and Kevin Garnett are finally opening up about their icy relationship with Ray Allen … with both superstars admitting they aren’t on speaking terms with their former Big 3 partner. Pierce, Rajon Rondo, Kendrick Perkins and…


Saturday, November 26, 2016

Delta Air Lines -- "Hillary Bitches" Passenger Should"ve Been Booted (VIDEO)

Delta Air Lines says its crew messed up big time by not removing a pro-Trump customer from a flight after he called other passengers “Hillary Bitches.” In a video that’s gone viral, a man can be seen shouting at passengers near the back of the…


Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Tony Gonzalez -- Kaepernick Should"ve Voted ... He Killed His Message (VIDEO)

Tony Gonzalez says Colin Kaepernick completely undermined his national anthem protest by NOT voting in the elections last week … telling TMZ Sports Kaep should’ve done more. Kaepernick has admitted he skipped the polls last week … saying both…


Monday, December 21, 2015

Donald Trump on Miss Universe Mix-Up: Here"s What Steve Harvey SHOULD"VE Done!

As you"ve probably heard, Steve Harvey blundered in epic fashion last night when he announced the wrong winner while hosting the Miss Universe pageant in front of a live television audience. 

The scene was awkward and embarrassing for everyone involved, so naturally Donald Trump – the king of all things embarrassing – is butting in, and surprisingly, he has yet to refer to the runner-up as a yuuuuge low-energy loser.

Trump, of course, loves all things glamorous and gaudy and slightly sexist, so he"s invested in several beauty pageants over the years.

Following Trump"s remarks about Mexican immigrants during his campaign announcement speech back in June, he was publicly pressured to bow out of the pageant business, and he wound up selling the rights to Miss Universe to the William Morris talent agency.

But if you thought the fact that he doesn"t own the event anymore would keep the Donald from commenting on last night"s debacle, then you don"t know Trump.

Early this morning, Trump tweeted:

"Very sad what happened last night at the Miss Universe Pageant. I sold it 6 months ago for a record price. This would never have happened!"

Shortly thereafter, Trump called into the Today show to give his two cents on the matter, and astonishingly, he actually has a good idea for how to resolve the situation.

Yes, we just said Donald Trump had a good idea. We imagine the weather in hell is downright blustery right now.

Donald trump on miss universe mix up heres what steve harvey sho