Showing posts with label MixUp. Show all posts
Showing posts with label MixUp. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Ex-Cowboys WR Lucky Whitehead Mulling Legal Action After Arrest Mix-up

Lucky Whitehead says he isn’t ruling out a lawsuit after he was wrongly identified by police in a shoplifting arrest … but it’s unclear if his target will be the cops or the Cowboys. The NFL receiver spoke with KDFW4 in Dallas about last crazy 24…


Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Bruce Buffer -- I"m No Steve Harvey ... But I Felt Bad About UFC 205 Mix-Up (VIDEO)

UFC ring announcer Bruce Buffer says announcing the wrong result at UFC 205 was definitely a “Wanna Getaway” moment … but don’t compare him to Steve Harvey!  Buffer caught some heat after incorrectly declaring Tyron Woodley the winner over…


Monday, October 24, 2016

Kylie Jenner Accused of Bizarre Animal Mix-Up: Fair or Fowl?

Kylie Jenner will likely never be awarded a Nobel Prize or a MacArthur Genius Grant, but in her own way, she’s a very savvy young woman.

Kylie lip kits are evidence that the girl understands her fan base and knows how to sell.

The fact that Kylie is slowly transforming into Kim Kardashian – while a tad unsettling – is further evidence of her ambition and willingness to do whatever it takes to remain a mega-star.

But we all have our intellectual blind spots, right?

Kylie may be an expert on self-promotion, with a keen understanding of what makes the social media world go ‘round, but not surprisingly, the girl has never spent much time on farms.

But even her sheltered, suburban upbringing doesn’t explain why she has a 2-year-old’s understanding of animals.

The video below has been receiving plenty of attention online, and … well, you’ll see why:

In the clip, Kris summons Kylie to the foyer (of course she’s one of those people who pronounces it foy-yay), where she’s holding a pig that she plans to present to her daughter as a pet.

In a truly baffling, bizarre moment, when Kris turns to show her the animal, Kylie excitedly exclaims, “Is that a chicken?!”

Yeah, it’s not like Kylie mistook a hen for a rooster.

We’re talking bird and mammal here.

The girl clearly needs to bone up on her delicious animals.

Or does she?

Kylie says the whole thing was a simple mix-up that could’ve happened to anyone.

She makes a surprisingly convincing argument in this Vine video:

If you’re not into listening to Kylie explain her barnyard confusion, here’s the most pertinent quote:

“So I love chickens, and my mom asked me what I wanted for my housewarming gift, so I told her, ‘I want chickens, I want a chicken coop, I’m dying to have a chicken,"” she says.

“We had, like, over 10 conversations about it, so when I saw her downstairs, I saw something that was all wrapped up in her arms, and I was upstairs, of course I assumed that it was a f-cking chicken. I never asked for a pig.”

“I assumed it was a f-cking chicken” and “I never asked for a pig” are both incredible quotes that will hopefully end up on t-shirts and bumper stickers.

So Kylie swears she hadn’t laid eyes on the animal when she  hilariously branded it a chicken.

We still have our doubts.

Anyway, he main takeaway here is that if you eat breakfast at Kylie’s house, she might serve you turkey bacon without warning you.

And if that’s not illegal, it should be.


Monday, December 21, 2015

Donald Trump on Miss Universe Mix-Up: Here"s What Steve Harvey SHOULD"VE Done!

As you"ve probably heard, Steve Harvey blundered in epic fashion last night when he announced the wrong winner while hosting the Miss Universe pageant in front of a live television audience. 

The scene was awkward and embarrassing for everyone involved, so naturally Donald Trump – the king of all things embarrassing – is butting in, and surprisingly, he has yet to refer to the runner-up as a yuuuuge low-energy loser.

Trump, of course, loves all things glamorous and gaudy and slightly sexist, so he"s invested in several beauty pageants over the years.

Following Trump"s remarks about Mexican immigrants during his campaign announcement speech back in June, he was publicly pressured to bow out of the pageant business, and he wound up selling the rights to Miss Universe to the William Morris talent agency.

But if you thought the fact that he doesn"t own the event anymore would keep the Donald from commenting on last night"s debacle, then you don"t know Trump.

Early this morning, Trump tweeted:

"Very sad what happened last night at the Miss Universe Pageant. I sold it 6 months ago for a record price. This would never have happened!"

Shortly thereafter, Trump called into the Today show to give his two cents on the matter, and astonishingly, he actually has a good idea for how to resolve the situation.

Yes, we just said Donald Trump had a good idea. We imagine the weather in hell is downright blustery right now.

Donald trump on miss universe mix up heres what steve harvey sho