Showing posts with label Miss. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Miss. Show all posts

Saturday, January 19, 2019

Ariana Grande Remembers Mac Miller on 27th Bday ... "miss u"

Mac Miller would’ve turned 27 on Saturday, and one very important person in his life definitely didn’t forget the occasion … Ariana Grande. 
Mac’s ex paid tribute to the late MC on social media just after the clock struck 12 on what would’ve been his next birthday. ...
Ariana Grande Remembers Mac Miller on 27th Bday ... "miss u"

Monday, January 14, 2019

Miss International 2012 A Big Bird"s Eating My Koi Fish!!!

Ikumi Yoshimatsu — who repped Japan when she won Miss International in 2012 — is at war with a huge-ass bird that’s been feasting on expensive koi in her pond … and TMZ’s got video of the flying beast eyeing its prey.
Ikumi was baffled for weeks that 5 of...
Miss International 2012 A Big Bird"s Eating My Koi Fish!!!

Friday, January 11, 2019

Taylor Hill Hot Skater Girl ... Good Golly, Miss Ollie!!!

Taylor Hill doesn’t need to be on a catwalk to completely shred the modeling world … a skate park does just fine too.
The Victoria’s Secret Angel took advantage of the SoCal winter weather to rock multiple sexy outfits for a photo shoot in Venice Beach Thursday … and she...
Taylor Hill Hot Skater Girl ... Good Golly, Miss Ollie!!!

Thursday, January 10, 2019

Tim Tebow "She Said Yes!" Engaged to 2017 Miss Universe

Breaking News

Tim Tebow is one step closer to swiping that V-card … he just got engaged to his insanely attractive beauty queen girlfriend, Demi-Leigh Nel-Peters!!!
“Thank you for saying YES and making me the happiest man in the world,” Tebow posted.

View this...
Tim Tebow "She Said Yes!" Engaged to 2017 Miss Universe

Saturday, December 29, 2018

Former Miss USA Malibu Fire Didn"t Stop Our Wedding!!!

Former Miss USA Tara Conner had no idea the ravaging Malibu fire would turn her into a hell of a wedding planner … ’cause the natural disaster forced her to plan it again from scratch with only 24 hours to spare.
We’re told Tara and Eli James got married on November ...
Former Miss USA Malibu Fire Didn"t Stop Our Wedding!!!

Monday, November 26, 2018

Tim Tebow Brought Miss Universe GF To Thanksgiving ... Things Getting Serious!

Breaking News

Could Tim Tebow‘s days as an unmarried man be numbered?!?!
Certainly seems that way … ‘cause the ex-NFL superstar brought his Miss Universe girlfriend to the Tebow Family Thanksgiving — a sure sign that things are getting THAT serious.
Tim and Demi-Leigh...
Tim Tebow Brought Miss Universe GF To Thanksgiving ... Things Getting Serious!

Thursday, November 8, 2018

Miss BumBum Finalist Who Attacked the Winner Gets Banned for Life

The Miss BumBum finalist who flew into a rage onstage claiming the winner had a fake ass is now ass-out of all future booty competitions … TMZ has learned. We’re told the loser, Aline Uva, is dunzo with the Miss BumBum brand. You’ll recall Ellen…


Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Ryan Edwards: Will He Miss the Birth of His Son While In Rehab?

As we reported earlier today, Ryan Edwards is headed back to rehab.

If you’ve been following the sad saga of Edwards’ downward spiral, you know that’s undeniably good news.

Edwards has been arrested three times in the past 18 months as a result of his addictions, and his erratic behavior has endangered his loved ones on multiple occasions.

So it’s encouraging to learn that he’s finally getting serious about getting sober.

But the road to recovery is never an easy one, and according to a new report from Radar Online, Edwards will be making a major sacrifice early on in his sobriety journey.

Edwards’ wife, Mackenzie Standifer, is currently pregnant with the couple’s first child.

(Ryan and Mackenzie each have one child from previous relationships.)

Unfortunately, Edwards will be in treatment for the foreseeable future, and one insider tells Radar that Mackenzie is less than one week away from. giving birth.

“Mackenzie is expected to be induced on October 8,” says the source.

“She is naming her son Jagger Ryan Edwards.”

The insider goes on to confirm that Mackenzie has no expectation that Ryan will be present when her son enters the world:

“I believe her mom and her aunt will be in the delivery room with her,” the source adds.

Not only will Ryan miss the birth of his child, it may be several months before he even meets little Jagger.

“[Ryan] isn’t supposed to be out [of rehab] until February or March,” a different insider claims.

Meanwhile, it remains unclear if Ryan and Mackenzie are still a couple.

One source claims that even before Ryan checked into rehab, he and Mackenzie were no longer living together.

“Mackenzie moved out of the lake house they were living in,” the insider says.

“[She] is now living with her parents.”

Despite that development, Mackenzie recently claimed that she and Ryan are still going strong:

“I’m so sorry but I will continue to stand up for what I believe in no matter how chopped, edited, and jumbled it may be,” Standifer wrote in an Instagram post.

“I have stuck by my husband through some of the darkest times imaginable,” she added.

“Have mistakes been made? Hell yes,” Standifer continued.

“Have they been accounted for, dealt with and resolved, yep.”

So it sounds like, for the time being at least, Mackenzie is planning to ride this thing out.

We wish her and Ryan all the best through the difficult time ahead.

We’ll have further updates on this developing story as more information becomes available.


Thursday, September 27, 2018

Kroy Biermann to Kim Zolciak: I"m Gonna Miss Those Big, Floppy Titties!

Months after polling fans on their opinion, Kim Zolciak got a breast reduction.

She’s currently recovering, but has already declared herself part of the esteemed office of the “itty bitty titty committee.”

Now, she’s opening up about her recovery — and her husband Kroy is sharing what he thinks of her new, small boobs.

Speaking on her podcast, House of Kim, Kim Zolciak reiturates why she got her breasts reduced from their previously massive size.

“It’s like you know what, I’m 40, I’m tired,” she explains.

We’re all tired in 2018 no matter our age, but she explains that her boobs were literally weighing her down.

“My back,” she says. “Is a little sore” from carrying the extra burden.

But she shares that her plans for a reduction weren’t universally popular, because “Kroy the whole time has not been that happy about it.”

Her husband Kroy Biermann also speaks on the podcast.

“I’m not against it,” he clarifies.

Obviously any person is more than their body, and anyone who is fixated on one physical trait of their spouse instead of who their spouse is as a person shouldn’t be married.

That said … sexual attraction is a huge part of many, though not all, relationships. It’s not surprising for Kim’s husband to have his own thoughts about her boobs.

Kim says that Kroy loved her “big floppy titties” and will miss them. That’s … quite an image. Good or bad, we suppose, depending upon your personal tastes.

Kroy isn’t shy about being head over heels for Kim’s bazongas.

“I loved them,” Kroy admits.

That said, he’s not in a huff about her surgery or feeling disenchanted with Kim because she’s no longer smuggling a pair of fleshy watermelons wherever they go.

“And,” Kroy shares. “I’m sure I’m gonna love these too.”

We do not doubt that he will. Boobs are great, generally speaking. Size is only one facet of their qualities.

Kim explains some hard truths about how boobs change with time.

“I felt like as I kind of got older, my boobs went from being down under my throat to being by my belly button,” Kim admits.

Throat is an odd term. maybe she means her chest or sternum? When she says “throat,” we’re getting a very upsetting image that resembles Mitch McConnell.

“So now,” she says, she’s had the surgery and “they’re back up at my throat.”

“I’m good,” Kim reveals. “And they are so cute girl, and so perky!”

Kim shares that she’s had some recovery time, but not nearly as much as someone might expect.

“I was only on the [pain] meds for three days,” she reveals.

“Then,” Kim continues. “I was on Advil for two days and I haven’t taken anything for a day and a half,”

It sounds like she’s having a very easy recovery! Good for her.

We hope that she — and Kroy — get a lot of enjoyment out of her brand new D-cups.

Though, for the record, in no universe is a D-cup “itty” or “bitty.”


Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Miss Michigan Gets Props From Flint Mayor for Mentioning Contaminated Water

Miss Michigan took a big chance on a big stage, reminding everyone American citizens are still suffering through Flint’s water crisis … and now the city’s mayor wants to give her props, in person. Mayor Karen Weaver told us Emily…


Monday, September 10, 2018

Miss America 2019: Who Took Home the Crown?

Miss America looked and sounded a tad different this year.

Gone was the swimsuit competition, for instance.

Very much present, however, was a focus on the ongoing political climate in this country.

miss americas

Miss Michigan, Emily Sioma, went viral and earned Internet acclaim by introducing her as “from the state with 84% of the US fresh water but none for its residents to drink.”

This is a reference to the lead water crisis in Flint, Michigan… which started in 2014 and which still has residents forced to drink only bottled or filtered water.

But the judges perhaps were not looking to delve into such topics in depth, considering Sioma did not make the Top 15.

As for who came out on top of the entire thing?

Let’s build the drama and first note that Carrie Ann Inaba and Ross Mathews hosted the event, which aired live from Boardwalk Hall in Atlantic City.

It featured Miss Connecticut Bridget Oei taking runner-up and Miss Louisiana Holli’ Conway taking third place…

… and Miss New York Nia Franklin being crowned the champion!


“It took a lot of perseverance to get here, and I want to thank my family, my mom and dad, who is a survivor of cancer. And all my sisters behind me, I love each and every one of you,” she said upon earning the honor.

Is she a deserved Miss America?

For her talent portion, Franklin showcased her vocal abilities by performing part of an opera.

The contestant actually composed her first song was she was just six-years-old. Which is insane!

During the question-and-answer segment, Franklin was asked how she would promote positive body image as Miss America. She replied:

“I grew up in a school with only 5% minority, but growing up, I found my love of arts and through music, I felt positive about myself and who I was.

“That’s what I would encourage young girls to do, find who you are.”


Frankln became the first winner in the 98-year history of the contest to NOT be forced to get into a bathing suit on stage and strut around, showing off her boobs, stomach and rear end.

How did she feel about that development?

“These changes, I think, will be great for our organization,” she told reporters after she won, adding:

“I’ve already seen so many young women reaching out to me personally as Miss New York asking how they can get involved because I think they feel more empowered that they don’t have to do things such as walk in a swimsuit for a scholarship.”

Amen, right?

It’s sort of stunning this event even takes place in 2018, but the swimsuit elimination is a nice start.

she won

Explained Gretchen Carlson, the newly minted chair of the Miss America Organization’s Board of Trustees, in June:

“We are no longer a pageant. We are a competition.

“We will no longer judge our candidates on their outward physical appearance. That’s huge! And that means that we will no longer have a swimsuit competition.”

Added Franklin of this evolution:

“I’m happy that I didn’t have to do [wear a bikini] to win this title tonight because I’m more than just that. And all these women onstage are more than just that.”

Congratulations again to Miss America 2019, Nia Franklin!


Thursday, August 23, 2018

Miss Denver Kayla Kline Resigns in Support of Miss America Cara Mund

Miss America Cara Mund allegedly getting bullied by her own org is NOT okay with Miss Denver’s Kayla Kline … so Kayla is showing her solidarity by giving up her crown. Kayla — who not that long ago earned the Mile High City’s honor — tells TMZ…


Friday, August 17, 2018

Miss America Cara Mund Says Org Bullied, Silenced Her in Favor of Gretchen Carlson

The reigning Miss America is railing on the org, saying they have silenced and ignored her and instead focused all of their attention on former Miss America and whistleblower Gretchen Carlson. Cara Mund is outraged that the Miss America CEO as well…


Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Tim Tebow Gets Birthday Wishes From Miss Universe Girlfriend

Still no birthday sex for Tim Tebow … but the former Heisman Trophy winner got the next best thing for his 31st — best wishes from the hottest chick in the galaxy!! Of course … Tim’s been dating Demi-Leigh Nel-Peters — aka Miss…


Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Floribama Shore Season 2 Episode 4 Recap: Miss La Vela

The drama kicked into high gear on Floribama Shore Season 2 Episode 4 as we picked up mere moments after Kirk was arrested. 

If you watch Floribama Shore online, you know that he was in big trouble for slapping a dude at the bar who was making comments about Jeremiah. 

Kirk denied that he was the one who took the hit against the loser, but there was a witness conveniently located outside the house, and they were all too happy to put Kirk in the frame. 

As Kirk sat in the back of a squad car contemplating his future, Candace was still lashing out at the boys for not defending Kirk at the bar. 

She rounded up her belongings and continued to yell that she was getting out of the house and returning home. Then, she came to a stunning realization:

Kirk was not inside the house, so he must have been arrested. Gulp. 

Candace made her way outside the house to the cop cars, and despite being told she would be arrested, she persisted in seeing Kirk. 

Gus and Jeremiah looked on as she complained that they were sitting on the sidelines and letting their friend get arrested. 

But what did she expect them to do? They were smart by not messing with the cops. The man who Kirk hit subsequently dropped all charges. 

That was yet another convenient moment for the stars of this MTV hit. Kirk returned to the house, determined to lay low because of that scare. 

However, he had to contend with Candace who was still parading around the house saying that she was going home, but her Jeremiah, Gus, and Kirk had a chat to air their thoughts on the situation. 

Gus had the most sense: He knew they would all end up arrested if they got involved. He knew this was not a battle he wanted to fight in.

This helped Candace realize that she was drunk and causing an argument over nothing. She then apologized, and all seemed right in the world. 

While all of that was going down, Kortni was dancing on the bar, Nilsa and Aimee were getting drunk, and Codi was trying to bring a chick home for some slap and tickle. 

We kid, mostly, but Codi was adamant about getting the blonde woman back to the house because she was DTF. 

He rushed over to his housemates to let them know that he was ready to go home, but disaster struck: He accidentally spilled a bit of Nilsa’s drink on her white crop top. 

On this show, that’s the equivalent of murder, so Nilsa was pissed because she bought the top specifically for the summer vacation. 

She followed up her emotional tirade by throwing her drink over Codi. He ditched his date, started crying and got in the first cab home. 

Kortni accompanied him, and with her being a livewire, it was only a matter of time before something happened. 

In another cab, Nilsa could not keep herself together and decided it was a good idea to urinate all over the seat of the cab. 

We wish we were kidding, but she was deadly serious. Poor Aimee had to stand on the seat to avoid being drowned. 

When they returned to the house, it seemed like there was going to be another big blowout, but Nilsa and Codi forgot why they were arguing in the first place and opted to spoon the night away. 

The next day, the gang of eight realized they needed some money if they were going to survive the summer. It resulted in them calling multiple businesses to find out if they would be employed. 

One business agreed and said that three of them would need to be available the next day on a trial basis. 

Candace and Nilsa then embarked on a bikini challenge, and Candace came in third place. Nilsa was then shocked to the core when she came in second place. 

She flipped out and claimed she would never return to the bar, and rounded up her pals to leave. 

Back at the house, Codi got to work to try and get Candace in his bed because he thought they would make for a good pairing in the house. 

“I’ve been wanting to get with Candace for a while, so this is where I’m going to make my move,” Codi declared in a confessional.

“Some people think that by being friends with somebody first, it gets you put in the friend zone — not Codi. I can get out of the friend zone faster than you can snap your fingers.”

“Candace, my bed is empty,” he calls out. “And it needs you in it.”

Candace did not show up in his room, so Codi decided to meet her in her room, and snuggled with her. 

“What the f— are you doing?” Candace said with a laugh.

“I’m getting into bed,” he says. “I just want to snuggle up and go to sleep.”

“Codi and his flirting, I don’t take him seriously,” said Candace with a grin. “You can’t take Codi seriously!”

The duo then proceeded to go to sleep, but Kortni and her loser boyfriend, Logan appeared and wanted to have sex. 

They then took a trip to the shower and started going at it. But Nilsa got wind of it and went in to admire their naked bodies. 

Kortni then said that Nilsa could join them if she wanted to get closer. That was enough to scare Nilsa away. 

What did you think of this episode?

Hit the comments below!

Floribama Shore continues Monday on MTV. 


Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Offset Arrested for Gun Possession; How Much of His Baby"s Life Will He Miss?

You know, there are constantly storries about celebs getting secretly married. They sound fake … until we remember Cardi B marrying Offset in a secret ceremony and waiting like a year to tell the world.

Well, we wonder if Cardi might B having some second thoughts about that union … because Offset, the father of her child, was just arrested.

We hate to sound judgmental, but … why did he need to drive around with all of these guns?

TMZ reports that Offset was arrested on Friday. The arrest followed the vehicle being pulled over just outside of Atlanta.

We should note that, while TMZ reports that the Migos rapper was pulled over for tinted windows, CBS 46 reports that the vehicle was pulled over for an improper lane change.

Whatever the reason, officers discovered three firearms in the vehicle — alarming under any circumstances, but worse for Offset who is a convicted felon.

Offset now faces four charges, two of which are felonies.

The charges include possession of a firearm by a felon and possession of a weapon during a crime, which are both felonies.

Offset is also charged with possession of marijuana (one ounce or less) and an improper lane change.

Offset is reportedly being held without bond.

It is probably important to note that Offset has a lengthy criminal history.

At only 26 years of age, he has posed for more than a dozen mugshots since he turned 18. He is currently serving 5 years of probation.

One would hope that a successful career as a hip hop artist and, more importantly, welcoming the birth of his daughter with Cardi B just two weeks ago would have discouraged him from further criminal activity.

Unfortunately, based upon the charges that have been filed against him, it does not appear that he has learned that lesson.

(That said, obviously the marijuana charge, like all marijuana charges, is bogus in that plants shouldn’t be illegal — and, though we don’t have all of the details, some say that a lane change should not land a guy behind bars)

Offset, whose real name is Kiari Kendrell Cephus, was pulled over with his bodyguard.

In addition to the three guns, he was in possession of $ 107,000 in cash.

That isn’t criminal and may be standard in the hip hop world, but it’s something that many police are trained to consider suspicious.

The traffic stop took place in Jonesboro, which is about 20 minutes or so outside of Atlanta.

The vehicle in question was a 2014 Porsche 911 Carrera.

Cardi B and Offset just welcomed the birth of their daughter, Kulture Kiari Cephus, earlier this month.

And … we might not love Wendy Williams, but we absolutely believe in giving credit where credit is due.

Months ago, Wendy Williams predicted that Cardi B would be raising her baby alone.

As heartbreaking as it sounds, a lot of fans cannot help but wonder if Wendy was right after all.

Being charged with two felonies and a couple of other charges while on probation is … not ideal. Especially when you have a rap sheet like Offset’s.

That said, Cardi B is a rising star, and Offset is no pauper, either.

It seems likely that his attorneys will be able to get the charges reduced, at the very least.

In fact, if it weren’t for his status as a felon on probation, we would predict that he wouldn’t serve a day in jail after bond is posted.

But he is a felon, he is on probation, and he’s being held without bond.

This situation may be familiar to Offset, but our hearts go out to Cardi and to their daughter.


Monday, July 23, 2018

Josh Gordon To Miss Start Of Browns Camp, Working On "Overall Health"

Josh Gordon will miss the start of Browns camp as he continues to receive treatment for issues that kept him out of the NFL entirely in 2015 and 2016 … the wideout said in a statement Monday. “Rest assured this too is a part of my overall health…


Monday, July 16, 2018

Luann de Lesseps Returns to Rehab, Will Miss Reunion Special

As previously previewed, The Real Housewives of New York City are getting ready to set sail on the boat trip from Hell.

But People Magazine now confirms that Luann de Lesseps is getting ready for a very different, far more important kind of trip:

She is checking back into rehab.

The 53-year-old will be seeking help for the second time after attending an alcohol treatment program last year, following her arrest for some very drunken and ugly behavior in Florida.

Bethenny Frankel actually confirmed the development to People.

She told the publication that Luann considers the problem so serious that she must begin addressing it immediately and will therefore miss the upcoming Season10 reunion special.

“This weekend, Luann was surrounded by her girlfriends and decided – with their support – that in light of recent circumstances, it is the healthiest choice for her not to attend Tuesday’s reunion taping so that she can continue in her healing process,” Frankel explains, adding:

“Luann is now surrounded by a core group of people who truly have her best interests at heart and who are working to make sure she gets the help she needs.”

Concluded Frankel:

“Bravo has been very supportive of Luann during this time.

“It’s a brave and honest decision by her, and everyone is rallying around her and wants the best for her.”

The long-time reality star was arrested just before Christmas for allegedly kicking a police officer.

Reportedly very drunk at the time of the incident, Luann reacted to a confrontation with cops in a Florida hotel room by screaming that she would “kill” them all and by violently attacking at least one officer, according to reports.

She was booked on the charges of battery on a law enforcement officer; resisting arrest with violence; corruption by threat.

Just days later, Luann checked into rehab for the first time.

“After the events of last Saturday night in Palm Beach, I am truly embarrassed,” said de Lesseps at the time.

“I have decided to seek professional guidance and will be voluntarily checking into an alcohol treatment center. I intend to turn this unfortunate incident into a positive life changing event.

“Once again, I sincerely apologize for my actions. I have the greatest respect for police officers and the job they do.

“My actions alleged in the police report do not reflect my core values and my law abiding character.”

This is her mug shot from the arrest:

In this instance, her cable network home has said the following:

Bravo supports Luann’s decision to focus on her health.

“She is part of the Bravo family and we continue to stand by her as she copes with this challenging situation. At this time, we hope everyone will respect her privacy.”

Her decision to return to rehab comes days after news broke that her first husband, Alexandre de Lesseps, her daughter, Victoria de Lesseps, and son, Noel de Lesseps, filed a lawsuit against her over an $ 8 million home sale.

According to court documents obtained by The Blast, Luann breached a stipulation of settlement in her divorce by failing to create a trust “for the benefit of her two children.”

Frankel acknowledges that such “family stress” has served as a “catalyst” for her co-star to realize she needs help.

We wish Luann the best of luck.


Tuesday, June 26, 2018

22 Shows You Can"t Miss This Fall

With summer programming providing fewer shows than ever to watch on the main networks, it"s time to look ahead to the fall. 

With a string of new additions that will either be hits or colossal failures and some returning shows that ended their most recent seasons with a bang, the 2018-19 TV season is shaping up to be one filled with a lot of shows to watch. 

Have a look at the list below of new and returning shows you cannot miss!


1. Riverdale – The CW

A million little things abc

Archie was arrested for murder on Riverdale’s twisty Season 2 finale. Will everyone be able to band together to turn the tables on Hiram Lodge and have the teen released?

Find out when the show returns in the fall.

2. Last Man Standing – Fox

Last man standing photo

In a surprising turn of events, Fox revived Last Man Standing one year after ABC canceled it.

It will air Friday nights.

3. Legacies – The CW

Legacies the cw

Legacies is the highly anticipated sequel to both The Vampire Diaries and The Originals. It takes place in Salvatore Boarding School for the Young and the Gifted. Matt Davis and Danielle Rose Russell will star.

It will air Thursdays at 9/8c.

4. All American – The CW

All american the cw

All American is new football drama about a teenager who is given a free pass to Beverly Hills High after being scouted for the football team.

It sounds like The OC meets Friday Night Lights, and we are so in for it.

It will air Wednesdays at 9/8c.

5. New Amsterdam – NBC

New amsterdam nbc

New Amsterdam is yet another medical drama, but this one is fronted by Ryan Eggold and focuses on the oldest public hospital in the country.

It will air Tuesdays in the fall.

6. Murphy Brown – CBS

Murphy brown cbs

Murphy Brown is returning to the air in the form of a revival.

That means much of the original cast will be back. It will join the CBS Thursday comedy block in 2018.

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Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Henry Winkler Talks Miss America Changes, Gets Screwed at CA Polls

Henry Winkler was fired up about Miss America right before he went to cast his ballot in the California primaries … and ended up having even more reason to get ticked off. We got the Fonz Tuesday as he was leaving e. Baldi in Bev Hills, and asked…
