Showing posts with label Titties. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Titties. Show all posts

Thursday, September 27, 2018

Kroy Biermann to Kim Zolciak: I"m Gonna Miss Those Big, Floppy Titties!

Months after polling fans on their opinion, Kim Zolciak got a breast reduction.

She’s currently recovering, but has already declared herself part of the esteemed office of the “itty bitty titty committee.”

Now, she’s opening up about her recovery — and her husband Kroy is sharing what he thinks of her new, small boobs.

Speaking on her podcast, House of Kim, Kim Zolciak reiturates why she got her breasts reduced from their previously massive size.

“It’s like you know what, I’m 40, I’m tired,” she explains.

We’re all tired in 2018 no matter our age, but she explains that her boobs were literally weighing her down.

“My back,” she says. “Is a little sore” from carrying the extra burden.

But she shares that her plans for a reduction weren’t universally popular, because “Kroy the whole time has not been that happy about it.”

Her husband Kroy Biermann also speaks on the podcast.

“I’m not against it,” he clarifies.

Obviously any person is more than their body, and anyone who is fixated on one physical trait of their spouse instead of who their spouse is as a person shouldn’t be married.

That said … sexual attraction is a huge part of many, though not all, relationships. It’s not surprising for Kim’s husband to have his own thoughts about her boobs.

Kim says that Kroy loved her “big floppy titties” and will miss them. That’s … quite an image. Good or bad, we suppose, depending upon your personal tastes.

Kroy isn’t shy about being head over heels for Kim’s bazongas.

“I loved them,” Kroy admits.

That said, he’s not in a huff about her surgery or feeling disenchanted with Kim because she’s no longer smuggling a pair of fleshy watermelons wherever they go.

“And,” Kroy shares. “I’m sure I’m gonna love these too.”

We do not doubt that he will. Boobs are great, generally speaking. Size is only one facet of their qualities.

Kim explains some hard truths about how boobs change with time.

“I felt like as I kind of got older, my boobs went from being down under my throat to being by my belly button,” Kim admits.

Throat is an odd term. maybe she means her chest or sternum? When she says “throat,” we’re getting a very upsetting image that resembles Mitch McConnell.

“So now,” she says, she’s had the surgery and “they’re back up at my throat.”

“I’m good,” Kim reveals. “And they are so cute girl, and so perky!”

Kim shares that she’s had some recovery time, but not nearly as much as someone might expect.

“I was only on the [pain] meds for three days,” she reveals.

“Then,” Kim continues. “I was on Advil for two days and I haven’t taken anything for a day and a half,”

It sounds like she’s having a very easy recovery! Good for her.

We hope that she — and Kroy — get a lot of enjoyment out of her brand new D-cups.

Though, for the record, in no universe is a D-cup “itty” or “bitty.”


Friday, November 13, 2015

Little Boy Just Want to Pet Some "Titties"

Bill Cosby told us a very long time ago:

Kids say the darndest things. (We"re very sorry for that Bill Cosby reference. It won"t happen again. He just hosted a program many years ago by that name, that"s all.)

For example, little girls sometimes want to sell their brothers for $ 54 in order to purchase a toy owl for themselves.

For another example, children sometimes get words mixed up or sounds mixed up. They"re young. They haven"t exactly perfected this whole language thing yet.

It"s not their fault, of course, but it does result in some pretty hilarious videos.

Such as the one we"ve shared below. Which features a small child knocking on the door of a neighbor and posing a seemingly simple question to him:

Can I pet your titties?

Wait… what? Excuse you?

Can I pet your titties, the child asks again.

But then the camera pans inside the doorway a bit and we see that the child is just referring to a couple cats. He"s not interesting in getting to second base with the man or with the man"s wife or anything.

He just wants to show some affection for the man"s KITTIES, that"s all. His kitties, not his titties.

It"s an easy mistake for a little boy to make, but let"s just hope (for his sake) that he finds a way to correct it later on in life.

He"ll be in for some major embarrassment and a few awkward situations otherwise.

Little boy just want to pet some titties