Showing posts with label Lesseps. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lesseps. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Luann de Lesseps: I"m 100 Days Sober & Making a Comeback!!

Money can’t buy you class, but some help and some hard work can get you your sobriety — and a comeback.

After missing last season’s reunion while in rehab, Luann is back.

Not only is she filming scenes for the new season, she’s celebrating 100 days of being sober.

Luann de Lesseps is back at it!

By it, we mean filming. She is still very much not drinking, thankfully.

TMZ reports that Countess Luann recently celebrated 100 days of sobriety.

As of Wednesday, November 14, it has been 121 days since we reported that she was returning to rehab.

(It may be that her celebration wasn’t so recent, or it may be that she’s not counting her time in rehab where there’s no temptation)

According to TMZ, her extended sobriety has resulted in a “domino effect” across multiple areas of her personal life.

And that positive spin has also extended to her professional life.

Luann has returned as a Full Housewife for the new season of The Real Housewives of New York City.

(We know that it was always expected, but there were people who thought that she’d quit or even get fired not so long ago)

In fact, TMZ reports that the Countess is already filming scenes for the new season.

After she missed the reunion taping last July, she had to play catch-up with Andy Cohen on Watch What Happens Live.

Recovering from a relapse can be rough, but hopefully, she won’t have to miss any filming this year.

She’s definitley closing 2018 on a more positive beat than she did the year before.

It’s been almost 11 months since Luann’s arrest in Florida in late 2017.

At the time, what could have been an awkward incident — or, at worst, a trespassing charge — turned into a scandal.

Luann apparently resisted arrest and even kicked an officer.

It’s an understatement to say that she was under the influence of alcohol at the time.

Though some have cynically suggested that she cleaned up her act as a ploy to avoid prison time, the arrest was a real wakeup call for Luann.

Luann entered rehab and returned to her life.

Everything seemed to go well for her … until this summer.

After receiving some upsetting news — that her ex was suing her — she ended up relapsing.

As is so often the case for people who abuse any kind of substance, she used the alcohol to self-medicate.

Luann drank an unbelievable amount at that time and realized that she had let her guard down.

So she returned to rehab, even though it mean missing the reunion special.

Her health was worth it.

Now, Luann has been sober for months.

And she aims to stay that way.

Some went so far as to suggest that Luann would no longer be “interesting” as a Housewife if she isn’t drinking.

That is ridiculous, of course.

Not everyone “needs” to drink in order to be fun or interesting.

Without alcohol, Luann is healthier and happier and able to be more present.

Good for her.


Luann de Lesseps Hits Sobriety Milestone, Making "Housewives" Comeback

Luann de Lesseps is making a strong comeback to close out 2018 … nearly a year after spiraling out of control and getting arrested in Florida. We’ve learned Luann recently celebrated more than 100 days of being clean and sober, and it’s…


Monday, September 10, 2018

Luann de Lesseps Slams Dorinda Medley"s Claim About Rehab Stay!

At the reunion special for The Real Housewives of New York City, a number of the stars aired what they claimed was the "truth" about the countess — Luann de Lesseps.

Now, Luann is getting the chance to respond to those accusations and to set the record straight.

As you"ll see in this video, she"s starting with Dorinda, who claimed that Luann entered rehab just to stay out of jail.

Dorinda medley at the rhony reunion 2018

At the reunion special, Luann was absent — and therefore, she was not there to defend herself.

Dorinda Medley jumped at the chance to gossip behind Luann"s back.

"Luann didn"t go to rehab because she had some huge revelation," Dorinda claimed to Andy and the entire audience.

She went to rehab because she needed to stay out of jail," Dorinda accused.

"And," Dorinda threw in. "it was practically court-ordered."

Luann de lesseps a selfie

On Watch What Happens Live, Andy Cohen asked Luann how she would like to respond.

"I was not court-ordered to go to rehab," Luann begins.

She has a lot more ignorance to clear up.

"I went on my own recognizance, first of all," Luann says.

"So," Luann summarizes. "Dorinda doesn"t know anything about me."

That much is very obvious.

Luann de lesseps in cowboy hat

Luann makes it clear why she chose to enter rehab.

"I went because I felt that I needed to go and take care of myself," Luann explains.

"And," she continues. "I take it very seriously."

That has been very clear, for months.

"It"s 51 days today, by the way," Luann tells the audience. The audience applauds.

Good for Luann! Sobriety can be difficult, even for celebrities. This is especially true for stars who use alcohol as a coping mechanism for stress.

Ramona singer on e

Luann then responds to a claim that Ramona Singer made at the reunion, that she had been "out of it" at the Beacon following rehab.

"Ramona, look at me, with those eyes," Luann says. "I was never at the Beacon this summer so that is a total lie."

"And at Chris Birch"s party," Luann continues. "I was not kicked out, Ramona."

Luann adds: "So you"ve got to stop making stuff up to make yourself look better, Ramona."

As a final jab, Luann tells Ramona: "It"s not going to happen."

Luann de lesseps on watch what happens

The video closes on Jerry O"Connell doing his best impression of Ramona Singer.

But the real takeaway is that Dorinda made a real butt of herself in front of fans with claims that she absolutely cannot substantiate.

If Luann did enter rehab with the intention of avoiding prison time, it was a two birds, one stone scenario — because she"s clearly serious about her sobriety.

In the mean time, Dorinda is just leveling accusations based upon what might as well be spectral evidence. The fans know that, and they"re not loving it.

Some even commented that Dorinda seemed fun when she first joined the series, but now she appears to be toxic.

We get it — they"re Real Housewives. Feuding, gossiping, and assuming the worst go with the territory. But attacking someone"s sobriety seems like a low blow.

Luann de lesseps slams dorinda medleys claim about rehab stay

Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Luann de Lesseps Gets Judge"s Approval on Drunk Arrest Plea Deal

Luann de Lesseps is no longer facing hard time … because a judge just put the ol’ stamp of approval on the plea deal in her drunken arrest case. The ‘Real Housewives of New York’ star dodged a felony charge and will stay out of jail. We broke the…


Luann de Lesseps Gets Judge"s Approval on Drunk Arrest Plea Deal

Luann de Lesseps is no longer facing hard time … because a judge just put the ol’ stamp of approval on the plea deal in her drunken arrest case. The ‘Real Housewives of New York’ star dodged a felony charge and will stay out of jail. We broke the…


Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Luann de Lesseps: You Will Not BELIEVE How Much I Drank When I Relapsed!

Money can"t buy you class. Fortunately, money can buy you a second stint in rehab in case you fall off the wagon.

That second scenario is exactly what happened to The Real Housewives of New York City star Luann de Lesseps.

Now, she"s revealing exactly how much she drank in one night when she unfortunately relapsed. And the details may shock you.

Luann de lesseps season 10 pic

Luann sat down with noted talk show villain Megyn Kelly to reveal exactly what prompted her return to rehab.

Like most people who abuse any kind of substance, she was self-medicating. In this case, to cope with a very unpleasant instance of the past haunting her.

See, her ex-husband Alexandre de Lesseps was suing her, accusing her of stealing from their children. And she found out about it in the worst way.

"I found out about this whole story," Luann told Megyn. "That I was getting sued, in the press."

"That was devastating," Luann explained. "I felt betrayed, I felt so hurt by that. I had my heart set on that house, my heart. I was devastated and I lost it."

Luann de lesseps is looking good

Luann told Megyn and also E! about how she coped with that heartbreak by drinking.

You can see her say this in the video that we"ve included.

"When I fell off the wagon," Luann says. "I mean, I think I had two watermelon martinis."

That doesn"t sound like much at all — but she was only just beginning.

"I had at least two bottles of rosé," Luann reveals. "And I got into a six-pack of beer in one night."

Despite all of that, Luann enjoyed herself at the time: "I mean, and I was still dancing in the kitchen in a bikini."

Luann de lesseps in cowboy hat

Luann knows that alcohol has a devastating impact on her health, her mental state, and even on her looks.

"At this point, I feel like I’m almost allergic to alcohol," Luann told Megyn.

Luann feels this way "ecause I can’t be like most normal people and have a glass or two of wine."

"I’m like, I’ll drink the whole bottle and then I’m looking, where can I get another bottle?"

Drinking a bottle at a time on its own isn"t necessarily a warning sign, but feeling like they then need more? That"s not healthy.

"It just doesn’t work for me," Luann says of cutting herself off. "I’m just not wired that way."

Luann de lesseps mug shot

Luann also spoke about how her life has been transformed by her sobriety.

"I have this whole new life now," Luann gushes.

This is why, even if she enjoys drinking when she does it, she wants to leave it as part of the past.

“I go to AA meetings, and I follow up my treatment now that I’m back from rehab," Luann says. "I take it very seriously."

It"s good that she takes it seriously. Luann was arrested for kicking a police officer last year. That could have ruined her whole life.

Luann de lesseps a selfie

Now, what Luann had to drink would leave some people passed out and sick.

Others could drink it without any memory loss or a hangover. Why? Because people"s bodies are different.

What makes drinking dangerous for Luann isn"t the amount, but the fact that she cannot stop. As she says, she can"t just have two drinks.

This is not uncommon in addictive behaviors. There are people who can gamble and stop, and there are others who lose control. 

That Luann realizes this about herself and treats alcohol as an allergy and is so honest and direct about confronting this tells us that she will hopefully be alright.

Luann de lesseps you will not believe how much i drank when i re

Thursday, August 2, 2018

"RHONY" Star Luann de Lesseps Out of Rehab and "Doing Better"

Luann de Lesseps has been released from rehab after less than 3 weeks, and she says it helped her out … so she’s already preparing to get back to work. Sources close to the situation tell TMZ … the ‘Real Housewives of New York’ star reached out…


"RHONY" Star Luann de Lesseps Out of Rehab and "Doing Better"

Luann de Lesseps has been released from rehab after less than 3 weeks, and she says it helped her out … so she’s already preparing to get back to work. Sources close to the situation tell TMZ … the ‘Real Housewives of New York’ star reached out…


Monday, July 23, 2018

Luann de Lesseps Strikes Plea Deal to Avoid Jail in Drunk Arrest Case

Luann de Lesseps is now pleading guilty to 3 charges in her drunken arrest case, but she’s dodging the felony charge — as part of a plea deal — which would keep her out of jail.  The troubled ‘RHONY’ star agreed to plead guilty to…


Tuesday, July 17, 2018

"RHONY" Cast Says Luann de Lesseps Will Be Missed During Reunion Taping

The stars of the ‘Real Housewives of New York City’ say they feel bad Luann de Lesseps is missing their reunion taping for rehab … but they’re staying positive.  We got a few ‘RHONY’ cast members heading into Cipriani in NYC Tuesday to film…


"RHONY" Star Luann de Lesseps Spiraled for 2 Weeks Before Rehab Decision

Luann de Lesseps going back into rehab might have shocked fans, but the people closest to her knew she was only pretending to be sober for weeks now … TMZ has learned. Sources close to the ‘Real Housewives’ star tell us she fell off the wagon…


Monday, July 16, 2018

Luann de Lesseps Returns to Rehab, Will Miss Reunion Special

As previously previewed, The Real Housewives of New York City are getting ready to set sail on the boat trip from Hell.

But People Magazine now confirms that Luann de Lesseps is getting ready for a very different, far more important kind of trip:

She is checking back into rehab.

The 53-year-old will be seeking help for the second time after attending an alcohol treatment program last year, following her arrest for some very drunken and ugly behavior in Florida.

Bethenny Frankel actually confirmed the development to People.

She told the publication that Luann considers the problem so serious that she must begin addressing it immediately and will therefore miss the upcoming Season10 reunion special.

“This weekend, Luann was surrounded by her girlfriends and decided – with their support – that in light of recent circumstances, it is the healthiest choice for her not to attend Tuesday’s reunion taping so that she can continue in her healing process,” Frankel explains, adding:

“Luann is now surrounded by a core group of people who truly have her best interests at heart and who are working to make sure she gets the help she needs.”

Concluded Frankel:

“Bravo has been very supportive of Luann during this time.

“It’s a brave and honest decision by her, and everyone is rallying around her and wants the best for her.”

The long-time reality star was arrested just before Christmas for allegedly kicking a police officer.

Reportedly very drunk at the time of the incident, Luann reacted to a confrontation with cops in a Florida hotel room by screaming that she would “kill” them all and by violently attacking at least one officer, according to reports.

She was booked on the charges of battery on a law enforcement officer; resisting arrest with violence; corruption by threat.

Just days later, Luann checked into rehab for the first time.

“After the events of last Saturday night in Palm Beach, I am truly embarrassed,” said de Lesseps at the time.

“I have decided to seek professional guidance and will be voluntarily checking into an alcohol treatment center. I intend to turn this unfortunate incident into a positive life changing event.

“Once again, I sincerely apologize for my actions. I have the greatest respect for police officers and the job they do.

“My actions alleged in the police report do not reflect my core values and my law abiding character.”

This is her mug shot from the arrest:

In this instance, her cable network home has said the following:

Bravo supports Luann’s decision to focus on her health.

“She is part of the Bravo family and we continue to stand by her as she copes with this challenging situation. At this time, we hope everyone will respect her privacy.”

Her decision to return to rehab comes days after news broke that her first husband, Alexandre de Lesseps, her daughter, Victoria de Lesseps, and son, Noel de Lesseps, filed a lawsuit against her over an $ 8 million home sale.

According to court documents obtained by The Blast, Luann breached a stipulation of settlement in her divorce by failing to create a trust “for the benefit of her two children.”

Frankel acknowledges that such “family stress” has served as a “catalyst” for her co-star to realize she needs help.

We wish Luann the best of luck.


Thursday, July 12, 2018

Luann de Lesseps Sued by Ex-Husband and Kids Over Trust

Countess Luann de Lesseps, one of the stars of “The Real Housewives of New York City,” has another legal mess on her hands with a lawsuit from none other than her ex and their kids. Luann’s ex, Alexandre de Lesseps, and their 2 adult children –…


Thursday, June 28, 2018

Luann de Lesseps FUMES at Ramona Singer: You Betrayed Me, She-Devil!!

Bethenny Frankel and Carole Radziwill aren’t the only The Real Housewives of New York City stars to have a frittered friendship.

Luann de Lesseps and Ramona Singer weren’t exactly joined at the hip before, but now Luann is taking her to task.

Why? Because Ramona betrayed her trust when she was at her most vulnerable — right after she got out of rehab.

If you watch The Real Housewives of New York City online, you already know what went down on the episode titled: “Arrest and Relaxation.

But one explosive conflict from the episode really merits a closer look.

On Wednesday night’s episode of RHONY, Luann did not mince words when she referred to a group photo that Ramona shared with the world.

“The she-devil strikes again,” Luann announced.

She-devil can either be very confrontational (because yikes!) or very complimentary (it’s what Red Sonja is called, after all), but Luann meant it in the worst sense.

Luann explains: “I really feel like Ramona invaded my privacy by putting a picture out of me when nobody knew where I was.”

The Countess was in a very vulnerable place in her life and did not feel encouraged by the entire world knowing what she was up to just yet.

“And now,” Luann says. “The whole world knows I’m out of rehab.”

She wanted to let the world know on her terms, when the time was right. She feels that Ramona robbed her of that opportunity.

What’s more is that Luann fears that Ramona’s thoughtless photo — which, in fairness, Ramona did later delete — could impact her appearance in court.

“I have a court case coming up,” Luann laments.”I don’t need more press!”

Being a reality star has its pitfalls.

Luann explains why publicity is a problem, saying: “I don’t need pictures of me and the press making guesses at what I’m up to.”

The rest of us might look at a headline that says Luann de Lesseps: Out of Rehab and Drinking Already? and question its veracity. But if a judge sees that kind of speculation, it might change Luann’s life forever.

Since the news was out in the open anyway, Luann did make it official with a post of her own.

“It’s good to be home,” Luann wrote to her fans and followers. “I’m doing great. Spending time with friends and family. Thanking everyone for your continued good wishes and support.”

“My return to New York is supposed to be on my terms,” Luann tells the camera.. “I just feel like I got the rug pulled out of me.”

She felt shocked that others knew before she was ready to tell the world.

On RHONY, she’s seen giving Ramona a piece of her mind.

“You put a picture up and now Luann is the talk of the town again,” Luann laments.

She does acknowledge that she knew that it would happen sooner or later — but that she feels betrayed that it was by Ramona’s hand.

“It’s inevitable that I will be in the press again, I just don’t want my friends to drive it,” Luann says. “You opened up a can of worms for me.”

“These are hurtful things. You’re hurting me,” Luann explained. “You have to be more respectful and thoughtful about your friends.”

Ramona was shocked, having not realized that she was doing anything wrong.

“We also post group shots! It’s a beautiful picture,” Ramona said, at first being defensive.

Ramona did realize that she was in the wrong and apologized, saying: “You didn’t tell me not to post. … I’m sorry.”

Ramona, to her credit, became very apologetic and worked to make things right.

“I’m disappointed in myself,” Ramona admitted. “I wasn’t thinking. Now I understand. … I made a huge mistake. This was bad. What I did was bad.”

Luann also had another bone to pick with Ramona.

See, Ramona had been hanging out with Luann’s recent ex, Tom D’Agustino.

“There are so many guys on the Upper East Side. Really?” Luann tells the camera.

She continues to complain to the camera about Ramona, saying: “You have to go and have drinks with Tom? I knew Ramona wasn’t the brightest tool in the shed, but what an idiot.”

To be honest, that seems a little harsh. 

“It’s not cool,” Luann said, yelling at Ramona. “If you’re my friend, it’s not cool. What you did, most people would never talk to you again.”

Whoa, there. She spoke with him socially. She didn’t bang him.

“That is the lowest of the low,” Luann insists, feeling betrayed. “Do you realize that? What you did is the lowest of the low.”

Ramona explained that she hadn’t been there to meet with Tom, that they had just happened into each other.

“Just because Luann divorced Tom doesn’t mean he’s going to disappear,” Ramona says.

“He travels with the same circle as I do,” Ramona continues. “He has the same friends as I do.”

That’s one of the big pitfalls of a breakup — everybody knows each other.

Ramona then throws some shade, saying: “Listen, if I couldn’t talk with every man Luann ended up being with, I wouldn’t be talking to any men in New York City!”

Luann is not amused, however.

“You make it worse,” Luann accuses. “You don’t have my best interest at heart and I can’t be around that.”



Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Luann de Lesseps: I Can"t WAIT For You All to See Me Get Arrested!

You don"t normally see people this excited about having been arrested.

But most people aren"t Countess Luann.

The Real Housewves of New York City star is teasing what viewers can expect to see of her arrest, and more.

Luann de lesseps is looking good

In the video that we have included, Luann de Lesseps teases to Entertainment Tonight about everything that fans can look forward to seeing.

"Wait "til you see the trip in the "Bezerkshires.""

The Berkshires estates are located in Massachussetts and Connecticut. 

She even gets specific.

"I mean, the end of the trip."

She expects that the drama will be very entertaining.

Luann de lesseps a selfie

And then, of course, Luann teases something a little more significant.

"And then it"s the holidays, so we all kinda know what happens during the holidays."

In case someone somehow missed her meaning, she adds:

"To me."

On December 24 of 2017, Luann was arrested for allegedly trying to trespass into the wrong hotel room while being drunk and disorderly.

Oh, and she may have, uh, kicked a police officer. And then, while in the car, slipped her cuffs. Like an action hero. Or an assassin.

While Luann"s insane arrest video is already available for public consumption, we are very interested to see how it will be covered on RHONY.

Luann de lesseps mug shot

Of course, Luann"s brief foray into a life of crime is not the only story that she"s teasing.

"There"s always drama."

If there weren"t, the Real Housewives franchise would not be such an amazing success.

She speaks of her costars and how supportive they have been in the wake of her arrest.

"They"ve been great, but there"s definitely shifts."

As we"ve noted for a while, friendships and factions are not a constant.

"You"re gonna see Bethenny and I get closer, and some of us get … not as close."

For example, Carole Radziwill and Bethenny Frankel are no longer friends. In fact, they seem to be enemies.

Luann de lesseps on watch what happens

Entertainment Tonight mentions that, about a month ago, Luann opened up about how she is recovering following the huge wakeup call that was her arrest.

"I think that people are looking at me now and going, ‘Wow. She just, like, fell down the staircase and she got back out and she"s climbing again.’"

She"s making great strides to turn her life around.

"And that"s how I feel about my life."

Within days of her arrest, Luann checked into rehab.

"I feel like I"m taking control of my life again, and unfortunately I had to go to that extent to turn my life around."

Sometimes, you have to hit rock bottom before you realize that you"re out of control.

"But it"s OK and I"m OK with that."

Luann de lesseps and a friend

By the way, Luann stepped out with a dapper man on her arm.

The guy looks like some sort of fusion of Liam Neeson and Jonathan Cheban (no shade!), and they seemed to be getting along well.

That said, Luann says that the two of them are "just friends."

Though she did follow up by saying: "Just friend … for now."

Good for you, Luann.

Brandi glanville gives good tv

Luann de lesseps i cant wait for you all to see me get arrested

Thursday, May 10, 2018

Luann de Lesseps: I Think Someone Drugged Me Before My Arrest!

On Christmas Eve of last year, Countess Luann de Lesseps was arrested after allegedly trespassing in the wrong hotel room and kicking a police officer.

She says that her life has improved since her arrest, and a huge part of that has been her changed relationship with alcohol.

Now, as she speaks to Dr. Oz about exactly what she’d had to drink, she suggests that someone may have slipped drugs into her drink.

On Wednesday, Luann sat down with controversial television personality Dr. Oz to discuss what went into her system on that fateful day.

“I had rosé at lunch, with my girlfriend, we split a bottle of Whispering Angel, which is normal.”

Whispering Angel might sound like the name of a lonely smuggler’s spaceship, but it’s just a brand of one of those light pink wines that taste good.

“And then there were some people there that were fans, so they sent me more rosé.”

That was nice of them!

“So I drank more than I usually would.”

But they’re surely not to blame for events that followed.

Luann shares that she and her friend had more to drink.

They stopped, she says, for “not one martini, but two.”

At this point, we’re looking at the better part of a bottle of wine and a couple of martinis. That’s enough to get anyone buzzed, at least.

“So, by the time I get to the Colony, I was pretty sloshed and then I don’t know.”

While it’s possible for a woman Luann’s size to get drunk off of the amount of alcohol that she describes, she wonders if there was an added ingredient that made things worse.

“I almost think that somebody slipped me something, because I don’t remember a thing after that.”

Blacking out is dangerous and scary.

Dr. Oz asks: “Do you consider yourself an alcoholic?”

Luann responds with a lot of honesty.

“You know, that’s a good question. I don’t really know.”

It would be easy to just say “yes” or “no” to please viewers, but she directly explains her thinking.

“I think that I’m a self-medicator, that’s for sure.”

Self-medicating is behind a lot of substance abuse.

Luann explains exactly what was behind her overindulgence in alcohol.

“I think that I was using alcohol to numb my pain and my emotions until it didn’t work for me anymore. Until it got me into a lot of trouble.”

It was, she reveals, a huge wakeup call.

“I live in the moment. I live for today. For today, it’s just … not drinking. And I don’t really want to drink right now.”

This brought on applause fromt he audience.

“I don’t actually need it. I’m better without it. I’m so much better without it.”

Recent photos and videos of her on social media have shown her with water and diet soda.

Did someone slip something into her drink?

Luann is no inexperienced drinker (no shade), so we’d think that she’s mixed wine with martinis before.

There can be other factors — how much you’ve eaten, how much sleep you’ve gotten, and which alcohols you’re consuming — that can alter your experience with drinking for the worse.

We would certainly hope that no one decided to spike her drink, because that would be awful.

It could potentially explain what happened. But so, of course, could the alcohol and emotional distress alone.

(And we wonder if the police tested her for anything other than alcohol at the time)

We’re so glad that she is doing so much better than she was on the day when her insane arrest video was recorded.


Monday, April 30, 2018

Luann de Lesseps Arrest Video: A Disturbing Must-Watch!

By now, you"ve likely heard all about Luann de Lesseps getting arrested late last year.

The Real Housewives of New York City was taken into Florida police custody in December after she was caught breaking into a hotel room and refusing to leave.

The star was later charged with resisting an officer with violence, which is a felony; as well as two misdemeanors, trespassing in an occupied structure or conveyance and disorderly intoxication.

According to officers on the scene, Luann "appeared to be highly intoxicated," which certainly does not forgive her actions.

But does apply some context to them.

So that sums up what you"ve probably heard about the arrest.

But now you can actually watch it unfold.

In a video of her incident first obtained by CBS12 and then posted by the Daily Mail and online, the Bravo personality is in handcuffs as she sits in a police car.

You can hear someone, presumably a cop, telling a friend that de Lesseps’ “hit a law enforcement officer.”

Luann is then seen struggling with her handcuffs before slipping one off her wrist, calling out to her pal and repeatedly declaring: “I’ve done nothing wrong. Let me out, please.”

But she is not let out.

After an officer starts trying to fasten de Lesseps’ seatbelt, the video shows her becoming angry and saying:

“Don’t touch me. I’m gonna kill you. I’ll kill you. I will kill you.”

After she does exit the vehicle, Luann says: “Why would you do that to me? Why would you?”

And then a short time later to an officer:

“I’m gonna get you. I’m gonna get you, big time. I’ve done nothing wrong and you’re handcuffing me.”

de Lesseps has remained a regular Real Housewives cast member despite this arrest, saying shortly after it transpired:

I am truly embarrassed. I have decided to seek professional guidance and will be voluntarily checking into an alcohol treatment center.

I intend to turn this unfortunate incident into a positive life changing event.

Once again, I sincerely apologize for my actions. I have the greatest respect for police officers and the job they do.

My actions alleged in the police report do not reflect my core values and my law abiding character.

Check out the disturbing arrest video HERE:

Luann de lesseps threatens to murder cop in this arrest video

Sunday, April 29, 2018

Luann de Lesseps" Arrest Video Shows Drunken Death Threat to Cop

Luann de Lesseps appeared heavily intoxicated while being put into the back of a police cruiser last year, and even threatened to kill a cop … according to video showing her arrest. Footage from inside the squad car Luann was thrown into…


Thursday, April 26, 2018

Luann de Lesseps: Spotted Smoking Weed Just Months After Drunken Arrest

Remember late last year, when Countess Luann de Lesseps was arrested after kicking a police officer … among other things?

The The Real Housewives of New York City star checked into rehab and released a statement, essentially blaming it all on abusing alcohol.

But now she’s been spotted smoking pot, which is usually frowned upon by recovery programs. Is she backsliding?

Page Six reports that, late Tuesday evening, Countess Luann was spotted puffing on a joint at the Public Hotel.

The time was around 11 pm.

(Yes, we know that she’s no longer a countess, technically. But she’ll always be a countess in our hearts … and in her branding)

Luann was at Public Arts, the hotel’s nightclub, for a Tribeca Film Festival party that was hosted by MCM Worldwide.

She was with her niece, Nicole Nadeau.

A partygoer tells Page Six:

“She took my friend’s blunt and then we gave her niece a cigarette.”

Luann de Lesseps Sings

Earlier in the night, before going to a club with someone who turned out to be deeply untrustworthy, Luann shared her activities.

She and Dorinda (yes, of The Real Housewives of New York City; how many Dorinda’s do you know?) attended “The Donna Summer Musical” on Broadway.

(Donna Summer will always be an absolute legend; her music is so uplifting but remembering that she has passed away remains so sad)

It looked like she, Dorinda Medley, and John Mahdessian enjoyed themselves a lot.

That was before the club.

Page Six reached out to Luann’s representative, who said:

“Luann smokes occasionally to help with anxiety and pain from her accident.”

They could answered: “She was at a club” and it would have been a satisfactory answer for most people, even those who don’t particularly care for marijuana.

But this answer was honest … and heartbreaking.

In 1999, Luann was involved in a car accident in Switzerland.

And it’s the same reason that she was struggling and self-medicating with alcohol in 2017.

Luann previously told People about how her PTSD caused her to drink.

“I thought I killed myself and my children.”

That is a horrible thought that clearly haunts her to this day.

“I never really faced that horrific accident, and through that and everything else, my emotions just crept up on me.”

That can happen to anyone.

“And drove me to the point of self-medicating with alcohol.”

A tremendous amount of substance-abuse can be traced to people self-medicating for horrible traumas that they have endured.

Not everyone is very honest about it, however.

Will Luann get in trouble over this? Even with her recent arrest, she shouldn’t have any legal worries.

Not just because no one should get into legal trouble over a naughty plant.

But New York has decriminalized possession of small amounts of marijuana.

(Also, medical marijuana is legal, though this does not sound like a medical marijuana situation)

Fans may be concerned that Luann is turning from using one substance to escape from her PTSD to another, but marijuana is less harmful than alcohol in basically every way.

Those who care about Luann probably have little to worry about based upon this.


Friday, April 20, 2018

Luann de Lesseps: Getting Arrested Improved My Life!

Countess Luann might no longer be a countess, officially, but she will always be a legend.

Except … might her arrest for allegedly kicking a police officer while being publicly intoxicated and disorderly tarnish her reputation? She’s been going through a tough time.

But that was four months ago, and now she’s speaking out and she’s revealed that she’s past it. … Mostly.

On Thursday, Luann de Lesseps spoke to Us Weekly at the ASPCA Diamond in the Ruff Bergh Ball in New York.

And she got candid about how her arrest impacted her.

“You know, I had such a rough time.”

We would imagine so. But she says that things have improved.

“And I feel like I’ve gotten past it.”

That said, however, she says that the event still lingers on her mind and in her life.

“I’m not totally through it completely.”

Luann says that she believes that things for her life — and alleged crimes — will work out in the end.

“But I’m optimistic it’s going to turn out well.”

She saw the arrest as something of a wake-up call and has been using it to drive her to better herself. And it’s working.

“And everything is going in that direction for me.”

This fills her with a healthy outlook on life and on her future.

“So I feel very positive.”

Several months ago, Luann was arrested in Palm Beach for disorderly intoxication, trespassing, and for resisting arrest — with violence.

She apparently also slipped her handcuffs while in the back of the car.

In the aftermath of the arrest, Luann checked into rehab, apologized, and released a statement:

“I have decided to seek professional guidance and will be voluntarily checking into an alcohol treatment center.”

She continued to express remorse for what she had done.

“I intend to turn this unfortunate incident into a positive life changing event.”

One of the things that Luann has used to cope with her situation has been her cabaret show, she reveals.

“I think when you fall that hard, that it’s important how you stand up and keep it moving and keep it positive.”

She’s right.

“And for me it’s been sinking my teeth into my cabaret show and being creative in that way, and it’s been a lifesaving thing for me really”

A creative outlet can be a life-saver.

Luann has also opened up about Bethenny Frankel’s feud with Carole Radziwill.

“As you know, I’m always the Countess who is Switzerland, as Ramona says.”

Meaning that she is neutral, as Switzerland infamously was during World War 2.

“I don’t take sides. I feel like people have to work things out by themselves, and I’m not going to get between that.”

She admits that she doesn’t have much moral high ground upon which to stand.

“God knows I’ve had enough issues of my own to deal with”

Luann is an absolute legend, and not only for her role on The Real Housewives of New York.

She guest starred on one of the best-ever episodes of Law & Order SVU (“Bully,” which was Season 12, Episode 18, in case you’re wondering).

She and Bethenny are arguably the best-known and best-recognized stars from the series.

We are glad to hear that she is so optimistic.

We certainly wish her the best.
