Showing posts with label Betrayed. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Betrayed. Show all posts

Thursday, January 3, 2019

Diddy Sources Cassie Betrayed Him by Sleeping with Trainer ... She Calls BS

Diddy might want to ask for a refund from his former trainer … because sources claim the guy he hired to keep Cassie in shape was banging her on his dime … but she says his timeline is wrong.
Here’s what we’re told. Diddy’s trainer, Jamal Liggin, got so b...
Diddy Sources Cassie Betrayed Him by Sleeping with Trainer ... She Calls BS

Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Javi Marroquin to Briana DeJesus: You Betrayed Me ... But Let"s Get Back Together!

If you watched last night"s episode of Teen Mom 2, you may have come away from it feeling that the relationship between Javi Marroquin and Briana DeJesus was even more unstable and unhealthy than you"d previously thought.

You weren"t alone on that.

As far as we can, tell it was nothing but drama with these two from the very start, and last night"s absurdity basically confirmed that they only dated because of their shared desire to seek revenge on Kailyn Lowry.

For some reason, Briana"s plastic surgery was the issue that put this relationship to the test, and it was flat-out bizarre to see the whole thing unravel on camera.

Here"s a rundown of how it all played out:

1. Better Days

Javi marroquin and briana dejesus

We suppose there might have been a time when Javi and Briana were actually happy together. We just didn’t see any of it.

2. Surgical Summer

Javi and briana all smiles

The issue that drove Javi and Briana apart was her trip to Miami to undergo a cosmetic surgery procedure.

3. Make Up Your Mind!


At first, Javi was mad that Briana wanted to get more surgery. Then he was mad that he wouldn’t be the one to help nurse her back to health after the procedure.

4. Forgot About Dre

Briana de jesus pic

Javi pretty much lost his mind upon learning that Bri planned to have her ex-boyfriend Dre take care of her after her surgery.

5. Playing the Game

Briana on teen mom

To be fair, Briana seemed to choose Dre for the job primarily because she knew it would piss Javi off, but his reaction was still hilariously over-blown.

6. A Surprise Visit


Javi showed up unexpectedly just prior to Briana’s surgery and spoke of her decision to summon Dre in hilariously overblown terms.

View Slideshow

Thursday, June 28, 2018

Luann de Lesseps FUMES at Ramona Singer: You Betrayed Me, She-Devil!!

Bethenny Frankel and Carole Radziwill aren’t the only The Real Housewives of New York City stars to have a frittered friendship.

Luann de Lesseps and Ramona Singer weren’t exactly joined at the hip before, but now Luann is taking her to task.

Why? Because Ramona betrayed her trust when she was at her most vulnerable — right after she got out of rehab.

If you watch The Real Housewives of New York City online, you already know what went down on the episode titled: “Arrest and Relaxation.

But one explosive conflict from the episode really merits a closer look.

On Wednesday night’s episode of RHONY, Luann did not mince words when she referred to a group photo that Ramona shared with the world.

“The she-devil strikes again,” Luann announced.

She-devil can either be very confrontational (because yikes!) or very complimentary (it’s what Red Sonja is called, after all), but Luann meant it in the worst sense.

Luann explains: “I really feel like Ramona invaded my privacy by putting a picture out of me when nobody knew where I was.”

The Countess was in a very vulnerable place in her life and did not feel encouraged by the entire world knowing what she was up to just yet.

“And now,” Luann says. “The whole world knows I’m out of rehab.”

She wanted to let the world know on her terms, when the time was right. She feels that Ramona robbed her of that opportunity.

What’s more is that Luann fears that Ramona’s thoughtless photo — which, in fairness, Ramona did later delete — could impact her appearance in court.

“I have a court case coming up,” Luann laments.”I don’t need more press!”

Being a reality star has its pitfalls.

Luann explains why publicity is a problem, saying: “I don’t need pictures of me and the press making guesses at what I’m up to.”

The rest of us might look at a headline that says Luann de Lesseps: Out of Rehab and Drinking Already? and question its veracity. But if a judge sees that kind of speculation, it might change Luann’s life forever.

Since the news was out in the open anyway, Luann did make it official with a post of her own.

“It’s good to be home,” Luann wrote to her fans and followers. “I’m doing great. Spending time with friends and family. Thanking everyone for your continued good wishes and support.”

“My return to New York is supposed to be on my terms,” Luann tells the camera.. “I just feel like I got the rug pulled out of me.”

She felt shocked that others knew before she was ready to tell the world.

On RHONY, she’s seen giving Ramona a piece of her mind.

“You put a picture up and now Luann is the talk of the town again,” Luann laments.

She does acknowledge that she knew that it would happen sooner or later — but that she feels betrayed that it was by Ramona’s hand.

“It’s inevitable that I will be in the press again, I just don’t want my friends to drive it,” Luann says. “You opened up a can of worms for me.”

“These are hurtful things. You’re hurting me,” Luann explained. “You have to be more respectful and thoughtful about your friends.”

Ramona was shocked, having not realized that she was doing anything wrong.

“We also post group shots! It’s a beautiful picture,” Ramona said, at first being defensive.

Ramona did realize that she was in the wrong and apologized, saying: “You didn’t tell me not to post. … I’m sorry.”

Ramona, to her credit, became very apologetic and worked to make things right.

“I’m disappointed in myself,” Ramona admitted. “I wasn’t thinking. Now I understand. … I made a huge mistake. This was bad. What I did was bad.”

Luann also had another bone to pick with Ramona.

See, Ramona had been hanging out with Luann’s recent ex, Tom D’Agustino.

“There are so many guys on the Upper East Side. Really?” Luann tells the camera.

She continues to complain to the camera about Ramona, saying: “You have to go and have drinks with Tom? I knew Ramona wasn’t the brightest tool in the shed, but what an idiot.”

To be honest, that seems a little harsh. 

“It’s not cool,” Luann said, yelling at Ramona. “If you’re my friend, it’s not cool. What you did, most people would never talk to you again.”

Whoa, there. She spoke with him socially. She didn’t bang him.

“That is the lowest of the low,” Luann insists, feeling betrayed. “Do you realize that? What you did is the lowest of the low.”

Ramona explained that she hadn’t been there to meet with Tom, that they had just happened into each other.

“Just because Luann divorced Tom doesn’t mean he’s going to disappear,” Ramona says.

“He travels with the same circle as I do,” Ramona continues. “He has the same friends as I do.”

That’s one of the big pitfalls of a breakup — everybody knows each other.

Ramona then throws some shade, saying: “Listen, if I couldn’t talk with every man Luann ended up being with, I wouldn’t be talking to any men in New York City!”

Luann is not amused, however.

“You make it worse,” Luann accuses. “You don’t have my best interest at heart and I can’t be around that.”



Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Arie Luyendyk, Jr.: The Bachelor EDITED Me to Make Me Look Cruel! I Feel BETRAYED!

One can only imagine the betrayal that Becca Kufrin must have felt during Arie’s brutal breakup, all captured on camera and broadcast to the world.

But now, Arie is speaking up — about his decision to dump Becca and propose to Lauren. And the decision to film it.

And as it turns out, Arie says that he feels betrayed — by the producers. He claims that things were “completely edited.”

In a new interview with GQ, Arie tells the interviewer that he was “haunted” by the thought that, in choosing Becca, he’d allowed his soul mate to slip away.

So he called Lauren on New Year’s Eve.

“As soon as I heard her voice,” he says.

“I knew that I had to end things with Becca.”

Instead of simply breaking things off with Becca, though, Arie apparently went to producers first.

He says that they were the ones who pitched bringing in cameras.

Arie says that these silver-tongued producers talked him into bringing in the cameras by promising him that this was the best way to move forward.

By filming it, they allegedly told him, he would be able to show the Bachelor Nation that he was just being honest to his feelings while being respectful of Becca’s.

Arie says that they told him:

“‘Then we can show you going back to Lauren, and people are going to rally behind you because you took this big risk and you did it for love."”

He says that the producers persuaded him by assuring him that people would be on his side.

“‘At the end of the day, people will just want to see you happy."”

Obviously, very few people are invested in Arie’s happiness these days, even though he and Lauren have announced their wedding date and venue.

“You’ve got to understand,” Arie tells the interviewer. “These people were my friends.”

This, he says, is why he trusted them. But he now feels “100 percent” betrayed.

Then, Arie has some damning words to share about the actual breakup scene with Becca.

You know, the one hailed as “the first completely unedited scene in reality television history” by ABC’s promotions?

Arie says that this was hogwash.

“It was completely edited,” he accuses.

The 40 minute segment was agonizing to watch, and he suggests that it was intended to be that way from the beginning.

“I was told to stay on that couch.”

We guess that we know what Arie would do if the Milgram experiment were performed today.

“I tried to leave, and then production was like, ‘You need to go back inside. She’s finally calming down. I feel like you owe it to her to have this conversation."”

Good advice? Maybe not. But production’s job is to make good television, not to be your life coach.

“So then I went back in the house.”

He confirms that production tried to discourage him from leaving.

“Yeah. I left, came back. I stepped away from the couch, I went back to the couch.”

But the Bachelor Nation didn’t see that part.

“They cut out, obviously, production talking to me from 10 feet away.”

Arie says that, by editing out their instructions for him to remain, the resulting video “was super unfair to me.”

But he does acknowledge that, you know, this is how reality television works.

“It’s their job to make it entertaining for people.”

It is interesting to hear that Arie is trying to cast of blame to make himself look better.

Just because something was someone else’s suggestion doesn’t mean that you are blameless for doing it.

And they would have had to try harder to make him look insensitive if he had come across as more compassionate.


Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Amy Roloff to Matt Roloff: You Betrayed Me!

Through the first two spring episodes of Little People, Big World, one clear theme has emerged:

Amy Roloff is not very happy.

On the first new installment of this TLC reality show, Amy talked openly about maybe moving far away from ex-husband — and on the second installment, she made it crystal clear why.

It really all comes down to Matt’s relationship with Caryn Chandler.

“Caryn is an employee and in a personal relationship with my ex-husband, so it is still hard to invite Caryn to some of the family events,” Roloff said last Tuesday night.

It’s both true and understandable:

Chandler has worked as the manager at Roloff Farms since 2006.

She started dating Matt shortly after he and Amy filed for divorce in May of 2016, prompting Amy to admit on air last week, even after all this time:

“I’d rather minimize the personal interaction [with them]. It’s not healthy for me.”

So Amy herself has spoken candidly about this awkwardness.

And now an insider has taken her feelings once step further, telling Radar Online just how much of a struggle it is for Amy to see Matt with Caryn.

“Of course Amy feels betrayed,” this Roloff source tells Radar, explaining:

“The way he’s treating Caryn is nothing like how he treated her during their marriage. It was like a blow to the chest.”

To be clear, Amy isn’t necessarily jealous of Matt and Caryn.

She has been dating Chris Marek for over a year now and is clearly very content in this relationship. (Just take one look at her Instagram page for proof.)

It’s just weird is all. That’s the basic point here.

Amy is fine that Matt has moved on because she’s done the same… but he’s moved on with someone she has known for over a decade and with whom she still must interact on a frequent basis.

“It really made Amy feel insecure about who she was and the type of wife she was,” Radar writes of who Matt has chosen to date, and how quickly he got together with Chandler once he was single.

Roloff admitted on the previous episode of her family’s reality program that she has to be “adult” in the way she handles Matt’s romance.

On plenty of occasions, such as family birthday parties, she’ll be in the same room or same vicinity as Caryn.

Still, this doesn’t mean “I have to accept” or embrace the development, Amy added last Tuesday.

Thankfully, however, she has had Chris by her side this entire time…

… and it’s clear this won’t be changing in the near or distance future.

“The good thing to come out this though is Chris,” Radar concludes in its report. “She met Chris, and he is so good to her and they are happy. He doesn’t take her for granted.”

That much is apparent.

Scroll back up to the first image in this article and you’ll see Amy and Chris sitting happily together at dinner.

The photo was snapped on the cruise this couple just took together, and it was accompanied by the following Amy-written caption:

The end to a wonderful time on a cruise w/ Chris and friends.

What a fun and great time on Royal Caribbean cruise. We’re heading back home today and looking forward to the next adventure.


Friday, July 28, 2017

Kendra On Top Sneak Peek: Kendra Wilkinson Betrayed by Her Mother!

Kendra Wilkinson announced that she"s a "horny motherf—er," speaking openly about her sex life and masturbatory habits, so you might think that this is a woman with no secrets.

But everybody has some things that they want kept private. Just like no one, Kendra included, wants their mother to write a tell-all book about them. For a few blissful moments, it looked like Kendra"s mother was going to choose family over writing her book.

Clearly, as you"ll see in the Kendra On Top sneak peek below, that is not the case.

Patti Wilkinson has been threatening to tell the world about Hank Baskett"s alleged affair for ages … even though we kind of know everything already, right?

That"s a garbage way for a mother to behave, but we never thought much of Kendra"s mom to begin with.

Naturally, Kendra wants her mom to stop talking about her in public.

It was less than a week ago that a Kendra On Top clip made it really sound like Patti had decided to back off.

Because Patti told Hank Baskett directly that she was no longer planning to write the book.

Of course, when Kendra asked Hank if he believed Patti when she said that … Hank said that he did not.

Smart man.

So, in this Kendra On Top sneak peek clip that we have for you below, Colin receives a package.

Colin, as you may remember, is Kendra Wilkinson"s brother.

Their relationship has had its ups and downs and they"ve even been estranged from each other.

But Colin and Kendra are clearly in agreement that Patti should not write a tell-all book about her family.

That could only hurt them and their relationships with each other, right?

The package — which contains the first chapter from the book that Patti had promised that she wasn"t going to write — comes by way of Patti"s friend, Pattie.

Yes, Patti"s friend is named Pattie. With an E.

Life is confusing as hell.

Anyway, it"s pretty clear that Pattie With An E has been encouraging Patti to defy her children"s wishes and write, because it"ll let her "tell her story" for some sort of weird life-fulfillment purpose or something.

Translation: Kendra"s fame as a celebrity and the promise of exposing details about Kendra"s life would help Patti"s book sell well.

(It"s possible that Pattie With An E or even Patti herself believe that this is important for her personal life journey or whatever, but is that really more important than her children?)

And Patti"s gone ahead and written the first chapter, which Pattie With An E says is about Kendra and Colin"s father.

As you can imagine, Colin isn"t too thrilled.

In fact, he feels positively betrayed.

Sounds like the nasty mama drama is living up to its promise, huh?

We all know what Kendra Wilkinson is like, and we know her … somewhat volatile emotional state.

(We"re not trying to be mean, but Kendra goes off)

Colin is clearly pissed that his mom is going ahead with the book.

Especially after she"d told Hank that she wasn"t.

We can only imagine how Kendra is going to respond to this latest betrayal.

And that"s what makes this such an effective teaser.

Kendra on top sneak peek kendra wilkinson betrayed by her mother

Friday, June 30, 2017

Big Brother Recap: Who Betrayed Three Houseguests?

At the beginning of the season, the best course of action inside the Big Brother house is to lay low and not create any waves. 

Unfortunately, Josh did not think like that and opted to betray several houseguests, proving he’s untrustworthy. For viewers, it was evident he could not get to grips with the pressure cooker that is Big Brother. 

The paranoia was getting to him, and it was pretty sad to watch him self-destruct on the screen like that. Here’s the thing: Cody would have likely welcomed him into his alliance, but now he knows better than to trust him. 

At the Head of Household competition, former winner, Nicole Franzel returned to host, and everyone was freaking out about it. Well, everyone aside from Kevin who played dumb and implied he did not know she was. 

The competition found the houseguests in teams of four, swinging across ropes to garner apples for their respective teams. Nicole revealed that there was an apple for safety for the sole houseguest who decided to take it. 

Josh was the person who decided to screw up his team members, and it resulted in an unexpected feud between him and Megan. The funny thing about all of it was that Megan was not even on his team. 

So, while he was on the outs with the rest of his team, he tried to throw the target Megan’s way and revealed that she said they should get a strong man out of the house. 

For what it’s worth, Megan is right, but she should not have said that in earshot of the other houseguests. She was called out in front of the house twice, and she teared up about it. 

The HOH competition came down to Paul and Cody. Both men agreed to keep the other safe. As expected, Cody emerged with the win and quickly revealed to viewers he was not planning on staying loyal to Paul. 

His reasons seemed to stem from his first class social game, and he genuinely has a point. Cody quickly rallied up a team that included Mark and Matt. That meant they were going the predictable route of having an all-male first alliance in the house. 

Megan already figured a male alliance was beginning to form, thus, making the target around her bigger. She failed to change things up when she spoke to Cody about his plans. 

Cody is making mistakes already. He is not associating with anyone aside from his alliance members, and that’s going to be problematic when someone outside his alliance winds up in power. 

Aside from that, the other small alliance seems to be falling apart. With Megan and Jillian placed on the block, the chances of both of them escaping it seem unlikely. 

Their only saving grace will be if Cody decides to throw Paul up on the block if the opportunity arises. Things are getting interesting, but there are just too many people in the house to get a good read on people. 

What do you think of it all so far?

Sound off below!


Friday, May 5, 2017

Scott Disick Says Kourtney Kardashian Betrayed Him By Dating Model

Scott Disick feels betrayed by Kourtney Kardashian whom he claims held out hope they could get back together at the same time she was banging a 23-year-old model. Our Scott sources say he’s devastated by the pics that came out this week of his…


Thursday, April 13, 2017

Tomi Lahren on Getting Fired: Glenn Beck Betrayed Me!

It"s been a rough few weeks for people who like their political news delivered in the most ear-piercingly shrill fashion possible.

Two of the most strident stalwarts in the world  of far-right cable news have been silenced this month, but for very different reasons.

Bill O"Reilly appears to have left the No Spin Zone following revelations that the longtime Fox News personality shelled out more than $ 13 million to silence numerous women who accused him of sexual harassment in the workplace.

As more accusers continue to come forward, it"s unclear if O"Reilly has been fired or simply suspended by the network.

Similarly murky is the future of The Blaze news-shouter Tomi Lahren.

Lahren says she"s been fired by her network"s weepy CEO, Glenn Beck, but she"s still drawing a paycheck, and Beck claims she"s simply on leave … indefinitely.

The disciplinary action comes after dared to express an opinion that doesn"t perfectly jibe with Beck"s ideology, by stating on The View that she"s pro-choice.

Lahren clearly has no patience for Beck"s equivocation, and in a new Nightline interview, she chews out her (former?) boss for taking the "decisive" out of decisive action:

“This is not about politics,” she says.

“This is about someone who had an opposing viewpoint that has been silenced and sidelined and thrown away.”

Lahren adds:

“I"m a human being at the end of the day and something has been stripped from me and that"s my ability to work, that’s my ability to have a voice."

“That"s been taken from me wrongfully. So I’m upset by it, and I’m hurt by it and I feel betrayed by it.”

She concludes with a blistering "final thought" that no doubt has the tears welling up in Beck"s eyes at this very moment:

“I"m not the kind of girl that sits in the corner and cries about things. And that"s another message I really want to get across,” Lahren said.

“I don"t consider myself a feminist but boy I will not lay down and play dead ever.”

Check out Lahren"s full interview below.

It"s even better if you picture Beck sobbing into a pint of Ben & Jerry"s while he watches it:

Tomi lahren on getting fired glenn beck betrayed me

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Chris Brown Says Migos" Quavo Betrayed Him by Dating Karrueche

Chris Brown is angry, feeling like he was stabbed in the back by Quavo from Migos … a man he thought was a good friend until he started dating Karrueche Tran. Our CB sources say … Chris had both a business and personal relationship…


Sunday, February 26, 2017

Gigi Gorgeous Says Trump Betrayed LGBTQ Community (VIDEO)

Model Gigi Gorgeous is disgusted at President Trump for his plan to roll back protections for transgender students, but she’s hoping he actually does give Caitlyn Jenner a call. We got Gigi in L.A. and she teed off on Trump for, in her eyes, lying…


Gigi Gorgeous Says Trump Betrayed LGBTQ Community (VIDEO)

Model Gigi Gorgeous is disgusted at President Trump for his plan to roll back protections for transgender students, but she’s hoping he actually does give Caitlyn Jenner a call. We got Gigi in L.A. and she teed off on Trump for, in her eyes, lying…


Saturday, January 14, 2017

Bella Hadid Feels Backstabbed and Betrayed by Selena Gomez

Bella Hadid believes Selena Gomez did her dirty by dating The Weeknd behind her back. Sources close to Bella tell TMZ she feels betrayed because her ex and Selena hooked up almost immediately after Bella and Weeknd ended their…


Bella Hadid Feels Backstabbed and Betrayed by Selena Gomez

Bella Hadid believes Selena Gomez did her dirty by dating The Weeknd behind her back. Sources close to Bella tell TMZ she feels betrayed because her ex and Selena hooked up almost immediately after Bella and Weeknd ended their…


Thursday, October 20, 2016

Kris Jenner to Kim Kardashian: You Betrayed Me!

Hey, did you want to feel super uncomfortable and kind of sad and scared, all at the same time?

Don’t you just love it when your own mother screams and cries at you and makes you feel guilty over something you thought was really minor?

Then boy, you are in for such a treat!

Observe this new clip from an upcoming episode of Keeping Up with the Kardashians in which Kris Jenner loses her damn mind.

Things start off kind of funny with a conversation between Khloe and Kim.

Khloe tells Kim that Kris is “like, fuming with you,” and that Kris had been texting her in hashtags about how upset she was with Kim.

Amazing, right? Or, sorry, #amazing.

But then Khloe says that Kris thinks Kim is a “traitor,” and that she “went against the family” because of something she did with Caitlyn.

So they call Kris up, put her on speakerphone, and everything goes all to hell.

Kris starts off strong with “Kim, you are a f-cking traitor that you would have the nerve to go to help Caitlyn pick a gown.”

OK, so Kris is mad that Kim helped Caitlyn, a person she’s been extremely close to for most of her life, with fashion, something that Kim’s always been into.

Makes sense, right? Of course it doesn’t.

And Kim didn’t quite get the issue either. She tries to defend herself by saying that Caitlyn asked for help, and she even says that “last time I heard you guys are all good,” which is true — didn’t Kris and Caitlyn make up a while ago?

Apparently not — Kris tells Kim that “That’s what you don’t get. I don’t say anything to you until I feel abandoned, and right now I’m feeling abandoned.”

Kim points out the fact that she didn’t abandon her, that she literally just helped Caitlyn find a dress, but Kris isn’t into rational thought right now.

“You’ve abandoned me! You have taken somebody else and said ‘OK, her feelings don’t matter."”

Kim gives in and tells Kris that she’s just going to “stay neutral,” but that was also the wrong thing to say.

“I don’t want you to be neutral,” Kris tells her, and here’s where she starts crying. “From my children that I’ve given birth to, I want loyalty. I don’t want f-cking neutral. Neutral isn’t what I signed up for.”

She goes on to explain that she’s been trying to be gracious and understanding about the situation with Caitlyn, but that she’s been “betrayed” and “f-cked over on so many levels that it would make your head spin.”

Kim tries to calm her down, but Kris yells that no, “I’m not going to f-cking play this game anymore!”

So … yikes, right?

Kris and Caitlyn had an amicable divorce, but they did have some issues last year when Caitlyn came out as transgender.

They both had different stories about how much Kris knew about it — Caitlyn claimed that Kris knew for years while Kris maintains that she never had a clue — but they’d managed to make peace with each other, or at least we thought they had.

Leave it to this family to milk the drama out of a situation until it’s as dry as Kylie Jenner’s hair.


Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Anna Duggar on Josh Duggar: He Betrayed Me & ALL Christians!

When the world learned that Josh Duggar had molested five young girls, four of whom were his sisters, Anna Duggar stood by his side.

Unfortunately for her, it wasn"t long after that that Josh was caught using the cheating website Ashley Madison to help him find partners for discreet affairs.

Eventually, news that Josh had paid porn star Danica Dillon for sex while Anna was pregnant went public.

Few thought the marriage could survive, but remarkably, Anna seems intent on making it work.

Currently, Josh is in rehab to be treated for addictions to sex and pornography, and Anna is participating in Jill & Jessa: Counting On –  a limited 19 Kids and Counting spinoff series that focuses on two of Josh"s sisters (and childhood victims).

Clips from the show have featured other Duggars condemning Josh for his actions, but the latest preview features Anna herself speaking at length about her husband"s misconduct for the very first time.

“It was definitely a hard thing,” she says, clearly holding back tears. “I think it is such a betrayal for a spouse to go through what we’re walking through.

"It was hard to realize that it was such a public thing, and so, not only was it a betrayal against me, but it was also a betrayal for those who call themselves Christian.” 

In the past, the Duggars have been accused of attempting to gloss over Josh"s indiscretions, but clearly, Anna"s heartbreak is very real, and it looks as though Josh will have a long way to go before he can earn back her trust.

Anna duggar on josh duggar sex scandal he betrayed me and all ch

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Kardashians Betrayed and Pregnant: A Tabloid Tradition!

Those poor Kardashians and Jenners.

According to the following tabloid stories, they been pregnant AND betrayed on so many occasions that we almost feel badly for them.

If these stories were actually true, that is…

1. Kylie Jenner: Pregnant! Dumped by Tyga!

Kylie jenner pregnant dumped by tyga

Kylie Jenner is pregnant! And has been dumped! According to this hilarious tabloid cover, that is.

2. Kim Kardashian Dumped?!?

Kim kardashian dumped

In Touch really has to lay off Kim Kardashian. Of course she has gained weight. She’s pregnant!

3. Kourtney Kardashian: Pregnant Again?

Kourtney kardashian pregnant again

Is Kourtney Kardashian pregnant again?!? Yes, according to this tabloid at least.

4. Kim Kardashian Pregnant Story

Kim kardashian pregnant story

No way Kim Kardashian is pregnant again…. right?!? Try telling that to this tabloid cover story!

5. Khloe Kardashian Pregnancy Claim

Khloe kardashian pregnancy claim

Khloe Kardashian is not pregnant. Shockingly, Star Magazine for this one wrong.

6. Pregnant Kardashians!!!

Pregnant kardashians

All three Kardashian sister are engaged, according to this cover. Except that, you know, they are not all pregnant.

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