Showing posts with label Houseguests. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Houseguests. Show all posts

Friday, July 27, 2018

Big Brother: Meet the Most Controversial Houseguests

Big Brother has been on the air since the year 2000. 

It is filmed 24 hours a day, and fans are able to watch a live feed online that keeps them up to speed with what happens inside the house when the show is not airing. 

That means some of the houseguests forget their surroundings and say some crazy things. 

What about the others? 

Well, some of them did not seem to care and had no filter. 

We"ve rounded up the most controversial houseguests below. 


1. Rachel Swindler – Big Brother Season 20

Rachel swindler

Viewers who watched the Big Brother live feeds were shocked when Swindler compared her tan to her black fellow houseguest Bayleigh Dayton.

“My stomach is as dark as Bay,” she said.

2. Angela Rummans – Big Brother Season 20

Angela rummans

Angela was also part of the conversation about Swindler about skin color and said the following: “I’m looking ghetto here with the skin coloration.”

While viewers never got to see the duo getting a warning from CBS, Angela was seen on the live feeds crying.

3. Kaitlyn Herman – Big Brother Season 20

Kaitlyn herman big brother season 20

Herman’s stint in the house resulted in her boyfriend apparently cutting ties with her. She was all over Tyler Crispen, Brett Robinson and Faysal Shafaat.

Another instance that landed her in hot water found her using the N-word while quoting Drake’s “0 to 100.”

4. Paul Abrahmian – Big Brother Season 18 & 19

Paul abrahamian on big brother

Paul dressed in black facial cosmetics as he targeted black houseguest, Dominique Cooper for eviction.

He went on to say that his makeup was called “blackface.” Yikes.

5. Jason Dent – Big Brother Season 19

Jason dent

Jason shocked live feed viewers with his comments about raping fellow houseguest Kevin Schlehuber’s wife after tying up all of his daughters and making them watch.

He was not ejected from the show.

6. Frank Eudy – Big Brother Season 18

Frank eudy big brother season 18

Eudy went too far when he groped Da’Vonne Rogers, and called her a “slut.”

Understandably, it all got too much and Da’Vonne hit up the diary room to let viewers know how she felt.

“I don’t want my daughter to see that and think it’s OK for guys to hit girls on their butts and guys to call girls sluts,” she sobbed.

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Wednesday, August 9, 2017

"Big Brother" Houseguests Furious Over Unwanted Butt Poking

Several “Big Brother” competitors are claiming their butts are being violated by a fellow houseguest for weeks — who’s been captured on video jamming her fingers into various dumpers without consent. The anal invader is Jessica Graf — whose…


Friday, June 30, 2017

Big Brother Recap: Who Betrayed Three Houseguests?

At the beginning of the season, the best course of action inside the Big Brother house is to lay low and not create any waves. 

Unfortunately, Josh did not think like that and opted to betray several houseguests, proving he’s untrustworthy. For viewers, it was evident he could not get to grips with the pressure cooker that is Big Brother. 

The paranoia was getting to him, and it was pretty sad to watch him self-destruct on the screen like that. Here’s the thing: Cody would have likely welcomed him into his alliance, but now he knows better than to trust him. 

At the Head of Household competition, former winner, Nicole Franzel returned to host, and everyone was freaking out about it. Well, everyone aside from Kevin who played dumb and implied he did not know she was. 

The competition found the houseguests in teams of four, swinging across ropes to garner apples for their respective teams. Nicole revealed that there was an apple for safety for the sole houseguest who decided to take it. 

Josh was the person who decided to screw up his team members, and it resulted in an unexpected feud between him and Megan. The funny thing about all of it was that Megan was not even on his team. 

So, while he was on the outs with the rest of his team, he tried to throw the target Megan’s way and revealed that she said they should get a strong man out of the house. 

For what it’s worth, Megan is right, but she should not have said that in earshot of the other houseguests. She was called out in front of the house twice, and she teared up about it. 

The HOH competition came down to Paul and Cody. Both men agreed to keep the other safe. As expected, Cody emerged with the win and quickly revealed to viewers he was not planning on staying loyal to Paul. 

His reasons seemed to stem from his first class social game, and he genuinely has a point. Cody quickly rallied up a team that included Mark and Matt. That meant they were going the predictable route of having an all-male first alliance in the house. 

Megan already figured a male alliance was beginning to form, thus, making the target around her bigger. She failed to change things up when she spoke to Cody about his plans. 

Cody is making mistakes already. He is not associating with anyone aside from his alliance members, and that’s going to be problematic when someone outside his alliance winds up in power. 

Aside from that, the other small alliance seems to be falling apart. With Megan and Jillian placed on the block, the chances of both of them escaping it seem unlikely. 

Their only saving grace will be if Cody decides to throw Paul up on the block if the opportunity arises. Things are getting interesting, but there are just too many people in the house to get a good read on people. 

What do you think of it all so far?

Sound off below!


Wednesday, June 22, 2016

12 Big Brother Houseguests We Loved... Or Loved to Hate

Big Brother is finally back for Season 18 on Wednesday June 22. 

It"s going to be the longest season yet, running 99 days. 

The cast has already been released, but there"s word that there will be some returns from prior seasons to help stir up the drama. 

With the show running for all those seasons, there are a lot of houseguests that divided fans of the show. 

Remember Rachel Reilly? She competed in two seasons of the veteran reality series, but we loved… and hated her. 

We"ve compiled a gallery of 12 houseguests that we loved and/or hated.

1. Rachel Reilly – Season 12 & 13

Rachel reilly season 12 and 13

Rachel Reilly was one of those people that was nice when other people were in power, but as soon as she got power, her demeanor changed completely. She managed to beat out the other competitors to win the money in Season 13.

2. Aaryn Gries – Season 15

Aaryn gries season 15

Aaryn came across as a sweet girl when she appeared on Big Brother, but all of that changed when she and some of the other houseguests outraged America with racial remarks about some of the other houseguests.

3. Elissa Slater – Season 15

Elissa slater season 15

Rachel Reilly’s sister appeared on the show and houseguests quickly realized that she was Rachel and started conspiring to get her out, but Big Brother introduced the MVP twist that saved her multiple times by viewers voting to have her safe from the block. With the whole house against her, she set out to take the people that bullied her out of the game, but like her sister, she just couldn’t keep her mouth shut and it ultimately destroyed her game.

4. Willie Hantz – Season 14

Willie hantz season 14

Willie Hantz was the brother of Survivor’s Russel Hantz. He came across as nice enough when he first showed up in the house and had a built in fanbase, but all of that fizzled out when he tried to attack fellow contestant, Joe. He was quickly removed from the house.

5. Frankie Grande – 16

Frankie grande big brother 16

Ariana Grande’s big brother, Frankie appeared on the show’s 16th season. He was one of those characters you loved to hate, but he actually became bearable when he managed to win a competition that was meant for two people all alone.

6. Frank Eudy – Season 14

Frank eudy season 14

Frank really divided Big Brother fans. Everyone seemed to think he was this huge target. There were so many times that he almost got took out and it made his final time on the block anti-climactic.

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