Showing posts with label Furious. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Furious. Show all posts

Monday, November 12, 2018

Stanley the Giraffe is Doing Fine, But PETA Furious at Malibu Wine Safaris

Stanley the Giraffe is standing tall and doing perfectly okay … contrary to reports the famous exotic animal was harmed during the devastating California wildfires. But, not everyone’s buying it. A rep at Malibu Wine Safaris tells TMZ ……


Sunday, September 9, 2018

Cheyenne Floyd: Teen Mom OG Fans FURIOUS with Official Casting News!

Earlier this week, MTV finally confirmed the big news:

Cheyenne Floyd is joining the cast of Teen Mom OG.

It wasn’t the first time we heard the idea of Cheyenne, a star on other MTV reality shows like Are You the One? and The Challenge, becoming a cast member on the show.

Far from it, actually.

The first reports about Cheyenne came out back in June, and word is that she began filming then too, along with the father of her daughter, ex-boyfriend Cory Wharton.

Other Teen Mom players have commented on her, and there were even whispers that she’d possibly been let go for some questionable tweets she made several years ago.

But despite all of that, there was no official word on her casting until now.

So now Cheyenne will join Maci Bookout, Amber Portwood, Catelynn Lowell, and fellow newcomer Bristol Palin to make the core group of Teen Mom OG.

And in case you haven’t heard, the show’s fans are very, very displeased.

When the official Teen Mom Facebook page posted the news, the comment section was full of dismay.

“Why do they keep adding random people?” one person asked. “These girls were never on the show to start with and shouldn’t be now.”

This is a good point because the “OG” in the title of the show stands for “Original Girls,” because Maci, Amber, Catelynn, and Farrah Abraham, the original cast, have been around since the beginning of the show.

They were on the very first season of 16 and Pregnant, and despite the significant pay raises they’ve received over the years, they really did struggle in the early days — and MTV cameras documented it all.

As another person pointed out, “Can’t be Teen Mom OG if y’all have 2 new people who aren’t even part of the teen mom franchise smh.”

It is a pretty big oversight, considering the title of the show, you know?

Someone else popped in the comments with some sarcasm, writing “I saw a lady with a baby outside of Target today. She looked to be about 25 yrs old.”

“She was fighting on the phone with her boyfriend, so she fits 3 of the key factors. Hurry up MTV, give her a call!!!”

This comment addresses several other issues with Cheyenne’s casting, one being that she’s turning 26 next month and just gave birth to her first child last year.

Say what you will about Bristol Palin — seriously, say whatever, it’s cool — but at least she actually was a teen mom.

Sure, Cheyenne can probably bring the drama, but it feels like anyone starring on a show called Teen Mom should meet that one basic requirement.

Lots of people left comments to say that even though Farrah left the show, things could have gone on with just the three remaining cast members.

Many said that they’d fast-forward through Cheyenne and Bristol’s segments, and some said they’d stop watching altogether.

Quite a few even said that they felt the show should be cancelled at this point.

In conclusion, let’s let one commenter express what the rest of us are thinking:

“Wtf this sh-t is getting so stupid.”

Oh, isn’t it though …


Friday, August 17, 2018

Tyron Woodley is Furious Over UFC 227 Encounter with Darren Till

Tyron Woodley was so pissed off that he was forced to sit near Darren Till at UFC 227 — he stormed out of his seat and ordered staff to open a room at the arena so he could release some of his aggression in an impromptu training session. …


Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Kim Kardashian: FURIOUS that Kanye Wants to Bang Her Sisters!

Remember how Kanye West was exactly gross enough to express his desire to bang all four of his sisters-in-law?

A lot of people were grossed out by his lecherous confession.

Reportedly, one of those people was Kim Kardashian herself, who is outright disgusted.

Kanye’s new song, “XTCY,” 

“You got sick thoughts? I got more of ’em,” Kanye’s lyrics read. “You got a sister-in-law you would smash? I got four of them.”

He’s singing that he wants to bone Kourtney, Khloe, Kendall, and Kylie.

“You did something unholy to them pictures, damn, you need to be locked up,” Kanye’s lyrics continue. “Nah, we need a bigger hot tub”

It sounds like he’s implying that he moved past guilt over perhaps masturbating to photographs of his in-laws, and has instead decided to try to seduce them.

RadarOnline reports that Kim Kardashian is big mad at Kanye over his creepy lyrics about her sisters.

According to their insider, Kim is “furious” with her husband for pulling a stunt like this.

The source says that “Kim was livid” when she first heard his outrageous lyrics.

And it sounds like this caught her totally off guard.

“He did not run the lyrics by any of them before he dropped the song,” the insider reveals.

Kim wasn’t the only one who felt, as the kids would say, squicked.

“It really grossed them all out,” the source reveals.

There’s a difference between knowing that you’re hot and hearing a member of your family confess that he wants to bang you.

The insider shares that: “The whole family was shocked that he would sexualize them like that.”

The Kardashians have built their brand upon their bodies, but that is supposed to stop when it comes to members of their family.

We know that this will totally shock you to hear about the dude who thinks that slavery is black people’s fault, but Kanye doesn’t get what all of the fuss is about.

Kanye feels, the insider explains, that this was “all in good fun.”

We’re sure that Kanye, who is wealthy and even beloved enough to avoid consequences for nonsense that would leave someone else alone and friendless, thinks that a lot of what he says is just fun.

He thinks this because it’s fun for him.

And it’s not clear how much Kanye understands that other people have lives and thoughts and feelings that don’t concern him.

We will say that we’re surprised — perhaps even incredulous — to hear that Kanye didn’t run this by anyone.

In 2016, Kim released those shadily edited clips of Taylor Swift on the phone with Kanye. At the time, Kanye had been running his lyrics by Taylor.

(That’s a whole other can of worms — or snakes)

It’s difficult to imagine that he wouldn’t do the same with his own family.

Then again, Kanye has said a lot of dumb stuff in recent months. Some wonder if he’s just spiraling and is determined to act out until even is extremely loyal wife can’t stand him anymore.


Friday, August 10, 2018

Donald Trump Furious After More NFL Players Take a Knee

Donald Trump is pissed off at two Miami Dolphins receivers who continued the “take a knee” demonstration into the 2018 NFL season … and now he’s calling for them to be suspended.  Both Kenny Stills and Albert Wilson took a knee during the…


Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Donald Trump Interrupts The Bachelorette, Gets Blasted by Furious Fans

Just because you follow The Bachelorette Spoilers and know how things end doesn"t mean that you don"t want to enjoy the episode in peace.

But, this week, The Bachelorette was interrupted by the exact opposite of peace — it was an announcement of Donald Trump"s Supreme Court pick.

And the Bachelor Nation was pissed.

Chris Harrison warned viewers in advance that Trump would be preempting the broadcast.

But the Bachelor Nation has been waiting for ages to watch Colton Underwood tell Becca Kufrin that he"s a virgin.

Most people get their breaking news from Twitter and their in-depth coverage from online articles these days, so it was understandably difficult for many people to understand why they needed to waste 20 minutes of their lives.

And, as you may have heard, Trump isn"t exactly hitting any record highs for Presidential popularity.

So the Bachelor Nation took to Instagram to vent their fury and frustration. Take a look:

1. Fans were pissed

Bachelorette interrupted tweet 01 end of repro rights

This tweet shows that you can care about politics but still be furious that you’re missing your show. People can do both.

2. Is this evidence of Trump hypocrisy?

Bachelorette interrupted tweet 02 caring about women

Honestly, “caring about women” is not really part of his brand.

3. This has happened before

Bachelorette interrupted tweet 03 second time

Remember when Trump interrupted Bachelor in Paradise? What does he have against the pursuit of love?

4. The language became colorful

Bachelorette interrupted tweet 04 audacity

It takes a lot of audacity to interrupt primetime television and take twenty entire minutes to read one name.

5. Trump was not what the Bachelor Nation wanted to see

Bachelorette interrupted tweet 05 blakes date not orange face

Seriously. And now everyone wants to know how Blake’s mom feels about what he decided to share with the world.

6. This is what you’d call a swing voter

Bachelorette interrupted tweet 06 becca gif

That’s probably an easy promise to make. Unless you have some sort of pathology that makes you crave the spotlight so much that you schedule a briefing for primetime.

View Slideshow

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Amanda Bynes Furious with Twitter and Instagram Over Fake Accounts

Amanda Bynes is waging war with Twitter and Instagram … accusing the social media giants of allowing impersonator accounts to claim she’s too broke to buy her meds and needs fans to wire her money. Amanda’s attorney, Tamar Arminak, tells TMZ…


Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Rob Kardashian: So Darn "Furious" at Blac Chyna!

According to a new report, Rob Kardashian is not eating his feelings right now.

Instead, he’s letting each and every one out, specifically when it comes to Blac Chyna.

For those who have been away from the Internet for the past few days, Rob’s baby mama went on the attack this past Sunday.

She celebrated Easter by attending Six Flags Great Adventure with her two kids…

… and opening up a rather large can of whoop ass on some 18-year old who complimented daughter Dream and then touched the little girl’s hand.

Both Chyna and the alleged victim basically admit this is what happened, although the former claims a few insults were also hurled her way and says she has no regrets about standing up for her kids.

Before delving into further details, check out the video of this incident below:

Yes, Chyna really does try to throw Dream’s hot pink toy car at her opponent in this footage.

The woman on the receiving end of Chyna’s rage has Tweeted up a storm about what transpired, while Chyna said the following on Instagram about it:

“Being famous is hard enough dealing with scrutiny but when someone feels comfortable to come and touch your child it’s a whole other story.

“I do not condone violence nor am I a violent person but shout out to all of the amazing mothers out there that will protect their children at all cost.”

Despite her claim that she was just protecting her daughter, Chyna’s actions may cost her custody of Dream.

There’s been talk that Rob thinks Blac is now too dangerous to be around their small girl and may take legal action to prevent Chyna from having a lot of access to her.

Rob is furious with Chyna for putting Dream in danger,” a source tells E! News, adding:

“He plans to file papers to try and get more custody of Dream and to reduce Chyna’s child support.

“He hopes the judge will see that he wants what’s best for Dream and that he is putting her safety and best interest before anything else.”

This really is a shame.

For as much drama as Rob and Chyna have been through, they’ve always tried to do what’s best for their kid.

Even during the height of Rob’s revenge porn nonsense, Chyna never threatened to change the custody arrangement the former couple had agreed upon with each other.

But that may soon change in some small way at least.

Writes this E! insider:

“Rob feels she needs to have a chaperone when Dream is in her custody to ensure that she is safe.”

Could anyone really blame Rob for feeling this way?

In response to this reports, Chyna’s attorney, Lisa Bloom, tells E! News:

“Chyna has the right every mother has to defend her own children from strangers trying to touch them. If Rob wants a custody fight, he will have one, and he will regret it.

“We already beat his sister Kylie in the meritless case she filed against Chyna.”


Here we go, folks.

We’re so very sorry, Dream.


Wednesday, January 31, 2018

TMZ Live: Nicole Eggert: Furious Blowup With Dr. Oz

ON TODAY’S SHOW Donald Trump: State Of The Union Revolt Gigi & Bella Hadid: Naked Photo Cool With Mom Paris Hilton: Kim Kardashian Klone! Sean Spicer Laughs Off Omarosa’s New Gig


Monday, January 29, 2018

Kodak Black"s in Legal Trouble with Furious Concert Promoters Over Arrests

Kodak Black’s inability to stay out of jail is hurting a concert promoter … who’s now suing to get his money back after paying him to perform. Corey Minniefield filed a lawsuit against the rapper claiming Kodak cashed a check for $ 45k…


Friday, January 26, 2018

Travis Scott: Furious at Wendy Williams for Calling Him a Deadbeat!

Recently, and to no one’s surprise, Wendy Williams suggested that Travis Scott either dumped Kylie or plans to dump Kylie, and the he plans to throw out the baby with the bathwater, so to speak.

Wendy suggested a theory that Kylie’s been so secretive about her pregnancy because Travis left her. And she suggested that Travis left because, well, he got his girlfriend pregnant after one month of dating and doesn’t need that in his life.

Apparently, Travis Scott heard about her broadcast and is taking offense in a major way.

A source tells HollywoodLife that Travis Scott is fuming at Wendy Williams over her unkind statements.

(A lot of folks have been in that boat a time or two; most have learned to let it go and maybe rewatch that video of Wendy Williams collapsing on live TV)

Travis is so pissed at Wendy, he’s taking this very personally.”

If he’s really going to be a part of Kylie’s life in a long-term way, then he’s going to need to get used to people speculating all sorts of things about him.

“She’s making horrible assumptions about him when she knows nothing, she’s never even met him.”

To be fair, based on everything that we’ve ever seen of Wendy Williams, that is essentially her job.

According to this same source, Travis doesn’t match Wendy’s description in the slightest.

Travis has no intention of abandoning his child or responsibilities as a dad.”

To be clear, we’re not sure if Wendy actually believed that child abandonment was his plan. At the very least, she must know how abandoning one of the most famous moms-to-be in the world might hurt his brand.

“He’s excited about becoming a dad.”

Not many people are excited when they find out that they’ve knocked up their girlfriend of one month. But sometimes they get excited.

Especially when their baby momma is loaded.

“If Wendy really knew him she’d know that family is everything to him.”

It’s true that his family, based in Houston, is very important to him.

“He’s so close to his parents and his brother and sister. His whole family is hyped for this baby.”

In fact, Travis so so close with his folks that, reportedly, Kylie and Travis were fighting over how to spend the holidays.

“He’s not some deadbeat that doesn’t know the meaning of family.”

That line really jabs at what — even coming from Wendy Williams — almost feels like a racially charged element to Wendy’s theory. Yes, sometimes people within minority groups can perpetuate stereotypes about each other.

Wendy‘s comments aren’t just offensive to him, they’ve upset his whole family, especially his mom.”

That’s all nice to hear, because we want good things for Kylie and her baby.

HollywoodLife points out, however, that Wendy isn’t the only one who’s reportedly had concerns about Travis.

“Kris is unclear about Kylie’s future with Travis but for now, Kris is extremely disappointed in how Travis is handling the pregnancy.”

We know that Travis turned to Kanye for advice on dealing with the very hormonal Kylie. We also know that he’s been touring through most of Kylie’s pregnancy.

“Kris has made it clear to Travis that Kylie deserves more out of him. Kris also let Travis know that she is the boss in the family, she is watching him closely and that he better not hurt her youngest daughter.”

I cannot imagine what it would be like to be threatened by Kris Jenner.

“Kris finished warning Travis by telling him that despite the status of his relationship with Kylie, he best step up and be a more present father when the baby arrives.”

Even those of us who aren’t talk show hosts need to be careful when we let speculation become rumors or assumptions.

As we’ve said from the get-go, it’s highly unlikely that Travis Scott planned to become a father. He was just the rebound guy enjoying one of the Jenner sisters. He’d been with Kendall before.

Presumably, something went wrong, because we can’t imagine that Kylie planned for this, either. But it looks like Kylie and Travis are making the best of her pregnancy.

if he hasn’t cut and run while Kylie’s at her most hormonal, then it’s hard to imagine him running off when there’s an actual baby before his very eyes.

Remember, Kylie’s due date is February 4th. That is in nine days. No matter how people want to characterize him, he’s probably nervous and excited. Like any parent.


Saturday, November 11, 2017

Lewis Hamilton Furious Over Mercedes Team Robbery at Brazilian Grand Prix

Formula One world champ Lewis Hamilton is ballistic after a member of his Mercedes racing team was robbed at gunpoint in Sao Paulo, Brazil. The victim was leaving the circuit track Friday night where Sunday’s Brazilian Grand Prix will be…


Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Tyrese Gibson to The Rock: "Fast & Furious" Spin-off is "F****d Up,"You"re Selfish and Self-Promotional

Tyrese says he’s not mad at The Rock for doing a spin-off of ‘Fast & Furious,’ but then Tyrese goes after him with a vengeance, essentially saying he’s a selfish actor who screwed his loyal fan base just to get ahead. We got the ‘Fast’ actor…


Monday, October 9, 2017

Al Sharpton Furious Over Jemele Hill Suspension, "We Won"t Stand for This"

Al Sharpton says he’s ready to call for a boycott over ESPN’s suspension of Jemele Hill — telling TMZ Sports, “We will not stand for her to be suspended.” Sharpton says it’s “outrageous” for ESPN to bench Hill for her tweets about Cowboys owner…


Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Michelle Rodriguez to "Fast & Furious" Franchise: Evolve or Die!!!

Michelle Rodriguez doubled down and said ‘Fast & Furious’ better show women some love in the next couple flicks or she’s saying deuces. We got Michelle out Monday in Bev Hills and asked her about what she said in June … about the…


Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Shar Jackson"s "Furious and Disgusted" Over Chris Massey"s Child Abuse Allegations

Shar Jackson is apoplectic that Chris Massey accused her of abusing his 2-year-old daughter (Shar’s granddaughter) … saying her very public history as a parent is more than proof she’d never hurt a child. Shar bristled at Chris’ claims…


"Big Brother" Houseguests Furious Over Unwanted Butt Poking

Several “Big Brother” competitors are claiming their butts are being violated by a fellow houseguest for weeks — who’s been captured on video jamming her fingers into various dumpers without consent. The anal invader is Jessica Graf — whose…


Thursday, August 3, 2017

Grandmaster Flash and the Furious Five Rapper, The Kidd Creole, Arrested for Murder of Homeless Man

The Kidd Creole — a rap pioneer from Grandmaster Flash and the Furious Five — has been arrested and charged for the stabbing death of a homeless man. Law enforcement sources tell TMZ … the rapper used a small knife to stab the man 2 times…


Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Kim Kardashian: FURIOUS Over Jay Z"s Diss Track About Kanye West?!

Kim Kardashian has enough to deal with right now.

We imagine she’s still dealing with the trauma of being robbed at gunpoint last October in Paris, and if reports are to be believed, she’s expecting a new baby or two via surrogate.

If that weren’t enough, her husband, Kanye West, suffered a mental breakdown late last year, and it seems like he’s still working on getting himself well.

There are also all those divorce rumors that keep popping up …

The point is Kim has her plate full these days, and she doesn’t need more piled on.

But unfortunately, that’s apparently just what Jay Z did when he released his new album last Friday.

The issue is that, in one of the tracks on the album, Jay went after Kanye, and went after him hard.

“I know people backstab you, I feel bad too,” he rapped. “But this ‘f-ck everybody’ attitude ain’t natural.”

“But you ain’t the same, this ain’t KumbaYe, but you got hurt because you did cool by ‘Ye.”

“You gave him 20 million without blinkin’,” Jay Z continued. “He gave you 20 minutes on stage, f-ck was he thinkin’?”

“‘F-ckin’ wrong with everybody?’ is what you sayin’, but if everybody’s crazy, you’re the one that’s insane.”

Pretty rough, right?

It’s even rougher for Kim, who, according to a source who spoke to Hollywood Life, “gets very protective of her husband, like a mama bear.”

“She thinks it was a low blow to diss Kanye and throw around words like ‘insane’ after all he’s been through.”

“Kanye had a real difficult time last year,” the source continued, “and is still coming out of it, so to hit him like that wasn’t cool.”

And you know what? It really wasn’t.

To call someone who recently spent some time in a psychiatric facility to get help for some emotional issues “insane” — especially someone you used to consider a close friend — really is low.

And if the story wasn’t sad enough already, another source added that “Kim is worried sick that Kanye is getting too worked up over this feud.”

“She has worked so hard to get Ye to a more stable mental and emotional place and fears the strain of beefing with Jay will cause him to relapse back to an unhealthy mental state.”

Kim “really wants Kanye to focus on his health and the family,” but “instead he seems more and more concerned with work, money and the tour and that really concerns her.”

Yeah, if that’s true, it concerns us, too.

It seems like overextending himself was what caused Kanye to have a breakdown in the first place, and it seems like he’s doing the same thing all over again.

Why’d you have to go and be petty, Jay Z?


Thursday, June 29, 2017

Naomi Campbell: Furious at Rihanna for Dating Hassan Jameel

Rihanna may have bagged herself a billionaire in Spain this week.

But she also walked herself right into a feud with veteran supermodel Naomi Campbell.

Or kissed her way right into this feud, we should say.

On Tuesday, photos went viral of Rihanna making out with someone named Hassan Jameel while the two took a private deep in a pool in Spain.

The superstar and Jameel were only spotted swapping spit, but it was an intense session of tonsil hockey.

In baseball terms, Rihanna and her rumored new boyfriend may have only gotten to first base, but it was a sharply hit, line drive single.

Moreover, who knows what went on behind closed doors between Rihanna and Jameel? Even more layers of clothing may have come off.

Not that Campbell wants to hear about any of this.

The long-time model dated Jameel last year; she was spotted at a Stevie Wonder concert with him during the 2016 Barclaycard British Summer Time Festival in Hyde Park.

And it’s safe to assume that Rihanna’s relationship with her former flame is the reason why Campbell stopped following the artist across all social media platforms.

“Naomi has known about Rihanna dating Jameel for a while and she is furious about them being together,” a source tells Hollywood Life, adding:

“On a superficial level, Naomi feels she’s hotter and more successful than Rihanna, so it’s frustrating to see the photos circulating online.”

That’s a superficial to be sure. It’s also a simple falsehood.

We can understand why Campbell is pissed, however.

Hassan Jameel is a lot more than a handsome face. The guy is ridiculously rich!

The businessman’s family owns Abdul Latif Jameel, an organization that – among many other ventures – owns the right to sell Toyota Motor vehicles in Saudi Arabia and several other Middle Eastern countries.

In other words: he makes money every time someone in these nations buys a Toyota.

Just how lucrative is this business?

Jameel is reportedly worth around $ 1.5 billion.

He’s also a good person, however, not just a cold-hearted money-maker.

Jameel is the president of the company’s Community Jameel in Saudi Arabia.

This is a a charitable organization that coordinates programs focused on the “social, cultural, educational and economic development of individuals and communities in the Middle East region and beyond,” according to the official website.

Asked by Andy Cohen earlier this year about her alleged beef with Rihanna, Campbell shot back:

“We’re fine.”

She eventually said she doesn’t have a feud with anyone, “especially with black women, who are in the same thing and doing the same struggle.”

Or doing the same man, apparently.

An insider has told The Sun that this romance is “the real deal,” but Campbell isn’t buying it.

She’s supposedly not all that upset about Rihanna getting it on with Jameel because she “doubts they will last very long as a couple, given their poor dating histories,” Hollywood Life writes.

Only time will tell, but we don’t really care what Naomi Campbell has to say.

As long as Chris Brown is sad over this relationship, we’re extremely happy.
