Showing posts with label Disgusted. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Disgusted. Show all posts

Monday, August 20, 2018

Vivica A. Fox Disgusted at Suggestion She Could Play Omarosa in Biopic

Vivica A. Fox damn near choked on the word “No” when our camera guy told her she could play Omarosa in a movie, making it crystal clear — not a fan. We got Vivica A. at LAX where our photog mustered the strength to say she resembles…


Vivica A. Fox Disgusted at Suggestion She Could Play Omarosa in Biopic

Vivica A. Fox damn near choked on the word “No” when our camera guy told her she could play Omarosa in a movie, making it crystal clear — not a fan. We got Vivica A. at LAX where our photog mustered the strength to say she resembles…


Thursday, June 21, 2018

Paris Hilton Turns on Prez Trump, Disgusted by Kids in Detention Camps

Paris Hilton voted for President Trump, but she is calling him out for separating children from their families at the border — and she’s demanding her longtime family friend to do better. Paris was leaving Delilah Wednesday night in WeHo when she…


Paris Hilton Turns on Prez Trump, Disgusted by Kids in Detention Camps

Paris Hilton voted for President Trump, but she is calling him out for separating children from their families at the border — and she’s demanding her longtime family friend to do better. Paris was leaving Delilah Wednesday night in WeHo when she…


Friday, April 13, 2018

Dancing with the Stars Fans are Disgusted Over Casting of Tonya Harding

Dancing with the Stars announced its full cast for Season 26 on Good Morning America today.

A shortened season, upcoming episodes will feature 10 past and present athletes competing for the Mirrorball Trophy, with participants including:

The NBA’s all-time leading scorer, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar.

The most famous women’s softball pitcher in history, Jennie Finch.

And Tonya Harding.

Yes, that Tonya Harding.

The very same Tonya Harding whose ex-husband confessed in 1994 to having masterminded an assault of Harding’s chief figure skating rival at the time, Nancy Kerrigan.

You can go look it up if you somehow aren’t familiar with this scandal:

Harding is VERY strongly believed to at the very least been aware of a plan to break Kerrigan’s kneecap just weeks prior to the Winter Olympics.

The former figure skater recently came out and admitted as much.

Despite Harding likely having played a role in severely injuring Kerrigan, and despite Harding showing absolutely no remorse in the years since, she has somehow been celebrated of late.

Heck, the disgraced ex-sports star even attended the Golden Globe Awards in January because a movie based on her life was nominated for Best Picture.

Fast forward a few months and Harding will now be placed in the spotlight on Dancing with the Stars.

She’ll be given a platform to resurrect her image… just one year after the show cast Kerrigan as a contestant!

We can’t imagine how Nancy must be feeling right about now, but we need not use our imagination when it comes to Twitter.

As you’re about to see below, social media users are aghast over ABC’s decision to team up with a basic criminal such as Harding.

“Have people forgotten what Tonya Harding did to Nancy Kerrigan? Why is she being celebrated and part of this show? I don’t get it. #DWTS,” wrote one disgruntled individual, while another added:

“I won’t be watching DWTS this season, I have no use for Tonya Harding who has no right being showcased anywhere other than in a jail cell.”

TH reaction

Shortly after the Kerrigan assault took place, Harding received three years probation and was sentenced to 500 hours of community service.

She was also assessed a $ 160,000 fine.

Three years later, she was banned for life by the U.S. Figure Skating Figure Skating Association from all sanctioned events for her involvement in the scandal.

What has she done to her a second shot at fame and fortune?

She sat back while a studio made a movie about her.

Truly, that’s all that has happened in the decades since.

This really is pretty disgusting.

Where do YOU stand on Tonya Harding going Dancing with the Stars?


Thursday, November 23, 2017

Faith Evans Disgusted with Auctioning Tupac"s Junk and Biggie"s Car Door

Faith Evans says it’s a sign of the times that an auction house is trying to make money by selling a pic of Tupac’s junk. We got Biggie’s widow Wednesday at LAX and she expressed dismay about Tupac’s selfie that’s hitting the auction block. …


Faith Evans Disgusted with Auctioning Tupac"s Junk and Biggie"s Car Door

Faith Evans says it’s a sign of the times that an auction house is trying to make money by selling a pic of Tupac’s junk. We got Biggie’s widow Wednesday at LAX and she expressed dismay about Tupac’s selfie that’s hitting the auction block. …


Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Anne Frank Center Disgusted by Anne Frank Halloween Costume, Glad It"s Pulled

Some genius thought Holocaust victim Anne Frank would make one helluva Halloween costume for kids — but the institution named for Anne is just glad the company behind it got a clue. Eventually. Online retailer rightfully…


Tuesday, October 10, 2017

President Obama Says He"s Disgusted by Harvey Weinstein

President Obama has added his name to the list of famous people who are disgusted by the stories that have surfaced about Harvey Weinstein. The former Prez just said, “Michelle and I have been disgusted by the recent reports about Harvey Weinstein.…


President Obama Says He"s Disgusted by Harvey Weinstein

President Obama has added his name to the list of famous people who are disgusted by the stories that have surfaced about Harvey Weinstein. The former Prez just said, “Michelle and I have been disgusted by the recent reports about Harvey Weinstein.…


Saturday, September 30, 2017

Paula Deen, I Got No Opinion on Kneeling, But My Husband"s Disgusted

Paula Deen is an accomplished chef, so it’s no surprise she knows how to handle a hot potato … kneeling during the National Anthem. We got Paula Friday night in WeHo leaving Craig’s, and she clearly didn’t want to go near the kneeling…


Monday, September 25, 2017

Anthony Weiner is a "Danger to Our Society" ... Disgusted NYer Writes to Judge

Anthony Weiner deserves “no mercy” and got exactly what he deserved … according to at least one of his fellow New Yorkers, who took the time to write to the judge in Weiner’s case. An anonymous citizen wrote a letter, obtained by TMZ, to Judge…


Thursday, August 31, 2017

"Big Brother" Contestant Kevin"s Wife Disgusted by Jason Dent"s Rape Comments

“Big Brother” contestant Jason Dent was way out of bounds when he joked about raping the wife of houseguest Kevin Schlehuber … this according to Kevin’s wife, who’s deeply disturbed by Jason’s remarks. Kevin’s wife, Deborah, tells TMZ…


Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Shar Jackson"s "Furious and Disgusted" Over Chris Massey"s Child Abuse Allegations

Shar Jackson is apoplectic that Chris Massey accused her of abusing his 2-year-old daughter (Shar’s granddaughter) … saying her very public history as a parent is more than proof she’d never hurt a child. Shar bristled at Chris’ claims…


Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Steph Curry & Drake -- Amazed & Disgusted By David Blaine ... Live Frog Magic Trick (VIDEO)

Hope you had breakfast already … Here’s Steph Curry and Drake being absolutely floored by an awesome (and revolting) David Blaine magic trick … involving a live frogs, regurgitation, and a couple of wine glasses. The wonderment went down at…


Steph Curry & Drake -- Amazed & Disgusted By David Blaine ... Live Frog Magic Trick (VIDEO)

Hope you had breakfast already … Here’s Steph Curry and Drake being absolutely floored by an awesome (and revolting) David Blaine magic trick … involving a live frogs, regurgitation, and a couple of wine glasses. The wonderment went down at…


Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Kim Kardashian: DISGUSTED By Kanye"s Lyrics About Taylor Swift?

Ever since Kim Kardashian and Kanye West got married back in May of 2014, the couple has been at the center of countless divorce rumors.

Obviously, in the past they all turned out to be bogus, but this time, we have reason to believe that the end of Kimye might be really be upon us for two very good reasons:

  1. The couple has done little to refute the many, many reports that their marriage is soon to come to an end, and

  2. We can’t imagine anyone putting up with Kanye’s recent behavior without formulating an escape plan.

Naturally, Kim has been upset by much of Kanye’s recent behavior (and we’re guessing she’s not thrilled about his $ 53 million in debt, either), but there was one outburst in particular that really made her consider walking out.

According to Radar Online, Kim was “disgusted” by Kanye’s attack on Taylor Swift, and she’s now demanding that the rapper do whatever he can to make things right with the beloved singer.

“Kim and pretty much the entire family are absolutely horrified over Kanye’s recent behavior,” says a source close to the situation.

“The lyrics on his album are atrocious and his attack on Taylor disgusting. Kim’s now on the warpath and Kanye’s being bullied into submission.”

The insider says that unless Kanye earns Taylor’s forgiveness, Kim will pull the plug on her badly troubled marriage:

“Kim has actually threatened to walk out on him and said he’ll never see his kids, her or her family again unless he gets his anger under control and apologizes to everyone who’s been hurt, including Taylor,”

“She’s sick of cleaning up after his messes and not everyone realizes it was she who orchestrated Kanye’s dinner with Taylor last year.”

So the fate of Kanye’s marriage rests in Taylor’s hands. We’d be worried if we were him. Anyone who’s listened to her music knows she loves a good breakup.

Monday, September 28, 2015

Holly Madison "Disgusted" By Ex Hugh Hefner Putting Her In His Will! Find Out Why In This Revealing Oprah Interview Clip!

Holly Madison isn’t through with her giant, scathing Yelp review of her time spent at the Playboy mansion!

The reality star recently sat down with Oprah Winfrey on Saturday’s episode of Oprah: Where Are They Now? and claimed that her ex Hugh Hefner tried to convince her to stay with him — by offering her money!

Related: Holly Madison Has ANOTHER Book Deal!

In the clip, the 35-year-old explained that after her Girls Next Door co-stars Kendra Wilkinson and Bridget Marquardt decided to leave the house, it put a strain on her relationship with Hef. She said:

“Hef and I started hitting a rocky patch when it became clear that Bridget and Kendra were leaving, they were moving onto new things. I just had enough, and just had realized all the delusions I’d been under and that this was no longer the life for me.”

But after Holly decided to leave, the Playboy head honcho allegedly went through great lengths to get her to stay — even going as far as writing her into his will — something she was NOT cool with:

“I found on my side of the bed a folder that he left out, and in his will he left me $ 3 million. It was very clear that he left that out for me to see because he was hoping I would change my mind and get me to stay, but it just kind of disgusted me more than anything.”

Wow, we could only imagine! See what else the best selling author had to say in the clip (below)!