Showing posts with label Glad. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Glad. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Clinton Portis Says He Put No. 26 On The Map, Glad Adrian Peterson"s Rockin" It!

Forget every NFL player ever that’s rocked No. 26 in their careers … ‘cause Clinton Portis says HE put that digit on the map — and he’s downright HAPPY Adrian Peterson chose it in D.C.!! Portis dominated the Redskins’ backfield from 2004 to…


Friday, June 29, 2018

Jameis Winston"s Uber Driver is "Glad" NFL Suspended QB

The Uber driver who claims Jameis Winston sexually assaulted her during a 2016 ride says she’s “glad” the NFL took action against Winston … but says the QB’s apology “needs work.” The woman — Kate — issued a statement to BuzzFeed reporter Talal…


Jameis Winston"s Uber Driver is "Glad" NFL Suspended QB

The Uber driver who claims Jameis Winston sexually assaulted her during a 2016 ride says she’s “glad” the NFL took action against Winston … but says the QB’s apology “needs work.” The woman — Kate — issued a statement to BuzzFeed reporter Talal…


Thursday, June 21, 2018

Ted Cruz to Jimmy Kimmel, "Glad I Sent You Home With a Loss!"

Ted Cruz says he’s still fired up about beating Jimmy Kimmel in their 1-on-1 basketball game over the weekend … especially after all that trash Jimmy talked before, during and after the game! “Jimmy is very good at smack talk,” Cruz tells TMZ…


Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Jon Gosselin: Glad I Could Get My Daughter Away from Kate For a While!

Earlier this month, Jon Gosselin shared a rare photo of Collin. These are extremely unusual these days, ever since Kate shipped her son off to parts unknown.

But while fans are pleased to see Collin alive — though they still have plenty of questions — Jon has been posting more photos.

These are with his daughter, Hannah — and only with Hannah. This is raising even more questions, honestly.

Obviously, it is wonderful to see Jon Gosselin, who has long complained that he hasn’t gotten to spend much time with his children over the years, spend some one-on-one quality time with his daughter.

And it looks like it’s really nice for Hannah, too.

They seem to have spent over a week together, including going on a road trip and visiting Collin.

During that time, they’ve posted plenty of precious new father-daughter photos.

They did not take a photo at every opportunity — they were too busy enjoying each other’s company.

But they posted plenty. And they shared messages with fans.

Jon Gosselin even shared a message with fans, prefacing the video with:

“Thank you to everyone for all the love and support this week!!! Hannah and I forgot to take a pic.”

Totally understandable. Like we said, they were enjoying each other’s company.

“She is doing her in video @itsmehjg check it out!!!”

It is always sweet to see family supporting each other on social media.

“Have awesome Holiday, Happy Memorial Day and let’s get summer started!!!! Thanks again!”

That was a good preface.

During Jon Gosselin’s actual post, he says:

“I’d like to thank everyone for their love and support during this week.”

Fans were, of course, absolutely overjoyed to see so many happy photos of father-daughter time.

“Obviously, you know the situation.”

He refers, of course, to his very complicated and unhappy custody situation with his absolute nightmare of an ex-wife, Kate Gosselin.

“If you don’t know the situation you should get together with a friend or anyone who understands the situation.”

In other words, he’s not going to say that she’s the worst because he wants to keep things publicly amicable so that he can see his kids.

But if you ask a friend, they’ll tell you what’s up.

“But I want to say Happy Memorial Day, good luck to everyone and have a safe and happy weekend.”

We’re sure that he has been treasuring his moments with his daughter.

As was mentioned, Hannah did share her own video on social media … though it is not currently present on her Instagram page.

“Hey daddy, I just wanted to say I had so much fun this week posting all the pictures.”

That is so sweet of her. She’s 14 and giving her dad a shoutout on social media.

Plenty of teens would not do the same, to be honest. (That’s okay, though)

“And I wanted to thank everyone for the love and support.”

Which means that she saw some of those comments, too. Or at least heard about them.

“So go watch my dad’s video!”


We don’t know the exact parameters of their extended visits with each other, save that it involved a road trip and, of course, seeing Collin.

We know, of course, that Jon isn’t going to win any Father of the Year awards any time soon.

But considering that Kate is the alternative, we’re sure that Hannah very much enjoyed her daddy-daughter time.

Fans enjoyed these precious pics, and we hope to see more like them in the near future.

Perhaps Jon will get to spend some time with his six other children?

For his sake, but also for the sake of the kids. They deserve a break.


Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Raquel Pennington "Glad My Corner Didn"t Let Me Quit"

UFC fighter Raquel Pennington says she would have been “devastated” if her corner would have thrown in the towel during UFC 224 … saying, “I’m glad they didn’t let me quit.” Pennington’s corner has been under fire for not throwing in the towel…


Thursday, February 22, 2018

Leah Messer: I"m Glad MTV Fired that Disgusting David Eason!

Leah Messer’s not exactly vicious. Compared to some Teen Mom franchise stars, she’s positively timid.

So what has her speaking out in no uncertain terms to condemn a member of her own franchise? The same thing that got David Eason fired.

And she’s not mincing words.

If you watch Teen Mom 2 online, you’re going to see David Eason abruptly vanish from your screens.

Not right away — and not soon enough for many fans, but MTV has severed all ties with the controversial Teen Mom 2 villain, despite having weeks of production remaining.

Not because he spent time in prison for domestic violence and not because he’s accused of continuing to terrorize and abuse his and Jenelle’s children … though how that wasn’t a dealbreaker for the network has left many scratching heads.

But because of his very public and impossible-to-ignore homophobic and transphobic rant on Twitter.

It started as David Eason continued to obsess over guns in the wake of Jenelle’s controversial gun photo from just hours after the devastating Florida shooting.

A conversation on Twitter quickly turned to David Eason’s parenting (because many wouldn’t trust this guy around a houseplant, let alone a child), and David Eason decided to, of his own volition, pivot to slam LGBT folks.

“Lmao why don’t you go tell the homo and transgender parents to start teaching their kids better morals? Oh I forgot that’s supposed to be normal.”

That is, of course, a horrifying thing to tweet for anyone. Not only does it imply that LGBT parents are somehow unfit parents, but that they and their families are abnormal.

And then he doubled down.

Someone else tweeted, asking if David Eason planned to teach his children to hate gay and transgender people.

“No I’m going to teach them not to associate with them or be that way … If you lay down with dogs you get up with fleas.”

One, teaching your children to not associate with LGBT people is teaching them bigotry.

Two, you absolutely cannot “teach” someone to not be who they are, only to deny and hide it, leading to a miserable existence.

Three, that analogy with the dogs and fleas isn’t true for any responsible pet owners. Yes, that’s beside the point, but it’s worth noting.

And finally, four: His inaccurate analogy also implies that LGBT folks are somehow filthy.

Obviously, David Eason was slammed for his homophobic rant, because there is still good in the world and even on Twitter.

Jenelle Evans also caught some well-deserved flack. People asked if she wants her children raised to be angry bigots.

MTV’s response had real consequences — they severed their relationship with David Eason immediately.

With weeks of production left, he won’t receive any further money.

One can be cynical and say that MTV is worried about sponsors pulling out (which, to be clear, they definitely were), but perhaps producers and execs also have certain lines that they won’t allow stars to cross.

Teen Mom 2 is down one villain.

In a statement to Us Weekly, even the normally non-confrontational Leah Messer supports David Eason’s firing.

“I am disgusted by the recent statements made by David Eason and support MTV’s decision to fire him 100 percent.”

She’s really not mincing words. She was nicer than this when Jenelle Evans called her a cheating drug addict.

“This ignorance cannot be tolerated and I refuse to be associated with hatred of any kind.”

Good for Leah Messer for taking this strong moral stance.

“I stand in solidarity with my friends and family in the LGBTQ community and applaud MTV for their quick and decisive action.”

Of course, even if David Eason’s no longer on the payroll, he’s still married to Jenelle and she’s still a Teen Mom 2 star.

With all of the fame and all of that sweet, sweet Teen Mom money that comes with it.

Is it only a matter of time before the Teen Mom 2 archvillain is held accountable? Not just for the things that she says, but for the frightening way that she raises her children?

Or is that more of a job for social services and the courts and not really MTV’s job?


Monday, December 18, 2017

Maci Bookout: I"m GLAD I Dumped Ryan Edwards!

There was a time when Maci Bookout and Ryan Edwards were among the most civil former couples in the entire Teen Mom franchise.

We think it"s safe to say those days are done.

Maci and Ryan are feuding over custody of their son, Bentley, and it looks as though the conflict is doomed to get uglier before it (hopefully) gets resolved.

As is so often the case in public custody disputes, a fair amount of shade-throwing is going on, and the latest comes from Maci, who says she"s very happy that she decided to cut Ryan loose so many years ago.


1. The Beginning

Maci bookout ryan edwards and bentley

There was a time when Ryan and Maci actually seemed like a stable couple by Teen Mom standards. That era didn’t last very long.

2. A Bitter Breakup

Ryan edwards maci bookout photo

Ryan and Maci have gone through periods of relatively amicable co-parenting, but they’ve also experienced plenty of rough patches. The one they’re in now being a prime example…

3. "See You in Court!"

Maci and bentley

A recent episode of Teen Mom saw Mackenzie and Bentley visiting Ryan on Father’s Day. He vaguely threatened his ex with legal action.

4. Safety Concerns

Ryan edwards wedding photo

Maci is reportedly concerned about Ryan’s ability to create a safe and stable environment for Bentley. Given his struggles in recent months, it’s not hard to see why she might feel that way.

5. Ryan at Rock Bottom

Mackenzie standifer ryan edwards

Ryan’s drug addiction was so severe at one point that he passed out while driving to his own wedding. These days, he’s six months sober, but he’s had a difficult time earning Maci’s trust back.

6. Opening Up

Maci tells it like it is

Maci spoke candidly about her feelings toward Ryan in a recent TM:OG promo. He might not like what she had to say…

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Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Anne Frank Center Disgusted by Anne Frank Halloween Costume, Glad It"s Pulled

Some genius thought Holocaust victim Anne Frank would make one helluva Halloween costume for kids — but the institution named for Anne is just glad the company behind it got a clue. Eventually. Online retailer rightfully…


Friday, October 6, 2017

Pink: Dr. Luke is a Scumbag and I"m Glad He"s Getting Sued!

Back in 2014, Kesha accused songwriter and producer Dr. Luke (real name Lucasz Gottwald) of years of sexual abuse. Kesha’s long legal battle to extricate her career from his clutches prevented her from doing new music until very recently.

But Dr. Luke hasn’t gone anywhere, and Kesha isn’t the only person he’s worked with who doesn’t think much of him.

Pink is speaking out about Dr. Luke based upon their past work together, and she is not mincing words.

Kesha has described years of torment, alleging sexual abuse, verbal and emotional abuse, and disturbing and controlling behavior on Dr. Luke’s part.

Though Kesha withdrew one of her suits against Dr. Luke, she has another still in the works.

Most importantly, for Kesha’s well-being, is that she’s finally able to produce her own music again.

(Two friends of mine were at a Kesha concert earlier this week — and got glitter thrown on them by Kesha herself. Glitter doesn’t come out easily and one of those friends is an accountant, but 

A large number of celebrities, from Adele to Taylor Swift to Lady Gaga, have come out in support of Kesha. 

Other celebrities, like Kelly Clarkson, spoke extremely negatively about Dr. Luke, describing him based upon their own alleged experiences.

And now Pink has joined that latter group.

In the New York Times profile on Pink that was published yesterday, Pink spoke about Dr. Luke and Kesha’s accusations against him.

“I don’t know what happened.”

Well, Pink wasn’t there.

Though she could always just listen to Kesha’s firsthand account.

“But I know that regardless of whether or not Dr. Luke did that, this is his karma and he earned it because he’s not a good person.”


We’ve heard “Dr. Luke is innocent” from a few people, and of course “Dr. Luke totally did it,” but this might be the first instance of “honestly even if this is a false accusation, Dr. Luke sucks and deserves this.” Pink does not like this guy.

The two of them have collaborated in the past, but that’s clearly not a part of history that’s going to repeat itself.

“I have told him that to his face and I do not work with him.”

Pink has zero chill, you guys.

“He doesn’t do good business, he’s not a kind person, he doesn’t do the right thing when given ample opportunities to do so, and I don’t really feel that bad for him.”

That’s quite the indictment of … basically every aspect of his character.

Can we be totally honest for a moment?

We get that some people might be leery of saying “I believe that these charges are true,” simply out of fear of being sued by a man who is clearly very litigious and doesn’t seem to care what the world thinks of him.

(Seriously, Kesha’s legal battle received vocal support from Adele and got financial support from Taylor Swift at the height of Taylor’s popularity — any man with sense would have bowed out)

Even if a lawsuit like that would be on shaky ground, nobody likes being sued, right?

But Pink could say “I support Kesha.”

Like: “I don’t know what happened but I totally support Kesha.” That’s gotta be safe to say, right?

You don’t even have to like her music (though, honestly, you have two ears and a heart, don’t you?).

But it’s still heartwarming to hear people blasting Dr. Luke.

Pink is a very straightforward person, so we imagine that she just felt uncomfortable at the idea of speaking about something that she didn’t personally experience.

Her description of Dr. Luke matches up almost exactly with Kelly Clarkson’s, who said that she and Dr. Luke “clashed” and basically that he’s an all-around scumbag.

Many wonder when the scales will finally tip and Dr. Luke will just give up his fights and disappear from public life.

And, frankly, considering what he’s accused of, merely fading into obscurity while remaining extremely wealthy (his net worth is estimated to be in the low 9-digits) might be getting off easy.


Monday, August 21, 2017

Robin Thicke: I"m So Glad My Young Fiancee is Pregnant!

Child abuse charges and an inability to get over his ex-wife?

With his latest photo on Instagram, Robin Thicke asks a simple question:

What child abuse charges and an inability to get over his ex-wife?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

As previously reported, April Love Geary confirmed last week that she’s pregnant with the singer’s baby, a somewhat surprising development considering Thicke and Geary are not married.

Moreover, they are 18 years apart in age.

(Geary is 22, while Thicke turned 40 in March.)

But Thicke seems pretty excited by the development, if one is to believe the message behind the social media snapshot he shared over the weekend.

“Happy days,” wrote the artist as a caption to a picture that features the most important people in his life:

  • Seven-year old son Julian.

  • His fiancee.

  • The unborn child growing in his fiancee’s womb.

Geary is reportedly three months along and will give birth in early 2018.

We don’t know the impending child’s gender or if the couple plans on finding it out.

“Robin and I are very excited to share with you all that we’re having a baby!” wrote the model on her Instagram page last week, adding that the little boy or girl is expected on March 1.

Which happens to be the birthday of Robin’s late father, beloved actor Alan Thicke.

The singer and Geary began dating shortly after Patton filed for divorce in October 2014. 

They didn’t go public with their romance for several months, however, likely because Thicke made a huge public showing of how much he missed ex-wife Paula Patton even after they split up.

He and Patton were also involved in a bitter custody dispute over Julian, with the latter accusing the former of being abusive to both her and to their son.

Thicke denied all allegation and reached a settlement just this month with Patton.

They now share equal custody of the seven-year old.

We send our very best wishes to Geary and Thicke.

The stars have not yet set a wedding date nor have they talked much about their relationship in public.

But the tiny baby bump on the model above pretty much says it all, doesn’t it?

Here’s a look, meanwhile, at the celebrities who have become parents to date in 2017:


Saturday, July 8, 2017

DeMario Jackson Says Screw Oklahoma "Racist Assholes," Glad I Did "BIP"

DeMario Jackson doesn’t care that some people think he committed sexual assault on “Bachelor in Paradise” — despite being cleared — and he seems to target the haters as racists from Oklahoma. DeMario was at a WeHo spa this week, when he told…


Thursday, June 15, 2017

Maddie Ziegler: I"m So Glad I"m Not on Dance Moms Anymore!

Hasn’t Dance Moms always been the most delightful show, a lovely little showcase of the incredible talents of the girls who’ve spent to much time and effort perfecting the art of dance?

Ha ha, just kidding — there’s some dancing, of course, but when one thinks of Dance Moms, one thinks of Abby Lee Miller.

And when one thinks of Abby Lee Miller … well, nothing good happens.

For years, the show featured Abby berating young girls and their mothers as she teaches them a variety of dance routines.

It’s usually been about drama just as much as it’s been about dancing.

Things could change now that Abby’s off to prison and Cheryl Burke is stepping in as the head coach, but we’ll have to wait to see.

And Maddie Ziegler, the show’s biggest star, will have to wait to see too — she quit Dance Moms last year.

Things are definitely looking up for her: she’s got two movies coming out this year, and who knows when she could do some more work with Sia.

She’s already an author at just 14 years old, and if all else fails, she’s always got some killer dance moves to fall back on.

But even if her big career plans don’t work out, it sounds like she’s just glad to be done with the nightmare that was Dance Moms.

In a new interview with Seventeen, Maddie says that “The show was a really stressful time.”

It was stressful to watch as an adult, so yeah, we’d imagine being a kid living through it all was considerably worse.

“I just didn’t want to deal with all the drama anymore,” she explains. “I’m happy I moved on. I get to step out and do my own thing and be myself.”

“But I am thankful for the experience, and I miss dancing with the girls.”

If she sounds grounded for a 14-year-old who’s already experienced pretty massive levels of fame, that’s because she is.

“I’m still just a teenager, she says. “I get so caught up in what I’m doing that my friends and family sometimes have to remind me that what I’m doing is cool.”

“I never imagined this.”

While Maddie is obviously very appreciative of all the opportunities she’s had so far, she also unfortunately has to deal with haters.

And nobody likes a hater.

“I try to stay away from online comments,” she admits. “Why should I bother reading something from someone who has nothing better to do than try to make people feel smaller, so they can feel bigger?”

“It’s not OK.”

Doesn’t she just sound like the greatest kid? Like she escaped from the claws of Abby Lee Miller just in the nick of time?

Thank goodness for that.


Monday, June 5, 2017

Derek Fisher Breaks Silence After DUI Crash, "Glad No One Was Hurt" (VIDEO)

Derek Fisher says he’s grateful no one was seriously injured in his DUI crash over the weekend — and is adamant the situation will NEVER happen again.  The ex-NBA star was leaving Leo & Lily restaurant in L.A. with his…


Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Richie Incognito GLAD New Coach Removed Team Pool Table ... "We Mean Business" (VIDEO)

How do the Buffalo Bills feel about their new coach, Sean McDermott, removing their beloved pool table from the locker room?? Richie Incognito says the team actually LIKES the move! We got the All-Pro lineman out in Bev Hills where he told us…


Friday, February 3, 2017

Eric Dickerson to Ezekiel Elliott -- GLAD YOU DIDN"T BREAK MY RECORD ... Hope You Never Do! (VIDEO)

Brutal honesty from Eric Dickerson to Ezekiel Elliott Thursday night — with the Hall of Famer telling the Cowboys star he’s GLAD he didn’t break one of his rushing records and he hopes he NEVER does! The two superstars came face-to-face at the…


Friday, January 27, 2017

Daniel Cormier: I"m Glad Gina Carano"s Pissed ... Maybe She"ll Fight Again! (VIDEO)

Daniel Cormier is definitely NOT ashamed of the comments he made about Gina Carano — in fact, he’s glad she’s upset … telling TMZ Sports, “Maybe I’ll piss her off enough that she’ll fight again!”  The backstory … Carano was a stud MMA…


Monday, December 19, 2016

Ex-LSU Star Jacob Hester Is GLAD Leonard Fournette"s Skipping Bowl Game (VIDEO)

Leonard Fournette is getting major support from another LSU football great — Jacob Hester — who says the RB has WAYYYY too much at stake to play in the Citrus Bowl.  Hester was a stud for the Tigers back in the day — leading the team to a…
