Showing posts with label Scumbag. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Scumbag. Show all posts

Sunday, May 27, 2018

Conor McGregor"s Not a Scumbag, Says Bas Rutten

Conor McGregor made a mistake when he attacked a UFC bus — but it’s not like he beat his wife, so fans should give him another chance … so says MMA legend Bas Rutten.  “There’s guys who beat up their wives. Guys who beat up their…


Thursday, March 15, 2018

Justin Verlander Blasts Danry Vasquez, "Eff You" Scumbag!

Justin Verlander is going OFF on woman-beating baseball player Danry Vasquez — essentially saying he’s a piece of trash who doesn’t deserve to play baseball ever again.  “(Middle finger emoji) you man,” Verlander posted on Twitter … “I hope…


Monday, March 12, 2018

NFL"s Roy Miller Is a Violent Alcoholic Scumbag, Wife Says

As if being accused of domestic violence isn’t bad enough … the wife of NFL lineman Roy Miller now claims he’s a vindictive alcoholic who’s trying to drain the family’s bank account to leave her high and dry.  30-year-old Miller was cut…


Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Rick Pitino"s NOT a Scumbag, Says Ex-Louisville Star

Rick Pitino is not the cheating monster he’s being made to be in the media … he’s actually a REALLY good dude who STILL takes care of his former players … so says one ex-Louisville hoops star.  We spoke with Luke Hancock — who was the…


Thursday, February 1, 2018

"Field of Dreams" Alleged Scumbag Vandal Arrested

The alleged scumbag responsible for destroying the iconic “Field of Dreams” has been arrested … and is now facing some serious time behind bars. As we previously reported … the original location used in the classic 1989 movie was destroyed with…


Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Larry Nassar"s Victims Speak In Court, Here"s Why You"re a Scumbag

It’s finally time for the victims of disgraced ex-Team USA Olympics doctor Larry Nassar to give their impact statements in court … where they will tell him to his face why he’s a piece of human garbage.  Nassar sexually assaulted more than…


Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Jon Stewart Says Not Everyone in Hollywood is a Scumbag

Jon Stewart waxed philosophical Monday about the sad state of affairs in Hollywood as the sexual harassment and assault allegations cascade through the media. Jon, who’s hosting HBO’s ‘Night of Too Many Stars,’ says the network made the right call…


Thursday, November 9, 2017

Scumbag Australian Jockey Punches Horse, Gets 2-Week Suspension

Here’s a disgusting video of a lowlife jockey socking a horse in the stomach before a race in Australia, and we’re warning you, it’s pretty tough to watch. It went down in Port Lincoln, Australia and Jockey Dylan Caboche in the video gets…


Monday, October 30, 2017

NFL"s Antrel Rolle Busted Scumbag Attorney Who Stole Fortune, Officials Say

Ex-NFL star Antrel Rolle knew damn well he wasn’t screwing the IRS out of millions of dollars — he was being set up … and officials say he helped catch the scumbag at the heart of the scheme. Long story short … Rolle’s former tax attorney was…


Wednesday, October 18, 2017

American Horror Story Season 7 Episode 7 Recap: Valerie Solanas Died for Your Sins: Scumbag

The horror continued on American Horror Story Season 7 Episode 7 as Lena Dunham made her entrance as Valerie Solanas. 

When the episode got underway, it was 1968, and Valerie was not impressed with the fact she was being taken advantage of by the notorious Andy Warhol. 

She went at him with a gun, and she missed. 

“You had too much control over my life,” she yelled at him. “Down with the patriarchy! S–k my d–k, Warhol!”

When the action moved back to the present, Kai being shot paved the way for him to garner 20 more points in the poll, so the plan was a success. 

Who says taking a bullet is meant to be painful? He got the position at the city council, so everything was going his way. 

People wanted to join his party, and that could ultimately lead to the world domination he has been going on about for much of American Horror Story Season 7. 

Beverly was annoyed because of Kai’s raise of profile. She wanted it all to be a bout the slicing and dicing, but Kat had changed his stance on all of it. 

Beverly ultimately ended up talking someone named Bebe Abbott, who noted that the women were letting Kai become too powerful and wanted to teach them the error of their ways. 

Bebe opened up about being Valerie’s lover before her death, and that gave us her motive. She did not want history repeating itself, or it would present a lot more troubles for the women. 

Bebe successfully turned Ivy, Winter, and Beverly against the men in the cult. Their first order of business as the three most powerful women around was to kill Harrison after learning what really happened to Meadow. 

Beverly worked the media in the aftermath and even took some digs at Kai, but then we got the revelation that Bebe was working with Kai. 

What the hell is going on? We have no idea, but the drama sure is reaching dizzying heights. Bebe and Kai must have constructed the plan so everything could be pinned on them. 

Kai always has another plan, so they should have never discounted him. With only a handful of episodes left, how will the show end?

What did you think of the way the episode played out? Are you glad that the women turned on the villain?

Sound off below!


Friday, October 6, 2017

Pink: Dr. Luke is a Scumbag and I"m Glad He"s Getting Sued!

Back in 2014, Kesha accused songwriter and producer Dr. Luke (real name Lucasz Gottwald) of years of sexual abuse. Kesha’s long legal battle to extricate her career from his clutches prevented her from doing new music until very recently.

But Dr. Luke hasn’t gone anywhere, and Kesha isn’t the only person he’s worked with who doesn’t think much of him.

Pink is speaking out about Dr. Luke based upon their past work together, and she is not mincing words.

Kesha has described years of torment, alleging sexual abuse, verbal and emotional abuse, and disturbing and controlling behavior on Dr. Luke’s part.

Though Kesha withdrew one of her suits against Dr. Luke, she has another still in the works.

Most importantly, for Kesha’s well-being, is that she’s finally able to produce her own music again.

(Two friends of mine were at a Kesha concert earlier this week — and got glitter thrown on them by Kesha herself. Glitter doesn’t come out easily and one of those friends is an accountant, but 

A large number of celebrities, from Adele to Taylor Swift to Lady Gaga, have come out in support of Kesha. 

Other celebrities, like Kelly Clarkson, spoke extremely negatively about Dr. Luke, describing him based upon their own alleged experiences.

And now Pink has joined that latter group.

In the New York Times profile on Pink that was published yesterday, Pink spoke about Dr. Luke and Kesha’s accusations against him.

“I don’t know what happened.”

Well, Pink wasn’t there.

Though she could always just listen to Kesha’s firsthand account.

“But I know that regardless of whether or not Dr. Luke did that, this is his karma and he earned it because he’s not a good person.”


We’ve heard “Dr. Luke is innocent” from a few people, and of course “Dr. Luke totally did it,” but this might be the first instance of “honestly even if this is a false accusation, Dr. Luke sucks and deserves this.” Pink does not like this guy.

The two of them have collaborated in the past, but that’s clearly not a part of history that’s going to repeat itself.

“I have told him that to his face and I do not work with him.”

Pink has zero chill, you guys.

“He doesn’t do good business, he’s not a kind person, he doesn’t do the right thing when given ample opportunities to do so, and I don’t really feel that bad for him.”

That’s quite the indictment of … basically every aspect of his character.

Can we be totally honest for a moment?

We get that some people might be leery of saying “I believe that these charges are true,” simply out of fear of being sued by a man who is clearly very litigious and doesn’t seem to care what the world thinks of him.

(Seriously, Kesha’s legal battle received vocal support from Adele and got financial support from Taylor Swift at the height of Taylor’s popularity — any man with sense would have bowed out)

Even if a lawsuit like that would be on shaky ground, nobody likes being sued, right?

But Pink could say “I support Kesha.”

Like: “I don’t know what happened but I totally support Kesha.” That’s gotta be safe to say, right?

You don’t even have to like her music (though, honestly, you have two ears and a heart, don’t you?).

But it’s still heartwarming to hear people blasting Dr. Luke.

Pink is a very straightforward person, so we imagine that she just felt uncomfortable at the idea of speaking about something that she didn’t personally experience.

Her description of Dr. Luke matches up almost exactly with Kelly Clarkson’s, who said that she and Dr. Luke “clashed” and basically that he’s an all-around scumbag.

Many wonder when the scales will finally tip and Dr. Luke will just give up his fights and disappear from public life.

And, frankly, considering what he’s accused of, merely fading into obscurity while remaining extremely wealthy (his net worth is estimated to be in the low 9-digits) might be getting off easy.


Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Manchester Born Broncos Player Says Scumbag Terrorists Won"t Break Us (VIDEO)

Manchester born and raised Denver Broncos tackle Menelik Wilson says the scumbag terrorists who attacked his home city are only gonna make Manchester stronger. Wilson — who was drafted in the 2nd roundd of the ’13 draft, and plays tackle for the…


Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Miami Dolphins -- Scumbag Fans Brawl ... Attack Grandpa In Front Of Grandkids (VIDEO)

Pretty disgusting moment in the stands at the Miami Dolphins game — when a group of violent thugs began fighting with the family seated in front of them … even throwing punches over a sleeping child.  Unclear what started the fight … but…
