Showing posts with label Officials. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Officials. Show all posts

Saturday, November 10, 2018

LaMelo Ball Ineligible for McDonald"s All-American Game, Officials Say

LaMelo Ball’s stint in Lithuania has made him INELIGIBLE for one of the biggest honors at the high school level — the McDonald’s All-American Game … officials tell TMZ Sports. The All-American game features the top 24 players from around the…


Thursday, September 20, 2018

Trump Officials Sued by Canoers for Potomac River Ban When He Golfs

President Trump’s pissed off a bunch of canoers who say in a new lawsuit his excessive golfing’s gotten them banned from the Potomac River. The Canoe Cruisers Association of Greater Washington sued Trump’s Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen…


Friday, August 3, 2018

Charles Oakley Cheated 3 Times During Texas Hold"Em, Officials Say

Charles Oakley didn’t just try to pull a fast one over a Vegas casino — he tried to cheat 3 TIMES during a round of Ultimate Texas Hold’Em … TMZ Sports has learned.  We broke the story … Oakley was arrested at the Cosmopolitan Hotel on…


Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Boris Becker Busted with Fake Diplomatic Passport, Officials Say

Boris Becker — the broke ass former tennis star — claims to have a diplomatic passport from the Central African Republic that gives him immunity in his bankruptcy case in the UK. There’s just one problem — IT’S FAKE … at least, according to the…


Friday, June 15, 2018

Kellen Winslow Jr. Targeted and Raped Elderly Women, Officials Say

Kellen Winslow Jr. allegedly raped at least 2 women in their 50s — and tried to rape at least two more, including an 86-year-old woman … this according to law enforcement.  As we previously reported, Winslow was arrested Thursday for…


Thursday, June 14, 2018

Justice Dept. Calls Out James Comey for Clinton Probe, FBI Officials Sent Anti-Trump Texts

Ex-FBI Director James Comey had at least one agent working the Hillary Clinton email probe who was open about NOT wanting Donald Trump to win the election … according to the Justice Department. The Justice Department’s inspector general issued a…


Thursday, February 22, 2018

Ex-NFL Linebacker Was Murdered By Cocaine Dealers, Officials Say

Ex-NFL linebacker Robert Eddins — who played briefly with the Buffalo Bills — was shot to death in a basement by 3 drug dealers … officials say.  Eddins and another man, Ricardo McFarlin, were murdered in 2016 in an “execution style”…


Sunday, November 26, 2017

Miss Universe Officials Order Judge to Unfollow Latina Contestants

Miss Universe just schooled one of the judges for tonight’s pageant … telling her it looks really bad that she’s only following Latina contestants on social media.  Pageant sources tell us Judge Lele Pons has been told it compromises the…


Tuesday, November 7, 2017

LiAngelo Ball Arrested In China for Shoplifting, UCLA Cooperating with Officials

LiAngelo Ball — along with 2 of his UCLA basketball teammates — were arrested for shoplifting during a team trip to China, according to ESPN.  The UCLA basketball team is out in Hangzhou where they are scheduled to play Georgia Tech on…


Monday, October 30, 2017

NFL"s Antrel Rolle Busted Scumbag Attorney Who Stole Fortune, Officials Say

Ex-NFL star Antrel Rolle knew damn well he wasn’t screwing the IRS out of millions of dollars — he was being set up … and officials say he helped catch the scumbag at the heart of the scheme. Long story short … Rolle’s former tax attorney was…


Friday, October 27, 2017

Marshawn Lynch"s High School Practice Violated State Rules, Officials Investigating

The organization that oversees high school football in California tells TMZ Sports the Oakland high school that allowed Marshawn Lynch to participate in a full-contact practice violated state rules. Lynch posted the video himself — showing the…


Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Jarvis Landry Case: Video Shows WR Push Baby Mama, Officials Believe It Was Accident

Prosecutors say surveillance video shows Miami Dolphins WR Jarvis Landry pushing his baby mama during a dispute in front of her car on April 1 … but they ultimately believed the woman who claimed it was accidental.  TMZ Sports has obtained…


Thursday, August 31, 2017

LaMelo Ball"s Shoe Deal OK"d By High School Officials, Still Eligible

LaMelo Ball’s brand new BBB shoe deal will NOT disqualify him from playing high school basketball next season … this according to California high school athletics officials.  TMZ Sports spoke with C.I.F. Southern Section asst. commissioner…


Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Officials: Guy We Arrested Is NOT Lucky Whitehead, Case Dropped

Lucky Whitehead was telling the TRUTH — he was not the man arrested for shoplifting on June 22, this according to Prince William County officials. We spoke with commonwealth’s attorney, Paul Ebert, who says the case against Lucky Whitehead has been…


Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Josh Duggar Files New Lawsuit Against City, County Officials

Josh Duggar is resuming his legal action against city and county officials he believes wronged him by releasing police reports in 2015.

The disgraced reality star filed suit against Springdale city officials over the release of information related to allegations of sexual abuse.

Four of Josh Duggar’s sisters filed a separate lawsuit against the city officials, Washington County officials and In Touch Weekly magazine.

Josh’s attorneys filed the lawsuit in U.S. District Court, claiming Duggar’s right to due process was violated and his privacy was invaded.

He seeks $ 75,000 in damages, legal fees and a jury trial.

A spokeswoman for Springdale, Ark., responded through counsel that this is a “misguided lawsuit against dedicated public servants.”

The city criticized Josh for “seeking damages from public tax dollars,” a similar response to their response to the Duggar sisters’ lawsuit.

Josh’s four sisters sued Northwest Arkansas officials in May, claiming police documents were improperly released to a celebrity tabloid.

The sisters filing the lawsuit are Jill Duggar (Dillard), Jessa Duggar (Seewald), Jinger Duggar (Vuolo) and Joy-Anna Duggar (Forsyth).

Federal claims include invasion of privacy, outrage and violation of the right to due process; Josh Duggar’s lawsuit comes on its heels.

Josh initially filed a motion to join, then pulled out of that suit, without explanation, in June, only to file his own suit against the defendants.

Police investigated allegations of sexual abuse against Josh Duggar in 2006, related to incidents in 2002-03, but did not file charges.

His four sisters were obviously minors at the time.

The lawsuits contend police that the case details would only be available to law enforcement, juvenile court and child services personnel.

In both lawsuits, the Duggars claim officials released documents to In Touch after it filed a state Freedom of Information Act request.

The suits say officials supervised the Police Department’s redaction and release of a report in violation of the Arkansas juvenile code.

According to the famous plantiffs, this conduct was also in violation of the Arkansas Code, plus both the Arkansas and U.S. constitutions.

Josh, then 14, revealed to his parents in March 2002, July 2002 and March 2003 that he had inappropriately touched the girls at home.

Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar admitted this June 3, 2015, in an interview with Fox News after the scandalous In Touch story broke.

They took the teenager to report what he had done to an Arkansas State Police employee, according to the Springdale Police report.

However, this is where it gets complicated, as the police didn’t report the matter to the state’s child abuse hotline as required by law.

Moreover, Springdale police said they didn’t learn about the accusations until someone anonymously called the abuse hotline in 2006.

By then, the criminal statute of limitations had lapsed.

Springdale police said that when they got the freedom of information request, the protections afforded to youth offenders no longer applied.

Josh resigned as a lobbyist for a group run by the conservative Family Research Council, admitted wrongdoing and went to sex rehab.

After also admitting infidelity and porn addiction, he returned to Arkansas but has been laying very, very low for the past year and a half.

He wife Anna Duggar are expecting their fifth child.


Monday, June 12, 2017

Donald Trump: "Major Lawsuit" Promised By Maryland, D.C. Officials

Usually when we talk about Donald Trump and suits, we’re making fun of one of those boxy Joseph A. Bank-looking nightmares that the president has tailored to conceal his curiously Kardashian-like badonkadonk.

Or ya know, one of the thousands of lawsuits that have been brought against Trump over the years for everything from hiring people to do work and then just not paying him to the unconstitutional nature of his controversial Muslim travel ban.

But when you’re the Donald, little legal beefs with the plebes are handled quickly and relatively cheaply by the semi-literate attorney who’s still somehow your main legal counsel.

Lawsuits brought by state attorney generals, however, are a very different story.

Officials representing Maryland and Washington, D.C. (not a state, but meh … close enough) announced on Sunday night that they plan to file suit against Trump for violating anti-corruption restrictions found in the Constitution.

The AGs will reportedly file suit as early as Monday, and will reveal further details of the legal action at that time.

The move will mark the first time that Trump has been sued by government entities as a result of his business interests.

A non-profit activist group called Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington recently filed a similar suit, citing Trump’s “countless conflicts of interest.”

Like the Logan Act, which has allegedly been violated by Gen. Michael Flynn, Jared Kushner, Carter Page, and several others who worked on the Trump campaign, the emoluments clause is one of those arcane rules from history that you never learned about in social studies because it was just widely assumed no president would ever be in violation.

The clause prohibits presidents from receiving any sort of income from foreign governments.

Before the president was sworn into office in January, Trump’s team promised to track and donate to charity all profits traceable to heads of state.

To the surprise of maybe like three dudes still wearing MAGA hats, that hasn’t happened.

New reports from NBC and MSNBC show that income from foreign governments hasn’t been tracked at all, and in a statement that’s ballsy even by the standards of these highly testicular times, the Trump Organization admits that it has made no effort to do so:

“To attempt to individually track and distinctly attribute certain business-related costs as specifically identifiable to a particular customer group is not practical,” says a spokesperson.

Read: “That thing we said we were gonna do? Yeah, we never even tried. Too hard.”

Obviously, all of this is separate from the investigation into the Trump campaign’s ties to Russia and allegations that the president obstructed justice by encouraging FBI director James Comey to halt his investigation into Flynn.

Are we tired of winning yet, folks?


Thursday, June 8, 2017

2 Chainz Party Shut Down, Promoters and City Officials Blame Each Other

2 Chainz is pointing the finger at the fire marshal for shutting down his new album listening party, and the event promoters are blaming cops … but NYC officials are calling BS. NYC Dept. of Buildings officials tell TMZ … their reps were at…


Monday, May 22, 2017

Duggar Girls" Molestation Lawsuit Criticized By City Officials: Cash Grab Alert!!

As reported last week, four Duggar sisters are suing their hometown over the release of documents pertaining to the Josh Duggar molestation case.

Now, the Arkansas town is firing back.

Jill (Duggar) Dillard, Jessa (Duggar) Seewald, Jinger (Duggar) Vuolo and Joy-Anna Duggar all filed a lawsuit against the city of Springdale.

The Duggar girls are suing the police and city officials and In Touch Weekly magazine, as well, in regard to the release of this information.

According to the lawsuit, the Counting On stars claim that the city was wrong to release official documents that contained their statements.

Jinger, Joy-Anna, Jill and Jessa spoke to police back in 2006, when they were minors, about Josh molesting them years before that.

By releasing these docs to In Touch, which published the details, the four girls say the defendants exposed them on a global scale.

The City of Springdale sees this differently, however.

“The claims and allegations in this lawsuit are without merit and are false,” the statement reads in part, disputing the girl’s central point.

“[The lawsuit] claims that that the release of a heavily redacted police report pursuant to a Freedom of Information Act Request was somehow unlawful.”

“We are confident that the Federal Court will take the time to carefully hear the facts and arguments in this matter.”

“It is unfortunate that now, at this late date, the Plaintiffs have chosen to file a misguided lawsuit,” said the city in its response.

Springdale lamented the case being brought “against dedicated public servants and seeking damages from public tax dollars.”

Implicit here is the accusation that the Duggars are doing this two years after the scandal broke as a money-making endeavor.

The Duggar girls counter that they’re only taking legal action now in order to help prevent other child victims from such “reckless reporting.”

“This case is solely about protecting children who are victims of abuse,” Jill, Jessa, Jinger and Joy-Anna Duggar said in their statement.

“Revealing juvenile identities under these circumstances is unacceptable, and it’s against the law,” the four siblings added.

By suing, they hope that “media and custodians of public records who let these children down must be held accountable.”

“This case has vast implications for all our children. We hope that by bringing this case to the public’s attention, all children will be protected.”

They do have a point in one important sense:

While the police documents released were redacted to remove the victims’ names and other identifying information, as the city claims.

However, enough information was left in the documents that it was obvious that the victims in the case were Josh’s four younger sisters.

What’s the point of redacting anything then?

If the goal is to protect minors, but officials willingly disseminate information that fails to achieve this, there should be consequences.

This may well depend on whether they met that reasonable threshold. Jill tweeted a link to a story about the lawsuit, along with a message.

“We hope our lawsuit will send a clear message that releasing the names of juveniles is never OK,” the eldest of the four wrote.


Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Aaron Hernandez Commits Suicide In Prison Cell, Officials Say

Aaron Hernandez killed himself in his prison cell Tuesday night using a bed sheet, this according to prison officials. The 27-yr.-old ex-NFL star had just been acquitted in a double murder case and his lawyer Jose Baez had told TMZ Sports he…


Thursday, March 16, 2017

Jose Fernandez Was Driving Boat While Drunk & Coked Up ... Officials Say

Investigators have concluded MLB pitcher Jose Fernandez was driving his boat at the time it crashed in Miami … killing everyone onboard … and say he was drunk and high on cocaine at the time.
