Showing posts with label Dept. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dept. Show all posts

Saturday, December 15, 2018

LAPD Trolls Kansas City Police Dept. After Chargers Rob Chiefs

Breaking News
The Kansas City P.D. was talking all sorts of crap about the Chargers before they took on the Chiefs Thursday night. 
So, when K.C. choked away the game, the LAPD decided to rub some salt in the wound. 
It all started before the big “Thursday Night F...
LAPD Trolls Kansas City Police Dept. After Chargers Rob Chiefs

LAPD Trolls Kansas City Police Dept. After Chargers Rob Chiefs

Breaking News
The Kansas City P.D. was talking all sorts of crap about the Chargers before they took on the Chiefs Thursday night. 
So, when K.C. choked away the game, the LAPD decided to rub some salt in the wound. 
It all started before the big “Thursday Night F...
LAPD Trolls Kansas City Police Dept. After Chargers Rob Chiefs

Thursday, June 14, 2018

Justice Dept. Calls Out James Comey for Clinton Probe, FBI Officials Sent Anti-Trump Texts

Ex-FBI Director James Comey had at least one agent working the Hillary Clinton email probe who was open about NOT wanting Donald Trump to win the election … according to the Justice Department. The Justice Department’s inspector general issued a…


Tuesday, September 26, 2017

L.A. County Sheriff"s Dept. to Fox, You Defamed Us in Your Tupac/Biggie Special

The L.A. County Sheriff’s Dept. is irate at Fox over its “Who Shot Biggie & Tupac?” special that accused a Sheriff’s commander of bungling the investigation, and the Department is demanding an apology. The show, hosted by Ice-T and Soledad…


Friday, September 1, 2017

Lil Yachty Ticketed by Same Police Dept. that Fired "Only Kills Black People" Cop

Lil Yachty probably didn’t know it … but the cops who pulled him over hail from the same police department that recently fired a lieutenant caught on dash cam video saying, “We only kill black people.” Cobb County police tell TMZ … the…


Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Cleveland Police Dept. Throws Shade at Golden State

Cleveland PD doesn’t care their beloved Cavs are down 0-2 … they’re still talkin’ smack. Here’s what the CPD just tweeted out to fans going to Game 3 tonight in The Land.  “No backpacks permitted in Q Arena or at FanFest for tonight’s @cavs…


Friday, April 7, 2017

Kendall Jenner Pepsi Ad May Have Crossed Legal Line with San Francisco Police Dept.

Kendall Jenner’s Pepsi ad has cops on the soda company’s tail … cops from the police department depicted in the video. You see an emblem on the cop’s shirt sleeve with the words, “San Francisco Police.” There’s also an eagle spreading its wings…


Thursday, November 3, 2016

Mariah Carey -- Banking $1 Million for Dept. Store Gig!

It’s gonna be a very green Christmas for Mariah Carey … whose services don’t come cheap, but Saks Fifth Avenue is happy to ante up a sack full o’ cash.   We’re told Mimi’s wheels up right now and Toronto-bound to help Saks debut its…


Saturday, September 19, 2015

Kylie Jenner -- Broke ... In the iPhone Dept. (PHOTO)


0919-kylie-jenner-splash-01Kylie Jenner‘s in crisis … how can an 18-year-old social media queen exist without a fully functional iPhone.

That was her dilemma Friday night as she went to The Nice Guy in West Hollywood with Tyga for dinner.  Her screen is all cracked up.

If Steve Jobs were still alive, do you think he’d take her call?

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Lil Wayne And Christina Milian -- We"re Not Breaking Up in The Money Dept.



0915_lil_wayne_Christina-Milian_TMZLil Wayne and Christina Milian have broken up, but not professionally.

The couple announced their split this week, using the standard “our-schedules-make-it-difficult” reason, but we’re told one thing is clear … she’s not leaving Young Money – because it benefits both of them.

Christina has an album due out later this year, and neither wants to derail it.

This wouldn’t be the first time Christina worked with an ex. After divorcing The Dream, she continued with him on her music career.