Rihanna‘s rubbing it in her father’s face — she’s the only one who’s gonna cash in on the family name … it’s as plain as the designer shades on her face.
Late Tuesday night she was strolling out of her dentist’s office rocking a pair of Fenty...
Rihanna No Shade, but ... The Name is All Mine, Dad!!!
Wednesday, January 16, 2019
Rihanna No Shade, but ... The Name is All Mine, Dad!!!
Friday, October 12, 2018
Derick Dillard Throws Major Shade at TLC and Jim Bob Duggar!
Hard to believe, but it’s been almost a full year since Derick Dillard was fired from Counting On.
Fans are mostly of the opinion that the show is better off without D-Dill, though that might have less to do with his camera presence and more to do with the reason he was axed from the show.
Back in November of 2017, Derick went on a transphobic tirade against fellow network star Jazz Jennings and was promptly kicked to the curb by his bosses at TLC.
It’s almost like corporations aren’t big on their employees harassing one another on social media. Weird.
Anyway, Derick’s wife, Jill Duggar, quit the show as a gesture of solidarity, and now the Dillard clan has no real ties to the show that made them famous.
For a while, it looked as though the Jill and Derick were hoping to be invited back to the show, but now it seems they’ve come to terms with the fact that that’s never gonna happen.
Derick is attending law school; Jill is working as a midwife (despite a lack of proper certification), and it looks like they’ll eventually be able to support their two children without much help from Jim Bob and Michelle.
Despite that, it seems Derick is still harboring some bitterness toward the network that both started ended his television career.
During a recent Twitter Q&A Der even went so far as to accuse TLC execs of interfering with his relationship with his in-laws.
“Do you not attend events they film if possible (like Lauren/Josiah’s tea party) or do they just edit around you?” one fan asked.
“TLC is probably not going to invite us if they don’t want us there,” Dillard replied.
Yes, Derick seems to be suggesting that it’s the network — not the Duggars themselves — who decide the guest list for their family events.
Obviously, this is his way of trash-talking not only TLC, but also his father-in-law.
Jim Bob has repeatedly claimed that despite the massive debt his family owes the network, he retains full autonomy on the Duggar compound.
Derick’s claim that it’s TLC who execs that decide who to invite to family functions pokes a major hole in that idea.
Of course, this is Derick’s M.O.
He throws a little bit of shade and — unless his target is someone as vulnerable as a teenage girl — he then turns tail and refuses to answer any follow-up questions.
Derick seems to live in a fantasy world of his own device, in which his famous father-in-law is an ineffectual nobody, and the decision to leave a cushy reality show gig was his and his alone.
“We were going in a different direction as a family and decided to stop doing filming,” Dillard once claimed in an interview.
“Thank you; we hope you are encouraged in some way by our journey, especially our reliance upon our savior, Jesus Christ.”
Mind you, we know for a fact that Derick was fired, but he’s so used to fans believing everything he says that he has no problem tossing out whatever BS pops into his head.
It’s an interesting and surprisingly effective strategy.
So clearly, the guy has learned a thing or two about public relations and cult mentality in his years as Jim Bob’s son-in-law.
Tuesday, October 9, 2018
The Real Housewives of Orange County Recap: The Shade Queen
Monday’s episode of The Real Housewives of Orange County was light on the nice, and heavy on the mean.
It picked up in the immediate aftermath of Shannon Beador’s QVC debut, and she was on a high.
She invited all of the ladies over to her house for a celebratory dinner.
Gina Kirschenheiter was in attendance, and as you know if you watch The Real Housewives of Orange County online, she has butted heads with some of the ladies over her looming divorce.
The 34-year-old admitted that she was scared at the thought of “being a grown-up” when the divorce gets finalized.
“I’ve never been alone…I’m scared,” cried Gina as she continued to speak to the ladies about it.
Gina immediately took issue with the fact that Shannon did not ask her how things were.
“Just ask me how my f***ing day was,” Gina yelled as she cried.
“‘I’m glad I’m out of this one,” complained Shannon as Gina continued to sob.
“I am noticing a pattern in Shannon’s behavior, of her really not caring about me at all…Shannon does have this way of just looking through you,” said Gina.
“It shouldn’t take this much time for her to acknowledge my existence, it shouldn’t take this much time for her to not be an a**hole,” she continued.
But Shannon was quick to tell Kelly Dodd the real reason why she did not care for Gina.
“She’s 20 years younger than me… and she stirred the pot a few times with me,” Shannon said to her friend.
It makes sense that Shannon would want to keep the new additions away from her because she wants to maintain some sort of storyline to have her contract picked up for another year.
If these new women have a more significant presence, she runs the risk of being demoted to the dreaded “friend” status.
What’s more, the new housewives come at a lower price tag because they haven’t been part of the show for as long.
Elsewhere, Emily questioned whether it would be a wise decision to attempt to have another baby with one of the embryos she had left from her fertility treatments.
Emily was open about her almost dying after suffering six miscarriages on a recent episode of the Bravo hit, so it’s fully understandable that her husband would be apprehensive about trying to conceive again.
“I don’t think it’s right that you keep pushing me in that direction,” Shane said, but Emily wasn’t ready to back down.
“But I’ve always wanted more than one girl,” she said.
Emily was told that carrying another child could kill her following what happened the last time, so it’s a difficult situation for anyone to be in.
It remains to be seen whether Shane will change his stance on the matter, but we’re inclined to believe he won’t.
What are your thoughts on all the latest action?
Hit the comments below.
RHOC continues Mondays on Bravo.
Tuesday, September 11, 2018
Keshia Knight Pulliam"s Divorce, Ed Throws Shade In Asking For New Trial
Keshia Knight Pulliam isn’t out of the woods yet with her messy divorce … because her ex just asked for a new trial and threw some shade her way in the process. Ed Hartwell, a retired NFL linebacker, is begging the court to…
Wednesday, August 29, 2018
Katharine McPhee: Blasted By Taylor Hicks Following Lame Attempt at Shade!
In case you’ve forgotten that there was a point where people actually gave a sh-t about American Idol, allow us to take you back to a simpler time and place, when it was Ryan Seacrest, not Mark Zuckerberg, who decided the outcome of our country’s most hotly-contested elections.
The year was 2006, and Taylor Hicks was making headlines for being young, yet looking old, not unlike how Katharine McPhee is now making headlines for looking young and marrying old.

Anyway, Taylor and Katharine were neck-and-neck throughout their time on the show, but in the end, he came away with the coveted title of American Idol champion.
The win didn’t exactly do wonders for his career, but we’ll get to that later.
McPhee and Hicks are back in the news today thanks to a mild feud that’s revealed some long-simmering tension.
As part of a voter registration drive leading up to November’s midterm elections, McPhee tweeted a photo of herself standing next to Hicks and captioned it with a not-so-subtle jab at her former rival:

“Voting matters,” the actress captioned the pic, complete with upside-down smiley face emoji.
As you can see, Hicks was quick to fire back with a jab of his own, tweeting:
“You’re right, voting DOES matter! But you’re a little late to the party, Kat.”
Not exactly Biggie vs. Pac, but a mildly entertaining beef made all the more amusing by the fact that neither Hicks nor McPhee has been lighting the charts on fire in the years since their Idol season.
In fact, neither of them has scored a hit.
Katharine’s gone on to a more high-profile career thanks to roles on Scorpion and other shows that play ‘round-the-clock in retirement home common rooms.
These days she’s best known for her engagement to David Foster, as well as for her creepy tendency to refer to his daughters as her kids, even though two of them are older than Katharine.
As for Taylor … well, he’s not exactly killing the game, but he has scored a gig hosting something called State Plate on something called the INSP channel.
The funniest part of all of this is that Taylor and Kat’s season introduced the world to Chris Daughtry and Kellie Pickler, both of whom went on to more successful careers.
Perhaps one of those two should sound off on this situation.
“You’re right, Taylor and Kat, voting does matter … but not as much as how you spend your money,” Daughtry could tweet.
Now, that would be a valuable lesson on the inner-workings of both the music industry and American democracy.
Wednesday, August 22, 2018
Nicki Minaj Continues to Throw ALL the Shade at Kylie Jenner and Travis Scott
Nicki Minaj is not finished trashing Kylie Jenner and Travis Scott.
Not by a long shot.
And we are SO very much here for it.
The beef started a few days ago after Scott’s new album debuted ahead of Minaj’s new album on the music charts.
Because it was better reviewed and comprised of stronger material?
HA! NO, argued Nicki.
Because Scott needed to use both his baby mama and his actual baby to promote the album, which Minaj found to be lame and cheap and pathetic.
Isn’t that right, Nicki?

Not content with sending the above Tweet, however, Minaj appeared on Tuesday’s episode of Queen Radio on Apple Music’s Beats 1 and once again went after Scott, his album Astroworld and her fellow rapper’s entire persona.
“What we’re not gonna do is have that auto-tune man selling f-cking sweaters telling you he sold half a million albums, because he f-cking didn’t,” Minaj exclaimed, prior to attacking Scott again for hiding behind Jenner:
“You stupid f-ck. You got your f-cking homeboy talking for you and you got your girlfriend selling tour passes. Stop it. Knock it the f-ck off.”
Come on, Nicki.
Stop beating around the bush and tell us how you really feel.
Minaj did say she has no real issue with Kylie herself, certainly none with baby Stormi and she even thinks Kim Kardashian is totally cool and fine.
But Scott?
“When [Travis] comes along and sells a tour pass that has nothing to do with his f-cking music and says he’s sold more than Kanye West and Nas – no you f-cking didn’t, keep it the f-ck real.
“I know I’m that bitch, I know I’m number one.”
This may be true in Nicki’s mind, but we just received word that she canceled her previously-scheduled North American tour with Future.
A statement from Live Nation reads that Minaj “has decided to reevaluate elements of production on the ‘NickiHndrxx Tour’” following her surprise performance Monday at the 2018 MTV Video Music Awards.”
But some out there believe Minaj was unable to sell enough tickets for the tour to make it profitable.
Nicki has not yet commented on this rumor or this decision herself, but she did clarify on air that she’s not as angry as she may seem.
“Having said that, none of this is some serious anger sh-t,” she said of her critique of Scott and how uses Kylie to market himself, concluding:
“No, we are in a time right now where black music is prospering.
“And I am one of the people who, I’m so excited to see where rap has come from and where we are. But right is right and wrong is wrong.”
Eh, whatever.
We’re just gonna ignore that pseudo peace offering and ask readers to choose a side:
Team Nicki or Team Travis?!?
Friday, August 10, 2018
Kim Kardasian Doubles Down on Tyson Beckford Shade: Stop Acting Like a Bitch!
Last week, Tyson Beckford body-shamed Kim Kardashian after seeing a photo of the social media icon that apparently didn’t suit his very specific tastes.
Kim clapped back without delay, but instead of being applauded for standing up to her bully, she was criticized for the homophobic nature of her comments.

“Sorry I Dont care for it personally,” Beckford commented on the photo.
“She is not real, doctor f—ked up on her right hip.”
“Sis we all know why you don’t care for it,” Kim shot back.
Kim added the frog, teacup, and fingernail-painting emojis, in case it was unclear that she intended to throw shade.
For obvious reasons, Kim was accused of homophobia.
That’ll happen when you imply that someone is gay as an insult.
For his part, Beckford affirmed his heterosexuality (would be nice if just once someone took a more “so what if I am gay?” stance, but whatevs) while boasting of his support for the gay community.
“I support LGBTQ, even though I’m not Gay,” he wrote in a since-deleted Instagram post.
“It’s just the Human thing to do.”
Kim remained uncharacteristically quiet on the matter until today, when she finally responded to the allegations of homophobia:
“Really, dude? Like, you’re going to body-shame me? Like, OK. OK. OK, sis. You’re going to body-shame me?” Kim said in a radio interview.
“People were sending me stuff on his page. He keeps on going and going and going, and I’m just like, ‘Dude, that’s so female lame to me. That’s just lame to me,’” she continued.
“And for anyone to say that I am homophobic with the comment of saying ‘sis’?
“All my best friends are gay. I support the community. I love the community. They love me. That has nothing to do with this.”
Hmm … now, Kim has every right to defend herself from body-shaming trolls, but we think she’s intentionally misrepresenting the situation here because she knows she was in the wrong.
No one is saying Kim’s homophobic because she sued the word “sis.”
They’re saying it because someone insulted her, and she responded by suggesting that he’s gay.
Oh, and throwing around “female” around as an insult isn’t really helping matters.
All-in-all, 1/10 apology, would not listen to again.
Friday, August 3, 2018
Jeremy Vuolo: Throwing Shade at Derick Dillard on Twitter?!
Just last month, Jinger Duggar and Jeremy Vuolo welcomed their first child.
In the weeks since, the happy couple has been doting on their daughter and gushing about little Felicity every chance they get.
But that doesn’t mean they’re not making time for the truly important things, like roasting Derick Dillard’s dumb ass on social media.
A little backstory is required in order to fully understand why Jeremy’s seemingly innocent tweet from Monday night is being widely interpreted as anti-Dillard shade.
As you probably know, Derick was fired from Counting On after unapologetically sharing his bigoted views with the world on Twitter.
And it’s not just his former bosses who have taken issue with D-Dill’s big mouth.
There have been rumors that several members of the extended Duggar clan want nothing to do with Derick.
And reports of a feud between Vuolo and Dillard have been especially common in recent weeks.
“Jinger and I are so grateful to TLC for giving us the opportunity to share our lives with all of you!” Jeremy wrote on Twitter before Monday’s Counting On season premiere.
“Tune in this Monday night — July 30th, 9/8C — for the new season of #CountingOn.”
Sounds innocent enough, but it’s not hard to see why many Duggar-watchers took the remark as an extremely subtle jab at Derick.
“Some Dillard shade,” wrote one fan.
Another echoed the sentiment with a reluctant shoutout to Jeremy:
“He’s good at throwing shade in a fundie acceptable way,” the viewer commented.
“I don’t like him, but damn if it ain’t entertaining.”
Dillard has made his distaste for his former home network abundantly clear in the months since he was unceremoniously kicked to the curb.
He was fired for attacking fellow TLC star Jazz Jennings, and he’s since accused network execs of espousing values that run counter to everything the Duggars stand for.
In that context, it’s a bit easier to see how Jeremy’s public praise for the same folks who gave Derick the ax could as smack talk.
Of course, the big question now is — will Derick respond?
We sure hope so.
We could really go for a heated Duggar feud.
Thursday, June 14, 2018
Brody Jenner & Wife Shade Caitlyn After Dodging Wedding
Brody Jenner and his bride are back in L.A. after their kick-ass destination wedding … but they’re obviously still kinda salty about Caitlyn deciding NOT to attend. We got Brody and Mrs. Kaitlynn Carter Jenner Wednesday…
Brody Jenner & Wife Shade Caitlyn After Dodging Wedding
Brody Jenner and his bride are back in L.A. after their kick-ass destination wedding … but they’re obviously still kinda salty about Caitlyn deciding NOT to attend. We got Brody and Mrs. Kaitlynn Carter Jenner Wednesday…
Tuesday, May 22, 2018
Briana DeJesus Throws Shade at Kailyn Lowry: Learn to Fight!
Over the weekend, the annual Teen Mom 2 reunion show was taped in New York.
And as with just about every previous year, the whole thing was completely bonkers.
The dramatic highlights came when Briana DeJesus and Kailyn Lowry nearly came to blows on set – not once, but twice.
Sources say Kail wanted to throw down during a private meeting with Briana, but DeJesus squashed the beef … only to come after Lowry the very next time the two of them came face to face.
Again, the co-stars were kept at a safe distance from each other, but not surprisingly, it looks as though any peace that was achieved on set was only temporary …
1. Briana Drama

2. It’s a Trap!

3. Walking Into the Lion’s Den

4. All For Show?

5. Ending On a Threat

6. The Follow-Up

Thursday, May 10, 2018
T.I. Throws Shade on Brian Grazer"s Gucci Mane Biopic
T.I. is tired of setting the record straight about his record in trap music, which probably explains why he’s shading mega producer Brian Grazer’s planned biopic on Gucci Mane. We got T.I. out in Bev Hills Wednesday and asked him…
Thursday, May 3, 2018
Jill Duggar Throws Shade at Josh Duggar & Derick Dillard: They"re Not Okay!
Jill Duggar is generally not one to make waves.
The second-eldest daughter of Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar, Jill has spent the majority of her life meeting the demands of her ludicrously strict upbringing.
On the reality shows that made her family famous, Jill quickly emerged as a fan favorite, modest enough to appeal to the fundamentalist segment of the Duggars’ fan base, but independent enough to give hope to those who watch in … that she and her sisters will one day break away.
When Jill married Derick Dillard in 2014, however, her public image took a turn for the worse.
Brash and abrasive where Jill was meek and kind, Derick quickly became a divisive figure amongst Duggar fans.
Last year, Derick was fired from Counting On after making comments about fellow TLC star Jazz Jennings that many considered transphobic.
Jill quit the show in a gesture of solidarity, thus leaving her young family with no source of income.
These days, Jill has a lot of time on her hands, and she often uses it to post on social media, despite frequently disturbing fans with her content.
This week Jill posted a list of prayers for her children that many took as evidence of bigotry.
The items on the list were mostly innocuous concerns, such as “Their salvation,” “That they would be kept morally pure,” “That they would love each other.”
But the last prayer struck a nerve with fans, many of whom considered it further evidence of Jill’s transphobia.
The response from Instagram users was swift and harsh, with some accusing Jill of rank hypocrisy:
“But it’s ok to be a homophobic, cheating molester who is literally making money from having their family on a reality show,” wrote one fan.
The comments seem to refer to both Josh Duggar – who molested five young girls while living under his parents’ roof – and
Now, Jill is criticized on social media quite regularly, with followers taking issue with everything from her parenting to her wardrobe.
But this time is different in that Jill actually replied:
“I have never said those actions were ok.”
Now, that may seem like a very mild response, but as many have pointed out, it constitutes the first time that Jill has expressed any misgivings about the behavior or beliefs of her brother and husband.
Perhaps this is the beginning of a new day for Jill.
Maybe she’ll finally join the rest of the world in calling the male members of her family out for their more problematic actions.
What seems more likely, however, is that Jill has simply grown tired of being lumped in with men like Derick and Josh.
Some feel that she’s complicit with their behavior, while others see Jill as a victim.
Whatever the case, she’s clearly fed up with being associated with the more shameful aspects of her family history.
Watch Counting On online for more on the ever-controversial Duggar clan of Arkansas.
Wednesday, April 25, 2018
Blake Shelton Throws All the Shade at Miranda Lambert for Dating Evan Felker
Blake Shelton holds many titles:
Blake Shelton, Country Music Superstar.
Blake Shelton, The Voice Coach.
And to this list, we must now add: Blake Shelton, Flamethrower Extraordinaire.
The beloved singer took Twitter followers by surprise on Wednesday afternoon when he heated up social media via one simple message that was clearly intended to burn his ex-wife to her core.
And here’s why:
Earlier this week, it was confirmed by multiple outlets that Miranda Lambert is dating Evan Felker.
On its own, this development isn’t particularly shocking, considering Felker fronts the band that has been opening for Lambert on tour.
HOWEVER, both Radar Online and Us Weekly report that Lambert very likely broke up Felker’s marriage by sleeping with the musician, as the former website has even obtained the artist’s divorce papers.
They cite Felkner’s “abandonment” of ex-wife Staci Nelson and they were filed in February, right around the time Felkner allegedly got with Lambert.
Just this revelation on its own was newsworthy and noteworthy.
Heck, we wrote an entire article about it.
But now we get to write a follow-up because Shelton has seemingly responded to the rumor that his ex-wife is a homewrecker by Tweeting the following:
Been taking the high road for a long time.. I almost gave up. But I can finally see something on the horizon up there!! Wait!! Could it be?! Yep!! It’s karma!!
Whoa there!
Well, alright then!
Do you want a coat from all the shivering you must be doing now that so much shade has been hurled in your direction, Miranda?

There’s really no way for anyone to interpret Blake’s message as anything other than a statement that Lambert cheated on him.
The stars were married for four years and then split up in 2015 amid chatter that each side was unfaithful.
But Shelton said very little at the time.
He said at every occasion that he and Lambert would always be close and he’d always have a special place in his heart for her and yadda, yadda, yadda.
However, it’s not as though there weren’t rumblings of Lambert’s cheating.
Heck, there was one rumbling that said she cheated on Shelton FIVE times.
The following tabloid cover alleged as much, quoting an insider who said Shelton caught Lambert in the act as one point and was left “heartbroken and furious” by her actions.
If these reports were accurate, it would be hard to blame Shelton for now enjoying the fact that Lambert’s reputation has taken a hit due to her sexual intercourse with a married man.
The country legend, of course, has moved very far on from Lambert.
He’s been happily dating Gwen Stefani for ages, constantly gushing over her on Instagram and considering marrying her, if certain gossip out there is to be believed.
Shelton also once said the following to Billboard about Stefani, who had recently broken up with husband Gavin Rossdale when she became intimate with Blake:
“Who else on earth could understand going through a high-profile divorce from another musician? You can’t even imagine the similarities in our divorces.”
If you’ll recall, Rossdale supposedly cheated on Stefani for years with the couple’s nanny.
Could being the victims of cheating be what Shelton was talking about when citing the pair’s “similarities.”
You tell us.
(The answer is yes.)