Showing posts with label okay. Show all posts
Showing posts with label okay. Show all posts

Friday, November 23, 2018

Steph Curry In Black Friday Car Crash ... Appears Okay

Breaking News

NBA superstar Steph Curry was in a multi-car wreck on an Oakland highway early Friday morning — his Porsche was smashed up — but he appears to be okay. 
It all went down around 9 AM — the Golden State Warriors star was driving on Highway 24 when acar spun out a ...
Steph Curry In Black Friday Car Crash ... Appears Okay

Steph Curry In Black Friday Car Crash ... Appears Okay

Breaking News

NBA superstar Steph Curry was in a multi-car wreck on an Oakland highway early Friday morning — his Porsche was smashed up — but he appears to be okay. 
It all went down around 9 AM — the Golden State Warriors star was driving on Highway 24 when a car spun out a ...
Steph Curry In Black Friday Car Crash ... Appears Okay

Friday, October 26, 2018

Caitlyn Jenner to Trump: Okay You Do Suck After All!

Earlier this year, Caitlyn Jenner affirmed what the rest of the world had known for years: Trump is terrible for trans rights.

At the time, she still hoped to work with Republican leadership to avoid crafting such oppressive policies.

Now, she has come forward and penned an op-ed to admit that she was wrong, and that Trump cannot be reasoned with.

In a Washington Post op-ed, Caitlyn Jenner showed that she’s willing to admit when she’s wrong, even if it took a couple of years.

“Despite the criticism I received from segments of the LGBTQ community for engaging with this administration,” Cait begins.

Caitlyn has been confronted by other trans women, including her own friends, for her erstwhile support for Donald Trump.

“I remained hopeful for positive change,” Cait explains.

“Sadly,” Caitlyn admits. “I was wrong.”

Two years after using her platform to endorse the current President, Caitlyn understands her error.

“The reality is that the trans community is being relentlessly attacked by this president,” she writes.

The recent edict from the DOJ that employers should feel free to fire their transgender employees is only the latest blow.

Cait says: “The leader of our nation has shown no regard for an already marginalized and struggling community.”

“He has ignored our humanity,” she laments.

“He has insulted our dignity,” Caitlyn continues.

“He has made trans people into political pawns,” she writes. “As he whips up animus against us.”

Cait points out that he does so “in an attempt to energize the most right-wing segment of his party.”

Since Trump has been unable to or unwilling to help everyday Americans with economic issues or in any other meaningful way, he just excites his base with bigotry.

All the while, Caitlyn notes, Trump is “claiming his anti-transgender policies are meant to ‘protect the country."”

“My hope in him — in them — was misplaced,” she admits.

“And,” Caitlyn continues. “I cannot support anyone who is working against our community.”

As she mentioned, trans people are already marginalized. And Trump’s administration has made life more dangerous for almost all of them.

“I do not support Trump,” Caitlyn affirms.

That makes a serious contrast with her MAGA-hat wearing past.

“I must learn from my mistakes,” Cait concludes. “And move forward.”

Honestly? That’s a good op-ed. She’s right about what she says.

While no one questions that Trump is a bigot, he has never seemed to have an issue with transgender people in particular.

But the architects of these monstrous policies — from Stephen Miller to Mike Pence to Jeff Sessions, and others — have a vested interest in crushing marginalized groups.

Trump allows it, in part because it will inflame his base.

He also allows it because, let’s be honest, he doesn’t seem to really know about it, and was visibly caught off guard when asked about the topic.

This is a guy who tweets at three in the morning. He likes being cheered by crowds, not actual work.

But Cait should never have supported Trump in the first place.

In part because she is trans, and her trans friends very publicly warned her that he would be a disaster.

If she had been listening to women who had been out much longer than she was — if she had listened to Candis Cayne — she wouldn’t be eating crow now.

But also, voting isn’t always about yourself. Cait may be rich and white, but she could have remembered that other people exist.

It was no secret that Trump’s administration would be a nightmare for communities of color or for women.

We hope that Cait will have her eyes open from now on.


Thursday, September 6, 2018

Khloe Kardashian: I Know Tristan Thompson is a Huge Cheater, Okay?!?

Khloe Kardashian has finally dropped the C-Word.

No, not that C-Word.

The other C-Word. The one that very clear applies to Tristan Thompson and the way he behaved throughout her pregnancy late last year and earlier this year.

On Tuesday, reports surfaced that Khloe and Tristan were discussion marriage.

According to anonymous sources in this story, Kardashian has essentially forgotten that her baby daddy slept with practically any person with boobs while she sat at home and carried their eventual daughter to term.

“Tristan has promised Khloe he will never betray her again… and she believes him,” an insider told Us Weekly about the couple.

In response to the chatter, Khloe first wrote the following on Instagram:

“Who makes up this crap you guys post?? This is how slow the news is? You need this ridiculous story?? What a waste.”

However, at least one person out there interpreted Khloe’s reply as a denial of Thompson having cheated, asking in astonishment whether Kardashian was claiming this infidelity was “made up by the blogs.”

No, Khloe shot back. That is not what she is saying. At all.

that khloe quote

“I’m not acting as if Tristan didn’t cheat,” the mother of one said, as captured above by The Shade Room.

“I’m saying the story about marriage and anyone insinuating they know what we speak about privately is ‘crap.’”

Ah, okay then. That makes a lot more sense.

As fas as we know, this is the first time Khloe has specifically reference Thompson as a cheater in public.

In late June, Khloe acknowledged that something had happened between the stars and that she was sticking with her man for reasons no one should try to comprehend.

“You have no knowledge of what goes on in our household or the enormous rebuilding this takes to even coexist. I’m proud of my strength,” Khloe wrote to a social media user who said she felt disappointment over Khloe forgiving Tristan.

She then added at the time:

“I appreciate your opinion and I hope you hold that same opinion to everyone else who has stayed in situations.”

Khloe’s latest remark comes just as she and Thompson have embarked on their first vacation as an immediate family.

As you can see in the two photos above, they are enjoying their time in the tropics with each other and with little True.

The couple may not be talking marriage, but they are clearly still talking. A lot.

And hanging out and co-parenting and full-on back together, despite the hiccups caused by Thompson’s wandering penis.

This is what a source told People Magazine about the relationship as it currently stands:

“Khloe wants to get married eventually, but there are no serious wedding talks yet.

“She does talk about a future with Tristan, though. She believes they can figure things out and have a happy life together. True is doing great, too.”

And while this is going on, Khloe is done taking crap from judgmental strangers.

She also responded to a commenter who wrote the following this week:

“This is so sad like who would want a love story like this, it’s pathetic to see a strong women [sic] become weak over a man.”

Responded Kardashian, in full clap back mode:

“It’s truly sad that you believe blogs and then actually take the time to comment on someone else’s life.”


Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Emily Simpson Destroys Body-Shamers: It Is NEVER Okay to Call a Woman Fat!

Last year, Shannon Beador was working to lose weight to save her marriage. As we all know, that ended with a messy divorce.

Her new castmate, Emily Simpson, has been a target for vicious body-shaming by trolls who watch The Real Housewives of Orange County.

Rather than rushing to appease her detractors, Emily is taking a stand for all women.

On Twitter, Emily Simpson posted an array of photos of herself.

“It’s never ok to call a woman fat, fatass, plus-size, etc,” she asserts in her tweet.

For the record, plus size is a fine label for someone to use on themselves, especially if they’re a model. It’s not a euphemism to be hurled at others.

Think of words like plus size or thicc like pregnant, where you don’t comment about it until the person you’re talking about describes themselves that way.

Emily, already bearing the brunt of body-shaming, says: “I will take the criticism and be the voice for all the women out there.”

Emily Simpson vs Body-Shamers on Twitter

Emily’s proud tweet continues.

She’s happy to take one for the team for those “that feel inadequate because they don’t fit someone’s ridiculous standard of beauty.”

“Be strong,” Emily advises her fans and followers who may be targeted by body-shamers. “Be proud. Be confident.”

Finally, Emily assures them: “I got you.”

It is always so, so nice to see a reality star use her celebrity status as a platform for a good cause.

In the captions beside a photo of her showing off her outrageous body in a velvet dress, Emily made a similar message.

“Love yourself,” Emily encourages her fans and followers. “Love your body.”

She says that the shape of a person’s body — or the size of it — should never discourage them from having confidence and enjoying their life.

“Always walk into a room and own it,” Emily suggests.

Emily explains how to do this, intructing: “Make eye contact. Hold your head high.”

Emily’s Instagram post continued with some encouraging words.

“Don’t let anyone make you feel inadequate because they are thinner than you,” Emily writes.

While you should never feel inadequate for other reasons, either, this post was specifically for folks who are targeted with fat-shaming and body-shaming.

“Self-confidence is the best outfit you can wear,” she says. She’s not wrong.

“So,” Emily suggests. “Own it and rock it.”

A few weeks ago, Emily was invited to work out with resident fitness nut and also general nut Tamra Judge.

Emily, who works and has three children, was less enthusiastic. She’s not accustomed to working out because she leads a busy life.

While all of the Real Housewives are, of course, real women, a lot of viewers may find Emily and her struggles — and her humble beginnings — more relatable.

Some of the other stars are older and have been living opulent lifestyles for decades.

Emily is a working mom, and that is bound to resonate with a lot of the show’s viewers.

Either way, it is wonderful to see her taking a stand for women everywhere.


Thursday, August 2, 2018

Bristol Palin: Yes, I"m Divorced, Okay?!?

Bristol Palin may be a new Teen Mom.

But she’s no longer a 27-year old wife.

The mother of three and the impending MTV star has confirmed that she has legally split from husband Dakota Meyer.

When a fan asked on her Instagram Stories page this week whether or not she was dating, Palin wrote back:

“Freshly divorced & single forever lezzbereal (I am not ready to date).”

She included these words and emphasized this status beside a photograph of her and her nine-year-old son Tripp at Disneyland.

The recently-hired Teen Mom OG cast member married Meyer in 2016 and they have two kids together, Sailor Grace, 2, and Atlee Bay, 14 months.

We first heard rumblings that the union was over in February of this year, but neither Palin nor Meyer had spoken out on the rumored break-up until this message.

Reports, meanwhile, now indicate that Meyer filed for divorce a few months ago, citing “discord or conflict of personalities” as the basis for his decision.

Despite this court filing, the estranged couple often posts family picture and snapshots of each other to their social media accounts; hence the speculation that they would reconcile or that they had reconciled.

But Bristol shot down both of these notions in her Wednesday evening Q&A on Instagram.

“Honestly (right this SECOND) no,” she replied when asked if she would get married again, adding:

“my focus is on God & my kids… a relationship/guy isn’t even close on my radar.”

Palin’s focus is also on raking in a $ 250,000 salary for a handful of Teen Mom OG episodes.

Indeed, fans of this series remain shocked that the daughter of ex-Vice Presidential candidate Sarah Palin will be screaming, yelling and crying each week just like future colleagues Amber, Catelynn and Maci have been doing for years.

Of course, this is not what Bristol and her famous mother claim Bristol will be doing.

Both are on record as saying Palin’s presence on Teen Mom OG will send some sort of positive message to other young mothers of multiple kids.

“I look forward to sharing my experiences and hope that I can help others on their journey,” Bristol said shortly after her casting was announced.

Sarah Palin, meanwhile, has shot down the idea that her child will be a “reality star,” insisting instead that Bristol will just be… a role model, we guess?

“Bristol’s gonna be a great messenger for overcoming a little bit of challenge and doing well in life,” Palin told TMZ.

“She sees this as a venue, a forum, for good [and] to help people in a hurting world… I encourage her doing this, I support her doing this and I’m proud of her.”

Yes, anchoring a reality program centered on feuds with baby daddies, co-stars and parents, while earning a six-fugure salary that you keep for yourself, is absolutely the way to help a hurting world.

God bless you and your noble career move, Bristol.

As for whether she would ever have more children down the line, Bristol told followers yesterday:

“I love babies, and love kids but I think I’m done having my own! I’d adopt if I was in the right place for sure.”

Elsewhere, other parents asked Bristol for advice when it came to raising their kids without a partner by their side, to which Palin wrote:

“Try your hardest, work hard, don’t search for someone to fill the emptiness you might feel by not being married.

“It gets easier, read good books, don’t dwell on the past, try to get along with your ex, just look at your kids and be THANKFUL!”


Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Alexis Bellino Delivers Tearful Divorce Confession: I"m NOT Okay!

Former Real Housewife Alexis Bellino is finally getting divorced from Jim Bellino. She even shaded her ex in an Independence Day post.

But not everything is happy in divorce-land.

In a tearful confession, Alexis makes it clear to her followers that she is riding an emotional rollercoaster.

Accompanying a view of her tearful face, Alexis Bellino makes a confession to fans.

“My best friend thinks I need to document my life right now,” admits in the lengthy captions of her post.

Sometimes, keeping a record is smart. At the very least, her followes want to know how she’s doing.

Alexis continues, saying: “My life truly is a range of emotions that I have never experienced.”

When things really change, that’s when you can experience negative emotions that you haven’t really felt since adolescence.

Alexis describes her mood: “I am always exhausted, never hungry, happy one minute, sad the next, excited the next, devastated the next, numb always, and then repeat.”

“I don’t know who else has been through this,” Alexis admits.

She might find that she’s not nearly as alone as she thinks.

“But I try to be strong every minute,” Alexis says, before confessing: “And that isn’t the REAL.”

Sometimes, you put on a brave face. But that’s your face — not your heart.

“I’m broken. I’m sad,” Alexis says. “Sometimes I zone off like in this video.”

A lot of what she describes sounds like situational depression. A lot of it just sounds like having a rough time because you’re getting divorced.

Alexis writes: “I don’t think anyone can go through a divorce and not feel all of the above emotions.”

She might be surprised. There are some people who feel nothing but hate when they get divorced. Others feel nothing but relief.

“All I know is that God is with me through this,” Alexis writes. “HE is getting me through this.”

If you’re a person of faith, falling back on your religious beliefs to see you through can be a great source of comfort in times of turmoil.

By the end of her post, it appears that Alexis has grown more confident.

“I will get through this storm,” Alexis writes. “This season, this extremely painful time, and I will be stronger on the other side.”

At the very least, she is writing affirming words. That’s a good start.

“It’s so difficult going through the rain to get to the rainbow,” Alexis writes.

Obviously, she is speaking in metaphor. Literal rainbows and rain do not quite work like that.

At the end, Alexis writes: “At least my bestie knows how to make laugh when I’m about to cry…”

That’s bordering on Taylor Swift lyrics. We’re here for that.

In addition to the usual emotional difficulty of divorce, Alexis was dealing with other concerns.

For one, she was moving in to a new house. That is one of the biggest stressors in the world. (So is divorce!)

Another is that her kids were visiting her ex. Visitation can be difficult.

Also, it sounds like she’s been stressing about finances. Divorce is often necessary, but rarely fun.


Friday, May 4, 2018

Kevin Hart"s Private Jet Tire Exploded During Landing, "We"re Okay"

Kevin Hart had a very serious scare while landing in Boston for the 76ers game — when the tire on his private jet blew out as the plane touched down on the runway.  Miraculously, the pilot was able to safely land the plane despite the tire…


Thursday, May 3, 2018

Jill Duggar Throws Shade at Josh Duggar & Derick Dillard: They"re Not Okay!

Jill Duggar is generally not one to make waves.

The second-eldest daughter of Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar, Jill has spent the majority of her life meeting the demands of her ludicrously strict upbringing.

On the reality shows that made her family famous, Jill quickly emerged as a fan favorite, modest enough to appeal to the fundamentalist segment of the Duggars’ fan base, but independent enough to give hope to those who watch in … that she and her sisters will one day break away.

When Jill married Derick Dillard in 2014, however, her public image took a turn for the worse.

Brash and abrasive where Jill was meek and kind, Derick quickly became a divisive figure amongst Duggar fans.

Last year, Derick was fired from Counting On after making comments about fellow TLC star Jazz Jennings that many considered transphobic.

Jill quit the show in a gesture of solidarity, thus leaving her young family with no source of income.

These days, Jill has a lot of time on her hands, and she often uses it to post on social media, despite frequently disturbing fans with her content.

This week Jill posted a list of prayers for her children that many took as evidence of bigotry.

The items on the list were mostly innocuous concerns, such as “Their salvation,” “That they would be kept morally pure,” “That they would love each other.”

But the last prayer struck a nerve with fans, many of whom considered it further evidence of Jill’s transphobia.

The response from Instagram users was swift and harsh, with some accusing Jill of rank hypocrisy:

“But it’s ok to be a homophobic, cheating molester who is literally making money from having their family on a reality show,” wrote one fan.

The comments seem to refer to both Josh Duggar – who molested five young girls while living under his parents’ roof – and 

Now, Jill is criticized on social media quite regularly, with followers taking issue with everything from her parenting to her wardrobe.

But this time is different in that Jill actually replied:

“I have never said those actions were ok.”

Now, that may seem like a very mild response, but as many have pointed out, it constitutes the first time that Jill has expressed any misgivings about the behavior or beliefs of her brother and husband.

Perhaps this is the beginning of a new day for Jill.

Maybe she’ll finally join the rest of the world in calling the male members of her family out for their more problematic actions.

What seems more likely, however, is that Jill has simply grown tired of being lumped in with men like Derick and Josh.

Some feel that she’s complicit with their behavior, while others see Jill as a victim.

Whatever the case, she’s clearly fed up with being associated with the more shameful aspects of her family history.

Watch Counting On online for more on the ever-controversial Duggar clan of Arkansas.


Monday, April 30, 2018

Theresa Caputo: Okay, This Is What It"s REALLY Like Without Larry

Now that Long Island Medium star Theresa Caputo has split from her husband of 28 years, she"s learning to live without Larry.

And while she insists that she"s doing well, she very quickly reveals that things aren"t so good beneath the surface.

See Theresa explain what life is really like now in the video below.

Long Island Medium caught Theresa"s shocking split on camera, and now the reality series is showing Theresa"s life without Larry.

Any breakup is hard, but a split after nearly three decades of marriage … that"s a huge life adjustment.

Her father asks her: "So Theresa, how you gettin" along?"

"I"m good."

If you sense a but coming, you might just be psychic.

"There"s a lot of things that I didn"t realize that now I have to do, that I, you know, I  guess took for granted that Larry might"ve done."

Of course. They"ve been married for so long that one might compare living without each other to learning to live with only one hand.

She gives an example.

"Like simple things, taking out the garbage."

She explains that Larry Caputo, who has broken his silence on their difficult split, is currently on the opposite side of the country.

"With him still in California, you know, it"s hard."

We can imagine so.

"I mean look, I know we really don"t talk about it a lot because, you know, it"s hard."

Her father is so sweet, and assures her that he"s happy to help her with things like taking out the trash.

He tells her: "It keeps me busy, you know?"

Theresa says that her father and the rest of her family want to do whatever they can to help her.

But she says that, while helping with the trash and the dogs is great, there"s nothing that they can do to mend her marriage.

Theresa puts on a brave face and says that, all things considered, things are okay.

"But Larry and I are in a good place with each other."

They are, at least, communicating.

"I talk to Larry every once and a while to check in and make sure that everything"s good."

It sounds like they mostly talk about other things, rather than about their relationship — or what is left of it.

"We talk about what"s going on. The kids. His parents."

She says that Larry always asks about Theresa"s parents, whom he is come to love over the past three decades.

And she knows that her parents love Larry, too.

Theresa knows that she"s not the only one impacted by this split.

"It"s hard for everyone."

Naturally, their families have been connected for a long time.

"Even though it"s just something between Larry and I, it"s affecting our whole family."

Of course.

"Like everyone else in the family, my parents — they"re sad about what"s going on between Larry and I."

But she says that they"re not trying to meddle or pressure anyone.

"As sad and as hard as it is for them, they are there, just loving and supporting us."

Theresa summarizes how things are right now.

"It"s hard, but I"m okay."

She also reveals to the camera that this kind of chat with her father is rare.

"It might be surprising to people that I don"t talk about the separation with my dad or my family. But it"s not an easy thing to talk about."

Her father shows that he understands, saying:

"Whatever it"s gonna be, whatever it"s gonna be, and that"s it."

Theresa thanks him "just for being there," and emphasizes that she loves her father very much. It"s so sweet.

We just wish that th etouching scene were under happier circumstances, you know?

Theresa caputo okay this is what its really like without larry

Friday, April 27, 2018

Tori Roloff: She HAS to Be Pregnant This Time, Okay?!?

Another week, another Tori Roloff pregnancy rumor.

Whether she intends to do so or not, the Little People, Big World has apparently made a habit out of sharing Instagram photos that prompt many followers to make assumptions about her womb.

The beloved TLC personality only just gave birth to her first child last May, yet fans have been asking for several weeks if she’s expecting again.

Actually, that’s not even accurate.

Fans have been stating, very matter-of-factly, that Roloff simply has to be pregnant again.

In January, for example, Tori said she loved to see husband Zach on the floor, playing with “kids.”

She used the plural form of this word, leading many folks out there to speculate that a second child was on the way for this couple.

A month after this caption was penned, Roloff asked her fellow mothers for advice because her nipples hurt while breastfeeding.

There could have been many reasons for this pain, but Internet users once again jumped straight to pregnancy.

Now, the rumors have started up for the third time.

In this new case, the chatter centers on the first image we’ve shared in this article.

It’s a sweet and harmless snapshot of Tori lying on a blanket with son Jackson, right?

Yes. But it also features the reality star with her hands on her belly.

“Picnic snuggles. Anyone else ready for summer?! #zandtpartyofthree #babyjroloff,” Roloff simply wrote as a caption this time around.

But it seems like many folks didn’t even bother reading it.

They couldn’t stop making presumptions based on the placement of Tori’s hands.

“The way you had your hands, I thought you were announcing another baby Roloff,” wrote hazel_eyes209 as a comment to the photo.

“You would be great with a second baby,” said a_y_j2001.

“You guys make the cutest babies please have another” urged ashley_nicole_mulcahy.

As you can see below, these people were not alone:

tr questions

Roloff, meanwhile, may actually be aware of all this chatter.

She may be having some fun with it, too.

Just over a week ago, Tori said that she’d love to “totally have a second kid.”

And the thing is, we’re sure she will!

She and Zach have talked about giving Jackson at least one sibling someday.

We just wish social media participants wouldn’t just to so many conclusions and put this kind of pressure on the stars.

When she’s ready to announce a second pregnant, she’ll do exactly that; on her own terms, on her own time table.

Until then, let’s all just enjoy her many adorable photos of little Jackson, along with this helpful and informative update:


Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Khloe Kardashian: I"m Not in Denial About Tristan Thompson Cheating, Okay?!

It’s been a couple of weeks since Tristan Thompson was exposed cheating on Khloe Kardashian, and yet … there’s been no confirmed breakup.

Some worry that Khloe doesn’t have a klue.

But a new report says that she’s not oblivious or in denial … she just has a lot of things to consider. Hmmm …

A source has come forward to tell Entertainment Tonight that Khloe is not delusional and she’s heard most of the things that the rest of us have about Tristan and his adventurous penis.

“She’s not in a bubble of denial.”

Denial happens to a lot of people when bad news breaks. And some celebrities are notorious for sometimes living in a “bubble” that excludes information that the rest of the world can see on a daily basis.

Apparently, that’s not the case with Khloe.

“She knows what’s going on and is still trying to process it.”

There’s a lot to process, of course. What has some folks puzzled is that Khloe hasn’t cut Tristan loose, publicly and permanently, just yet.

“But so far, she’s managed to move past it and look forward.”

Tristan Thompson has reportedly been cheating on Khloe through her pregnancy with at least five different women.

He apparently didn’t feel a need to wear a condom while his penis was on its secret walkabout.

And one of these hookups is said to have taken place the night before Khloe’s baby shower. Gross.

Khloe and those in her inner circle of friends have internet access, just like the rest of us.

“Her friends and family are learning all these new details.”

Also like the rest of us, they’re apparently working to parse what is fact and what is an opportunist selling an alleged story for a quick buck.

“And it’s hard to know what’s just someone trying to cash in and what is true.”

When you don’t know what’s true and what’s not, because these things are difficult to verify, you don’t know what to pass on to the person who may need to hear it.

“It’s tough to know what, if anything, to tell Khloe.”

Do you ever have a friend who just refuses to hear any criticisms of her man?

To no one’s real surprise, it sounds like Khloe is of that temperament.

“If a friend tells Khloe that they heard about another cheating story, they risk being cut off by her.”

That sounds drastic, but Khloe is in an emotional place right now.

So apparently she may just not want to hear it. Even if she needs to.

We can imagine that a lot of people who love Khloe are walking on eggshells.

“She’s stuck by her man in the past, so it doesn’t even seem worth it to fill her in on all the details.”

The source dishes on Khloe’s surprising plans.

“Khloe is very settled in Cleveland right now and is planning on staying another few weeks to a month at least.”

Despite Khloe’s family’s (and common sense’s) urges for her to get the hell out of Cleveland and back to her family, it sounds like Khloe’s not leaving any time soon.

Maybe that’s doctor’s orders, but that sounds like she’s reluctant to break off her relationship with Tristan.

“Of course, that could change, especially since every day there seems to be more stories [coming] out about Tristan.”

Another source has recently dished about Khloe’s convicted feelings, saying:

“Khloe loves him deeply. He is the father of her child, but she feels betrayed and blindsided.”

At the risk of sounding blunt, being the father of her child at this point just means that the guy has viable sperm.

Haven’t his actions made it very clear that he’s passing out his DNA like a party favor?

“Khloe’s main focus is being a mother and figuring out what is best for True.”

If it’s true that Tristan is still hooking up with one of his side pieces, even as he is allegedly begging for Khloe’s forgiveness, that sounds like something that Khloe needs to know.

Even if it’s not fun to hear it. But we can understand why the people who love her aren’t willing to put their friendship on the line to warn her.

It’s hard to see how she could decide that staying with Tristan is the right thing. All things considered, some fear that Tristan would see it as unspoken permission to continue to cheat.

Even if he manages to keep his metaphorical ball (penis) in his own court, does she really want to stay with the man who humiliated her on the week when her child was born?

Not only does that seem like a toxic relationship for Khloe, but that seems like a less than ideal environment for True.


Saturday, February 24, 2018

Mechie on Blac Chyna Sex Tape: Okay, So THIS is What Happened...

Are you ready to get to know the man behind the penis?

In an interview with The Shade Room late this week, random rapper Mechie talks about his relationship with Blac Chyna – and, specifically, how he ended up holding a camera while the reality star performed oral sex on him.

“Basically, we were at the club and she’s like we need to link up so we did and then that’s what lead to the video happening,” Mechie says simply.

He makes it sound like this is routine:

You meet someone out. You go home with this person. You grab her cellphone and record a BJ.

While we can’t vouch for the validity of the way Mechie describes meeting Chyna and arranging their sex tape, there’s no debate over whether or not a sex tape exists between the pair.

The footage lasts for about a minute and 23 seconds and it features Chyna lying on her back in bed, her partner’s genitalia going in and out of her mouth.

A bit of dirty talk is also exchanged.

This is what folks on the Internet had to say about the leaked video:

A day after the footage went viral, a rep for Mechie confirmed that the artist is the one holding the camera.

However, this same rep denied talk that Mechie is responsible for releasing the video the public, claiming he used Chyna’s cellphone to record it and that she has always had the only copy.

(Chyna, meanwhile, also denies the leak, prompting us to believe that someone is lying.)

Mechie dated Chyna for a few weeks in the summer of 2016.

There are photos of the stars kissing on social media (above and below)… and it was actually a video Chyna sent to ex-fiance Rob Kardashian of her and Mechie in bed that led to him firing off a bunch of revenge porn-type messages.

“She left Rob the year before we met back in December,” Mechie explained to The Shade Room, adding:

“She was not with Rob when we linked up. She had the baby and had already moved out and dipped off from him.”

Mechie says here that Rob is a “nice guy” and that his fling with Chyna ended last August.

“To be completely honest, it just got to a point where the so called hype and fame of the relationship was starting to get out of hands and overshadow what I had going on with my music and my brand,” he says.

“It was getting in the way of what I had going on.”

It remains unclear just what Mechie has going on outside of lewd photos and videos with Chyna, but whatever.

In conclusion, he has the following to say about his time in and around Chyna:

It helped me get more fans and followers around the world but it also hurt me because it tied me to her brand and a lot of people didn’t want to deal with a messy situation and she’s got a messy situation.

I have my own label and I lost investors and sponsorship deals because I was tied to her. You gain and lose.

Chyna has said she plans to file a police report in order to determine who released this sex tape.

She is willing to cooperate fully with the authorities. 

We’ll soon see if Mechie is willing to do the same.


Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Jennifer Lopez Is a Workout Beast, A-Rod"s Okay Too

Jennifer Lopez is a MACHINE!!!!!  Check out footage of J Lo and A-Rod during a couple’s workout in L.A. the other day — crushing burpees and medicine ball slams.  Notice anything? Like how Jennifer Lopez is faster, more explosive and…


Jennifer Lopez Is a Workout Beast, A-Rod"s Okay Too

Jennifer Lopez is a MACHINE!!!!!  Check out footage of J Lo and A-Rod during a couple’s workout in L.A. the other day — crushing burpees and medicine ball slams.  Notice anything? Like how Jennifer Lopez is faster, more explosive and…


Monday, November 6, 2017

Gilbert Arenas Says Lonzo Ball Is Okay, But The Other Lakers Suck Bad

Gilbert Arenas thinks Lonzo Ball is off to a pretty decent start, but tells TMZ Sports they can’t really shine in L.A. just yet BECAUSE THE REST OF HIS TEAM IS SUPER TRASH. Here’s Gil’s point … Lonzo is a passer, and in order for him to tear…


Gilbert Arenas Says Lonzo Ball Is Okay, But The Other Lakers Suck Bad

Gilbert Arenas thinks Lonzo Ball is off to a pretty decent start, but tells TMZ Sports they can’t really shine in L.A. just yet BECAUSE THE REST OF HIS TEAM IS SUPER TRASH. Here’s Gil’s point … Lonzo is a passer, and in order for him to tear…


Thursday, October 12, 2017

Harvey Weinstein Admits He"s Not Doing Okay, Takes Parting Shot at Hollywood Celebs

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Thursday, September 28, 2017

Bonzi Wells Hospitalized for Heart Attack, "I"m Okay"

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Friday, September 8, 2017

Audrey Roloff: Are She and the Baby Okay? Jeremy Roloff Deleting an Instagram Post has Fans Worried!

Audrey Roloff was due last week. It’s not uncommon for pregnancies to last beyond due dates, even by a couple of weeks, but it has some fans on edge.

In fact, attentive fans of Audrey and Jeremy started to wonder on Monday if Audrey Roloff had gone into labor. That looks like it was a false alarm.

However, today it’s Jeremy Roloff — posting and then deleting a pregnancy-related post on Instagram — that has people worried. Is everything okay with Audrey?

Jeremy and Audrey aren’t usually shy at all about sharing what’s going on in their lives.

Whether it’s talking about the keys to their marriage or sharing what they did that day or just sharing baby bump photos, they keep fans and followers abreast of current events.

(We’re sure that they keep some things to themselves — privacy is their right)

Jeremy posted a photo of “Auj” (his cute nickname for Audrey) in the clinic for a scheduled check-up.

That’s pretty standard stuff for when you’re a week (more than a week, now) past your due date.

But he then deleted the post from his Instagram story, which is unusual for him.

People have to wonder — did they get some kind of bad news at what was supposed to be a fairly routine post-due-date appointment?

Here is what Jeremy Roloff posted instead.

“Understanding comes from communication. In academics, sports, and even relationships, the depth of which you understand comes from the quality of how it was communicated to you.”

That’s right. This whole post is a kind of generic post about their marriage.

It’s personal, don’t get us wrong — but nothing about it screams “by the way, my wife is about to give birth!” He could have written it weeks ago.

“The further we understand our spouse, the more intentional we can be in loving them. Me, I’m a fixer, and the more I understand how something works, the better ability I will have in fixing it.”

Don’t worry — Jeremy does not turn this into an analogy about “fixing” his wife.

“Similarity, the more I understand what makes Audrey tick, how she thinks, and what she’s going through, the better equipped I will be to love her well.”

See? That was way cuter.

“Yes this happens over time and through experience, but shortcuts are nice. For us, the Navigators Council journal has been an amazing tool to understand one another.”

“It turned knowing Auj is going through something, to actually understanding what it is that she’s going through. (And vise versa)”

It’s not immediately apparent whether Jeremy is talking in very general terms, or if Audrey is going through something — other than the final days of pregnancy.

You can see why fans and followers are concerned.

He continues:

“It also created a ‘good time to talk.’ Finding that time to sit down and communicate can be VERY hard.”

And awkward.

“But having something to actually do, helped in creating that space to communicate. This is my shameless plug for the journal that we wrote, believe in and has not only helped us, but is helping marriages from around the world connect, communicate, and grow in love.”

Hey, at least he admits that it’s a shameless plug.

But, like, when I talk about things that I like that improve my life, I’m pretty shameless about it.

“If you’re interested and want to read more, the link is in my bio. Or visit #beating50percent #stayingido #navigatorscouncil”

So …

None of this seems to be directly about pregnancy or childbirth.

We don’t know if Audrey is going to need to have labor medically induced.

Or maybe she’s going to need a C-section.

Or maybe … we hate to even say it, but some wonder if there might be something more serious that’s behind the pair very suddenly coming across as evasive about Audrey’s pregnancy.

But you know what?

Maybe Jeremy deleted that post because Audrey was going to post something about it.

Or maybe the two of them decided to write a post using a photo from their visit to the doctor.

No matter what kind of news they got, they might want to share things together.
