Showing posts with label Theresa. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Theresa. Show all posts

Thursday, June 28, 2018

Theresa Caputo and Larry Caputo: It Really is Over!

We hope you’re sitting down, fans of Theresa Caputo and Larry Caputo.

Because we have some bad news to share about this long-time couple.

Back in December, we helped break the story that Theresa and Larry were splitting after 28 impressive years of marriage, as the couple itself confirmed as much via a statement to People Magazine.

“We will always love each other and our two wonderful children,” they said toward the end of 2017, adding:

“We are united in supporting each other and our family. Please respect our privacy during this time.”

Shortly after this announcement was made, Larry confided in a friend about how little time he and his wife spent together, citing a “lack of communication” during season finale chat and sadly saying:

“It’s like losing your best friend. It’s hard.”

We’d have to imagine so, yeah.

But there remained hope these two could reconcile, seeing as they had not officially filed for divorce upon revealing their troubled state to the world.

Now, though, that hope has vanished.

“The separation was a three-month trial period and we’ve moved on from that point. We’re in divorce proceedings so that’s been going on for the past six months,” Larry told this TMZ, expounding as follows:

“It’s not finalized. I don’t know when it will be but that’s where we’re at.”

So the couple is not divorced… yet.

But they soon will be divorced.

“I’m doing fine. I know she’s doing well. I’m happy. We’ve moved on with our lives,” Larry concluded in this interview, sounding pretty diplomatic.

However, he came across as a tad more bitter when discussing the romance and why it ended with Radar Online.

Larry told the aforementioned celebrity gossip website that the relationship really started falling apart way back in 2011, not long after Long Island Medium started airing on TLC.

Caputo explains that he had “no idea” what he was getting into at the time, telling Radar it was “exciting and fun in the beginning, but then after the longevity you become more exposed, now it effects your private life.”

“When you’re in the public eye, it does put a strain on your personal life,” Larry says, continuing:

“That can be hard for the average person who is not a trained actor, because a trained actor knows what they’re getting themselves into.

“A reality person doesn’t realize what they’re getting themselves into, until they’re in it and it’s a learning process.”

Long Island Medium wrapped up its latest season in December.

Said Theresa on air during this finale:

“Things at home have been really stressful lately and Larry and I have hit a bump in our relationship. And unfortunately, the truth is we’re considering spending some time apart.

“So, I’ve been trying to get my mind off of things by being more adventurous.”

Larry has actually moved on to a new woman already, concluding to Radar:

“What Theresa does is very demanding, and it was consuming most of her time – which takes away from personal time.

“We’ve grown in different directions.”


Monday, April 30, 2018

Theresa Caputo: Okay, This Is What It"s REALLY Like Without Larry

Now that Long Island Medium star Theresa Caputo has split from her husband of 28 years, she"s learning to live without Larry.

And while she insists that she"s doing well, she very quickly reveals that things aren"t so good beneath the surface.

See Theresa explain what life is really like now in the video below.

Long Island Medium caught Theresa"s shocking split on camera, and now the reality series is showing Theresa"s life without Larry.

Any breakup is hard, but a split after nearly three decades of marriage … that"s a huge life adjustment.

Her father asks her: "So Theresa, how you gettin" along?"

"I"m good."

If you sense a but coming, you might just be psychic.

"There"s a lot of things that I didn"t realize that now I have to do, that I, you know, I  guess took for granted that Larry might"ve done."

Of course. They"ve been married for so long that one might compare living without each other to learning to live with only one hand.

She gives an example.

"Like simple things, taking out the garbage."

She explains that Larry Caputo, who has broken his silence on their difficult split, is currently on the opposite side of the country.

"With him still in California, you know, it"s hard."

We can imagine so.

"I mean look, I know we really don"t talk about it a lot because, you know, it"s hard."

Her father is so sweet, and assures her that he"s happy to help her with things like taking out the trash.

He tells her: "It keeps me busy, you know?"

Theresa says that her father and the rest of her family want to do whatever they can to help her.

But she says that, while helping with the trash and the dogs is great, there"s nothing that they can do to mend her marriage.

Theresa puts on a brave face and says that, all things considered, things are okay.

"But Larry and I are in a good place with each other."

They are, at least, communicating.

"I talk to Larry every once and a while to check in and make sure that everything"s good."

It sounds like they mostly talk about other things, rather than about their relationship — or what is left of it.

"We talk about what"s going on. The kids. His parents."

She says that Larry always asks about Theresa"s parents, whom he is come to love over the past three decades.

And she knows that her parents love Larry, too.

Theresa knows that she"s not the only one impacted by this split.

"It"s hard for everyone."

Naturally, their families have been connected for a long time.

"Even though it"s just something between Larry and I, it"s affecting our whole family."

Of course.

"Like everyone else in the family, my parents — they"re sad about what"s going on between Larry and I."

But she says that they"re not trying to meddle or pressure anyone.

"As sad and as hard as it is for them, they are there, just loving and supporting us."

Theresa summarizes how things are right now.

"It"s hard, but I"m okay."

She also reveals to the camera that this kind of chat with her father is rare.

"It might be surprising to people that I don"t talk about the separation with my dad or my family. But it"s not an easy thing to talk about."

Her father shows that he understands, saying:

"Whatever it"s gonna be, whatever it"s gonna be, and that"s it."

Theresa thanks him "just for being there," and emphasizes that she loves her father very much. It"s so sweet.

We just wish that th etouching scene were under happier circumstances, you know?

Theresa caputo okay this is what its really like without larry

Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Theresa Caputo and Larry Caputo: Long Island Medium Trailer Shows Their Split

In late 2017, Long Island Medium stars Theresa Caputo and Larry Caputo called it quits after 28 years of marriage.

It"s a huge change for the couple.

And, as you"ll see below in the trailer for the new season, it"s going to change things on the show. Will viewers like the new dynamic?

Theresa caputo speaks

In the trailer for the new season, one particularly tense scene shows the relationship breakdown between Theresa and Larry.

Larry, speaking through tears, says:

"It"s not good for either one of us. We can"t go on like this."

Theresa then says:

"And I feel like I am at this breaking point."

Larry responds that it might not be a bad thing that she feels that way.

"Sometimes it has to get to that point"

Because it"s a trailer, it"s hard to say how many words were exchanged after that, but we see Theresa get up and walk off, looking upset.

Larry caputo looks sad

That"s going to be a lot to take in.

In a less dire scene, Theresa explains to a friend exactly what things are like with her and Larry.

"Right now, we"re separated."

After 28 years.

And she explains where he has gone.

"He went to LA."

And she says that she knows that this whole situation — the conflict and the separation itself — isn"t just impacting her and Larry.

"Naturally, I speak with my children and I know this is hard for them."

Theresa caputo on hollywood medium

But Theresa does get into how her separation from Larry gets to her.

It even impacts her as she films Long Island Medium.

"The hardest thing that I have to do is to move forward and do it without Larry."

That has to be so difficult.

"That"s my struggle."

There"s more to just mourning the loss of your relationship and the emotional pain from that.

Sometimes, it"s the little things. Habits that you were both in for nearly three decades. You"re not accustomed to doing certain things alone.

Larry caputo image

Last December, Larry Caputo broke his silence on the split.

He will also be featured this season, as you can clearly see in the trailer and as we"ve already mentioned.

So any viewers and fans who have concerns that people are only going to get Theresa"s "side" of the separation can lay those fears to rest.

That said, the show is called Long Island Medium, not Long Island Husband.

It is, first and foremost, about Theresa"s work as a medium.

Theresa caputo

The trailer does spend a lot of time focusing on Theresa"s work, whether she"s speaking to a crowd or doing a one-on-one session.

She even has a number of celebrity guests, including Tituss Burguss from Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt and Robert Patrick, an actor who is perhaps best known for playing bad guys or unfriendly good guys on shows such as The X-Files and Stargate: Atlantis.

Patrick also portrayed the primary antagonist of Terminator 2.

There are a lot of tears and there"s a lot of powerful emotion and relief in this trailer.

For a number of reasons, it looks like this season of Long Island Medium is going to be intense. Take a look!

Theresa caputo and larry caputo long island medium trailer shows

Monday, December 18, 2017

Long Island Medium: Did Theresa Caputo Predict Her Split in 2013?!

When the world learned that Long Island Medium Theresa Caputo had separated from her husband, the “she should have seen it coming” jokes were almost too easy.

But … some fans have pointed out that maybe she did see it coming.

Specifically, in a 2013 episode of Long Island Medium, when Theresa admits to having had a dream … that her husband was cheating on her.

Before we get to Theresa’s prediction, a quick refresher:

Theresa Caputo and her husband, Larry Caputo, have announced their separation.

They knew that fans watching Long Island Medium knew that things weren’t great between them, and wanted to go ahead and answer their questions with a statement:

“After 28 years of marriage, we have decided to legally separate.”

Marital problems can happen after a few months or a few decades, folks.

But they’re keeping things positive.

“We will always love each other and our two wonderful children.”

Glad that they’re thinking of each other and of Larry Jr. and Victoria.

“Please respect our privacy during this time.”

Of course — you don’t show up when somebody’s buying groceries to ask them prying questions about their failed marriage.

However, we did learn more when Larry Caputo spoke about the separation.

“We’re having a difficult time,” he told a friend of his on Hollywood Medium.

“I think a lot of the frustration has to do with us not spending time together anymore.”

That can sabotage just about any relationship.

“Along with that comes the lack of communication so it’s like losing your best friend. It’s hard.”

Of course.

“As much as I try to busy myself so I’m not thinking about it, it’s still there.”

And even as he was speaking to his friend, Larry was thinking of the toll that their vaguely defined marital problems were taking on his wife.

“I know it’s very trying for both of us. I don’t want to make it just about me. I know it’s the same for Theresa also.”

Aside from spending time apart — which can be a real relationship-killer all on its own, we don’t know 

But, on a 2013 episode of Long Island Medium, Theresa Caputo had a dream that her husband was cheating on her.

“I [dreamed] that Larry was having an affair. And I’m like, ‘Are you freaking kidding me? Seriously?"”

Now, we’re not going to tell anyone what to believe about psychics in general or about Theresa Caputo specifically.

There are people who believe in psychics, there are people who absolutely do not.

There are plenty of people who generally believe in psychics but believe that Theresa is a very charismatic, entertaining woman who in no way receives messages from the dead.

But it’s sort of entertaining that Theresa made this prediction about her husband, more than 20 years into their marriage, and shared it on the show.

On a sadder note, though, Theresa did at the time suggest that the two of them do couples counseling to work out any issues that they may have had.

Larry … opted for the two of them to go dancing instead. It sounded like he wasn’t taking Theresa’s dream very seriously.

In retrospect, maybe some counseling would have done their marriage some good.

And, especially if you don’t believe that Theresa Caputo has any special connection to the dead, maybe Theresa’s dream about his cheating had less to do with predicting the future or the truth and more to do with underlying marital issues that her unconscious was processing as she slept.

(Again, we’re not telling anyone what to believe)

Maybe counseling could help them now. Or maybe it’s just too late.

We don’t know what lies in store for the couple. And maybe not even Theresa knows.


Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Long Island Medium: Larry Caputo Speaks Out on Split from Theresa Caputo!

We guess that there’s no such thing as a happy medium. (Sorry)

Long Island Medium Theresa Caputo and her husband have split after 28 years together. For a little perspective, 28 years is longer than Hollywood Medium Tyler Henry has even been alive.

Theresa’s husband, Larry Caputo, has now opened up about what he believes went wrong.

As we told you, the couple stunned the world with their joint statement:

“After 28 years of marriage, we have decided to legally separate.”

“We will always love each other and our two wonderful children.”

They have two children: Larry Jr. and Victoria.

“We are united in supporting each other and our family.”

That’s good. We see so many couples separate and immediately start verbally tearing each other to shreds.

“Please respect our privacy during this time.”

All that we knew for context was what we’d seen on Long Island Medium — that things were less than ideal between the couple.

Well, as of yesterday, we know a bit more:

On last night’s season finale of Long Island Medium, Larry explained to his friend Danny how things had become difficult in the Caputo marriage.

“We’re having a difficult time.”

That much, at least, we knew.

“I think a lot of the frustration has to do with us not spending the time together anymore.”

That can be a killer in relationships, whether they’re brand new or long-established marriages.

“Along with that comes the lack of communication so it’s like losing your best friend. It’s hard.”

That sounds so sad.

““As much as I try to busy myself so I’m not thinking about it, it’s still there.”

The realities of your relationship don’t go away, no matter how much you try to distract yourself.

“I know it’s very trying for both of us. I don’t want to make it just about me. I know it’s the same for Theresa also.”

It’s good that he was feeling so much empathy for his wife, even as their relationship became strained.

We don’t know whether they decided to release their statement about separation the night before the season finale to bring clarification, or in the hopes of a nice ratings boost.

We don’t see why it can’t be both.

But it’s so promising that the two of them are managing to get along so well.

Time spent apart — because of busy careers — can really be crushing to even the sturdiest of marriages.

We should note that it’s always sounded like there’s room for reconciliation and to repair this marriage. Let’s hope that they can find a way to rekindle their former happiness.

The funny thing about time spent apart is that we wonder if that will stop being such a big deal in the future.

Long-distance relationships are more common than ever among young people. They FaceTime or text or chat while playing multiplayer games together to catch up.

it’s not the same as physical nearness, but some young couples spend the first months or even years of their relationships apart from each other.

We can’t help wondering if those who begin their relationships far apart will build stronger bonds that can endure distance when they’re older.

But that won’t help Theresa or Larry now.

Now, during their separation, these two will have to decide whether they’re happier apart than they were together.


Monday, December 4, 2017

Theresa Caputo and Husband of 28 Years: It"s Over!

In break-up news that we presume she should have seen coming, Theresa Caputo has split from her husband of 28 years, Larry.

The star of Long Island Medium and her soon-to-be-ex confirmed the split via a joint statement to People Magazine.

It reads as follows:

After 28 years of marriage, we have decided to legally separate. We will always love each other and our two wonderful children.

We are united in supporting each other and our family. Please respect our privacy during this time.

The couple are parents to a son named Larry Jr. and a daughter named Victoria.

On an episode of the TLC reality series last month, Caputo admitted that she and Larry were going through “not such great times” and that there was a “strain” on their marriage.

Astute fans, meanwhile, have noticed that Theresa and Larry have not appeared on each other’s social media pages in nearly a year.

Said the 51-year old rumored psychic on the aforementioned installment:

“I’ve changed and he has changed.

“We’re both not happy and, you know, it’s hard to try to work through that.

“It’s not easy for me to sit here and to talk about this, to talk about my feelings, to talk about how my marriage is, but you know, things do change.”

In a moment of vulnerability, Caputo added:

“I don’t understand it. I lay in bed, and I say to myself, ‘How did this happen? How did I get here?’”

She concluded at the time:

“This is a really hard time right now with Larry and I, and I don’t know what is going to happen. It’s just…it’s wearing on me.”

But is the relationship really over?

A source tells TMZ that there’s “room for a reconciliation in the future” and that things may not be totally over.

Long Island Medium has been on the air since 2011.

It takes place in Hicksville, New York and it features Caputo meeting with different kinds of clients, claiming she can speak to the dead and claiming she can predict their future.

Larry, meanwhile, has not commented separately on the separation.

But he did last week re-Tweet a fan who expressed support for the couple after seeing Theresa talk about their relationship troubles.

We wish them the best.


Sunday, December 3, 2017

"Long Island Medium" Star Theresa Caputo Splits from Husband of 28 Years, But Could Reconcile

The star of TLC’s reality hit “Long Island Medium,” Theresa Caputo, and her husband of 28 years, Larry Caputo, have split … but there might be hope for them yet.  The couple released a statement Sunday saying … “After 28 years of…


Wednesday, July 19, 2017

"Long Island Medium" Theresa Caputo Gets Thunderous Warning From Above On Dead Celebs & Politicians

The “Long Island Medium” aka Theresa Caputo is usually the one talking to dead people but Tuesday the man up above was doing the talking after thunder struck out of nowhere. The video’s a little eerie … Theresa had just arrived at Reagan National…


Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Prime Minister Theresa May Will Host UK Trump Visit Despite Petition

Theresa May is unfazed by an anti-Trump petition that has swelled in size … the Prime Minister’s Office tells TMZ the U.S. President is more than welcome to visit. The petition — circulating in England — calls out the prospective State visit as…


Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Theresa Saldana Dies: Raging Bull, The Commish Actress Was 61

Theresa Saldana, the actress best known for her work on the acclaimed televisions series The Commish and the iconic Martin Scorsese film Raging Bull, has passed away at the age of 61.

Theresa Saldana

Saldana had been hospitalized due to unknown illness since last week.

She reportedly passed away surrounded by family and friends this morning.

Though she racked up dozens of film and television credits, Saldana’s most lasting contribution might be her work as a victim’s advocate following a highly-publicized attack that nearly took her life at the height of her fame.

In 1982, Saldana was attacked and stabbed by a fan named Arthur Richard Jackson, who became obsessed after seeing Saldana’s performances in Raging Bull and Defiance.

Saldana was stabbed ten times. 

The attack was aggressive that Jackson’s blade was bent.

Saldana’s life was saved by a delivery man who heard her screams from a nearby apartment and intervened.

Saldana played herself in a TV movie based on the incident, and she went on to found the organization Victims for Victims.

Along with other survivors, she successfully lobbied to push through two pieces of legislation protecting potential stalking victims.

Law makers have been quoted as saying that the 1990 anti-stalking law and the 1994 Driver’s Privacy protection Act may have never found the support they needed were it not for Saldana’s involvement.

Saldana appeared on an astonishing 37 television shows over the course of her career, including such long-running favorites as Law & Order and MacGyver.

She retired from acting in 2004, but remained an active victims’ advocate until her death.