Showing posts with label Predict. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Predict. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 19, 2018

XXXTentacion Murder Details: Did He Predict His Own Death?

On Monday, the music world was shocked by the news that rapper and singer XXXTentacion had been shot dead in Miami.

He was just 20 years old.

Obviously, it’s always tragic when violence claims such a young life, but reactions to the death of XXXTentacion (real name Jahseh Onfroy) were decidedly mixed due to the tremendous amount of suffering her inflicted in his short time on this planet.

Onfroy spent his teen years in and out of detention centers for a number of violent crimes, and sadly, his anger didn’t abate with the onset of success.

He brawled with fans at his own concerts; he issued threats against fellow artists like Drake and Migos; he brutally pistol-whipped a man whose home he had broken into; and most egregiously, he allegedly beat, strangled, and tortured a woman named Geneva Ayala, who was pregnant with his child at the time

Onfroy was awaiting trial on charges of domestic battery by strangulation, false imprisonment, and aggravated battery of a pregnant woman at the time of his death.

Fans have defended his actions by pointing out that Onfroy endured an abusive childhood and seemed to suffer from mental illness.

Whatever the case, it’s not hard to see why many have been hesitant to either mourn his passing or celebrate his life.

Details of XXXTentacion’s murder are still hard to come by, and the suspect remains at large.

Thus far, we know that the rapper was shot outside of a dealership where he was reportedly shopping for motorcycles.

Police have offered a reward for information leading to the arrest of Onfroy’s murderer.

It is widely believed his death is in some way linked to one of the many violent conflicts that defined the artist’s young life.


Perhaps not surprisingly, despite his youth, death was never far from Onfroy’s mind.

After word of his passing went public yesterday, quotes from what may have been Onfroy’s final interview appeared on social media:

“If worse thing comes to worst, and I f—ing die or some s— and I’m not able to see out my dreams, I at least want to know that the kids perceived my message and were able to make something of themselves and able to take my message and use it and turn it into something positive and to at least have a good life,” the rapper said

“If I’m going to die or ever be a sacrifice, I want to make sure that my life made at least five million kids happy or they found some sort of answers or resolve in my life regardless of the negative around my name, regardless of the bad things people say to me,” he concluded.

We’ll have further updates on this developing story as more information becomes available.


Monday, December 18, 2017

Long Island Medium: Did Theresa Caputo Predict Her Split in 2013?!

When the world learned that Long Island Medium Theresa Caputo had separated from her husband, the “she should have seen it coming” jokes were almost too easy.

But … some fans have pointed out that maybe she did see it coming.

Specifically, in a 2013 episode of Long Island Medium, when Theresa admits to having had a dream … that her husband was cheating on her.

Before we get to Theresa’s prediction, a quick refresher:

Theresa Caputo and her husband, Larry Caputo, have announced their separation.

They knew that fans watching Long Island Medium knew that things weren’t great between them, and wanted to go ahead and answer their questions with a statement:

“After 28 years of marriage, we have decided to legally separate.”

Marital problems can happen after a few months or a few decades, folks.

But they’re keeping things positive.

“We will always love each other and our two wonderful children.”

Glad that they’re thinking of each other and of Larry Jr. and Victoria.

“Please respect our privacy during this time.”

Of course — you don’t show up when somebody’s buying groceries to ask them prying questions about their failed marriage.

However, we did learn more when Larry Caputo spoke about the separation.

“We’re having a difficult time,” he told a friend of his on Hollywood Medium.

“I think a lot of the frustration has to do with us not spending time together anymore.”

That can sabotage just about any relationship.

“Along with that comes the lack of communication so it’s like losing your best friend. It’s hard.”

Of course.

“As much as I try to busy myself so I’m not thinking about it, it’s still there.”

And even as he was speaking to his friend, Larry was thinking of the toll that their vaguely defined marital problems were taking on his wife.

“I know it’s very trying for both of us. I don’t want to make it just about me. I know it’s the same for Theresa also.”

Aside from spending time apart — which can be a real relationship-killer all on its own, we don’t know 

But, on a 2013 episode of Long Island Medium, Theresa Caputo had a dream that her husband was cheating on her.

“I [dreamed] that Larry was having an affair. And I’m like, ‘Are you freaking kidding me? Seriously?"”

Now, we’re not going to tell anyone what to believe about psychics in general or about Theresa Caputo specifically.

There are people who believe in psychics, there are people who absolutely do not.

There are plenty of people who generally believe in psychics but believe that Theresa is a very charismatic, entertaining woman who in no way receives messages from the dead.

But it’s sort of entertaining that Theresa made this prediction about her husband, more than 20 years into their marriage, and shared it on the show.

On a sadder note, though, Theresa did at the time suggest that the two of them do couples counseling to work out any issues that they may have had.

Larry … opted for the two of them to go dancing instead. It sounded like he wasn’t taking Theresa’s dream very seriously.

In retrospect, maybe some counseling would have done their marriage some good.

And, especially if you don’t believe that Theresa Caputo has any special connection to the dead, maybe Theresa’s dream about his cheating had less to do with predicting the future or the truth and more to do with underlying marital issues that her unconscious was processing as she slept.

(Again, we’re not telling anyone what to believe)

Maybe counseling could help them now. Or maybe it’s just too late.

We don’t know what lies in store for the couple. And maybe not even Theresa knows.


Friday, January 27, 2017

Duggars Try to Predict Jessa"s Baby"s Gender! Watch!

As fans of her family know, Jessa Duggar is currently pregnant with her second child.

As with her first pregnancy, Jessa and husband Ben Seewald have decided to keep the baby"s gender a secret – even from their own families.

“Ben and I actually know the gender of our baby but we haven’t told anybody,” Jessa says in the clip below.

“We did the same thing with our last baby. We kept it a secret. My family doesn’t really care for it… But we have fun keeping it a surprise.”

Of course, that won"t stop her family from taking their best guesses.

It seems Jessa"s siblings and in-laws are almost universally convinced that she"s having a girl. 

“I’ve said from the beginning I think it’s a girl,” Jana Duggar offers with surprising confidence.

Equally assured is Jinger Duggar"s husband, Jeremy Vuolo, who also believes Jessa is expecting a girl, and points out that he correctly called the gender of her first child, Spurgeon Seewald.

(Although we"re guessing he didn"t predict that name!)

These days, Joy-Anna Duggar is courting, and the man in her life, Austin Forsyth, played things safe with his own prognostication:

“It’s definitely either a boy or a girl,” he tells the interviewer.

Jill Duggar and Derick Dillard also hedged their bets with Jill saying girl and Derick saying so that they"re "right either way."

Check out all the predictions in the video below:

Duggars try to predict jessas babys gender watch