Showing posts with label Jessa's. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jessa's. Show all posts

Friday, June 23, 2017

Duggar Family: Photo of Josh & Jessa"s Children Creates Controversy

The many, many children of Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar are no strangers to controversy.

Obviously, the Josh Duggar sex scandals will continue to haunt the family for many years to come, and rightfully so.

But long before those charges came to light, Duggar critics were often in an uproar over the family’s controversial ideas about child-rearing.

That’s a photo of Josh Duggar’s daughter Meredith and Jessa Duggar’s son Spurgeon.

The image was posted on the family’s official Facebook page earlier this week, along with a caption reading:

“Train them young! These little ones love to ‘help."”

Many fans took issue with the Duggars use of the word “train” for a number of reasons.

For one thing, the verb brings to mind the raising of a young animal, not a child, a fact that many fans pointed out in the photo’s comments section:

“You don’t train a child anything. You teach a child,” wrote one follower.

“How dare you say ‘train’ a child. That’s seriously messed up. Next you’ll be training them to lay in bed to repopulate the world the way you think it should be done. You’ll have another josh on your hands sooner than later.”

The word choice is bad enough for that reason, but in the case of the Duggars, “train” is problematic for other reasons, as well.

For many fans, it served as a reminder of Michelle Duggar’s belief in the controversial practice of “blanket training.”

The term refers to an exercise in which a very young child is seated on a blanket and told to remain stll.’

When the child attempts to move from the blanket, he or she is struck with an object.

Needless to say, many former fans were appalled and cut ties with the Duggars when Michelle came out in support of blanket training.

On top of everything else, the Duggars have often been criticized for the amount of time and effort their children are forced to put into household chores.

Sources have claimed that maintenance of the “Duggar compound” is tantamount to a full-time job for many pf the Duggar children, beginning before they even reach their teens.

The so-called “Cinderella Duggar,” Jana, reportedly puts so much time into household chores that she’s given up on the idea of ever getting married and starting a family of her own.

When you factor in the many Duggar scandals related to child-rearing and work around the house, it’s not hard to see how so many could be so upset by a photo of two young children.

Watch Counting On online for more from reality TV’s most controversial family. 


Friday, January 27, 2017

Duggars Try to Predict Jessa"s Baby"s Gender! Watch!

As fans of her family know, Jessa Duggar is currently pregnant with her second child.

As with her first pregnancy, Jessa and husband Ben Seewald have decided to keep the baby"s gender a secret – even from their own families.

“Ben and I actually know the gender of our baby but we haven’t told anybody,” Jessa says in the clip below.

“We did the same thing with our last baby. We kept it a secret. My family doesn’t really care for it… But we have fun keeping it a surprise.”

Of course, that won"t stop her family from taking their best guesses.

It seems Jessa"s siblings and in-laws are almost universally convinced that she"s having a girl. 

“I’ve said from the beginning I think it’s a girl,” Jana Duggar offers with surprising confidence.

Equally assured is Jinger Duggar"s husband, Jeremy Vuolo, who also believes Jessa is expecting a girl, and points out that he correctly called the gender of her first child, Spurgeon Seewald.

(Although we"re guessing he didn"t predict that name!)

These days, Joy-Anna Duggar is courting, and the man in her life, Austin Forsyth, played things safe with his own prognostication:

“It’s definitely either a boy or a girl,” he tells the interviewer.

Jill Duggar and Derick Dillard also hedged their bets with Jill saying girl and Derick saying so that they"re "right either way."

Check out all the predictions in the video below:

Duggars try to predict jessas babys gender watch

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Counting On Season 3 Episode 9 Recap: Jessa"s Big Announcement!!

Fresh off of Jinger and Jeremy’s engagement, Counting On Season 3 Episode 9 saw another Duggar milestone that we never saw coming.

Okay, everyone and their 18 siblings saw it coming.

If you watch Counting On online, or follow the famous family whatsoever, you’ve heard there was a baby on the way. Now, it’s confirmed …

Following Jinger’s engagement, she, Jeremy Vuolo, Jessa, Ben, Spurgeon, Michelle Duggar and friends had Korean BBQ to celebrate.

There, Jinger updated us on her courtship rules:

“Now that Jeremy and I are engaged, we’re planning to hold hands, but I think we’re going to save our first kiss for our wedding day.”

The focus is still on “communication” and “being wise with physical affection and the boundaries there and saving that part for marriage.”

And MASH (massive amounts of side hugs).

To that end, even family matriarch Michelle said her job as chaperone was tricky because it’s “kinda hard to keep two magnets apart.”

Still, she was thrilled … and just wait:

“Ben and I are excited to announce that we are having another baby!” Jessa Duggar told the cameras, allegedly before her family knew.

“I guess I’m built more like my mom,” she said, noting that some of her sisters had likely figured this out, but not the whole Duggar crew.

According to Jessa, Jill Duggar figured out she was pregnant during a video chat just a week after Jessa had learned the exciting news.

Well, now it’s time for all to know …

Jinger took a special family photo of Jessa, Ben and Spurgeon to help them announce the news to all who had not figured it out by now.

“Doubling the love,” read the chalkboard in the cute photo, which Jinger – who was also in on the secret, clearly – could not wait to reveal.

Meanwhile, Jill and Derick were ready to return home to the U.S., where Jana (obviously) was in charge of preparing for their return.

Upon arriving back in Arkansas, Jill and Derick couldn’t believe the renovations that the family made Jana be in charge of for their home.

Then it was time for their first one-on-one moment since leaving for Central America, with Jessa babysitting. Exciting, hot stuff right?

Oh yes. They went to … the grocery store.

Hey, it’s all about the simple pleasures in life, right?

Finally, Jessa and Ben invited everyone over for ice cream, and presented Jim Bob and Michelle with a belated anniversary gift:

The framed photo announcing their pregnancy.

She beamed that she was “100 days” pregnant, which is pretty impressive to withhold: Guess Jessa Duggar’s baby bump didn’t pop yet!

So it’s 2 and Counting for the Seewalds. But don’t expect her to follow in Michelle’s footsteps when it comes to … well, birthing 17 more.

“I won’t be giving birth to 19 kids,” she said, although she hedged, “I mean, I don’t foresee that … maybe I will surprise myself.”

You don’t want to rule anything out, it’s true.


Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Duggar Family: Torn Apart By Jill & Jessa"s Spinoff Series?!

On Sunday, Jill and Jessa: Counting On will premiere on TLC.

The reality miniseries will follow the two most famous Duggar daughters as they rebuild their lives in the wake of the Josh Duggar sex scandals.

While several members of the family have participated in Counting On and will appear on camera, others are reportedly disgusted by what they feel is an exploitative attempt to turn Josh’s abhorrent behavior into a ratings bonanza.

Specifically, several unnamed family members are taking issue with the fact that Anna Duggar will appear on Counting On

Anna, as you may know, is the long-suffering wife of Josh Duggar.

In accordance with her family’s wishes, she’s mostly stayed away from the public eye in the months since we first learned of her husband’s many sexual indiscretions.

In recent weeks, however, Anna has broken her silence, and some Duggar insiders are not pleased that she’ll be sharing her story on Jill and Jessa’s show.

“Certain members of the family are more focused on ratings and a paycheck than actually focusing on the issues at hand,” one unidentified Duggar tells Entertainment Tonight.

The source adds that most of Jill and Jessa’s family members have  “chosen not to participate in the special out of respect to the serious ordeal the family has been going through in the last months.”

Of course, some believe that the Duggar siblings are opting out of the show in order to please family patriarch, Jim Bob.

From the start, there were rumors that Jim Bob did not approve of Jill and Jessa’s spinoff, but his complaints had more to do with his lack of involvement than with his concern for Josh’s victims.  

In any event, Counting On is proving to be a greater source of strife and controversy than Jill and Jessa could have possibly anticipated.

The show has already prompted a boycott of TLC, and the sisters’ efforts to rebuild their family’s reputation could very well backfire.

Friday, November 13, 2015

Jana Duggar: Forced to Care For Jessa"s Baby Now Too!

Single Jana Duggar, a.k.a. Cinderella, has made a career (or at least a reputation) out of being put upon, and now Jessa has made it even worse.

So maligned is Jana Duggar that some might not know she exists.

On January 12, she will turn 26; Jana and twin brother John David are older than all the Duggars except the family child molester / first-born Josh.

Rumors have long implied – likely with some, if not complete accuracy – that Jana has been forced into a life of indentured servitude by her parents.

While younger sisters Jill and Jessa Duggar have courted, married and produced babies of their own, Jana is home taking care of her little siblings.

And now her nephews, as well, because that’s just how it goes.

According to a new report, the burden of caring for her sister Jessa Duggar‘s newborn son Spurgeon has fallen squarely on Jana’s tired shoulders.

While Jessa gave birth to her first chid, Jana was on hand to help act as midwife alongside sister Jinger Diggar and their mother Michelle Duggar.

After Jessa’s home birth went wrong, or at least awry, she delivered a healthy baby boy, but since, Jana has been doing the heavy lifting at home.

Changing the baby boy’s diapers and taking on night nurse duties so her sister can rest, again, Jana has put needs, and life, last on the priority list.

Jessa, for her part, tells People magazine this week: “You never realize the responsibility of being a parent until you have a baby yourself.”

“I thought I’d sleep at night, but I hear him breathe or something and I take out a flashlight and shine it on his face to make sure he’s okay.”

That could be interpreted as a bit of an uncaring dig at her unmarried, childless sister, who is giving up her own life to be at her beck and call.

Or is that just us? Discuss below, but in closing: Free Jana!