Friday, November 13, 2015

Jana Duggar: Forced to Care For Jessa"s Baby Now Too!

Single Jana Duggar, a.k.a. Cinderella, has made a career (or at least a reputation) out of being put upon, and now Jessa has made it even worse.

So maligned is Jana Duggar that some might not know she exists.

On January 12, she will turn 26; Jana and twin brother John David are older than all the Duggars except the family child molester / first-born Josh.

Rumors have long implied – likely with some, if not complete accuracy – that Jana has been forced into a life of indentured servitude by her parents.

While younger sisters Jill and Jessa Duggar have courted, married and produced babies of their own, Jana is home taking care of her little siblings.

And now her nephews, as well, because that’s just how it goes.

According to a new report, the burden of caring for her sister Jessa Duggar‘s newborn son Spurgeon has fallen squarely on Jana’s tired shoulders.

While Jessa gave birth to her first chid, Jana was on hand to help act as midwife alongside sister Jinger Diggar and their mother Michelle Duggar.

After Jessa’s home birth went wrong, or at least awry, she delivered a healthy baby boy, but since, Jana has been doing the heavy lifting at home.

Changing the baby boy’s diapers and taking on night nurse duties so her sister can rest, again, Jana has put needs, and life, last on the priority list.

Jessa, for her part, tells People magazine this week: “You never realize the responsibility of being a parent until you have a baby yourself.”

“I thought I’d sleep at night, but I hear him breathe or something and I take out a flashlight and shine it on his face to make sure he’s okay.”

That could be interpreted as a bit of an uncaring dig at her unmarried, childless sister, who is giving up her own life to be at her beck and call.

Or is that just us? Discuss below, but in closing: Free Jana!