Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Caitlyn Jenner: Corey Gamble Stole My Family!!!!

Oh, eff.

It’s being reported that Caitlyn Jenner is hopping mad at how close Corey Gamble is with her family.

A source told OK! last week that Jenner was “in tears” over how much time Gamble has been spending with her kids and grandkids.

“Caitlyn feels Corey’s replaced her in the family’s hearts,” the source claims.  “She’s so sick of hearing about how great he is, but last week she fell apart when she saw Kourtney’s photo of Corey with Penelope and Mason online.”

Yeah, that was kind of awkward.

Kourtney captioned the Instagram – celebrating Gamble’s 35th birthday – “A grandpa never looked so good,” so at least Kourtney had to see this coming.

“That was like a knife through Caitlyn’s heart,” the source added. “She is feeling lonely and desperately misses having her family around her.”

I get it.  Watching someone else interact with you family on a level that you used to can be heartbreaking.  

In time, I’m sure Jenner will find her way back into the fold, but for now, the journey that she’s been so intent on exploring.

Transgender advocate ennifer Finney Boylan said something important to Jenner on the second episode of I am Cait this past summer.

Boylan described Jenner’s phase “high on a happy pink cloud,” and the experience can cause a bit too much self-involvement.

“Right now you’re in this thing that we call the Pink Cloud,” Boylan told Jenner, “which is this place of euphoria and happiness … and that’s good, but it also means you can be a little bit blind to things other than yourself.”

Jenner might be off the pink cloud and back to reality.  Get back into that crazy family, sister friend.