Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Johnny Depp: Drunk at Amber Heard"s Movie Premiere?

It"s been a while since we last saw Drunk Depp. Sadly, we get the feeling Amber Heard can"t say the same.

The world first began to suspect that Johnny was hitting the bottle a bit too hard when Depp slurred his way through a speech at the Hollywood Film Awards last year.

Since then, there have been rumors of Johnny"s drinking driving Amber Heard away, but the 29-year-old actress has stuck by his side.

That"s not to say she doesn"t find it a but embarrassing when hard-partying Johnny shows up to one of her work functions visibly sloshed.

Johnny accompanied Amber to last night"s premiere of The Danish Girl – the awards-baity drama starring Eddie Redmayne and Alicia Vikander in which Heard has a small supporting role.

He seemed happy to play a supporting role of his own, taking a backseat to Amber on the red carpet. Unfortunately, when he spoke to E! News about his marriage, Johnny also appeared to have done a bit of pre-gaming before the evening"s main event.

“We connect on a lot of levels but the first things that really got me was she’s an aficionado of the blues," Depp gushed. "I would play a song, some old obscure blues song and she knew what it was.”

"She’s very very literate. She’s a voracious reader as I have been so we connected on that as well. And she’s kind of brilliant. I’m a lucky man”

Kind words. Unfortunately, it sounds like Johnny ralphed all over the alligator loafers he bought at Hunter S. Thompson"s estate sale as soon as the camera switched off.



Johnny depp drunk at amber heards movie premiere