Monday, November 30, 2015

Jessa Duggar Shares Videos of Her Family"s HUGE Holiday Celebration! WATCH!

Saying it’s been a tough year for the Duggar family would be putting it very mildly.

The entire 19 Kids and Counting clan has been affected by the Josh Duggar sex scandals, which resulted in the cancelation of the family’s long-running TLC series. But it seems none of that was enough to stop the Duggars from making a joyful noise to celebrate the start of their favorite season:

The videos above were posted by Jessa Duggar last night, and as you can see, they feature the Duggar clan taking Christmas caroling to a whole new level.

Sure, your family might do some caroling, but are you hitting your unsuspecting neighbors with 20-part harmonies? We didn’t think so.

Of course, despite her family’s many hardships this holiday season is extra special for Jessa, as she welcomed her first child – the unfortunately named Spurgeon Elliot Seewald – earlier this month.

“This Thanksgiving, one of the things we are grateful for is our precious little son, Spurgeon Elliot,” Jessa and husband Ben Seewald wrote on their blog Thanksgiving day.

“We are so happy to be parents! As we are embarking on this journey of parenthood, we appreciate all of your prayers.”

But while the family is clearly making the most of the season, it remains to be seen if the tradition of the annual Duggar Christmas card will continue this year. 

In addition to the fact that both Jill and Jessa have started their own families since last year’s card, Josh Duggar is still in rehab, and the future of his relationship with his wife, Anna Duggar, remains uncertain. 

Needless to say, there could be several glaring absences from the annual family photo, so we wouldn’t be surprised if the Duggars simply decide to skip the card altogether this year.

Then again, last year’s card was circulated by tens of thousands of fans online, and we can’t imagine Jim Bob passing up the opportunity to send a message that all is well – and drum up some publicity just in time for the premiere of Jill and Jessa’s spinoff series.