Showing posts with label Family's. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Family's. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

19 Scandals & Counting: The Duggar Family"s Most Shameful Moments

These days, the name Duggar is synonymous with scandal.

It"s something of an ironic turn of events, as the family was initially marketed as the most wholesome thing on television.

Josh Duggar"s sex crimes are obviously chief among the awful acts that the Counting On clan has been associated with.

But that ugly episode was neither the first or the last time that the Duggars would endure some serious damage to their squeaky clean reputation.

Take a look:

1. All Too Human

Duggars counting on cast photo

The Duggars often take pride in their moral virtue, but as longtime fans know, they’re not always as ethically flawless as Jim Bob would have us believe.

2. The Worst of the Lot

Josh duggar pic

First up is the now-infamous Josh Duggar sex scandal. In May of 2015, the world learned that Josh molested five young girls — four of whom were his sisters — while still in his teens. To make matters worse, his parents helped him evade prosecution.

3. More From Josh

Josh duggar wife

Shortly after that scandal went public, Josh was busted using an affair-facilitating website to try and cheat on his wife. What a guy.

4. Consent? The Duggars Don’t Know the Meaning of the Word!

Michelle duggar crazy eyes

Perhaps behavior like Josh’s is inevitable in a culture as relentlessly patriarchal as the one the Duggars live in. In 2016, Michelle Duggar penned an open letter in which she basically said women need to have sex with their husbands on command, even when they’re “exhausted” after a long day. “Anyone can fix him lunch, but only one person can meet that […] need of love that he has, and you always need to be available when he calls,” Michelle wrote.

5. A Heavy Hand

Jim bob and michelle today

Not only have the Duggars advocated extreme corporal punishment such as blanket training, a police report from the Josh investigation noted that Jim Bob and Michelle admitted to hitting their kids with some frequency.

6. Speaking of Hands …

Duggars on the course

Remember when Jim Bob and Michelle got all handsy on a mini-golf course so they could demonstrate the joys of marriage to their kids? If not, it’s probably best to keep it that way.

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Monday, May 14, 2018

Jessa Duggar Comes Clean: I Broke One of My Family"s Major Rules

It’s no secret that the Duggars adhere to a very strict code of conduct.

In fact, next to the sheer size of Jim Bob and Michelle’s brood, following rules is what they’re most famous for.

Duggar women are especially constrained, as every aspect of their day-to-day life – from clothing to interpersonal relationships – is strictly governed by regulations that are determined and enforced first by their parents, and then by their husbands.

Some of the Duggar girls have married men who are less strict than their father, which is why, for example, Jinger Duggar is allowed to wear pants.

But there are certain rules that are consistent throughout the faith-based community to which the Duggars belong.

And now it looks as though Jessa Duggar may have inadvertently violated one of those rules.

For reasons that won’t surprise anyone who’s familiar with their belief system, the Duggars are staunchly opposed to the consumption of alcohol.

Getting liquored up isn’t conducive to remaining perfectly chaste and modest at all times, and thus, booze is strictly off-limits to all Duggars, women in particular.

So you can imagine the shock among fans this week when Jessa Duggar revealed that she has, in fact, sampled the devil’s brew.

In an interview with Jessa that resurfaced and was published by In Touch Weekly, the 25-year-old revealed that she has imbibed on more than one occasion.

Though she was careful to note that she never allowed alcohol to pass through her lips intentionally.

“Not on purpose,” Jessa replied when asked if she’s ever had a drink.

“We’re really heavily in politics, and sometimes, it’s one of those fancy, ritzy events and they serve you what you think is punch, and it’s not,” she added.

“You’re like, ‘Oops, yeah, that wasn’t punch.’ That was champagne or something.”

Jessa didn’t say what her next move was in those situations, but we assume she guzzled the rest of the glass, then headed straight to the bar, where she bellows for more.

We kid, of course. 

Obviously, Jessa is no fan of the hooch, and we’re sure she’s in no hurry to break with the rest of her family on the issue of spiritous beverages.

Besides, Jessa is mom-shamed enough these days.

Imagine if word got out in the fundamentalist community that she enjoys a glass of wine from time to time!

There’s a good chance she would literally be crucified.

Watch Counting On online for more from reality TV’s most controversial clan.


Tuesday, May 1, 2018

John Gotti Jr. Says His MMA Fighter Son Is The Family"s Real Tough Guy

John Gotti Jr. — a guy known as one of the toughest guys ever — says there’s actually one person in the family even tougher than him … his MMA fighter son, John III. If you don’t know who John Gotti Jr. is then we’re assuming you don’t…


Friday, April 20, 2018

Princess Di"s Biographer Says Meghan Markle Will Help Royal Family"s Race Relations

Andrew Morton, author of the most famous book on Princess Diana, says Meghan Markle holds a very important key for Royal Family’s image. Morton tells us Meghan becoming a Duchess after marrying Prince Harry is a much-needed step…


Friday, March 30, 2018

Jinger Duggar: Has She Fully Rejected Her Family"s Beliefs?

It’s been over a year since Jinger Duggar started wearing pants in public, and Duggar obsessives still just can’t get over it.

It may sound like a pretty minor development in the young woman’s life.

After all, wearing pants is such a commonplace activity that the act of putting them on one leg at a time is the universal symbol of relatability.

But as with Dobby the House Elf before her, a simple article of clothing represents freedom and a new beginning for Jinger.

If you’re a fan of her family’s, then you’re probably already aware that Jinger grew up observing the strict Duggar dress code.

That means she wore below-the-knee skirts at all times, even when engaging in sports or other outdoor activities.

Shortly after she married Jeremy Vuolo, however, Jinger broke the bonds of floor-length denim.

Granted, the rebellious spirit of her sartorial choice is somewhat dampened by the fact that she needed her husband’s permission to start wearing pants, but still – Jinger is living her best life, and she wants the whole world to see it.

Jeremy posted the above photo of himself and Jinger on Instagram earlier this week.

The pic was taken during a stop at a Waco, Texas store owned by Fixer Upper stars Chip and Joanna Gaines.

“Anytime we’re driving to North Texas, #magnolia is a mandatory pit-stop,” Vuolo captioned the pic

Fans who follow Jinger and Jeremy on social media know that this is far from their first visit to the Gaines’ flagship store.

In fact, it looks as though Jinger and Jeremy are hardcore Gainers.

(Yes, we just invented that term for Chip and Joanna fans.)

Now, it may not seem like a very big deal that Jinger is a rabid follower of two popular reality stars.

But those who are well-acquainted with the beliefs of the Duggar family will know that children are taught from a young age that virtually all forms of secular entertainment are shunned. 

So not only is Jinger wearing pants, she’s also watching television shows that have nothing to do with Jesus.

You might think that wouldn’t upset her parents very much, considering they built their fortune on reality TV, but the Duggars consider themselves exemptions to the secular entertainment rule.

Jim Bob claims that he values television only as a means of furthering his ministry.

The tens of millions of dollars he’s made are just a sort of bonus, we guess.

Anyway, Jim Bob probably isn’t as forgiving in his view of Chip and Joanna, which means he probably isn’t too keen on Jinger publicly expressing her fandom.

Unfortunately for JB, it doesn’t look as though Jinger is planning to surrender her newfound freedom anytime soon,

Watch Counting On online for more from reality TV’s most controversial family.


Friday, December 22, 2017

Octomom: My Family"s Not Poor! We"re Minimalists!

The sad, sad tale of Octomom may have technically come to an end — because Suleman is a very different woman from who she once was.

So different, in fact, that she"s now going by Natalie, not Nadya.

And, as you"ll see in the video below, Natalie"s lifestyle is wildly different from that of the woman who made that infamous Octomom sex tape all those years ago.

Octomom natalie suleman santa hat

Natalie Suleman is no longer the Octomom, but she"s still the mother of her octuplets: Makai, Josiah, Isaiah, Jonah, Maliyah, Jeremiah, Nariyah, and Noah

And she not only gave an interview to Us Weekly, but also invited their cameras along.

She talks about her priorities as a parent.

Natalie also explains why she gives each of her eight children, born in 2009, just one gift for Christmas.

"I’m focusing on raising the kids to focus on serving other people, to get out of their own head."

She explains the message that she hopes to instill.

"Be grateful for one little thing that they get because they earned it."

Natalie suleman octuplets

Her kids, she says, are wonderful.

"They’re extraordinary kids. I’m so, so, so grateful."

We believe it.

But, as you can imagine, Octomom"s famous financial struggles are also a factor:

"We’re on a budget and we’re pretty much so grateful for every little thing."

Financial hardships teach some very unwelcome "lessons," but it sounds like she"s putting a positive spin on things.

Octomom christmas

But Suleman says that money issues aren"t the only things keeping a reign on consumerism.

"We’re minimalist, too. They’re all minimalist and I am."

We don"t know how eight 8-year-olds just happen to all be minimalists — at least, we don"t necessarily believe that they"ll all carry that philosophy into adulthood.

But it sounds like Suleman"s embracing that ideal for herself.

"The real me is a minimalist, so I believe that one gift that they really want, you know, they’re incredibly grateful for that."

We"re sure that they are.

Octomom group hug

This picture that Natalie Suleman is painting is pretty different from the time when Suleman worked as a stripper.

For those of you who don"t know, stripping can be very lucrative.

Unfortunately, because of our sex-negative and misogynistic culture, a lot of unenlightened viewers can"t reconcile the idea of a stripper also being a mother.

(To be fair, Suleman was kind of a mess for several years)

It looks like when the Octomom said she wanted to change, she meant it.

Because she"s clearly undergone a thorough rebranding.

Octomom smiles

The video below is very sweet, and you even get to hear what all of her children would like to get for their mother.

Suleman"s octuplets all turn 9 on January 26th.

We wonder, though: is Natalie"s rebranding going somewhere?

Will she try to build up a a reality empire with her new, "wholesome" image?

Or … maybe what she"s telling us is the real deal.



"I’m focusing on raising the kids to focus on serving other people, to get out of their own head."

"Be grateful for one little thing that they get because they earned it."

"They’re extraordinary kids. I’m so, so, so grateful."

"We’re on a budget and we’re pretty much so grateful for every little thing."

"We’re minimalist, too. They’re all minimalist and I am."

"The real me is a minimalist, so I believe that one gift that they really want, you know, they’re incredibly grateful for that."






Octomom my familys not poor were minimalists

Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Duggar Parenting Fails: 13 Of the Family"s Most Shocking Moments

It was the size of Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar"s massive brood that made them famous, but it"s the unusual fashion in which the couple has raised their 19 kids that"s made them subjects of continued fascination.

From bizarrely detailed "courtship rules" to a strict ban on girls and women wearing pants, the Duggars exercise control over every aspect of their children"s lives.

It"s a way of life that"s earned them more critics than fans over the years, and when you look at the long list of jaw-dropping Duggar parenting moments, it"s not hard to see why that is:

1. Pants, Pants Revolution

Jinger duggar in sweatpants

After a lifetime of only being permitted to wear long skirts, Jinger Duggar defied her parents and began wearing pants in public. Her sister Jessa Duggar followed suit. Jim Bob is reportedly displeased, but under the Duggar code of conduct, his hands are tied as long as their husbands allow a more lax dress code.

2. Blanket Training

Blanket training

The Duggars practice a controversial method of child discipline known as “blanket training.” In it, children are placed on a blanket and either restrained or physically punished if they attempt to move from it. Many fans believe this photo shows Israel Dillard receiving blanket training from his parents, Jill and Derick.

3. The Infamous Tortilla Hat

Samuel dillard tortilla hat

Earlier this year, Jill Duggar was harshly criticized for placing a tortilla on the head of her infant son Samuel. Seems like she just needed something to block the sun in a pinch, but the decision to substitute food for clothing didn’t sit well with fans.

4. Bike Fight

Bike fight

Speaking of headgear, some fans got upset about recent photos that showed young Duggar children riding bikes without helmets. And that wasn’t the family’s first cycling-related controversy…

5. Inappropriate Attire?

Duggar kids on bikes

It all started with this photo that not only showed the Duggar kids helmet-less, but also revealed that girls in the family are forced to wear skirts even while riding bikes.

6. Kids With Guns

Josh duggar gun photo

Before that OTHER big scandal surrounding Josh Duggar and kids, there was the one surrounding this photo. Fans were understandably not thrilled by the sight of Josh and Anna’s young children posing with a massive semi-automatic weapon.

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Josh Duggar: Is He Cheating on Anna ... With His Family"s Permission?!

The memory of the Josh Duggar sex scandals is still fresh in the mind of many Counting On viewers.

Part of the reason for this is that the two incidents occurred in such rapid succession, that it looked to many as though his family would never be able to recover its wholesome reputation.

But just over two years later, the Duggars are back on TV and pulling in ratings comparable to those of their original series.

Of course, Josh hasn’t been along for the ride.

He’s still persona non grata on Counting On, to the point that the family has gone to great lengths to edit Josh out of scenes when he ends up in a shot accidentally.

The main reason for this, of course, is the egregious nature of Josh’s past misconduct.

But some fans are convinced that a big part of why the Duggars refuse to allow Josh on camera is the fact that his inppropriate behavior has continued unabated.

According to The Inquisitr, an anonymous insider has been commenting on Duggar-related articles and social media pages and claiming that the family has attempted to keep Josh out of trouble by finding willing “volunteers” from within their church congregation to have sex with him. 

“Josh Duggar, and not surprising if the recent blind about his ‘church’ recruiting volunteers from among the congregation to satisfy his sexual appetite is true, AS IF reinforcing inappropriate behavior ever changes anything,” the source wrote this week.

Obviously, if this is true then it would mean Josh’s parents are more directly involved in his sexual misconduct than previously thought.

It would also reinforce the notion that the Duggars are not simply religious zealots but dangerous cultists, preying on the vulnerable and enlisting others to help them dupe their devoted fan base.

Josh is rarely seen in public these days, and outside of an occasional photo on his family’s official Facebook page, he maintains no media presence at all.

He spends his days working on one of his family’s many used car lots, and his nights at home with his family.

Or at least that’s the narrative we’ve been sold for the past two years.

Seems unlikely that Josh has learned to entirely suppress his darker instincts.

But it’s equally unlikely that his family would ever admit to helping him keep his demons at bay through such nefarious methods.  

Watch Counting On online for more from reality TV’s most controversial family.


Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Khloe Kardashian: I Have Some Regrets About My Family"s Show ...

Khloe Kardashian’s opening up … just not about her plans to have a baby with Tristan Thompson.

For the 10 year anniversary of Keeping Up With The Kardashians, Khloe is reflecting on her experiences over the last decade. And including her regrets.

As it turns out, there are two things in particular that Khloe wishes that the show had never filmed anything about.

For the 10 year anniversary of Keeping Up With The KardashiansKhloe Kardashian penned an essay for Glamour that was long and very informal.

(That’s not a dig — this post is also informal)

She talks about how it all began.

“At my mom’s house, we’d always have these big family dinners. Ryan Seacrest came to one and was like, ‘You guys are crazy. You need to be on TV.’ My mom and my sister Kim wanted to do the show, but Kourtney and I were really against it.”

That really fits with their respective characters — in the past, anyway.

Also, if you ever want to know who should shoulder the blame for the Kardashians, you have your answer.


“We were like, ‘No — we love our little life. We love what we’re doing.’ But Ryan said, ‘We need the whole family or nobody at all.’ So my mom kind of sold it to us as a great commercial for our stores. We were like, ‘Ugh, fine.’”

Note that Kendall and Kylie, it sounds like, never even got a word in.

At the beginning, Khloe says, she was a novice about being a reality star.

“I’d still go to the Fantastic Sams across the street from my store a few times a week to get a blow-dry for $ 25. I did my own makeup.”

That explains why she looked so much better on Law & Order: LA in her one little cameo appearance but so often wasn’t flattered by camera lighting elsewhere.

If you’re going to be on TV, folks, you need to have your makeup done by a professional.

(A lot of male politicians seem terrified at this prospect, but even they bite the bullet or the cameras will make a 50 year old man look like he’s at death’s door)

“Occasionally I’ll catch an old episode and notice how we all talked in these baby voices. It’s crazy if you listen to it now. I think maybe we did it because we were nervous.”

A lot of people use vocal fry when they speak, and it’s not out of nervousness.

“We film six days a week, 12 to 18 hours a day, every single day.”

Yeah, that’s a bonkers schedule.

Though, to be fair, the family is worth hundreds of millions of dollars, so … most would say that it’s worth it.

“When you compile that much footage into 13 or 14 44-minute episodes, you can find a lot of drama. Not every episode is juicy to us; it’s only juicy to the audience.”

Recently, not that much has been juicy to audiences, either. But every now and then, the show surprises you.

But now we get to Khloe’s regrets.

“Things like Kim’s robbery or Caitlyn’s transition? That’s the kind of stuff we wish we had never filmed.”

That makes a lot of sense.

Filming things around what will hopefully be the single most traumatic incident in Kim’s life is … of questionable taste.

A lot of people get filmed during or after major traumas (like after the destruction and death of Hurricane Harvey … or, soon, Hurricane Irma).

Most people don’t voluntarily film themselves in the aftermath of trauma. Not that extensively, anyway.

As for Caitlyn’s transition. …

It was important for America to see a tremendously famous trans woman, despite the backlash.

Caitlyn Jenner, as it turns out, is still a terrible role model. That’s why she gets confronted by more authentic trans activists who have been fighting for their rights a lot longer, and who don’t support politicians who oppose their rights.

Khloe kind of exists in the celebrity bubble, though.

Maybe she just meant that she wishes that they hadn’t given Caitlyn so much air time over the years.

Currently, Caitlyn is somewhat estranged fromt he family — Cait and Kim Kardashian haven’t spoken in 9 months.

Khloe’s meaning isn’t especially clear.

Khloe also gets into how things aren’t planned.

“We aren’t ever like, ‘Oooh! Let’s do this for season nine.’ This is our life, and these are the things that happen. And it’s funny — when we decide not to shoot things, people feel slighted. But when we film too much, they’re like, ‘Oh, you never should have filmed that.’ It’s a catch-22.”

Reality storylines are generally based upon what’s actually happening, with a little dramatic flare sprinkled in and maybe a few “challenges” suggested by the producers to stir up some extra drama, if needed.

What Khloe’s getting at with the catch-22 thing is that the Kardashians are a family that many people love to hate.

There’s no winning in those circumstances.

“When it comes to our drama, we are a large, blended family. If you put a microscope over any family for 10 years, you’re bound to find cracks in the foundation. That’s just the name of the game, and we’re strong enough to endure it.”

That’s been their real key to success. Taking the hate and turning it into money.


Thursday, August 24, 2017

Jill Duggar & Derick Dillard: Breaking Away From Her Family"s Beliefs?!

First Jinger, now Jill.

One by one, it seems Jim Bob Duggar is losing control of his daughters to their more liberal-minded husbands.

And not surprisingly, the ultra-conservative father of 19 is less than pleased about it.

Jill Duggar and Derick Dillard recently returned to Arkansas after spending the better part of the last year performing missionary work in Central America.

Jill welcomed her second child last month, and shortly thereafter, the family announced that they would not be returning to El Salvador to engage in humanitarian efforts.

(No official word on whether or not the decision was a result of uproar over the fact that Jill and Derick were never licensed missionaries.)

But that doesn’t mean Jill and Derick won’t be seeking out ways to help those who are less fortunate.

Yesterday, the Cross Church Springdale campus announced new inductees into its year-long ministry school program.

Eagle-eyed fans noticed that one of the photos on the group’s Facebook page featured Jill and Derick.

“Yesterday announced our newest members to the School of Ministry!” the group wrote on its Facebook page.

“We are so excited for this group. As a church family, we will be praying for this group as they grow and learn!”

The church describes the program Jill and Derick are enrolled in as a “one-year residential program” focusing on “Gospel advancement.”

Yes, Jill and Derick will spend much of the year living amongst their fellow domestic missionaries, worshipping and studying the Bible separately from the church’s main congregation.

It may sound a little cult-ish, but based on the group’s Facebook page, it seems Jill and Derick will actually be practicing a less-strict, more mainstream form of their religion.

“Are all of the people in this school sharing the same ‘beliefs’ as the Duggars/Dillards? I see some knees showing,” commented one FB follower, referring to the Duggars’ controversial belief that women should have their legs completely covered at all times.

“It will be good for Derek and Jill to be with people with a different brand of Christianity than the Duggars. See hems above the knee and it hasn’t become a frenzied den of evil,” commented another.

But there’s more going on here than just short (by Duggar standards) skirts.

The group takes a less fundamentalist view of Christianity than the one Jill was raised with, and many fans are wondering how Jim Bob feels about her decision to become involved with the School of Ministry.

Sure, it’s not as extreme as Jinger Duggar wearing pants, but to Jim Bob the move may represent yet another lost battle in his war to maintain control of his family.

As we reported earlier, sources close to the family say Jim Bob has been clashing with his sons-in-law over matters of religious doctrine.

And it seems he’s gradually losing his daughters to more liberal belief systems.

Unfortunately, according to his own creed, married women are under the control of their husbands, not their fathers.

So it looks like for the time being at least, JB is powerless to do anything about his daughters’ views on legwear.

Watch Counting On online for more from reality TV’s most controversial family.


Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Miguel Cabrera: My Family"s In Grave Danger In Venezuela

MLB superstar Miguel Cabrera says his family has been targeted in Venezuela — and he’s been forced to pay protection bribes to keep them safe.  It’s unclear exactly why Cabrera believes his family is in danger — possibly…


Miguel Cabrera: My Family"s In Grave Danger In Venezuela

MLB superstar Miguel Cabrera says his family has been targeted in Venezuela — and he’s been forced to pay protection bribes to keep them safe.  It’s unclear exactly why Cabrera believes his family is in danger — possibly…


Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Joy-Anna Duggar Photos: The TLC Family"s Brightest Star!

Has Joy-Anna Duggar become the new Jana Duggar?

By that, we mean the unheralded, beloved Duggar daughter who doesn"t get the attention of her sisters, but has become a fan favorite?

However you would describe her, Joy-Anna, 19, is a rising star in her own right and has become a big reason to watch Counting On online.

What"s not to love about J-to-the-A? She"s bright. She"s well-rounded. She has the most beautiful smile. She can dead lift her own weight.

She wears shorts (yes, shorts … we"re not kidding)!

She"s a well-rounded young woman with a bright future, and hopefully, with the onset of the new show, she"ll get to really spread her wings.

We"re still holding out home for that (along with Jana), but you never know how things are gonna play out in Tontitown. That"s just reality.

Anyway, get to know Joy via the photos below!

1. Joy-Anna Photo

Joy anna photo

What’s not to love about Joy-Anna Duggar? Nothing, people. Nothing.

2. Jana and Joy-Anna Duggar

Jana and joy anna duggar

Jana and Joy-Anna Duggar in a sweet picture from Jill & Jessa: Counting On.

3. Joy-Anna Duggar Selfie

Joy anna duggar selfie

Joy-Anna is one of the less famous Duggar siblings. That may be about to change, as sources say she play a central role in the family’s new series.

4. Joy Duggar Pic on Insta

Joy duggar pic on insta

Joy-Anna Duggar, sometimes called Joy Duggar, in a cute Instagram photo.

5. Joy-Anna Duggar Birthday Photo

Joy anna duggar birthday photo

Joy-Anna Duggar turned 18 this week. Her family celebrated by posting their favorite photos of her on Instagram.

6. Joy and Israel

Joy and israel

Joy-Anna Duggar and Israel, Jill’s son with Derick Dillard.

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Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Rob Kardashian Speaks Out on Family"s Reaction to His Engagement!

It"s been more than a week since Rob Kardashian first announced his engagement to Blac Chyna, but we still haven"t heard any formal words of congratulations from his family.

He hinted that all was good with his sister Kim Kardashian last week when he shared a video she sent him jokingly crying and saying that she needed to talk to him.

On the other hand, his mother Kris Jenner snapped at reporters who asked her thoughts on the engagement.

But yesterday, Rob and Blac were caught by paparazzi in Los Angeles, who inquired about his family"s reaction to their news.

"My family is very happy," Rob confirmed.

They are??? Then why the hell haven"t they said anything?

The Kardashian-Jenner clan uses social media as a primary mode of communication, so their silence on an announcement as grand as Rob"s engagement is highly suspect.

It"s no secret that Rob"s sisters have had a difficult time accepting his relationship with Blac, particularly since Kylie Jenner has had a very public beef with her for more than a year.

Even though Rob has made it clear that he was serious about Blac, she was still excluded from the birthday bash Kris Jenner threw for her son last month.

It"s possible that members of the family have expressed their joy to Rob privately, but when it comes to the Kardashians, if they can"t get publicity for their actions, what"s the point?


Rob kardashian speaks out on familys reaction to his engagement

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Blac Chyna: Did She FORCE Rob Kardashian to Propose? Is She After His Family"s Fortune?!

As you’ve no doubt heard by now, Blac Chyna and Rob Kardashian are engaged after a whirlwind, random-as-hell courtship of less than three months.

Despite the complications caused by the fact that Rob’s sister is dating Blac’s baby daddy, it wasn’t hard to see what the two twenty-somethings saw in each other.

Blac is a curvy Instagram model and a household name in some circles.

Rob is a member of one of America’s most famous families, flush with cash, and loaded with fixer-up potential.

We figured Blac is the type who likes a challenge, and that these two would help each other out for a few months, post a bunch of nauseatingly cutesy crap on social media, and go their separate ways.

When news of the engagement first began to circulate online, many on social media dismissed it as another publicity stunt from the celebrity world’s most unashamedly thirsty couple.

When Blac confirmed the news, the conversation switched to “what the hell are these two thinking?”

Sure they’re young, but not “engaged after ten weeks” young.

Rob will be 30 next year, and Blac, 27, is the mother of a 3-year-old.

Given that Rob was in a pitiable state when he met Blac and will enjoy the benefits of fabulous wealth and at least a modicum of fame for the rest of his life, many began to wonder if Blac had ulterior motives.

After all, when they these two started dating, Rob was a recluse who seemed to be slowly killing himself with food, drugs, and a sedentary lifestyle.

Despite his wealth and fame, his self-esteem, by all accounts, was in the gutter.

For the right opportunist, Rob was ripe for the picking, and considering Blac’s fame has been primarily Kardashian-related for most of her career (She was friends with Kim before feuding with Kylie.), it’s hard to believe the fringe benefits of dating Rob never crossed her mind.

Already there’s talk of a Rob and Blac reality show, and a special wedding episode of Keeping Up With the Kardashians.

Not bad for a woman who was best known for trading shots with a teenager just a few months ago.

There’s no solid evidence that Blac is into Rob for his fame and wealth, or that getting married was her idea; we just hope the man is going into this situation with both eyes open.

Friday, March 18, 2016

Khloe Kardashian: Unsuccessful Without Her Family"s Help?

More episodes of Kocktails with Khloe have been ordered, but the talent booker needs to step up his or her game.

According to Radar Online, “Khloe [Kardashian] and her bosses are not seeing eye-to-eye right now.”  

Ratings are in the toilet, and the guest appearances haven’t been impressive.  Viewership is reportedly “less than half” of what it was back when the showed premiered in January.

“Khloe wants to do this her own way and she is trying to avoid using any of her famous family members on the show,” a source told the publication.

“She has made it clear she does not want to rely on them to get people to watch.”

The problem is, the entire Keeping Up With The Kardashian clan is more or less the biggest reason why Khloe has her own show.  Ergo, to keep the gravy train rolling along, one must do what one has to do.

The producers know this, and want Khloe to wake up, change her attitude and get someone – anyone (hell, bring Penelope in)

“Executives have urged her to include at least one of her family members on every single episode.

“The producers at the network really believe that people are tuning in to the show to see the off-script Kardashian drama carry over into Kocktails, but now, Khloe said that she does not need to have them on for this show to succeed,” the source added.

“Everyone around her tends to disagree.”

Just bring Kourtney in.  She and Khloe are a hoot when they’re together.

Monday, November 30, 2015

Jessa Duggar Shares Videos of Her Family"s HUGE Holiday Celebration! WATCH!

Saying it’s been a tough year for the Duggar family would be putting it very mildly.

The entire 19 Kids and Counting clan has been affected by the Josh Duggar sex scandals, which resulted in the cancelation of the family’s long-running TLC series. But it seems none of that was enough to stop the Duggars from making a joyful noise to celebrate the start of their favorite season:

The videos above were posted by Jessa Duggar last night, and as you can see, they feature the Duggar clan taking Christmas caroling to a whole new level.

Sure, your family might do some caroling, but are you hitting your unsuspecting neighbors with 20-part harmonies? We didn’t think so.

Of course, despite her family’s many hardships this holiday season is extra special for Jessa, as she welcomed her first child – the unfortunately named Spurgeon Elliot Seewald – earlier this month.

“This Thanksgiving, one of the things we are grateful for is our precious little son, Spurgeon Elliot,” Jessa and husband Ben Seewald wrote on their blog Thanksgiving day.

“We are so happy to be parents! As we are embarking on this journey of parenthood, we appreciate all of your prayers.”

But while the family is clearly making the most of the season, it remains to be seen if the tradition of the annual Duggar Christmas card will continue this year. 

In addition to the fact that both Jill and Jessa have started their own families since last year’s card, Josh Duggar is still in rehab, and the future of his relationship with his wife, Anna Duggar, remains uncertain. 

Needless to say, there could be several glaring absences from the annual family photo, so we wouldn’t be surprised if the Duggars simply decide to skip the card altogether this year.

Then again, last year’s card was circulated by tens of thousands of fans online, and we can’t imagine Jim Bob passing up the opportunity to send a message that all is well – and drum up some publicity just in time for the premiere of Jill and Jessa’s spinoff series.