Showing posts with label Permission. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Permission. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 7, 2018

El Chapo Asks Judge for Permission to Hug His Wife During Trial

El Chapo has a simple request for the judge in his drug trial … he wants to hug his wife in the courtroom. Chapo’s lawyers just filed legal docs asking the judge to allow him to embrace his wife, Emma Coronel Aispuro, over the courtroom…


Monday, July 23, 2018

Juelz Santana Gets Judge"s Permission to Get Mani/Pedi with Daughter

Juelz Santana enjoyed a little QT with his daughter this weekend … starting with a manicure/pedicure but not before a judge signed off on it. The rapper — who is under house arrest following an airport gun bust in March — requested…


Thursday, July 19, 2018

Ariana Grande Got Permission to Use Jean Paul Gaultier Image

Ariana Grande’s gotten a lot of heat for allegedly ripping off a scene in her new music video from a ’90s ad campaign … but we’ve learned she did it all by the books. Ariana’s “God is a Woman” dropped last week and was immediately attacked by…


Monday, May 14, 2018

Queen Elizabeth II FINALLY Grants Prince Harry Permission to Marry Meghan Markle!

We’re less than one week away from the wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, and sources say the giddy couple is feverishly attending to all the last-minute details.

The royal invitations have been sent out; Meghan’s been fitted for her dress; the town crier is warming up his vocal cords so that he can scream in the faces of unsuspecting peasants who are already receiving real-time updates on their phones.

And of course, Queen Elizabeth II has granted Harry and Meghan permission to get married.

Pretty important step, that last one, which is why some folks find it strange that it seems the Queen just got around to granting her royal consent over the weekend.

On Sunday, Buckingham Palace posted an image of the “Instrument of Consent” – a hand-written document that records “Her Majesty The Queen’s consent to the Marriage of Prince Harry and Ms. Meghan Markle.”

Again, it’s nice that they made it all fancy and official, but it’s a little weird that they waited until one week before the freakin’ wedding to have QE2 sign on the dotted line.

Instrument of Consent

We hate to get all morbid, but as a rule of thumb, if you need a 92-year-old to sign something, it’s best to take care of that ASAP and not wait until the very last second.

That’s the thing with 92-year-olds – you never know when it’ll be their very last second.

Anyway, the fancy drawings in the margins aren’t just the doodles of some bored royal scribe.

Apparently, it’s part of Prince Harry’s Label, which is one of the many official things he was assigned at birth.

But in case you were all set to get pissed off about the lack of ‘Merica representation on a document that you never heard of until just now – fear not.

Meghan’s homeland is reflected on the Instrument of Consent, as well.

The right side of the document is reportedly decorated with a rose – the official flower of the United States – and two golden poppies – the official flower of Meghan’s home state of California.

Yes, apparently the US has an official flower.

Obviously, we would’ve preferred a screaming bald eagle clutching an AR-15 in one talon and the severed head of Osama Bin Laden in the other, but you take what you can get. 

Here’s hoping Meg will represent her country by open-carrying during the ceremony.


Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Cardi B Won"t Say Whether She Gave Jay-Z Permission to Touch Baby Bump

While it’s unclear if Jay-Z asked to touch Cardi B’s baby bump at Coachella this past weekend, it’s also likely she doesn’t mind — ‘cause she didn’t seem to object then … or now. We got Cardi and her fiance, Offset, Monday leaving Mastro’s…


Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Josh Duggar: Is He Cheating on Anna ... With His Family"s Permission?!

The memory of the Josh Duggar sex scandals is still fresh in the mind of many Counting On viewers.

Part of the reason for this is that the two incidents occurred in such rapid succession, that it looked to many as though his family would never be able to recover its wholesome reputation.

But just over two years later, the Duggars are back on TV and pulling in ratings comparable to those of their original series.

Of course, Josh hasn’t been along for the ride.

He’s still persona non grata on Counting On, to the point that the family has gone to great lengths to edit Josh out of scenes when he ends up in a shot accidentally.

The main reason for this, of course, is the egregious nature of Josh’s past misconduct.

But some fans are convinced that a big part of why the Duggars refuse to allow Josh on camera is the fact that his inppropriate behavior has continued unabated.

According to The Inquisitr, an anonymous insider has been commenting on Duggar-related articles and social media pages and claiming that the family has attempted to keep Josh out of trouble by finding willing “volunteers” from within their church congregation to have sex with him. 

“Josh Duggar, and not surprising if the recent blind about his ‘church’ recruiting volunteers from among the congregation to satisfy his sexual appetite is true, AS IF reinforcing inappropriate behavior ever changes anything,” the source wrote this week.

Obviously, if this is true then it would mean Josh’s parents are more directly involved in his sexual misconduct than previously thought.

It would also reinforce the notion that the Duggars are not simply religious zealots but dangerous cultists, preying on the vulnerable and enlisting others to help them dupe their devoted fan base.

Josh is rarely seen in public these days, and outside of an occasional photo on his family’s official Facebook page, he maintains no media presence at all.

He spends his days working on one of his family’s many used car lots, and his nights at home with his family.

Or at least that’s the narrative we’ve been sold for the past two years.

Seems unlikely that Josh has learned to entirely suppress his darker instincts.

But it’s equally unlikely that his family would ever admit to helping him keep his demons at bay through such nefarious methods.  

Watch Counting On online for more from reality TV’s most controversial family.


Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Prince Harry: Did Meghan Markle"s Dad Give Him Permission to Propose?

If you’ve been following news of the couple, then you know that a Prince Harry-Meghan Markle engagement announcement is expected any day now.

Many believe Harry and Meghan are already engaged and currently preparing suitably royal announcement, while others think Harry has yet to pop the question.

Whatever the case, it seems pretty clear that both parties are prepared to take the next step in their relationship.

Harry was in Toronto for the Invictus Games last week, and it’s been rumored that he took some steps toward making Meghan his wife during his time on this side of the pond.

Toronto is not only Meghan’s adopted hometown due to the fact that Suits is filmed there, it’s also where several of her family members permanently reside.

Most significantly, Meghan’s father lives in Toronto, and sources that claimed that old-fashioned Harry seized the chance to ask Thomas Markle for his daughter’s hand in marriage.

“Harry asked Meghan’s father for her hand in marriage the last time he was in Canada, and Thomas was very happy to give his blessing,” an insider tells Hollywood Life.

“Thomas loves Harry, as do all of Meghan’s family, and he especially loves how happy his daughter is, and how much Harry clearly adores her.”

The source adds that Harry has already secured permission to propose to Meghan from the most prominent member of his own family.

“Harry has also asked his grandmother for permission to marry, which she has granted,” says the insider.

“The Queen met Meghan earlier this month, and was quite taken with her. So, she is very happy for [Meghan] to join the family,” the source adds.

Yes, it sounds like this thing is really happening.

Obviously, women all over the world are heartbroken by the prospect of the world’s most eligible bachelor being taken off the market for good, but let’s take a moment to remember the real victims here.

We’re talking, of course, about those us who were holding out hope for a second season of I Want to Marry Harry.

The new round of contestants will never believe a married prince would go on a reality show to find a new wife.

Of course, we wouldn’t have believed they’d be able to find a group of women who would believe that an unmarried prince would go on a reality show to find a wife, so who knows?

Either way, our premature congrats go out to Harry and Meghan.


Sunday, October 1, 2017

Ice Cube"s Son O"Shea: I Jacked Tyron Woodley"s UFC Belt (with Permission)

And the new UFC welterweight champion of the world — O’SHEA JACKSON JR.!!! Not really … but Ice Cube’s son looked the part at LAX … struttin’ around with what he says is one of Tyron Woodley’s UFC title belts! O’Shea told us he won it in “an…


Friday, July 7, 2017

Prince Harry: Denied Permission to Marry Meghan Markle By the Queen?!

From the moment we first learned Prince Harry and Meghan Markle were dating, the tabloid media has been breathlessy reporting on every engagement rumor that comes down the pipe.

So the fact that the proposal hasn’t happened yet (that we know of) has many scrambling for an explanation.

Thie week started with reports that Camilla Parker Bowles doesn’t approve of Meghan and is doing everything in her power to keep the relationship from moving forward.

That was followed by rumors about Meghan continuing to date Cory Vitiello after she’d started hooking up with Harry.

Now, the sketchy tabloid sources are pulling out the big guns and claiming that the kibosh has been placed on Harry and Meghan’s wedding plans by the OG Khaleesi herself, Queen Elizabeth II.

In a report published today by The Inquisitr via OK! magazine, the Queen has denied Harry permission to get engaged to Meghan for reasons that remain unclear.

An insider tells magazine that Harry has revealed he is ready to abdicate his royal duties if the Queen doesn’t come to see things his way.

“It’s awful,” the unnamed source claims.

“Harry is now faced with the choice between his country and the woman he loves.”

The insider says that Meghan has made Harry happier than royal life ever could, and he wouldn’t hesitate if forced to choose between his title and his relationship.

“Harry can’t imagine going back to his duties without her by his side,” the source claims.

“She’s given him a new lease on life, and he’s tired of putting everything but himself first. He’s waited years to find this level of happiness, and he’s not going to give it up without a fight.”

The Royals have yet to comment on the situation because … c’mon, like they ever would.

If something this outrageous turned out to be true (ginormous “if”), we’d likely only find out about it when Harry actually stepped down in order to marry Meghan.

In recent weeks, Harry has actually seemed more energized about his royal duties than ever before, an enthusiasm that many attribute to his relationship with Meghan:

“We’re involved in modernizing the British monarchy,” Harry said in a recent Newsweek interview.

“We are not doing this for ourselves but for the greater good of the people.”

Of course, if this rumor turns out to be true, Harry may have to retire the royal “we” in favor of boring old couples’ pronouns.


Tuesday, June 27, 2017

"Bachelor in Paradise" Contestants Needs Producers" Permission Before Having Sex

“Bachelor in Paradise” contestants who want to have sex must wait a beat and get permission from producers … TMZ has learned. Sources at the Mexican resort where the show is being filmed tell TMZ there are new rules in place regarding sex ……


Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Motivational Speaker Grant Cardone Begs On Air for Permission to Use N-Word

A popular motivational speaker desperately wants the right to use the n-word freely, and he made a bizarre plea to do so while hosting his Internet show. Grant Cardone — a best-selling author with 1.1 million Facebook followers — was in the…


Kodak Black Wants Permission to Work with Rappers Who Have Rap Sheets

Kodak Black wants to make sure his next duet doesn’t get his ass thrown back in jail. Kodak’s attorney, Bradford Cohen, filed docs Monday asking the judge to clarify the conditions of Kodak’s house arrest — specifically if working with…


Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Austin Forsyth Asks Permission to Court Joy-Anna Duggar: WATCH!

If you watch Counting On online, then you know that yet another Duggar daughter may soon be headed for the altar.

Joy-Anna Duggar is courting Austin Forsyth these days, and the relationship seems to be going well, which means the young couple is probably talking marriage after just a few months together.

(Duggar kids move fast once they find someone. You would too, if you weren"t permitted any form of physical contact with the opposite sex until your wedding night.)

The fact that Duggar courtships usually lead to marriage puts a lot of pressure on these young couples, and the situation is made even more stressful by the tradition of the guys asking permission from Jim Bob Duggar before they even ask one of his daughters out on date.

Yes, some old school families still practice the custom of dudes asking the dad"s permission before proposing, but young men hoping to court a Duggar daughter need Jim Bob"s blessing just to escort her to a G-rated movie.

Fortunately, in the clip below, Austin seems well acquainted with this practice, and he comports himself admirably: 

“I came over tonight to ask Mr. Jim Bob if Joy and I could start an official relationship,” he explains to the camera.

“I’m hoping that Mr. Jim Bob will say yes, but he’s said in the past that it might be a little while, so Lord willing he’ll say yes.”

Asked by Jim Bob what he likes about Joy-Anna, Austin has this to say:

“You know, over the years, I have just been watching and I really admire her heart for the Lord and her character. She’s such a diligent worker.

"She gets all the younger siblings working. She’s a good delegator,” says Joy-Anna’s suitor, adding, “and then, of course, her beauty.”

Okay, telling a guy who like his daughter"s beauty is a little weird, but so is the whole damn situation.

Check it out in the clip below:

Austin forsyth asks permission to court joy anna duggar watch

Friday, February 10, 2017

Prince Harry: Waiting on Queen"s Permission to Propose to Meghan Markle?

Pretty much from the time we learned that Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are dating, rumors about the two of them getting hitched have been circulating on social media non-stop.

Obviously, the talk of Harry and Meghan getting engaged is a bit premature, but it’s not hard to see how fans of the couple might have gotten the idea that they’re moving at breakneck speed.

After all, Harry has never seemed this committed before.

In fact, there may be just one thing holding him back from popping the question – a law, and a beloved monarch.

Yes, according to People magazine, conditions first laid out in the Royal Marriages Act of 1772 require Harry and Meghan to seek Queen Elizabeth II’s permission before they can wed.

The restrictions have been eased considerably over the years, but as anyone who’s watched The Crown knows, the Queen pretty much has the final say on marriages involving members of her family.

It’s an old-school tradition, but the royals are an old school lot.

It’s unlikely that the Queen would veto the union, and if for some bizarre reason she did, Harry would probably just renounce his title and marry her anyway.

But as long as he’s prince, Harry is fifth in line to the thrown (behind Prince George and Princess Charlotte, which must sting a bit), which means he’s expected to ask for the Queen’s permission before he puts a ring on Meghan’s finger.

It’s more custom than requirement these days, but experts say it’s a tradition that Harry will almost certainly observe.

Interestingly, the magazine’s sources say that it looks as though Meghan has yet to meet the Queen, so we guess the engagement isn’t as much of a done deal as some folks seem to believe.

The situation begs the question – has she goggled Meghan?

Does the queen google?

Has she been asking Buckingham Palace staff about Suits only to find that it’s only watched by a total of 18 trailer park residents, all scattered throughout different flyover states?

Hey, it wouldn’t be a MegMar article if we didn’t sneak in a joke about how no one watches Suits.

You know we love you, girl.


Friday, October 21, 2016

Dad Gives Son Permission to Sleep, Baby Instantly Accepts

Trying to keep your eyes opened when you are tired has got to be one of the most infuriating things on the planet. 

All you want to do is rest those eyes and sleep. 

Even just for a few hours. 

It can be pretty difficult to get the kids to go to sleep, but the kid in the video below has absolutely no issues sleeping. 

For some reason, he"s just blankly staring at the camera his father is holding. 

The kid looks super exhausted as his father asks him questions. 

Don"t you just hate when people question you when you"re tired?!

This kid just seems to nod along, but all of that changed when his father gave him the opportunity to go sleep. 

In an instant, the kid fell asleep. 

Yes. Literally as soon as the words escape his father"s mouth, the kid just drops his head and goes into a deep sleep. 

Getting to sleep can be a tough task, but this kid was struggling to stay awake. 

It"s kind of odd he didn"t just go to sleep and waited for his father to give him the green light. Right?

Have a look at the full video below!

Dad gives son permission to sleep baby instantly accepts

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Calvin Harris: Hanging With Taylor Swift"s Mom, Asking Permission to Propose?!

There was a time when you couldn’t turn around without seeing photos Taylor Swift and Calvin Harris all loved-up together.

Back in October, however, the relationship seemed to cool. 

Calvin was accused of cheating on Taylor (at “happy ending” massage parlors, no less); Taylor went back to spending most of her time with her ever-expanding “squad;” and the couple wasn’t photographer together for over two months.

It was widely assumed that Calvin and Taylor had broken up, and we would soon be treated to an album’s worth of breakup songs in which Taylor likened herself to a discarded and forgotten plaything – a Hobbes to Harris’ Calvin, if you will.

Now, however, in what can only be described as a Swiftmas miracle, Calvin and Taylor have reconciled, and it looks as though they might be ready to take the next step in their relationship.

Several sources have reported that Calvin was in attendance at Taylor’s 26th birthday party last week. 

Even more interesting is the fact that Calvin was spotted in what appeared to be a private conversation with Taylor’s parents.

Naturally, this has led to speculation that he was asking their permission to propose to Taylor, and unlike the many previous rumors about Taylor getting engaged, this one isn’t all that ridiculous.

She’s 26; he’s soon to be 32; they’ve been dating for a decent length of time…

Taylor may pretend she doesn’t care if she ever gets married, but have you listened to her lyrics? that girl was born to squeal at the sight of an impossibly huge princess-cut diamond.

Get ready for the wedding of 10,000 bridesmaids!