Showing posts with label NWord. Show all posts
Showing posts with label NWord. Show all posts

Sunday, January 27, 2019

Sunday, December 30, 2018

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Rhode Island AG Candidate Blasts Out N-Word at School Event

A candidate for Rhode Island Attorney General shocked a room full of students when he spelled the n-word out at ear-shattering levels during a high school event. Alan Gordon — a member of the Compassion Party — showed up at North Kingstown High…


Friday, October 5, 2018

Bette Midler Says Women are the "N-Word of the World," Gets Slammed Online

Bette Midler chose to make a point about women in a very provocative way … and people are PISSED about it. Bette tweeted Thursday — in the midst of protests in D.C. by women who strongly oppose the Supreme Court confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh…


Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Sarah Huckabee Sanders Won"t Guarantee Trump Didn"t Say N-Word on Tape

Sarah Huckabee Sanders can’t say for sure there isn’t a recording of President Trump saying the n-word. The White House Press Sec. was bombarded Tuesday with questions about Omarosa’s many secret recordings … during the campaign…


Monday, August 13, 2018

Omarosa Snaps on Today, Teases Donald Trump N-Word Tapes

Omarosa Manigault Newman continued her irritating, self-serving and borderline vomit-inducing media blitz on Monday morning.

The former Apprentice contestant, who managed to land a role as a White House advisor simply because she was… well… she was a former Apprentice contestant, stopped by Meet the Press this weekend and dropped a rather huge bombshell.

It turns out Omarosa recorded Chief of Staff John Kelly"s firing of her in the Situation Room, releasing the tape to the public in order to save her reputation.

(Note to Omerosa: It"s WAY too late for that.)

And while the public continues to digest this stunning breach of national security, Omarosa appeared as a guest on The Today Show on Monday in order to promote her book about her time in the administration.

Asked by Savannah Guthrie when she thinks the President "lies often," Omarosa replied “Oh absolutely, in fact …”

“How long have you known that?” Guthrie jumped in to inquire, to which Omarosa replied:

 “There was a report that said that he lied almost 4,000 lies in the last…"

And then Guthrie pressed again: “Have you known that he is a liar as you say?”

Manigault Newman answered, “Well, absolutely.”

“Why did you work for him?” Guthrie fired back, barely giving Omarosa time to respond.

“Savannah, slow down. I’m gonna your question," Omarosa said. "Don’t worry, I’m here. I’ve got all the time you need. You don’t have to ask 10 questions in one second. It’s okay.”

Gurthie was trying to pin Omarosa down in order to basically expose her at no better than Trump, as someone happy to lie and manipulate and backstab…

… until she became the person who was (allegedly) lied to, manipulated and stabbed in the back.

Omarosa goes on to say in the video featured here that she never expected Trump to "lie to the country" as he has so often done, prior to teasing the eventual release of more tapes.

These tapes, she says, feature Trump using racial epithets during his time on The Apprentice.

“He was talking about some African Americans in the production during the course of The Apprentice, which is unacceptable," she said on Today, adding:

"Here’s the thing. Why don’t we ask Donald Trump a simple question – ‘Donald J. Trump, have you ever used the N-word?’ = and allow him to respond?

"Because the people who have this tape intend to release this tape.”

As you might expect, President Trump had a few things to say in response to Omarosa"s accusations:


You know people say certain situations are win-win?

This would be a prime example of something that is lose-lose.

Elsewhere in this interview, Omarosa plays a recording of her first phone call with Trump after her firing.

Click PLAY to give it a listen.

Omarosa snaps at savannah guthrie teases donald trump n word tap

Saturday, July 28, 2018

Sean Spicer Accused by Former Classmate of Calling Him the N-Word

Sean Spicer’s book signing got heated very quickly when a former classmate of his showed up to confront him … and shouted out a serious n-word accusation in front of Sean’s fans. The former White House Press Secretary was signing copies of his new…


Thursday, July 26, 2018

"Papa John" Schnatter Sues Papa John"s for Shaming Him Over N-Word Incident

The founder of Papa John’s is feeling burned by his former company … and he’s demanding some answers from the pizza giant’s board of directors. John Schnatter filed a lawsuit in Delaware Thursday to get Papa John’s to disclose all documents…


Wednesday, July 25, 2018

NFL"s DeMarcus Ware Refuses to Dump Papa John"s After N-Word Scandal

Just because the NFL cut ties with Papa John’s doesn’t mean DeMarcus Ware will follow suit — in fact, the ex-Broncos star is BRAGGING about ordering a PJ’s pizza … despite the n-word controversy.  Ware — who’s now a consultant with the…


Monday, July 23, 2018

Georgia Southern Student Accidentally Texts the N-Word to Black Roommate

A lot of discussion of racism these days centers upon politics at the highest level, institutionalized racist norms, and white supremacist violence. But individual racism is still alive and well in America.

That is what a black student discovered when her roommate accidentally sent a text message to her that was about her.

It featured an appalling use of the n-word. But the white student who sent it is desperately claiming that autocorrect is to blame.

Georgia Southern N-Word, Courtney Schaefer 01

This deeply unsettling story begins with a pleasant if somewhat anxious exchange via text messages.

“Hey Courtney! My name is Nwamaka,” the blue text bubbles say. “I wanted to introduce myself since I am going to be your new roommate.”

“Hey!” Courtney replies. “Did you just call me? So sorry lol my phone is on silent.”

Some people have their phones making noise all of the time and . . . I’m not sure how they stand it. That said, Courtney may have just been uncomfortable answering an unexpected call.

Nwamaka explains: “It was an accident!”

“Haha it’s all good,” Courtney replies. “I went to add you as a contact and I accidentally called you too.”

Georgia Southern N-Word Messages 01

That is all well and good … until the next gray text bubble from Courtney.

“Her insta looks pretty normal,” Courtney writes. “Not too n—–ish.”

Yes, that was her using the n-word. With -ish as a suffix. We wish that she were saying needlefish or something, but no.

“OMG I am so sorry!” Courtney immediately wrote. “Holy crap.”

“Damn spell check,” Courtney says, blaming her phone’s autocorrect function for conjuring the literal worst word in the English language. “I did NOT mean to say that.”

Georgia Southern N-Word Messages 02

Courtney then attempts to assure Nwamaka that she totally didn’t write the n-word.

“I was texting Hannah and I meant to say ‘triggerish,"” she claims.

Triggerish is, notably, not a word. People use new words all of the time (I say yeet at least three times a week), but it’s difficult to see how anything else makes sense in this sentence.

“Meaning like you seem really cool,” Courtney pleads. “Nothing that triggered a red flag.”

Uh, we sort of see that. Though there’s a huge hole in this argument still.

Courtney then says: “I am so embarrassed! I apologize.”

Georgia Southern N-Word Messages 03

It was not Nwamaka who made the screencaps of their conversation go viral. That was her friend, Dajah Morrison, who was outraged over the texts that her friend received.

“Triggerish is not a word at all,” Dahah told WSAV. “The closest word to that is triggerfish. So for her to cover those things up, it just didn’t add up.”

Many have pointed out that there’s another layer to Courtney’s words.

Have you ever tried to write the word f–k on a phone for the past few years? Android or iPhone, it doesn’t matter.

Your phone is going to try to turn your word into duck. People commenting on this story have noted that, though they’ve had their share of autocorrect embarrassments, they’ve never seen the phone “correct” to a slur.

Georgia Southern N-Word, Courtney Schaefer 02

A lot of autocomplete or autocorrect style programs learn based upon a person’s writing habits. Some have said that, at best, Courtney is suggesting that she uses the n-word a lot in other conversations. 

Which is … not much better.

As you can see in the attached image, Georgia Southern released a statement apologizing for the incident.

“The use of such racist comments is offensive and unacceptable and in no way reflects the attitudes or values of Georgia Southern University,” the letter says.

The statement continues: “To be clear, there is no place for bigotry or racism on our campuses.”

There is no mention of any disciplinary action being taken towards Courtney over her allegedly accidental slur.

For the rest of us, this is a great time to remember that those of us who are not black should not use the n-word. Not ending with an -er or with an -a.

Not in text messages. Not in conversation. Not on political signs. And no, not even when we’re singing along with music.


Thursday, July 19, 2018

"Little Women: LA" Star Sides with "Big Brother" Houseguest on N-Word

“Little Women: LA” star Briana Renee is supporting “Big Brother” houseguest JC Mounduix’s decision to compare the n-word to an epithet for little people, but says his message got lost in his delivery. JC caught hell Tuesday night from another…


Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Ex-"Big Brother" Houseguest Defends JC Using the N-Word

A former “Big Brother” houseguest says it’s no big deal JC Mounduix dropped the n-word … because he was just answering a question honestly. Devin Shepherd, from ‘BB16,’ tells TMZ … he doesn’t think JC had bad intentions, and was…


"Big Brother" Houseguest Drops N-Word

“Big Brother” houseguest JC Mounduix hurled a couple of nasty epithets Tuesday night — in front of a black houseguest — while trying to explain how NOT to offend people. No joke. JC, who stands 4’8″ tall, was trying to explain the…


MLB"s Josh Hader Apologizes For N-Word, Anti-Gay Tweets, "I Was Immature"

MLB All Star pitcher Josh Hader has apologized for all of the insanely offensive tweets on his timeline — including multiple attacks on gay people and use of the N-word — explaining, “I was immature.” Back in 2011 and 2012, the…


Sunday, July 15, 2018

Hulk Hogan Reinstated Into WWE Hall of Fame After N-Word Controversy

Hulk Hogan is back in the WWE’s good graces three years after he was caught on tape using the n-word … reclaiming his place in the wrestling league’s Hall of Fame. WWE issued a statement Sunday, saying that after a 3-year suspension … Hulk was…


Saturday, July 14, 2018

D.L. Hughley Rips "Horrible" Papa John"s Founder, Says Using N-Word is Costly

D.L. Hughley’s joining the ranks of some other celebs and athletes to say good riddance to John Schnatter, and says he isn’t surprised ‘Papa John’ used a racial slur … because he’s a “horrible dude.” We got the comedian at LAX Saturday and asked…


Thursday, July 12, 2018

Common Agrees Papa John"s Founder Had to Go After Using N-Word

Common says there’s now a zero-tolerance policy for using the n-word … so he’s not surprised former Papa John’s founder John Schnatter is out of a job. Here’s the thing … Common says he doesn’t f*** with Papa John’s anyway … nonetheless,…


Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Papa John"s Founder Resigns from University of Louisville Board Over N-Word

Papa John’s founder John Schnatter is quitting his post at the University of Louisville after he was called out for using the n-word during a meeting to, ironically, discuss his comeback from a different controversy. Schnatter resigned from the…


Friday, July 6, 2018

"Big Brother" Houseguest Kaitlyn Drops N-Word After Producer"s Language Warning

“Big Brother” houseguest Kaitlyn went from zero to stupid real quick when she dropped the n-word Thursday night during the show’s online live feed. She was talking to 2 other guests — Tyler and Scottie — about making a quick transition … when…


Thursday, June 28, 2018

"Survivor: David vs. Goliath" White Contestant"s N-Word Tweets Surface

One of the ‘Survivor’ contestants from the upcoming season is catching heat before the show even airs … for using the n-word so much on Twitter, you’d think she was Jay-Z. 19-year-old Jessica Peet is a cast member on “Survivor: David vs.…
