For the second time in just a few years, controversy has erupted over the selling of a Caitlyn Jenner Halloween costume.
Back in 2015, shortly after the ex-reality star fully revealed herself to be transgender, folks were given the option of going out in the dress Caitlyn wore to make this groundbreaking announcement.
At the time, the costume came with a sash that read “Call Me Caitlyn.”
A debate quickly ensued over whether this was a harmless bit of fun…
… or if the costume was using Jenner’s lifestyle as a source of mockery.
For whatever it was worth back then, Caitlyn said she did NOT find the costume to be offensive.
Now, however, she may need to issue a new statement in regard to a new Halloween get-up.
A new Caitlyn Jenner costume has hit the market, this one taking potential customers back to the days during which Jenner was known as “Bruce” and was considered, literally, as the greatest athlete in the world.
Bruce Jenner was the gold medal in the decathlon at the 1976 Olympics.
As you can see above and below, this costume comes replete with a decathlete’s jersey (with Bruce’s number 935); a gold medal; and a pair of teeny tiny shorts.
It also comes with a wig.
Because Jenner identifies as a woman now… get it? HILARIOUS!
Really, jusy so very witty, isn’t it?
eBay originally sold the outfit for $ 44.95 prior to removing the item from its collection.
But it remains available on Amazon and on the website for Costume Agent, which is the company responsible for this idea.
A rep tells TMZ that the organization has no plans to remove the costume from its inventory; not as long as it continues to sell well.

“It’s a costume. It’s funny,” says this rep.
However, someone from the charity Stonewall – which fights for the rights of members of the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community in the United Kingdom – says differently.
“This is a reminder of how much is left to do to combat the abuse trans people face every day,” explains this rep, adding:
“This costume reduces a marginalised group to the butt of a joke. It should be taken off the shelves.”
This seems like a reasonable point of view in our opinion.
Then again, it also seems reasonable to let someone buy the costume and then mock the heck out of them on Halloween.
For being insensitive? Yes.
But also for being boring and unoriginal.
Who purchase a Caitlyn Jenner transgender costume and thinks it’s remotely creative in the year 2018?!?
charity in the United Kingdom named after the Stonewall Inn of Stonewall riots fame in New York City’s Greenwich Villag