Showing posts with label 'Horrible'. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 'Horrible'. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Caitlyn Jenner Halloween Costume: Harmless or Horrible?

For the second time in just a few years, controversy has erupted over the selling of a Caitlyn Jenner Halloween costume.

Back in 2015, shortly after the ex-reality star fully revealed herself to be transgender, folks were given the option of going out in the dress Caitlyn wore to make this groundbreaking announcement.

At the time, the costume came with a sash that read “Call Me Caitlyn.”

A debate quickly ensued over whether this was a harmless bit of fun…

… or if the costume was using Jenner’s lifestyle as a source of mockery.

For whatever it was worth back then, Caitlyn said she did NOT find the costume to be offensive.

Now, however, she may need to issue a new statement in regard to a new Halloween get-up.

A new Caitlyn Jenner costume has hit the market, this one taking potential customers back to the days during which Jenner was known as “Bruce” and was considered, literally, as the greatest athlete in the world.

Bruce Jenner was the gold medal in the decathlon at the 1976 Olympics.

As you can see above and below, this costume comes replete with a decathlete’s jersey (with Bruce’s number 935); a gold medal; and a pair of teeny tiny shorts.

It also comes with a wig.

Because Jenner identifies as a woman now… get it? HILARIOUS!

Really, jusy so very witty, isn’t it?

eBay originally sold the outfit for $ 44.95 prior to removing the item from its collection.

But it remains available on Amazon and on the website for Costume Agent, which is the company responsible for this idea.

A rep tells TMZ that the organization has no plans to remove the costume from its inventory; not as long as it continues to sell well.

Caitlyn Jenner wig

“It’s a costume. It’s funny,” says this rep.

However, someone from the charity Stonewall – which fights for the rights of members of the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community in the United Kingdom – says differently.

“This is a reminder of how much is left to do to combat the abuse trans people face every day,” explains this rep, adding:

“This costume reduces a marginalised group to the butt of a joke. It should be taken off the shelves.”

This seems like a reasonable point of view in our opinion.

Then again, it also seems reasonable to let someone buy the costume and then mock the heck out of them on Halloween.

For being insensitive? Yes.

But also for being boring and unoriginal.

Who purchase a Caitlyn Jenner transgender costume and thinks it’s remotely creative in the year 2018?!?

charity in the United Kingdom named after the Stonewall Inn of Stonewall riots fame in New York City’s Greenwich Villag


Friday, October 12, 2018

Sen. Lindsey Graham Responds to Chelsea Handler"s Horrible "Coming Out" Tweet

Lindsey Graham is going high in response to Chelsea Handler going low … after she claimed to out him on Twitter. We got the Senator from South Carolina Friday at Reagan National Airport, and asked him about Handler’s…


Saturday, July 14, 2018

D.L. Hughley Rips "Horrible" Papa John"s Founder, Says Using N-Word is Costly

D.L. Hughley’s joining the ranks of some other celebs and athletes to say good riddance to John Schnatter, and says he isn’t surprised ‘Papa John’ used a racial slur … because he’s a “horrible dude.” We got the comedian at LAX Saturday and asked…


Wednesday, January 24, 2018

"Field of Dreams" Vandalized By Soulless, Horrible Person

Who the hell would wanna destroy the actual “Field of Dreams?”  That’s what the people who operate the ballpark in Iowa want to know after some scumbag tore up the field during an evil joyride Monday night. The field in Dyersville, Iowa touts…


Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Meghan Markle Will "Taint" Royal Family with Her "Black Seed," Horrible Girlfriend of British Politician Warns

As it turns out, not everyone loves Meghan Markle.

As it also turns out, not everyone is tolerant of people who are not Caucasian.

A pretty major flap has arisen in Great Britain after The Daily Mail obtained text messages from a woman named Jo Marney.

She is (or was, keep reading…) the girlfriend of a British politician named Henry Bolton and she GOES OFF on Markle in these explicit messages, writing the kinds of things one would expect to only hear from Donald Trump.

(Just kidding. Sort of.)

An ex-model, Marney refers to Markle in these texts as Prince Harry’s “black American fiancee,” adding that she will “taint” the Royal Family with “her seed.”

No, seriously. She wrote all that.

She also said Markle will pave the way for a “black king” to rule the nation.

It’s unclear to whom Marney is texting, but when she gets called out for being awful and racist, she responds as follows:

“lol so what. Not wanting other races and cultures to invade your own culture doesn’t mean I hate their race. Just means I don’t want their cultures invading mine.”

It’s a fine line, apparently.

(Marney also says that she would never have sex with “a negro” because they are “ugly,” but, hey, she doesn’t have any issues with that race, okay?!?)

Bolton, meanwhile, is a 54-year old leader in The UK Independence Party who some citizens wanted to resign even before this new scandal hit…because he left his wife and two kids for the 25-year old Marney.

He has broken up with his girlfriend in the wake of this public flap, but he may still be ousted by the party’s ruling National Executive Committee on Thursday.

If this happens, it would leave the party having to elect its fifth leader in just over a year and a half.

Here is a photo of the controversial former couple:

In a statement to The Mail, Marney apologized and claimed her comments had been taken out of context, which is pretty hilarious.

This is what she wrote for her mea culpa:

“No offense was intended and, again, I apologize unreservedly for any such offense or hurt that my messages have caused to members of the public, members of Ukip, my friends, family and loved ones.”

Markle’s father is white and her mother is African-American.

Sadly, she has faced a great deal of harassment concerning her mixed heritage ever since entering the spotlight as Harry’s girlfriend.

In November of 2016, the Internet trolls grew so loud in their racism that Prince Harry instructed Kensington Palace to issue a strongly worded statement in regards to a “wave of abuse and harassment.”

“It is not right that a few months into a relationship with [Prince Harry] that Ms. Markle should be subjected to such a storm,” this statement read, adding:

“He knows commentators will say this is ‘the price she has to pay’ and that ‘this is all part of the game.’ He strongly disagrees.

“This is not a game – it is her life and his.”

In their first joint interview as an engaged couple, Markle and Harry addressed this topic.

They remained level-headed about it and are refusing to let horrible people such as Marney influence their happiness in any way, shape or form.

“At the end of the day I am proud of who I am and where I have come from and we have never put any focus on that, we have just focused on who we are as a couple,” said the actress at the time.

Good for her.

And very bad for Marney. Very, very, very, very bad.


Thursday, January 11, 2018

Paul Wall Feels Horrible United Airlines Fired His Friend

Paul Wall can’t fathom how United Airlines fired one of his closest friends after 16 years of service … and in the process put the guy’s financial future at risk. If you haven’t heard … the rapper on Tuesday fired off a couple of tweets…


Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Logan Paul to Face Further "Consequences" for Horrible Suicide Video?

After filming a controversial video of himself and his friends in the woods of Japan last month, Logan Paul may think he’s faced all the backlash he’s going to face.

But it turns out the lame social media star is not, well… out of the woods.

Not yet at least.

A week ago, Paul issued his first of two apologies after uploading footage taken at Japan’s infamous “suicide forest” near the base of Mt. Fuji.

The footage featured an actual dead body, the result from a man tragically hanging himself, about which Paul joked.

He also hovered over the corpse from close up and came across like an insensitive, offensive, total loser of a creep.

The video sparked debate about the role of someone such as Paul in society, as he isn’t just known for going to extreme lengths online in order to rack up hits and views…

… he’s also become a multi-millionaire for these kinds of attention-seeking stunts.

After taking down the video amidst an avalanche of criticism, Paul initially said the following:

“I’m a human being. I make mistakes…

“I didn’t do it for views. I get views. I did it because I thought I could make a positive ripple on the Internet, not cause a monsoon of negativity. That’s never the intention.”

He concluded at this time:

“I was misguided by shock and awe, as portrayed in the video. I still am.”

Perhaps aware that he came across like a douchebag after this mea culpa, Paul later tried again (with a video he monetized), saying on camera:

“I have made a severe and continuous lapse in my judgment, and I don’t expect to be forgiven. I’m simply here to apologize.

“I should’ve never posted the video. I should’ve put the cameras down and stopped recording what we were going through.

“There’s a lot of things I should’ve done differently, but I didn’t and for that, from the bottom of my heart, I am sorry.”

Paul went on to say he needed to “reflect” on life and that he was taking a hiatus from social media.

No one out there really thinks much will change, though; regarding Paul and/or regarding YouTube accepting him as a member of its platform.

He’ll keep churning out dumb content and YouTube will keep making money off it.

Perhaps aware that its reputation has taken a hit as part of this controversy, the company has released a new statement on the topic.

Via an “open letter our community” late on Tuesday, YouTube wrote the following:

“Many of you have been frustrated with our lack of communication recently. You’re right to be. You deserve to know what’s going on.

“It’s taken us a long time to respond, but we’ve been listening to everything you’ve been saying.

“We know that the actions of one creator can affect the entire community, so we’ll have more to share soon on steps we’re taking to ensure a video like this is never circulated again.”

The platform continued by defending its decision to remove the clip from its website and added:

“The channel violated our community guidelines, we acted accordingly, and we are looking at further consequences.”

What might this mean?

Could Logan Paul really get the permanent boot? 

We can’t imagine so.

But maybe he won’t be able to profit off such filth ever again.

Concluded YouTube’s latest take on the issue:

“We expect more of the creators who build their community on YouTube, as we’re sure you do too …

“We’ll have more to share soon on steps we’re taking to ensure a video like this is never circulated again.”

We’ll see what happens from here.


Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Johnny Weir: I Don"t Forgive Tonya Harding, "Did a Horrible Thing"

Hollywood can forgive Tonya Harding if they want … but Johnny Weir says that’s NEVER gonna happen with him and the rest of the figure skating community. We spoke with Weir the day after Harding got a shout-out at the Golden Globes … and he…


Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Tyler Baltierra SLAMS Father: Butch Was a Horrible Dad!

Longtime fans of Teen Mom will know that Tyler Baltierra never had the most stable of families.

And that was, in large part, thanks to his father, Butch.

See, Butch struggles with some pretty severe addiction issues, issues that are so bad that, at one point, Butch straight up told Tyler that he loved cocaine more than he loved him.

Butch was in and out of prison for Tyler’s entire life, but during one stretch on the outside, he married Catelynn Lowell’s mother, April, making for a strange family dynamic.

To say the least.

Tyler has said that he’s struggled so much with his relationship with his father that he tried to hang himself when he was just 12 years old.

It’s an absolutely heartbreaking story, and it’s not over yet.

In 2015, Butch was released from prison after serving four years for larceny and breaking and entering charges. He managed to make it to Tyler and Catelynn’s wedding, and everything was looking up.

But after a year of sobriety, he went back to jail after violating his parole.

He violated his parole because he relapsed.

Butch is a free man again these days, and he and Tyler are trying to rebuild whatever’s left of their father-son bond.

And, well, at least Tyler is trying to be positive about this mess of a situation.

On Twitter, someone wrote a message to him, saying “It’s so amazing to see the kind of father you are even though yours was so in and out of your life.”

Tyler responded with “I always said he taught me what NOT to do as a father, so he still taught me something lol.”

And isn’t that sweet?

Kind of, but it’s also ridiculously depressing.

Tyler, of course, is father to two-year-old Nova, the daughter he shares with Catelynn. And remember, Catelynn didn’t exactly have a stable upbringing either.

So these are two people with two not-so-great families, just trying their best to raise a happy, healthy kid.

And unfortunately, they’ve already gotten some pretty harsh criticism on their parenting choices.

In last week’s episode of Teen Mom OG, we saw them leave little Nova alone with Butch while they went on their vacation to Puerto Rico.

Butch had just relapsed, he was fresh out a prison, and they left their daughter alone with him for a week.

If you’ll remember, the first (and only) thing Butch asked them before they left was how much cash they’d left him. Not a super encouraging thing to hear from the drug addict you’re leaving your kid with.

But still, Tyler seems to be an infinitely better father than Butch was to him, and we’re hoping that he just keeps moving forward from his tragic childhood.

You got this, Tyler.


Monday, January 9, 2017

Michael Keaton Takes Sarcastic Jab, I"m "Horrible" for Saying "Hidden Fences" (VIDEO)

Michael Keaton beat himself down for saying “Hidden Fences” instead of “Hidden Figures” while presenting at the Golden Globes … but he was dripping in sarcasm. We got Keaton outside Madeo in West Hollywood after the Globes, and he apologized…
