Showing posts with label Politician. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Politician. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Richie Incognito Wants to Be a Politician, "My Passion Is Politics"

He’s not closing the book on his NFL career, but Richie Incognito is already planning for life after football — telling TMZ Sports he wants to be a politician.  The 35-year-old Pro Bowl lineman joined the guys on the “TMZ Sports” TV show –…


Richie Incognito Wants to Be a Politician, "My Passion Is Politics"

He’s not closing the book on his NFL career, but Richie Incognito is already planning for life after football — telling TMZ Sports he wants to be a politician.  The 35-year-old Pro Bowl lineman joined the guys on the “TMZ Sports” TV show –…


Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Gloria Allred Doesn"t Want Brett Kavanaugh or Any Politician Making Call on Abortions

Gloria Allred thinks the new Supreme Court nominee puts President Trump one HUGE step closer to achieving his goal of overturning Roe v. Wade, and she’s afraid Senators won’t do a thing to stop it. Allred is fired up…


Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Cynthia Nixon Dismissed as "Unqualified Lesbian" by Idiot Politician

As previously reported, Cynthia Nixon is running for Governor of New York.

As has also been reported a long time ago, Cynthia Nixon is a lesbian.

What does this latter fact have to do with this former fact?

Nothing at all, really.

But try telling that to Former City Council Speaker Christine Quinn.

In an interview with The New York Post, Quinn made it clear that still holds a grudge against Nixon for endorsing Bill de Blasio over her in the the 2013 Democratic primary for mayor.

“I’m surprised by this race. It’s a flight of fancy on her part,” Quinn said of Nixon’s confirmation on Monday that she would take on Andrew Cuomo in the September 13 Democratic primary.

That’s a fair assessment on Quinn’s part.

Most folks out there were taken aback by Nixon’s announcement.

But Quinn wasn’t done.

She added the following:

Cynthia Nixon was opposed to having a qualified lesbian become mayor of New York City. Now she wants an unqualified lesbian to be the governor of New York.

“You have to be qualified and have experience. She isn’t qualified to be the governor.”

Quinn, as you may have surmised by that quote, is an open lesbian just like Nixon.

What does this have to do with Nixon’s candidacy? It’s unclear.

All that’s evident here is just how bitter Quinn is over Nixon’s decision five years ago to back someone else for New York City Mayor.

“She’s an accomplished actress, a supporter of political causes and that’s a good thing,” Quinn said in this same interview, adding:

“Participating in rallies is important. But she’s never run an organization.

“Being an actress and celebrity doesn’t make you qualified for public office. This is a time to move away from celebrity and toward progressive leadership.”

There’s an actual critique!

There’s still little substance behind it, of course, as one would ideally attack a candidate for just his or her positions on topics that affect the state.

In response to the comments, Nixon told the aforementioned newspaper her sexual orientation is irrelevant in this race.

She’s simply concerns with “the corruption in Albany. It’s time for an outsider. I’m not an Albany insider.”

Made aware of the extreme backlash she’s facing for her comment, Quinn took to Twitter and backtracked as quickly as she could, writing:

To be clear, Cynthia Nixon’s identity has no bearing on her candidacy and it was not my intention to suggest it did. I want to be clear about that. I would never, EVER, criticize someone because of their identity.

I’ve experienced it time and time again, and would never support it or condone it. As a lesbian who ran one of the most high profile races in the country,  i know what that’s like. And I know it’s imperative that we encourage more members of our community to run for office.

Cynthia Nixon aggressively opposed my candidacy in New York despite my qualifications for the office and despite my strong progressive credentials. I was attempting to make a comparison between the two of us

The real point I am trying to make is that qualifications matter and records matter. I do not believe she has the qualifications or the record.

Okay, fair enough.

Do YOU agree?

Vote below: Would you want Cynthia Nixon as your Governor?


Sunday, March 11, 2018

UFC"s "Irish" Joe Duffy Says Conor McGregor"s Too Cocky to Be a Politician in Ireland

Conor McGregor’s a living legend to his Irish fans … but Ireland’s 2nd biggest UFC star says he is NOT cut out for a political career back home. We asked “Irish” Joe Duffy about McGregor pulling a Trump when his fighting days are done –…


Thursday, February 8, 2018

Australian Politician Rips Ben Simmons All-Star Snub In Parliament

An Australian politician is so pissed Ben Simmons didn’t make the NBA All-Star game, he took the floor during a government session and alleged a full-fledged “Anti-Australian conspiracy!”  “No one with two brain cells to rub together would…


Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Meghan Markle Will "Taint" Royal Family with Her "Black Seed," Horrible Girlfriend of British Politician Warns

As it turns out, not everyone loves Meghan Markle.

As it also turns out, not everyone is tolerant of people who are not Caucasian.

A pretty major flap has arisen in Great Britain after The Daily Mail obtained text messages from a woman named Jo Marney.

She is (or was, keep reading…) the girlfriend of a British politician named Henry Bolton and she GOES OFF on Markle in these explicit messages, writing the kinds of things one would expect to only hear from Donald Trump.

(Just kidding. Sort of.)

An ex-model, Marney refers to Markle in these texts as Prince Harry’s “black American fiancee,” adding that she will “taint” the Royal Family with “her seed.”

No, seriously. She wrote all that.

She also said Markle will pave the way for a “black king” to rule the nation.

It’s unclear to whom Marney is texting, but when she gets called out for being awful and racist, she responds as follows:

“lol so what. Not wanting other races and cultures to invade your own culture doesn’t mean I hate their race. Just means I don’t want their cultures invading mine.”

It’s a fine line, apparently.

(Marney also says that she would never have sex with “a negro” because they are “ugly,” but, hey, she doesn’t have any issues with that race, okay?!?)

Bolton, meanwhile, is a 54-year old leader in The UK Independence Party who some citizens wanted to resign even before this new scandal hit…because he left his wife and two kids for the 25-year old Marney.

He has broken up with his girlfriend in the wake of this public flap, but he may still be ousted by the party’s ruling National Executive Committee on Thursday.

If this happens, it would leave the party having to elect its fifth leader in just over a year and a half.

Here is a photo of the controversial former couple:

In a statement to The Mail, Marney apologized and claimed her comments had been taken out of context, which is pretty hilarious.

This is what she wrote for her mea culpa:

“No offense was intended and, again, I apologize unreservedly for any such offense or hurt that my messages have caused to members of the public, members of Ukip, my friends, family and loved ones.”

Markle’s father is white and her mother is African-American.

Sadly, she has faced a great deal of harassment concerning her mixed heritage ever since entering the spotlight as Harry’s girlfriend.

In November of 2016, the Internet trolls grew so loud in their racism that Prince Harry instructed Kensington Palace to issue a strongly worded statement in regards to a “wave of abuse and harassment.”

“It is not right that a few months into a relationship with [Prince Harry] that Ms. Markle should be subjected to such a storm,” this statement read, adding:

“He knows commentators will say this is ‘the price she has to pay’ and that ‘this is all part of the game.’ He strongly disagrees.

“This is not a game – it is her life and his.”

In their first joint interview as an engaged couple, Markle and Harry addressed this topic.

They remained level-headed about it and are refusing to let horrible people such as Marney influence their happiness in any way, shape or form.

“At the end of the day I am proud of who I am and where I have come from and we have never put any focus on that, we have just focused on who we are as a couple,” said the actress at the time.

Good for her.

And very bad for Marney. Very, very, very, very bad.


Friday, January 12, 2018

Killer Mike Likes Oprah Winfrey, But Picks Ohio Politician for President

Killer Mike loves him some Oprah Winfrey as much as anyone … but that’s NOT who he wants running for President in 2020. We got Mike out at LAX Thursday and asked him about the wave of support — and some backlash, too — for Oprah…


Thursday, May 25, 2017

Montana Politician Greg Gianforte Body Slams Guardian Reporter (AUDIO)

A Montana politician running for congressional office body slammed a reporter … and it was caught on audio tape. Greg Gianforte — who’s gunning for a House seat in Congress in the 2018 election — slammed the Guardian reporter, Ben Jacobs,…


Montana Politician Greg Gianforte Body Slams Guardian Reporter (AUDIO)

A Montana politician running for congressional office body slammed a reporter … and it was caught on audio tape. Greg Gianforte — who’s gunning for a House seat in Congress in the 2018 election — slammed the Guardian reporter, Ben Jacobs,…
