As previously reported, Cynthia Nixon is running for Governor of New York.
As has also been reported a long time ago, Cynthia Nixon is a lesbian.
What does this latter fact have to do with this former fact?
Nothing at all, really.
But try telling that to Former City Council Speaker Christine Quinn.
In an interview with The New York Post, Quinn made it clear that still holds a grudge against Nixon for endorsing Bill de Blasio over her in the the 2013 Democratic primary for mayor.
“I’m surprised by this race. It’s a flight of fancy on her part,” Quinn said of Nixon’s confirmation on Monday that she would take on Andrew Cuomo in the September 13 Democratic primary.
That’s a fair assessment on Quinn’s part.
Most folks out there were taken aback by Nixon’s announcement.
But Quinn wasn’t done.
She added the following:
“Cynthia Nixon was opposed to having a qualified lesbian become mayor of New York City. Now she wants an unqualified lesbian to be the governor of New York.
“You have to be qualified and have experience. She isn’t qualified to be the governor.”
Quinn, as you may have surmised by that quote, is an open lesbian just like Nixon.
What does this have to do with Nixon’s candidacy? It’s unclear.
All that’s evident here is just how bitter Quinn is over Nixon’s decision five years ago to back someone else for New York City Mayor.
“She’s an accomplished actress, a supporter of political causes and that’s a good thing,” Quinn said in this same interview, adding:
“Participating in rallies is important. But she’s never run an organization.
“Being an actress and celebrity doesn’t make you qualified for public office. This is a time to move away from celebrity and toward progressive leadership.”
There’s an actual critique!
There’s still little substance behind it, of course, as one would ideally attack a candidate for just his or her positions on topics that affect the state.
In response to the comments, Nixon told the aforementioned newspaper her sexual orientation is irrelevant in this race.
She’s simply concerns with “the corruption in Albany. It’s time for an outsider. I’m not an Albany insider.”
Made aware of the extreme backlash she’s facing for her comment, Quinn took to Twitter and backtracked as quickly as she could, writing:
To be clear, Cynthia Nixon’s identity has no bearing on her candidacy and it was not my intention to suggest it did. I want to be clear about that. I would never, EVER, criticize someone because of their identity.
I’ve experienced it time and time again, and would never support it or condone it. As a lesbian who ran one of the most high profile races in the country, i know what that’s like. And I know it’s imperative that we encourage more members of our community to run for office.

Cynthia Nixon aggressively opposed my candidacy in New York despite my qualifications for the office and despite my strong progressive credentials. I was attempting to make a comparison between the two of us
The real point I am trying to make is that qualifications matter and records matter. I do not believe she has the qualifications or the record.
Okay, fair enough.
Do YOU agree?
Vote below: Would you want Cynthia Nixon as your Governor?