Friday, March 30, 2018

This Guy Did It! He Found the "Worst Person in the World!"

Ryan Case, Emmy Award-winning editor of Modern Family, was recently on board a flight apparently to Las Vegas.

On its own, this is a mundane subject.

But case happened to not only encounter someone he dubbed the "Worst Person in the World" for her mid-flight behavior…

… he subsequently Tweeted every detail as it took place in order to make sure everyone understand how how awful of an individual he was talking about.

In short: She was REALLY awful.

This is why:

1. I Found Her!

Worst ever

Strong start here by Case to his Twitter tale, as he tells us up front just who he encountered on his flight.

2. More Like Hawaii 5-NO!


Sorry for the obvious pun. But you’ll soon understand what inspired us to make it.

3. An Inebriated and Obnoxious Mea Culpa

Drunk sorry

Her struggle is real, people. And it isn’t sober, either.

4. Pretty Sure You Don’t Even Need Another Single, Lady

Rum slash coke

Go go ahead and shoot your shot, I suppose. Times two, apparently.

5. The David Guetta?!?


Oh. Wait. Sorry: I don’t care.

6. The Murder Will NOT Be in Self-Defense

I may kill her

But it will still be justified, trust me.

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