Saturday, March 31, 2018

Mackenzie Standifer: Is She Divorcing Ryan Edwards?!

There’s been a seriously overwhelming amount of drama going down with Ryan Edwards this week, huh?

It’s all been very interesting, but once you remember that he’s a real person with a real family and not just a character on a television show …

Well, it gets a whole lot more depressing, we’ll say that much.

To recap, Ryan was arrested earlier this week at his home in Chattanooga for violating his probation — because oh yeah, he was also arrested last year.

Unlike Mackenzie Standifer — or as Maci Bookout likes to call her, “his snake of a wife” — said, he was arrested last March, not last April, for simple possession of heroin.

He was pulled over and found with the drugs and with some needles, which is definitely not legal, so boom, arrested.

After that, he was put on probation, and a few reports have been claiming that he was required to take regular drug tests, but he missed his test this week, which was why he got arrested this time around.

This part still doesn’t make total sense, because if he was getting regular drug tests anyway, why would such a big plot point in this season of Teen Mom OG be about him failing to take a test to see Bentley?

Anyway, he was arrested, and whatever the exact reason, it’s not good news.

Also this week, there was another Tinder scandal — a woman came forward with screenshots of a flirtatious exchange she had with him, just like last time.

And in the middle of all this, it was revealed that Ryan and Mackenzie are expecting their first child together.

See what we mean when we said this was an overwhelming amount of drama?

And to think, it’s already getting a whole lot worse.

As we said, Mackenzie made a statement in which she claimed that Ryan’s arrest was nothing to be worried about, that it was just a sort of follow-up arrest from the heroin thing that happened last spring.

According to her, he still needed to be booked an entire year later, and that’s why cops showed up to their house, handcuffed him, and got him that cute mug shot.

It didn’t really make sense, but we just assumed it was a lie — even if it wasn’t, in saying that he was arrested last spring before their wedding, she showed she was lying about the timeline of his drug use.

Who could forget that insane letter she read to Maci at the last reunion special, the one where she claimed she had no idea that Ryan was doing drugs until their wedding in May, two whole months after he was arrested?

We’re getting off track though.

The point is, Mackenzie made a point to tell us all that “everything is fine,” when obviously things are the opposite of fine.

And now, according to a new report from Radar Online, things seem to be so far from fine that she’s left Ryan.

A source close to her told the site that “Mackenzie boarded a flight to go to New York yesterday without Ryan.”

Not only that, but “she left her son during her scheduled time” to do so — she gets adorable little Hudson from Friday to Tuesday, and his father has him the other days.

Radar says that Mackenzie herself confirmed to them that she’s in New York, but she didn’t offer any additional details.

Could it be possible that she’s finally realizing how bad her situation is? That perhaps it wasn’t the best idea to be impregnated by an intravenous drug user who’s been trying so hard to cheat on her?

Could she be filming an additional little something for the show now that so much has happened?

Or are we way off — maybe she’s finding a dress for a third wedding Ryan won’t be sober for.

Whatever’s going on, we hope everything’s all right. But considering the circumstances, that does seem like a pretty high hope.
