Friday, March 30, 2018

Tyler Baltierra: Did He Just Admit to Cheating on Catelynn Lowell?!

For quite a long time now, there have been rumors that Tyler Baltierra has been cheating on Catelynn Lowell.

Like, it’s getting to the point where there are so many rumors you sort of have to wonder if there’s at least a little bit of truth to them.

It’s pretty sad, because as we’ve been seeing in this season of Teen Mom OG, Tyler has been nothing but supportive and kind and loving towards Catelynn.

And as fans of the show will remember, there’s only been one confirmed case of cheating for this couple, and Tyler wasn’t the one who stepped out.

(To be fair though, Catelynn cheated on Tyler when they were like 13 years old, but still, facts are facts.)

The whole “Tyler is a cheater” thing started a little over a year ago when a Teen Mom blind item was revealed to be about the Baltierras.

“The MTV cameras have turned a blind eye to the cheating by this significant other of an OG Teen Mom because it doesn’t fit in the storyline,” the story went.

The thing is, blind items are fun and all, but you can’t really treat them like irrefutable facts.

And even if one does turn out to be true, there’s a good chance you’ll never hear about it again.

For example, last year there was a blind item about a Teen Mom couple doing hard drugs in a hotel room in L.A. and trashing the place, but did we ever see that on the show? 

But still, many people did believe that Tyler cheated on Catelynn — probably because with the state their marriage was in at the time, it wasn’t that hard to imagine it.

Back then, Cate was unable to do much of anything at all because of her depression, and it was really weighing on Tyler.

And it’s interesting, because the same thing has been happening for the past few months, and the same rumors are starting to pop up.

In November, Catelynn checked herself into a treatment center to deal with her depression and some suicidal thoughts, and then in January, another blind item came out.

“This Teen Mom star has been cheating on his significant other for almost a year,” the item read.

“Eventually, when she starts having a clear head she is going to catch on and that could finally push her over the edge to suicide.”

So that’s really very dark and also pretty gross, right?

Even if it was a confirmed story that he’d been cheating on her, it’s beyond disgusting to suggest that she could kill herself because of it and it would be his fault.

And while both Catelynn and Tyler joked about the rumors the first time around, Tyler didn’t take so kindly to all that new speculation.

He called out the site that published the blind item, repeatedly denying that he’d cheated on his wife and repeatedly asking for evidence — of course, none was provided.

Still, the rumors persisted, and that’s where we’re at now.

Yesterday afternoon, someone tweeted that he wondered “how many times” Tyler had cheated on Catelynn.

And he actually answered,

“More times than I could count,” he wrote, along with that laughing and crying emoji.

Obviously he’s being sarcastic, but … come on.

It just doesn’t seem like the greatest time to be addressing dumb rumors from strangers on the internet, you know? Especially not like this.

Catelynn has barely been home from rehab for a month, and it just seems like they could both find better ways to spend their time than this.

Just … take it easy, OK, guys?
